The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Another Dice

In the early morning, the sun shines on Hogwarts, making its magnificent outlines sparkle.

After a night of deep sleep, the castle at this moment is like a giant awakened, glowing with endless vitality.

In the morning, the gate of the castle was opened, and groups of little wizards came out one after another. They talked in groups of three or five, with unstoppable excitement and joy on their faces.

Ino also followed the crowd and slowly walked towards the Quidditch field outside the castle.

After communicating with Malfoy last night, he also gave up the idea of ​​buying a flying carpet in England.

I don’t know whose aorta was hit. In short, the Ministry of Magic can turn a blind eye to the smuggling of dragons, but it will always have zero tolerance for the smuggling of flying carpets.

And according to Malfoy, the Aurors even traveled thousands of miles to Africa to catch people.

Whether it is true or not, it can also show the attitude of the Ministry of Magic towards this matter.

Quidditch field

As time went by, the stadium stands that were empty just now were now densely packed with people, and pairs of expectant eyes looked up at the sky.

"Good morning, everyone!"

"I am Lee Jordan, the commentator of this game. Today is the second game of the College Cup this academic year, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. I believe this will be another thrilling and exciting game."

Perhaps some people are born to do something. In just a few words, Jordan's ups and downs in the tone ignited the enthusiasm of the whole audience.

As the players of both sides took the court one by one, the game officially kicked off.

It can only be said that it is worthy of Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. In less than ten minutes, the court was already filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

Although he didn't know much about Quidditch, Ino also saw that the atmosphere on the court was a little wrong at this moment.

Especially after Angelina Johnson, the Gryffindor chaser, was knocked down by a malicious foul, the previous gunpowder atmosphere finally reached a climax.

Fred started to retaliate like crazy, biting whoever he caught. As long as the Slytherin players appeared around him, he would attack them without caring.

With Fred, George was indispensable. Seeing his brother being beaten up, George rushed over without hesitation.

Well... once the chain reaction started, it was too late to brake.


The chaotic scene in the air was no longer something that Madam Hooch's copper whistle could stop.

"Why do we have to play ball... wouldn't it be more fun for each of us to use a knight's lance?"

Ino murmured and looked at the sky. At this moment, it was a complete melee. The players on both sides no longer cared about the Quaffle.

Similarly, he also noticed Harry flying on the edge. The chaotic scene seemed to scare Gryffindor's new seeker.

But no matter what, this is also Hogwarts.

Under the strong suppression of Professor McGonagall, the game was interrupted for a quarter of an hour, allowing the players on both sides to reflect collectively and calm down.

Perhaps this is the majestic pomp of the vice-headmaster. After the second half began, both Slytherin and Gryffindor played in a proper manner. Even if there were occasional fouls, they were fouls that were restrained by each other.

With rules on the court, Harry had room to play.

As time passed by.

Under the inertia of fate, Harry also ushered in his own highlight. After the unexpected loss of control of the broom, he also swallowed the Golden Snitch thrillingly.

The bonus of 150 points directly allowed Gryffindor to complete a big victory.

The game is over.

As a person who watched the whole game, Ino was a little unhappy.

It was not because Slytherin lost, but everything that happened today had a clear deviation from the scenes in his memory.

It seemed that everything in memory had changed silently.


Life must go on. What should and should not happen has already happened.

Back to the common room.

Looking at the depressed Slytherin people, Ino turned and walked towards the library.

Although he couldn't stand this sad atmosphere, he also understood it. After all, in the magic world, there are really many wizards who regard Quidditch as more important than life.

Leaving the lounge, he came to the library with ease.

Just after entering the door, he was stopped by Madam Pince again.

"I really don't understand why there is a note from you! You are using me as an owl."

Although she was complaining, the smile on Madam Pince's face seemed to explain a lot of problems.

"Look at what you said, you are much more reliable than an owl, there is no doubt about that."

In the face of Madam Pince's self-mockery, Ino also said jokingly.

After half a semester of getting along, although there was a gap in age and status, he still became friends with Madam Pince.

Although he had some inherent cognition at the beginning, as time went by, he found that Madam Pince was not as mean as she seemed on the surface.

Perhaps it was the nature of the job, or the past experience, that made Madam Pince look a little neurotic and occasionally hysterical.

But it is undeniable that people with this kind of personality are often very simple. They don't care about the world or other people's opinions. They have their own pace of life.

At the same time.

While talking, Madam Pince took out a note folded into a diamond shape from her pocket.

"Take it away quickly. The Gryffindor girl looks very anxious today."

Ino took the note and said, "Thank you! I've been busy lately, but I will find time to finish writing the rest of the story and bring it with me next time. If nothing goes wrong, this book will also have its final ending."

This is the most fundamental reason why he and Mrs. Pings can become equal friends.

A romantic novel that combines marriage, family, lovers, illegitimate children, love triangles and other elements.

In order to build a good relationship with Mrs. Pings, he improvised a short story. Although the content was a bit unbearable to read, the effect was unexpectedly good.

Similarly, when Mrs. Pings heard that she could see the ending next time, her eyes lit up in an instant.

But after a moment, she said to herself with a sense of loss: "Is it going to end? That's right! All stories must end."

Seeing this scene, Ino knew what Mrs. Pings was thinking.

"For the next book, you have to wait until next year! It tells the story of two sisters falling in love with the same person, but this man becomes their stepfather."

"That's settled!" Madam Pince said resolutely, as if she would take out her wand and duel with anyone who dared to go back on their word.


Looking at Madam Pince's back as she left, Ino shook his head with a smile.

Then he opened the note left by Hermione. As expected, the content was still the time to meet in the library.

For this seemingly childish behavior, he found the fun of passing notes in school.

Obviously, many things can be said after class, but it seems that writing them on notes and secretly passing them out during class always gives him an indescribable sense of pleasure.

Thinking of this, he folded the note again and put it in his pocket, and then walked towards the Transfiguration Book Area.


When you are focused, you often don't notice the passage of time.

At night, there was only half an hour left before curfew. At the urging of Madam Pince, Ino left the library quietly.

At 9:30 in the evening, the castle was completely quiet.

Walking alone on the way back to the dormitory, there were almost no students in the empty corridor.

Just as he was about to see the entrance to the common rest room, a soothing and elegant tone came to his ears.

"What a good kid, your yearning for knowledge is destined to make you surpass countless mediocre people."

Although the voice was very unfamiliar, the garlic smell lingering between the wings of the nose could not deceive anyone.

Without any hesitation, Ino quickly reached into the lining, and in an instant a dice similar to the previous divination appeared in his hand.

It is said to be similar, only in terms of the material and color of the two, but if you look closely, this dice looks like a rough semi-finished product.

The shape is an irregular polyhedron, and there are no numbers engraved on the surface of the dice. There are only some messy lines and symbols like children's graffiti.

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