The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2463: Chongtian Haizong

"This **** guy has come to Tianhaizong so soon. Does he really think he is awesome?"

Tianhai Hongyu vomited gloomily.

"Hum, I advise you to let me go!"

Cheng Suyi looked at Tianhai Hongyu and said.

"If you want me to let you forget, even though my father wouldn't let me deal with that kid, but now he has delivered it to his door, no wonder I am."

"Although he is awesome, I am not the only one who can clamor for Tian Haizong. Since he will automatically come to the door, then don't blame me. This is his own death!"

Tianhai Hongyu shouted coldly.

In the sky outside the main hall of Haizong this day, several figures appeared here, and it was Xiao Yifeng.

With Xiao Yifeng's violent drinking just now, the whole Tian Haizong was shocked.

A large number of disciples, deacons, elders, and guardians of law all appeared here, all eyes were on Xiao Yifeng in the void.

At the same time secretly in my heart who these guys are, they have so much courage to dare to come to Tian Haizong to arbitrarily scream, this is not wanting to live.

"Let Tianhaizong's lord and his son Tianhai Hongyu get out of me!"

Xiao Yi's style is unparalleled, and he is extremely domineering.

His words filled the eyes of all Tian Haizong with an angry look.

Dare to say such a thing in Tian Haizong, this is totally provoking Tian Haizong.

"Bold, dare you come to my Tianhaizong to be wanton, do you want to find death?"

An elder from Haizong came to Xiao Yifeng this day and shouted loudly that his strength had reached the seventh level of life and death.


Xiao Yifeng directly exhibited the fusion of real fire and ice, and the icy and fiery fires fused together, and suddenly a terrible attacking force erupted.

The ultimate firepower of this fire and fire directly hit the elder elder of this life and death in Tian Haizong, and the terrible force on the spot destroyed it. The elder of Tian Haizong died without any residue.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng's sudden move, everyone in the audience was shocked.

The eyes of the entire Tian Haizong's disciples stared at Xiao Yifeng.

I did not expect this young guy to be so scary.

How could it be possible to destroy an elder Tian Haizong who was seven deadly in life and death?

Xiao Yifeng's hand was also to deter Tian Haizong and give them a power.

"This should be the first genius Xiao Yifeng of this year's Dragon List!"

At this moment, Tian Haizong's lord Tian Haihan walked out wearing a white robe, staring at Xiao Yifeng and saying that there was no anger on his face, but there was a bit of sharpness in his eyes.

"You are the lord of Tianhai Sect?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tian Haihan and yelled.

"Yes, Xiao Yifeng, you killed my elder Tian Haizong before and abolished my son's strength. I haven't bothered you."

"Why do you come to my Tian Haizong to provoke and kill me again? An elder of Tian Haizong, do you really not put my Tian Haizong in my eyes, do you think I am so bullied?"

Hai Han watched Xiao Yifeng spit out that day, his expression was gloomy, and he exuded a strong anger.

Although he did not want to be the enemy of Xiao Yifeng, this did not mean that he could be trampled and provoked by anyone.

"Do you still use me for your good deeds? Give up my brother's woman right away!"

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"Your brother's woman? Who?"

Tian Haihan's expression was stunned, and Tian Suhong was arrested by Tian Haihongyu himself to invite Tian Haizong's strong man. He did not tell Tian Haihan that he did not know such a thing.

"Your people from Tianhaizong grabbed my brother and woman, that is, Miss Cheng Jia, and handed her over immediately, otherwise I will flatten Tianhaizong today!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed incomparably.


Tian Haihan's expression was ugly when he heard Xiao Yifeng set foot on Tian Haizong.

"Boy, you're too arrogant, yes, that Cheng Suyi was brought by me, but it has nothing to do with you, you should not be so presumptuous!"

At this time, a senior elder in Tianhaizong who dominated the quadruple came out, staring indifferently at Xiao Yifeng, exuding a terrible majesty.

"The woman who touched my brother has something to do with me, and I will give you one last chance, or you won't give up, or Tian Haizong will be destroyed today!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted coldly, exuding a supreme momentum on his body, and the light of the stars was surging, becoming the master of the starry sky.

"You are too arrogant. I did n’t destroy Tian Haizong if you wanted to destroy it, and you dare to step into Tian Haizong today to provoke. Then you do n’t leave. Give me the two who died in your hands. Elders are buried! "

The elder Tianhaizong, who dominates the quadruple, hummed.

"If you want me to be buried, it depends on your ability!"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

"For those who can't help but die!"

At this moment, Qingtian stepped forward, staring grimly at the elder Tianhaizong, and then the spear in his hand suddenly appeared, and a shot was directed at the elder.

A shot blasted out, and the terrible **** of the seven heavy coercion directly permeated the audience, and the entire face of Tianhaizong changed greatly on the spot.

The eyes of the elder Tian Haizong, who dominates the fourfold realm, are full of fear.

Facing this terrible shot of Qingtian, he had the power to dominate the quadruple level without any resistance.


The next second, or even less than a second, seemed like an instant, a terrible roar sounded.

On this day, the elder Haizong was bombarded by Qingtian with a shot, and even the **** was left, and he did not have any ability to resist.

Although the dominating quadruple strength is very strong, it can be said that it is a true top master in the entire ancient world.

But for Optimus ~ ~ dominating the quadruple is just the existence of ants.

Not to mention its peak strength, even if he now dominates the sevenfold strength, killing the fourfold is as simple as stepping on an ant.

As the elder Tian Haizong was killed, all the strong men and disciples present in Tian Haizong showed a dull expression in their eyes, all of them were completely shocked.

They did not expect that their elder Tianhai Zongtang was so dead.

At this time, Tian Haihan's expression was extremely ugly, and Tian Hai Hongyu, who had just stepped out, was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of fear.

"Who still thinks I should be buried with you, Tian Haizong?"

Xiao Yifeng sighed again with a cold voice, his eyes splattered and the terrible power swept away.

Except for those who dominate the realm, everyone felt a terrible coercion, as if there were countless stars on them, making them all feel out of breath.

PS: I went to visit relatives all day, and came back at eight or nine in the evening to write two chapters. The remaining four chapters ca n’t be written. I will temporarily update two chapters today. I hope you forgive me. There are too many things during the Chinese New Year. Please understand more. There is no way to understand the broken bones!

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