Chapter 47. World Collision -Sixth- 2

Biein was extremely unlucky, but finally met an easy opponent in the fifth match, though not everyone is like that.

At this point, there were objectively more weak opponents than strong ones, but there were also many opponents with quite plausible strategies when viewed coldly.

Player Beriven was one of those players with a ‘convincing strategy’. Beriven came up with a brilliant idea after hearing the game rules.

“If I destroy the guys who extend their hands for cooperation early on and make them my subordinates, I can easily score and advance to the next round?”

Of course, most players know that logic. Most of them still use cooperation strategies, and many players prepare for war, targeting that gap.

So the important thing was ‘how to achieve an overwhelming victory’. Simply gathering excellent troops and waging war is not an alternative. What if the opponent also gathers excellent troops and wages war?

“Asymmetric power. Gather asymmetric power that the opponent cannot match. And if it’s asymmetric power from the beginning…”

Beriven was originally from a world with extremely strong gravity, so he was weak to ‘height’. In his world, you could die from falling from just one meter.

But this world didn’t have such strong gravity. In other words, ‘aerial combat’ was possible from the beginning. In Beriven’s world, it was a concept that only appeared much later.

Beriven happened to have birds capable of ‘flight’ in the terrain he first received. He gave them intelligence, raised them well, and completed a civilization.

And during the first collision, the flying unit each held a stone in their hands, dived from the air, and threw the stones at the enemy soldiers, smashing their heads, and won the battle.

The opposing player admitted that they couldn’t win against Beriven’s stone-throwing unit, which killed soldiers one by one while flying, and eventually had to surrender. Since Beriven wasn’t a demon king, he naturally accepted the surrender.

“They’ll probably make anti-air weapons like bows and catapults in civilization. So, pour all resources into aerial combat before anti-air weapons become popular, and disembark when they do.”

In short, Beriven devised an extreme short-term build to disembark at the second disembarkation stage, the sixth round.

And he won four rounds in a row with aerial stone-throwing. The surrendered races were all slaves.

“Develop your civilization on your own! I’ll live off aerial stone-throwing!”

“Ha, but Mr. Berryben. Then you won’t be able to go to the later stages?”

“It doesn’t matter! I don’t even plan to go to the later stages! I’ll quit at the second or third exit stage!”


Even during the shop stage, instead of buying expensive and long-term items, he bought general traits optimized for this short-term build.

If he saves points well and wins until the end of the 6th round, he will take at least 100,000 points.

As expected, with the one-tool strategy of aerial catapult + aerial arrow rain, he led the 5th round to victory and faced the disaster phase.

Of course, he only took the one essential disaster. Berryben, who had crafted an extreme short-term build, had 160,000 points in hand. Not a small amount. If he wins the next game, he will probably have about 200,000 points.

He felt sorry for the subordinate gods who would leave with a pittance of points after developing civilization on his behalf, but overall, the level of the game was too high, and he thought he wouldn’t be able to go beyond the 9th round.

“The top tier scores exceed 200,000 points?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

His world score was only 1/5 of that.

In other words, the rational strategy was to request cooperation when meeting the opponent in the 6th round, and if cooperation was accepted, he would immediately declare his exit. If cooperation was not accepted, he would continue indiscriminate terrorism until cooperation was achieved.

“200,000 points are enough. With that, I can retire with immortality, superior intelligence, beautiful appearance, wealth, and a strong body. It’s a pity I can’t buy superpowers, but… it can’t be helped!”

And Berryben immediately sent a cooperation request to the opposing player ‘Sesaisa’ right after the world collision.

He was rejected. Although it was advantageous to cooperate, he couldn’t understand why he was immediately rejected.

“Is there no other way? Then, deploy the flying unit.”

And the moment the dimensional gates on both sides opened and each sent their ‘flying units’ to the other side…

“Surrender! Surrender!! Surrender!!!”

Berryben, who was incredibly quick at cutting losses, was immediately blocked by the opposing player.

And as the clouds in the sky thickened to shoot down the flying units, and the elephant units, each at the level of a grand mage of this era, began to sortie and literally grind the world…

Berryben’s vision went dark.

Player Andantra was, in a sense, similar to Biin in terms of build.

