The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 28: Hagrid the Clever

As the saying goes, when they have a common enemy, their relationship will quickly become closer.

You know, it has only been a short time since the start of the school year, and Ron is still angry with George and Fred, angry that they deceived him during the sorting ceremony.

Now, after hearing Hagrid's criticism of George and Fred, Ron felt like he had found a soulmate and immediately joined the expedition.

Harry looked at the two people opposite him, and there was no longer any tension as before. They were now more like good friends who had not seen each other for a long time, sitting together and talking.

Although the scene was a bit weird, Harry did not interrupt, but was happy to see it happen.

He didn't have many friends at Hogwarts, so he was very happy that Ron and Hagrid could chat.

And this chat lasted for more than half an hour.

Ron was very happy to chat, until he was thirsty and went to get water, he found that there was only a lonely plate of rock cakes on the table.

"Look at my memory!"

Hagrid slapped his head after discovering Ron's intention, and hurriedly got up to get the boiling black tea on the stove.

While Hagrid was gone, Harry winked at Ron.

"Hey man, what's wrong with you? Blinking?" Ron asked in confusion.

"Ron, stop talking about your brothers for a minute. I want to know from Hagrid why Snape always targets me. I haven't provoked him..."

Harry stopped talking halfway, because Hagrid was already walking towards this side with a kettle.

Ron also gave Harry a reassuring look very smartly, indicating that he would help to get the words.

Hagrid finished pouring the tea and sat back on the wooden chair with a creaking sound.

"Hagrid, do you know what we went through today..."

"...It was Snape. You didn't see his ferocious look. I bet if there wasn't someone around, Snape would definitely hurt Harry, or even kill him."

Ron once again expressed his opinion of Snape.

However, Ron did not agree as he expected. Hagrid retorted in a different way:

"Hurt Harry? That's impossible. You must be overthinking. It's not happening."

"Hagrid, in fact, I feel that Snape hates me very much." Harry said at the right time.

"But I never messed with him. You know, I had never even met him before coming to Hogwarts."

Compared to Ron's exaggerated description, Harry seemed much more rational. Perhaps this was related to his new entry into Gryffindor.

"Hmm..." Hagrid touched his thick beard in some confusion. Facing the expectant eyes of Harry and Ron, he still couldn't stand it.

"Well... I can only say that Snape will never hurt you. After all, he is a professor at Hogwarts. Even if you don't believe him, you have to believe in Principal Dumbledore."

Hearing this, Harry nodded in agreement. Even Ron on the side rarely refuted.

"As for Snape targeting you... I want to say that Snape targets all Gryffindors, and you happen to be the most famous one in Gryffindor."

Hagrid couldn't help but praise his wit. He actually came up with such a perfect excuse in a short time.

On the other hand, Harry looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and seemed to have temporarily accepted this reason. At least it seemed reasonable.


Time always passes silently.

One morning two days later.

Ino enjoyed the exclusive wake-up service of the dragging brother as usual, and at the same time, this also strengthened his idea of ​​buying an alarm clock.

"Draco, you have already applied hairspray on your hair three times. Are you sure it won't hurt the roots of your hair?"

Ino half leaned on the head of the bed, watching Malfoy's dazzling operation.

He couldn't figure it out. It was just a simple flying class. It was necessary to get up at six o'clock and then wash and put on makeup.

Sorry, he used the word makeup because he really couldn't figure it out. A normal boy would spray perfume on his body desperately in the morning?

Even looking at the mirror for half an hour, just to adjust his hairstyle.

"Ino, what do you think of this shirt?" Malfoy ignored the question about hairspray and asked about his shirt instead.

"Great! It looks energetic, and the color matching is also very good." Ino answered insincerely.

To be honest, if it weren't for the daily wake-up service, he really wanted to tell the other party that no one would lift up your robe to appreciate your hidden shirt.

"That's good! You hurry up and wash up, don't forget the flying class later, I'm going to the auditorium first!"

After saying that, Malfoy left the dormitory without looking back.

A few minutes later, Ino also sat up from the bed.

He was also looking forward to the flying class. This was not only a yearning for the sky in the bones of human beings, but also related to his future survival.

Although it seems that the fantasy world is always safe at present, no one would mind having an extra means of life-saving, even if it is used to hurry on the road.

"Maybe... I can only buy a magic carpet?"

While thinking, Ino glanced at the suitcase beside the bed. Although it was expanded by the extension spell, it was still not big enough to hold a flying broom.

"It seems that there are no magic carpets for sale in England. I will be busy again during the summer vacation..."


Just when Ino was planning to go abroad for shopping during the summer vacation, on the other side of the castle.

In the Great Hall.

Malfoy also "ran into" the person he wanted to see as he wished.

Seeing Harry and Ron appear in the auditorium, Malfoy immediately lost his so-called pure-blood dignity and shouted loudly.

"Before I came to Hogwarts, I was already able to control a flying broomstick skillfully. Once, my father took me all the way home, and I was almost hit by a Muggle plane on the way. If I hadn't dodged in time, Maybe the Muggle plane will be crashed..."

Malfoy was surrounded by the Slytherin freshmen, proudly telling his legendary experiences.

On the Gryffindor table.

Ron seemed to be drinking milk, but in fact his ears were already perked up.

"Harry, are Muggle planes easily crashed? Aren't they dangerous in the sky?"

When it comes to curiosity, it will always be Ron.

"Malfoy is bragging!" Harry shook his head decisively.

"Although I have never flown on an airplane, if a steel thing hundreds of feet high were to hit us head-on, neither he nor his father would be spared."

"Merlin's socks! Hundreds of feet? That's bigger than a fire dragon..."

Ron's eyes were full of shock. He couldn't imagine how a guy much bigger than a fire dragon could fly into the sky, not to mention that this behemoth was made of steel.

At the Slytherin table, Malfoy noticed that Harry seemed to glance over here, which made him even more excited.

It not only tells how he evaded Muggle planes, but also raced with a giant dragon, walked with thunderbirds, etc. All kinds of bizarre and fantastic experiences came one after another.

The exaggerated embellishments and gorgeous rhetoric made Ino, who had just arrived in the auditorium, couldn't help but stop and listen.

At this moment, he even felt that if Malfoy changed his job and became a bard, he might actually achieve a glorious legend.

New book released, new journey, thank you all for your support.

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