The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 140 Two months, fishing in Black Lake to feed spiders

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the black lake, and the golden light jumped on the sparkling water.

On the lakeside, Ino sat quietly on a special small armchair, holding a delicate fishing rod in his hand, and staring at the buoy on the lake attentively.

Suddenly, the buoy on the lake suddenly shook violently, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

He quickly lifted the fishing rod and pulled it back hard. A silver fish drew a beautiful arc in the air. Under the action of inertia, this one-foot-long big fish was thrown to the shore.

Although the fish was caught, he did not get up to remove the hook. He still sat there steadily, watching the fish fluttering on the shore.

Next to the armchair, there was an open suitcase, and in a moment, more than 20 fist-sized eight-eyed giant spiders emerged. These spiders were arranged in rows and surrounded the active fish in the blink of an eye.

Ten seconds later, only a smooth fish bone was left on the ground.

Ino picked up the fishing rod with his left hand and waved the magic wand with his right hand, and a fat and twisting earthworm suddenly appeared on the hook.

After hanging the Transfiguration bait, he cast the rod and waited.

After doing all this, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and then all the spiders ran back to the suitcase.

Only one of the largest eight-eyed giant spiders with a little blue hair was left on the ground.

The blue giant spider jumped lightly and landed on his legs.

"Go back obediently, and come back when there is a fish on the hook." Ino murmured, reaching out his hand to stroke the giant spider on his leg.

As his voice fell, a message of obedience came to his mind, and the blue spider also jumped off the ground nimbly and walked towards the suitcase in the corner.

As an adult, the eight-eyed giant spider can speak and has intelligence no less than that of humans. They also have their own strict system.

The last blue spider to leave was the leader of the twenty or so eight-eyed giant spiders just now.

Staring at the floating fish float on the lake, Ino gradually fell into deep thought.

More than two months have passed since Christmas.

During this period, the castle seemed to be back on track, and no one discussed the Lockhart incident, after all, it had been so long.

Moreover, after being arrested by the Ministry of Magic and tried by the Wizengamot, Lockhart's imprisonment was a foregone conclusion, and no matter how the public discussed it, it was a fact that could not be changed.

Similarly, as time went by, the overall atmosphere in the castle became less impetuous, but quietly more ambiguous.

Valentine's Day, February 14th, was approaching.

Of course, Ino didn't care about Lockhart or Valentine's Day. What he really cared about was himself, or his own miracle.

The eggs of the eight-eyed giant spider in the shelter were hatched, and he also got 23 well-behaved and obedient spiderlings.

But that seemed to be all he had gained.

In the past two months, he has tried as much as possible, whether it is putting in eggs of other magical animals, eggs of ordinary oviparous animals, or even some ordinary insect eggs, the shelter has not had the same reaction as before.

Not to mention the previous connection between each other, just a simple feeling, these eggs give people a feeling of dead silence, as if they have no life.

However, he also has some guesses about this situation.

If the guess is correct, then in the future, when entering the fantasy world, it will not be a simple journey, maybe you can consider something else.

Time flies.

After fishing several fish in a row, the lake surface has also fallen into calm.

For more than an hour, let alone the fish biting the hook, even the float did not move, as if the fish in the black lake have also learned to be smart and have a certain immunity to the earthworms of the transformation spell.

"Next time, I must find live bait!"

Ino complained in bits and pieces, while removing the transformation spell of the fishing gear, and then picked up the suitcase beside him.

The entire shelter was covered with ice and snow. The eight-eyed giant spiders could only enter a semi-dormant state after entering, so the suitcase became their temporary nest.

Walking on the lawn outside the castle, he couldn't help but glance at the round stone house in the distance, which was Hagrid's hut.

After confirming that the shelter currently only accommodated one kind of creature, he had already thought of Rubeus Hagrid, the magical animal expert hidden in the castle. The plant hybridization technology was used by the other party on magical animals.

Using the manticore and the fire crab, a new magical animal - the exploding tail skrewt was bred across species.

This ability is really not something that ordinary people can do.


The temperature in the Scottish Highlands has gradually risen, and the hearts of the boys and girls in the castle have also risen.

Gryffindor dormitory.

Hermione clutched the sheets tightly with both hands, and listened angrily to the tiger and wolf words from her roommates in the dormitory. They were really not reserved at all. Obviously, they all looked very ladylike outside.

However, today these people started to talk about Ino openly again, saying that her lighter hair color and pupils were more charming, that she had been noble and elegant since last year, and...

Hermione felt that she was about to stop listening, even though she felt strange after putting herself in their shoes, but that didn't mean she allowed others to discuss it openly like this.

"Parvati! Can you help me?" Hermione shouted to the girls in the neutral camp.

Well, the six-person girls' dormitory was divided into four camps.

As the representative of the neutral camp in the dormitory, Parvati Patil also stood up and walked towards Hermione after hearing the voice.

Similarly, although they were still chatting, the speed of everyone's speech had quietly slowed down, and they were generally a little absent-minded.

Obviously, everyone wanted to see what Hermione Granger, the only person in the independent camp, wanted to say. Usually, she always pretended to be serious in the dormitory.

"It's here, Hermione, do you need my help?" Parvati quickly walked to Hermione's bed.

"Can you help me take the luggage off the shelf? They are placed too high, and it's a bit heavy inside. We have to work together to take it down."

As Hermione said this, she kicked off her slippers and stood on the bed barefoot.

At this moment, she deliberately forgot about magic, levitation spells, etc.

Two minutes later.

"It's so beautiful! I haven't seen it sold anywhere in Diagon Alley. Did you customize it?" Parvati asked in amazement.

Hearing this, Hermione instantly raised her voice by half a decibel. She had been waiting for this sentence.

"Really? I don't know. This is a gift from Ino when he visited my house on Christmas. Maybe he bought it in Hogsmeade, after all, he lives in Hogsmeade."

Although she didn't turn her head, Hermione had already imagined the expressions of some people, but she still added: "I went to see it last summer vacation. It's a very beautiful two-story house!"

Parvati smiled silently. After reacting, she probably knew that she was being used as a tool.

She was not annoyed about this. Since she chose the neutral camp, it didn't matter if it was harmless. On the contrary, she was a little happy to see it happen.

Because if nothing unexpected happened, the dormitory would be lively again.

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