In the first round, Andantra created monsters instead of civilizations. It seemed unnecessary to build a civilization right away.

And the monster units destroyed the opponent’s civilization in the first round, and only then did Andantra give those monsters intelligence to turn them into humans.

“It’s fortunate that the mystic art of physical training is common. Let’s create a monster-based civilization based on that.”

It was quite successful. The apex predator in the game became the mainstream race. The slave races built civilizations, and the mainstream race focused on training their strength.

Displaying strength became the culture, and a thorough political system where the top predators ruled over the lower prey was established.

“Let’s make the domination of the weak by the strong a virtue. Rights for the strong, and in return, tolerance and mercy for the weak… I don’t want to cultivate a civilization of psychopaths for no reason.”

The term slave race seemed less appropriate than lower race. By establishing a system where the upper race took care of the lower race, it worked much better than expected.

In reality, the level was 8, and the score exceeded 150,000 points, so it was quite an advanced civilization. Andantra created a system, culture, religion, and even a civilization based on a powerful race.

“So the next opponent is ‘Mihun’? A violent guy. He doesn’t have any fellow gods.”

“Excuse me. Lord Andantra.”

“Angel. Why?”

“This is one of the few exceptions in the game, but that ‘Mihun’ player does not have his soul extinguished even if he loses.”


Before they could finish explaining, the heroes who crossed to the other side of the world faced a mad dinosaur with similar total stats to their world.

【I am very much looking forward to it. How strong is the strongest among you? Is there an opponent who can raise me to a higher level…?】

When the madman called Yeondanu swung his arm, the army was split apart. The demons called Visas who entered the world were monsters that destroyed houses with sheer strength and threw stone walls they had built.

Andantra’s vision went dark.

Meanwhile, the player Terasion, who had always been ranked number one, tasted hell during the last disaster phase.

“Oh my. Angel. This just came out by luck, right?”

“Of course. It’s completely random.”

The disaster that struck was [Water Pollution] + [Epidemic] + [External Parasites], and the essential disaster was to perform a ritual of a certain scale towards the sky until the end of the disaster.

The disasters seemed to be designed to reduce the population, so they were extremely busy, but how could they build an altar and perform a ritual? The biological disaster trio reduced the population to 1/20.

Even though they boldly accepted three disasters because they were ranked number one, the three types overlapped, and it felt like tears would come out. However, because their basic specs were so high, they gritted their teeth, performed the ritual, and overcame the epidemic, making Terasion’s main race, which resembled Homo sapiens, much stronger.

And as they somehow restored the ruined world (of course, they had fallen far from the number one ranking, but they didn’t obsess over it), they faced the sixth world.

“First, let’s cooperate with the opponent…”

The opponent was a madman who had poisoned all the main races, livestock, and cultivated plants of the world.


He seemed to have only learned spells from the mysticism series 〈Poison〉 〈Disease〉 〈Curse〉. If the opponent’s race was not based on 〈Biology〉, they would just perish, but the madman with the heart of a beast stubbornly went all-in on the ‘I only kill living things’ tree…

Even though they tried to negotiate with the opponent, the opponent said, ‘There is no cooperation. If you don’t surrender, I will fight until I die, and if I think I will lose, I will poison your entire world and die gloriously.’ They encountered a true madman among madmen.

“How, how, how can I be so unlucky…!”

Ranked number one, Terasion, second in life score after the previous day’s Biin. The main build was a nature harmony + ecology concept based on 〈Life〉.

The life score, which once looked at 30,000 points, dropped to a mere 1,300 points due to four disasters and the sixth collision, and the ecosystem was almost irreparably damaged by the enemy’s endless poison attacks and the influx of biological species.


“It’s devastating.”

“We have to change the build… The population has decreased too much, so we have no choice but to develop centered on 〈Technology〉 and 〈Mysticism〉…”

They knew that the agricultural build based on 〈Life〉 was the best. They were originally gamers.

But… In the world of Terrasion, where most crops rot and the body has become extremely inefficient in resisting poison, it was no longer possible to pursue such an ideal build.

In a sense, it was the biggest turning point not only for Terrasion but for the entire game.

The other clones scattered to edit the opposing ecosystem and achieve harmony with my ecosystem, while I took charge of breeding to go to the main plan.

