The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2453: Xiao Yifeng vs Wu Zilong

"That's right, if you don't get out of here, I'll be stingy!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded his head very seriously, but it was full of ridicule in Wu Zilong's eyes.

"Just because you want to hit me? I'm standing here, and you don't have that ability to hit me!"

Wu Zilong looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and hummed, his eyes were full of endless contempt and disdain.

That look was like looking at ants.

"Really? Then you stand there and let me punch you, dare you?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"If you can reach me, you are great!"

Wu Zilong hummed.

"This guy is miserable!"

Luo Qianyu murmured to himself, obviously understand that Xiao Yifeng must have his confidence to do so.

In addition, Xiao Yifeng's previous strength can deal with the strongest of life and death. Now it is not impossible to deal with a master of life and death.

But this Wu Zilong was too proud, thinking that the mundane young generation in the ancient world had no strength to surpass his existence, so he dared to say so.

"This is what you are looking for. You like me to do good deeds, and I will do you today!"

Xiao Yifeng whispered softly, violently displayed the star-turning movement, and his body appeared in front of Wuzilong instantly.

Watching Xiao Yifeng appear in front of himself so quickly, Wu Zilong looked slightly condensed, and an eruptive power surpassing the sevenfold of life and death broke out towards Xiao Yifeng.

This power has reached the eighth stage of life and death. The warriors below the seventh stage of life and death cannot bear this terrible power at all.

But this might not have any effect on Xiao Yifeng.


Xiao Yifeng exhibited the Eight Wild Gods Fist, which exploded the power of the two stars in the body, the power of the eight tips, and the power of the physical body, including the power of the two avatars.

When Xiao Yifeng exploded these powers, the terrible mighty impact rushed towards this Wu Zilong. Immediately the Wu Zilong's face changed, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

A terrifying spiritual power erupted on him, forming a defensive cover around him, resisting Xiao Yifeng's fist.

Rumble! !! !!

The terrible punch power erupted, and a harsh roar rang out from the void.

Xiao Yifeng's fist broke out with the general strength of the mountain and tsunami, and the power of the stars crushed away.

On the spot, the defense cover formed by the spiritual power of Wu Zilong collapsed and shattered, and Xiao Yifeng drove into a fierce bombardment on Wu Zilong.

Wu Zilong had no time to react at all, and he did not expect that this secular boy in the ancient world could burst out such a terrible power, and as a result Xiao Yifeng was punched in the body.

When the power on Xiao Yifeng's fist broke out completely, Rao was the powerful Wu Zilong, and his body was also backed up by the shock.

However, Wu Zilong wore a set of artifact-level armor, but it was displayed in time, blocking Xiao Yifeng's punch to protect him from injury, but the strength in his body was also shaken and his face was slightly red.

In this scene, the eyes of the six powerful men who dominate the realm in the Wumeng League are full of shock, and it is very incredible.

As for this Wu Zilong's look was extremely gloomy and ugly, staring at Xiao Yifeng.

At this moment he felt as if his face had been slapped hard.

He had no idea that this guy he looked down on before would be so strong.

"Don't you let me punch you with a punch, and it doesn't look good to you? You can't even stop me with a punch. Are you still pretending to be here and not afraid to be struck by thunder?"

Xiao Yifeng was standing on top of the void. At this moment, his expression was cold, his eyes full of contempt stared at Wu Zilong, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and even a little ridicule.

"you do this delibrately?"

Wu Zilong stared at Xiao Yifeng with a gaze on his eyes, and yelled.

He only reacted at this moment. Everything was intentional by Xiao Yifeng just now. He already knew his strength, so he did it just to make him ugly and hit his face.

"You know, it's not too stupid, but you are also called the first genius of the Wumeng League. It doesn't look like your Wumeng league is too disappointing!"

Xiao Yifeng sighed and shook his head.


Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the four middle-aged men looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled violently, and they were about to shoot.


Wu Zilong began to drink.


Wu Zilong looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with a dark look.

"You are the first person to beat me back, and the first person to dare to grab something from me. I will make you die very painfully!"

Wu Zilong said spitefully, his eyes were full of feminine look, and the robe on his body was automatic without wind.

A long hair fluttered, releasing a terror-like breath.

As the first genius in thousands of years, Wu Zilong naturally possesses incomparable strength and seven strengths in life and death.

Throughout the young generation of Jiuzhongtian, there are only a handful of people who can compare with him, and his real combat power can even fight against the deadly Jiuzhong spot power.


Wu Zilong's body blasted towards Xiao Yifeng. A terrible punch was blown down, and the void was blasted apart. The broken void twisted into a huge black hole, and the horrible energy swept across the square.

Wu Zilong's fist is completely comparable to the power of life and death. With a punch like a rainbow, one punch is enough to destroy a mountain and destroy a river.


Xiao Yifeng blasted out with the same punch, colliding strongly with the opponent's fist.

The strength of the two shocked together, and directly wiped out the surrounding empty air.

Then they both receded and looked indistinguishable.

Seeing Xiao Yifeng and Wu Zilong going up and down indifferently ~ ~ That drunk Jiao Niang's eyes were full of surprise.

As for the martial arts alliance's strongman, it seems very incredible. There is no expectation that there is a younger generation of strong people who can compete with their young masters.

"Young Master of Wumeng, but that's it!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly.

"Tianwu Shenzhang!"

Wu Zilong yelled violently, exhibited a powerful martial arts technique, and a terrible palm print emerged above the void, covering the sky and hiding the sun as if to destroy it.

Wu Zilong went out of his way to defend his majesty by completely suppressing this **** boy.

"Spiritual **** pointing!"

"Third finger!"

"One finger is broken!"

Xiao Yifeng yelled, showing the third finger of Lingxu God's finger. Now Xiao Yifeng stepped into Nirvana, and also showed this third finger.

The power of this third finger is terrible, which is dozens of times stronger than that of the second finger.

One finger blasted out, and the void shattered directly. The force of the third finger was pulled out of a long space crack.

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