The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2473: Sneaky Reappearance

"Sister, don't be impulsive. This Midi can't just go in casually. Now Midi has been closed. We can only wait for the people inside to accept the inheritance. We can't go in now. Don't worry too much. Brother Nothing will happen. "

Zhong Yunfei comforted.


Zhong Yunyan said with some anxiety that they did not know that Ren Tianwu at the moment was indeed in great danger.

The Sanshou Alliance Midi is a place inherited by the seven founders of the Sanshou Alliance.

And every few millennia, several young generations with the highest qualifications in the casual union are selected to join this dense land, hoping to get the legacy left by the ancestors to strengthen the casual union.

In this session, the young masters from the east, the young masters from the north and the young master from the south are Shang Xiao, Xin Jian, and Zhong Yunyan.

It was just that she gave up this place to Ren Tianwu, and in addition there was a disciple of a strong casual alliance.

A total of seven people entered the dense land of the Sanshou Alliance, looking for their own opportunities and inheritance.

But at this time in the dense land, there was a siege.

The target of the siege was Ren Tianwu, and the target of the siege was Master Dongjiao Dong Aofei, Master Nanhan Nan Hanchen, and the Shangxiao three.

As for the reason they deal with Ren Tianwu, it is naturally because of Xiao Yifeng, they all have resentment against Xiao Yifeng.

This Ren Tianwu is Xiao Yifeng's brother. They can't deal with Xiao Yifeng. Naturally, they have to fight against Ren Tianwu.

At the moment, on the edge of a cliff in this dense land, Ren Tianwu's face was pale, his mouth was stained with blood, and he was standing here holding a long sword, breathing heavily, obviously suffering a serious injury on his body.

In front of him stood three figures, namely Dong Aofei, Nan Hanchen and Shang Xiao.

"You bastards, even if I die, Xiaofeng will avenge me!"

Ren Tianwu watched the three men drink coldly.

"Well, if you die here, who knows that we killed you. Even if Xiao Yifeng wanted revenge, he couldn't find us."

"Even if he finds out that we killed you, he is awesome, but this is a casual union, even if the top ten gates dare not pretend to be here, he is just a hairy kid, how can we help us?"

Shang Xiao spit out with a disdainful expression, her eyes glowing with a cold look.

"Yes, so let me die!"

Shang Xiao gave a cold drink, his body burst out, and he punched out directly towards Ren Tianwu.


Terrible power broke out, and Ren Tianwu was punched by Shang Xiao in the center vein, and the whole body bone meridians burst.

A spit of blood spewed out, and the body fell directly towards the abyss under the cliff, and disappeared in front of the eyes in an instant.

"Boy, I can't kill you, I will kill your brother and see how you are!"

Shang Xiao's eyes glowed coldly, and he spat coldly.

At the same time, in the ancient world, where there is a spooky and weird array of countless arrays, there are a large number of faces with a dark face, a dark atmosphere, and a ghostly figure.

They are all members of Guixiu Yimai, and this is where the ten thousand ghost ancestors of the five gates of Guixiu Yimen gather.

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared here, this figure is Xu Ruoxing.

However, it should be said that he is no longer Xu Ruoxing, and his soul has been occupied by another figure.

"I didn't expect that the First World War, Wan Guizong has now reached such a point, good!"

‘Xu Ruoxing’ glanced at the gathering place of 10,000 ghosts and murmured to himself.

"Xu Ruoxing, you're back. Where is your Master? Why didn't he come back with you!"

Then two figures appeared in front of this figure of Xu Ruoxing.

At that time, Xu Ruoxing was brought here by his master, so the people of 10,000 ghosts also knew him.


'Xu Ruoxing' vomited indifferently.

"What? Dead? Who did it?"

The two figures changed their faces, and yelled violently.

"His physical body was broken, and then I destroyed his spirit!"

"Xu Ruoxing" said coldly.

"What? You ..."

Hearing the words of Xu Ruoxing, the two disciples of Wan Guizong changed their faces and stared at Xu Ruoxing.

"Get away!"

"Xu Ruoxing" gave a cold drink and walked into the ten thousand ghost schools.


The two disciples of ten thousand ghosts stopped in front of Xu Ruoxing, who had a terrible spirit of ghosts.

On the spot, the two men were blown out by the momentum of Xu Ruoxing.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, a group of powerful men in Wan Guizong burst out, looking at this Xu Ruoxing, all frown slightly.

"Who is the lord of Wanguizong now?"

‘Xu Ruoxing’ glanced at this group of people, yelling coldly.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a powerful ghost of all ghosts and deaths stared at Xu Ruoxing and said.


A horrifying ghostly spirit erupted on 'Xu Ruoxing'.

This ghostly spirit swept directly towards them, instantly covering them, making them look different.


Feeling the momentum of Xu Ruoxing, the faces of the strong men of these ghosts are all changed.

"Four Kings of Ghosts, I am a ghost!"

This ‘Xu Ruoxing’ said coldly, but his sentence surprised the strong man of all the ghosts.

"You ... you are the ghost of the four ghost kings of 10,000 ghosts ten thousand years ago?"

The strong ghost of ten thousand ghosts with a life and death situation said Xu Ruoxing's face with incredible expression.

"Did anyone dare to fake me?"

Xu Ruoxing gave a cold drink, and suddenly a black ghost line appeared on his face.

The ghostly lines spread across his face ~ ~ looks very scary, and the ghostly lines form a ghost word on his face.

Seeing this, this group of people finally believe that this person is the ghost of the four great ghost kings.

At the time when the Ghost Cultivation was the most prosperous, Wan Guizong was the superpower of the ancient world, and even the top ten gates today are not as good.

At the time, there were countless ghosts who cultivated strong ghosts, the most famous of which was the Four Great Ghost Kings, named 魑 charm 魑.

It is the four super masters of Wan Guizong, extremely powerful.

At that time, the major gates of the ancient world jointly attacked the five major gates of Ghost Cultivation. Wan Gizong was the first to receive the most terrible attack.

The four enchanted ghost kings also launched an earth-shattering battle with the strongmen in the ancient world.

In the end, all four ghost kings were killed, but they also killed more than half of the strongmen in the ancient world.

I just didn't expect that the sneaky head of these four great ghost kings appeared here today.

PS: I ’m temporarily changing four today, and I ’m busy during the Chinese New Year. I ca n’t sit in front of the computer every day, I hope everyone can understand, there will be time to make up for the missing updates. Scolding people in the book review area every day, if you can understand it, understand it, and I can't help it if you can't understand it!

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