The angel also scattered to each clone, but the clone next to me approached cautiously with a curious expression.

“So, shall we now hear what this ‘main plan’ is? What are you looking for?”

To summarize, the ‘main plan’ is the goal, and the ‘main build’ refers to various strategies to achieve the plan.

It’s not a ‘one-tool’ strategy where you lose if you try only one strategy and fail.

The main build has several weapons. What I have found now is just one axis that constitutes the main plan.

It is significant that I was able to discover and establish one of the various axes at this stage.

“Understood. So what is it really?”

I showed the grasses I found in the wetlands of this world.

It’s not just one or two kinds. There are five or six completely different grasses. It is presumed that they were introduced into the enemy ecosystem during the ‘disaster period’.

“Oh. So, is this the main plan? It just looks like grass.”

Yes, it’s just grass.

“Huh? Really? Grass was already there, wasn’t it?”

Not all grass is the same. My ecosystem had grasses that grew in the desert and grasses that lived tenaciously in the dry air of the prairie, but there were no grasses that proliferated massively in various terrains such as wetlands, plains, prairies, and mountains.


Do you understand? The key is ‘massive proliferation.’ The survival strategy of these different grasses is just that.

Massive proliferation. Wetlands, swamps, fields, paddies, prairies, mountainous regions, even islands above the clouds. These weeds are spread all over this ecosystem.

“Oh… I see. So?”

“What do you mean ‘so?’ Hey. This is the end. We win with this.”

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“Huh, huh…?”

Why don’t you understand? Should I explain it step by step like the first collision?

“Hey angel. What is the first condition for establishing the concept of civilization?”

“Uh? Isn’t it technology?”

“Before that.”

“Before that? Intelligence? Or society?”

“Right. Society. Then what is the first condition for building a society?”

“The first condition…? Some common consciousness or system…”

The real first essential condition is not that.

“The first condition is a large population. To form a society, you need a large population. You can’t call three people a society or civilization.”

“That’s true.”

“Then how do you support that large population?”

The angel answered immediately.


And then screamed.

“Gasp…! Oh, no, wait. So.”

The strategy and main plan at the first collision point are fundamentally the same.

Starve them to death…! You don’t need to destroy 100% of the enemy’s farmland. Just lowering the efficiency is enough. In short, with these ‘weeds’ that are hard to remove, parasitize the fields, suck up nutrients, and reproduce massively.

If the annual food production decreases by just 10%, famine strikes. At 30%, people start dying of starvation. If it exceeds 50%, an apocalypse arrives.

Every civilization is like that…! The amount of food a living being needs is fixed, but you can’t arbitrarily reduce the population, so if you just reduce the food, everything—military, industry, politics, religion—gets devastated.

“Ah, no. Is that possible? Is it a viable strategy?”

It is. I’ve played the game. Even at a really high level, say over level 30, no civilization, no society, whether built by magic or super-science…

There was no place called ‘civilization’ that didn’t farm. No exceptions. Where is a civilization that doesn’t farm?



So I implanted the concept of agriculture in them.


Whether you use swords, magic, guns, or a superhuman to break down the walls alone, whatever the means, if you occupy the enemy’s capital with infantry, you win the war. To fundamentally destroy a civilization, you just need to cut their agricultural production by 50% and exhaust their stored food.

There is only one goal, but there are dozens of ways to achieve it. Whether you use weeds, monsters to occupy the land, or a plague to massacre the population, as long as you reduce food production, it works.

And the stored food is spoiled and depleted by rats, cockroaches, bacteria, and all sorts of means.

You cultivate life forms for that purpose, and starving the enemy to death is the ‘main plan’ of the anti-intellectualism build.


So anyway, you have to raise monsters. Not to directly destroy civilization. They are tanks, in other words, bait.

While the enemy is distracted by the impressive and terrifying monsters attacking the city and killing civilians, you fill their fields, forests, lakes, and seas with useless but extremely survivable ‘weeds’.

The dessert apocalypse begins not when the monsters start the massacre, but when the enemy is so distracted by the monsters that they fail to count the year’s harvest and stored grains.

“It’s ironic that just by the name, it sounds like you would never starve…”

Wait, would it be better to call it an apocatolypse?

“The name doesn’t really matter…”

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