The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Fantasy World, New Journey

Time is like an invisible river, pushing people's lives forward.

Unconsciously, a whole month has passed since Halloween.

Perhaps, people always like new things and dislike old things.

The once sensational troll incident is now slowly dissipating in time, and is even no longer worthy of being a topic of conversation after dinner.

In December, Hogwarts finally welcomed the first snowfall.

The cold enveloped the entire castle. This sudden drop in temperature made everyone reluctant to go out.

The noisy corridors and lively Quidditch courts in the past have now become deserted.

Compared to the severe cold outside, the little wizards still prefer to drink black tea and chat in the warm public lounge.


In the lounge, Harry frowned and looked at the wizard chess in front of him. This was the fourth game he lost to Ron.

Now this game looks a bit dangerous again, because the king on his side is already trembling.

On the other hand, Ron seemed to be indifferent at the moment, and even pricked up his ears while playing chess, searching for information that interested him.

"Look, man! She ran out again. Parvati said she was in love. The other party seemed to be a Hufflepuff, but some people said it was a Slytherin. I think she was not..."

"Okay, Ron! Don't talk about Hermione behind her back." Harry interrupted with some distress.

After the troll incident, the three of them had formed a friendship.

But what Harry couldn't figure out was why Ron always had a problem with Hermione.

Although Ron didn't say anything to her face now, he often gossiped about her in private.

"I didn't slander her!"

Ron didn't care, but didn't say anything else. Instead, he started a new round of topics.

"By the way, you said it was so cold, Hagrid's... well, would it be frozen to death?"


At the same time, on the other side of the castle.

After leaving the dormitory, Hermione went straight to the library on the second floor. She was fed up with her roommates' nagging and gossiping.

When the girls sat together, there was nothing they didn't talk about.

Just like just now, they put Ino and Cedric from Hufflepuff together.

Then they discussed which one to choose as their boyfriend. It was as if the two were right in front of them, holding flowers and proposing to them.

"I don't know what's wrong with you!"

In the corridor, Hermione became more and more angry, as if there was an inexplicable flame burning in her heart.


The distance from the Gryffindor common room to the library is not far.

But you must be familiar with the rules of those moving stairs, otherwise you can only go around the same floor even if you spend half a day.

But all this is not difficult for Hermione. With her excellent memory, she has figured out the rules of all the stairs a week after school started.

It only takes more than ten minutes.

Hermione is already in the lobby of the library.

The girl turned her head slightly, her eyes full of expectation, and then she saw a familiar person in a familiar place, and she couldn't help but smile.

Just like meeting at the gate of the elementary school during the summer vacation a few months ago.

"Huh! I thought it was cold, maybe you wouldn't come." Hermione said softly after sitting down.

"How could it be! Since I received the note you left, I will never break the appointment." Ino also controlled the decibel of his speech.

There was no way, after all, in the library, it was not possible not to control the volume.

Even if he maxed out Mrs. Pince's favorability, he only got the privilege of chatting quietly without affecting others.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional.

Ino's casual answer was not known to be understood.

In short, Hermione's cheeks flushed, and she felt that she was wrapped in a strange atmosphere.

Even in the breath, she seemed to smell an intoxicating smell, probably like the fragrance of a freshly mowed lawn and mint toothpaste.

“Hey! Stop being in a daze!”

Seeing Hermione suddenly fall into a strange state, Ino couldn’t help interrupting:

“Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about? Do you want to tell fortunes or listen to stories?”

“Can’t I ask you about something else…” Hermione couldn’t help whispering.

“Of course, but I have to ask first.”

Seeing that it wasn’t a business, Ino didn’t care. He had long since stopped planning to make money from these things. Now, whether it was telling fortunes or telling stories, he was more experiencing the fun of it.

“Ino, do you know Nico? Nico Flamel…”

Time goes by.

Evening, Slytherin dormitory.

Ino opened the traceless extension suitcase and put away all kinds of cheese, air-dried meat and other easy-to-preserve foods from the kitchen one by one, followed by an accordion, a cashmere blanket, and several magic books.

The reason for doing all this was that he felt a long-lost throbbing when he was chatting in the library in the afternoon.

It was obvious that after more than five months, the opportunity to enter the fantasy world came again.

Although this time, the interval was really long.

But he didn't care about that. He told Hermione that he had something urgent to do and left the library hastily. Then he prepared various materials.

After a lot of trouble.

Seeing that everything was packed and put away, Ino quietly put down the thick bed curtains, sat by the bed and waited quietly.

One second, or even shorter.

In a moment, Ino came from the warm dormitory to the road where he had left the town before.

Looking back, the town where he had lived for a month had long disappeared, and he could only see a thin mist and endless haziness along the path.

Countless experiences have made him accustomed to such scenes.

Not to mention that he has walked such a long way since leaving the town, even if he has stepped out of the town, it is still difficult to return to the place he used to be when he turns back next time.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the journey of life is also like this. There is no way to go, only the way back.

After a short period of adaptation, Ino stood up, adjusted the wand in his sleeve, and then picked up the suitcase beside him.

Following the quiet path, he walked towards the distance without looking back.

What is the end of the road? It's a mountain! What's beyond the mountain? It's still a mountain. This is not a joke, but a fact...

On this journey, Ino walked for seven days and slept in the open air for seven days.

Facing the endless mountains, this not only made him firm up his plan to buy a magic carpet during the summer vacation, but also made him think of the ceiling of Transfiguration - Animagus.

He did not expect any falcons, ravens, or even a flying beetle, so he would not suffer the current crime.

If he could still hunt some gifts from the mountains and forests at the beginning, he could improve his food a little.

But since yesterday, wherever he looked, it was a piece of snow. Not to mention small animals, even a green plant was rare.

In addition to white, it was still white, as if he was in a world of ice and snow.

The journey was still the same.

I don’t know how long it took, Ino finally saw a different scenery.

“Hmm? Modern civilization?”

A street lamp post, as if it was some kind of coordinate, suddenly appeared not far away.

This scene in front of him made him feel vaguely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

However, before he could think too much, he was attracted by the sound of footsteps.

New book release, new journey, thank you all for your support.

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