The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 167 Snape's Choice

No. 19, Spider End Lane.

As Ino's words dissipated in the air, this wooden house, which seemed to have been forgotten by time, fell into an unprecedented silence.

This silence was not simply quiet, but was like a heavy cloud layer, making it difficult to breathe. The atmosphere in the whole room was extremely solemn.

At this moment, Snape was like a frozen, cold statue, sitting there motionless.

Although silent, if you look carefully, Snape's eyes are not as empty as before, and his black eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

Suddenly, Snape spoke, his voice as calm as water.

"Good! That's good! Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black!"

Although the tone was calm, Ino could hear the hatred in it and the coldness that filled the air.

Although he also believed that Pettigrew deserved death, not mentioning the Potters, the lives of the twelve innocent Muggles alone had doomed Peter's fate.

He had to die, but he couldn't die at the hands of Snape, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pass the Ministry of Magic level alone.

Thinking of this, Ino still planned to persuade: "Professor! This is not worth it..."

However, mid-sentence, he was directly interrupted by Snape:

"This has nothing to do with you! But in this matter, I agree with you. Open the cabinet on the second floor, and everything inside is yours."

The development of the situation seems to be somewhat beyond control.

Ino suddenly realized that he had underestimated Snape's hatred. The operation in front of him looked like he was willing to risk everything to kill him.

He chose to tell Snape all this, and his original intention was just to capture Peter, not to torture him with the Cruciatus Curse for ten and a half days, and then give him to the Ministry of Magic.

But now it seems that Snape has really lost his mind because of hatred.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Ino spoke to himself very quickly:

"Professor, you know? Thanks to Harry this time... Harry told me... Harry was grounded..."

Although he spoke eloquently, he always paused and emphasized his tone every time he talked about Harry.

To be honest, this seems a little bit tongue-in-cheek, but the effect is surprisingly good.

Snape finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shut up! Either go to the second floor to get something, or get out of here and go talk!"

Hearing this sarcastic tone, Ino breathed a sigh of relief. Don't be afraid of Snape saying too much, just be afraid that he won't say anything. The most terrifying thing is to do important things in silence without saying a word.

Likewise, Snape's scolding disappeared.

The old room fell into a new round of silence.

However, as time went by, the overall atmosphere in the room gradually relaxed, not as low and depressing as before.

A while passed.

Snape took the initiative to break the silence.

"I don't know where you heard something, whether it was divination or something else, but it doesn't matter! I will take the train to verify it on the first day of school. If it is true, all the potions in the cabinet belong to you!"

Although the tone is still the same, it sounds a little less crazy than before.

Seeing that the other party had almost regained his senses, Ino shook his head decisively and refused: "I am returning your kindness, not taking advantage of it."

"Whatever you want!" After saying these words, Snape said nothing.

No. 19, Spider End Lane.

In the old room, a green flame suddenly rose from the fireplace, and Ino's figure disappeared into the flames.

On the other side, Snape was still sitting quietly on the chair, but his eyes were always staring at his arms silently.

He just said he wanted to verify it himself, but in fact, he had believed it from the beginning.

Although his hatred remained undiminished, he had always had doubts about what happened that night, because everything happened so accidentally that it seemed to be carefully planned.

Today, he finally filled in some of the doubts in his heart.

Time passed silently.

Snape's eyes were no longer as sharp as before, becoming a little cloudy and sad.

After a moment, he slowly closed his eyes. When he opened it again, only emptiness and numbness were left.


As the green flames of the fireplace lit up, Ino returned to his cabin again.

After settling his worries, he walked briskly to the second floor, because he was still worried about another thing at the moment.

"The flames are blazing!"

In front of the desk on the second floor, Ino lit the old oil lamp again.

Under the gentle light, a silvery book slowly appeared on the table.

He reached out and gently touched the cover of the book, while also thinking about today's experience at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore in his mind.

There was clearly a book in his hand, but Harry's palm was strangely penetrated. This scene was really not magical, or too magical.

After a while, he opened the book and read it anyway.

Opening the page, under the illumination of the oil lamp, a text slowly appeared on the title page:

"Reality is not always visible, but the invisible often brings us closer to reality. - A nameless goblin."

Staring at this passage, Ino couldn't help but fall into deep thought, because no matter how he read it, he felt there was a strange smell between the lines.

Fortunately, this was a Harry Potter story. If it were an unknown story, he would immediately turn around and leave when he saw this passage.

Without hurrying to turn to the second page, Ino leaned on the chair and carefully savored this philosophical and mysterious sentence.

"Invisible things, but they exist when you see them? Invisibility, invisible book, invisibility cloak... Hmm? Invisibility cloak!"

Suddenly sitting up, he thought of a legend in the original story, the legend about the invisibility cloak recorded in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard".

Death is invisible, and the god of death is also invisible.

However, in the story, the three brothers not only met the god of death, but also received real gifts, and even passed down as the three deathly hallows.

Thinking of this, Ino looked at the words on the title page again, but had another opinion.


Hogsmeade seemed unusually quiet in the dark night.

So quiet that time passed without noticing.

Before dawn, Ino extinguished the oil lamp on the table, and the "Invisibility Book of Invisibility" disappeared with it.

It took him nearly an all-nighter to finish reading the book.

First of all, it is worth affirming that this book has nothing to do with the Deathly Hallows, not even close to it. Because the whole book is about one thing, or one content:

Ancient runes - "Hidden"

And the sentence on the opening title page was probably deliberately added by the author to improve the style of the book.

Although everything is good, the author who calls himself an unknown fairy forgot one thing, that ancient runes have magic.

But the author quoted them extensively in the book, and the most intuitive result is that he has explained "hidden" thoroughly.

However, as time passed, the book also naturally hid itself.

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