Chapter 27. World Collision – Fifth –

There are a few impressive indicators of my current world state.

“Total Score LV.7: 71,567”

Firstly, the total score is level 7. Having gone through four world collisions, a level 7 score should be considered almost top-tier. Although I’m not exactly sure how high it is, they say those in the top 100 have over 90,000 points, but there’s a bit of a catch.

Those guys probably couldn’t buy mythic traits. If they have 90,000 points, most of them would have risen through cooperation without war, so if there are two people with 90,000 points, they would have to split it in half.

I estimated that the number of players who could buy mythic traits was at most a thousand, but in reality, it was much less, around 136? I kept a close watch until the community closed, so I’m sure.

I think most of them are not in the top 100 but are individuals who worked hard to earn points on their own. There were quite a few who were desperate to sell points. Those who rose through cooperation instead bought epic to legendary traits in groups of 2 to 8, so the balance should roughly match.

“Life LV.8: 31,692”

Secondly, life is already officially certified as number one. It would be unfair if it weren’t number one.

“Military LV.7: 13,742”

Thirdly, the military power is also level 7. Even in worlds with a lot of military power, it would be around level 5 to 6. Considering it ranges from 2,000 to 8,000, it’s almost overwhelming.

“Magic” and “Faith” unexpectedly rose by one level each after installing the “Spirit Realm,” which is surprising but not bad. Originally, it was in the 60,000-point range, but it rose to the 70,000-point range.

“Creator, I have reached my growth limit.”

“Oh. Already?”

Well, after consuming so much nectar and learning magic taught by Sesaisa, it’s no wonder you’ve reached your limit. Literally, you’re consuming all the resources of my world by yourself.

In the game Panwol, ‘unique creations’ had to go through a ‘promotion test’ every 5 levels. For example, the limit of level 5 stats is 32,674. If you want to raise the stats higher than this, you have to take a test regardless of the entity’s grade.

No matter how much you train, even in a fantasy world where you can cut mountains with a sword and burn seas with magic, it would be problematic if a powerful unit could destroy a civilization alone.

So, you have to take a promotion test every 5 levels. Some creations like ‘fairies’ are exceptions, so Apohjus is level 8 without a promotion test, just like the Nectar Spring, and regular entities that grow stronger by leveling up do something else instead of a promotion test, but anyway.

The moment I recognized the growth of Yog-Tosoth, an angel presented me with three possibilities.

“For Yog-Tosoth’s promotion test, we have prepared the following.”

“Hero’s Test: Achieve a feat above level 6 or achieve a contribution score of over 4,086 points for that feat.”

“Battle Mage’s Test: Reduce the enemy’s total score by over 4,086 points through combat.”

“Sage’s Test: Achieve a total contribution score of over 4,086 points in ‘Technology’ and ‘Mystery’ for the civilization.”

It doesn’t matter which one you achieve first. You don’t have to promote immediately after achieving it. The growth direction of Yog-Tosoth is determined by the passed promotion test.

“Can we achieve it in the next collision?”

“I don’t think so. Achieving a feat above level 6 in the fifth stage is extremely difficult, and before defeating the enemy, the Dessert Legion will probably destroy the enemy.”

“That’s right.”

“It doesn’t seem like a good thing to achieve. It means the opponent is stronger than level 6.”

Well, there’s no reason for Yog-Tosos to get stronger. Honestly, it’s already consuming too many resources.

Even with this, I won’t lose the next clash. It seems like I’ll just crush the monster meta with candy and biscuit drops. If the opponent’s resistance is fierce, I’ll call Yog-Tosos to beat them up.


The essence of strategy is that it becomes simpler when the power is strong.

However, looking at other indicators on my status window, it’s a bit complicated.

“Huh? Why are the stats like this? This shouldn’t be happening, right?”

It’s natural for the stats to rise like this, but why doesn’t my angel, who is part of the host, know the game rules?

“Better than a player who doesn’t know the game rules. Please explain the current status window situation. I am merely a subordinate agent of the host. I only know the rules, so you, Mr. Bean, should explain any actual strategies and interactions.”

This is ridiculous.

But well, it might not be wrong. I like explaining things. I also quite enjoy surprising this angel.

Anyway, my remaining consciousness will handle it. I’ll take this opportunity to explain the anti-intellectualism build to the angel. I’ll organize it myself.

What is the most important stat as the god who rules this game, or rather, the world?

If you ask every player what the number one priority is, all ten billion players would answer the same without exception.

“〈Life〉 is the most important stat.”

That’s because having 〈Life〉 at 0 means annihilation. The state where the defeat condition is achieved in the clearest form… Naturally, the number one priority is 〈Life〉.

Even players who don’t have an abnormal 〈Life〉 build like Bean agree with this proposition.

So, seeing Bean’s life being three times that of the second place was shocking.

Then, what is the second priority? If you ask, all players would answer the same.

“The second priority is 〈Military〉.”

This is also natural. Without 〈Military〉, in other words, combat power, you cannot protect 〈Life〉. Sometimes, military power is valued more than population.

It’s not about raising military power to protect people, but raising people to increase military power. Still, the country runs, and the world moves. It’s a deformed form, but it works.

Now, let’s ask the next question here.

What is the third most important stat among the eight stats?

Here, the answers of ten billion people are divided into six.

〈Industry〉 〈Technology〉 〈Culture〉 〈Politics〉 〈Mystery〉 〈Faith〉.

All six are too important and indispensable pillars for forming a civilization.

You can form a country and the world centered on each different pillar, and there seems to be no superiority.

It was the same in the game [The Fantasy World Creator]. It seemed like a simulation game with an abnormal balance that didn’t need any patches, as if it was made by a transcendent being. The depth of its strategy seemed infinite, and no matter which stat you focused on, you could achieve almost the same highest point. When facing the opposing world, the harmony of stats and the superiority of strategy determined the victory rather than the superiority of stats.

So, there was always a debate in the gaming community. “Which stat should be prioritized to build the most superior civilization?”

The answer was, “It depends on the world and environment you receive…” But still.

And Elguano, a player from a world other than Earth who encountered the game in the form of a ‘game,’ was someone who answered that question by saying that civilization should be built around Culture.

“In my opinion, if you just raise Culture in this game, you can build a civilization that is at least average.”

If you build around Technology, the highest score is high, and if you build around Industry, the lowest score is high. This much was common knowledge.

But the one that ensured stable growth in all situations was still Culture.

Being average was important.

This was important because Elguano didn’t think he would win among a billion people. So, being average was important.

So, what kind of stat is Culture? All stats have various influences, but the core function of Culture was to upgrade ordinary entities to Superior Entities.

Or ordinary entities could be upgraded to Unique Entities, and the likelihood of Unique Entities being born naturally also increased.

In the game’s explanation, Culture meant the manifestation and flow of Charm, and high Charm meant that the entity was superior. In civilizations with high Culture, there was a high possibility of entities with high Charm appearing, and thus, the likelihood of unique entities, one-of-a-kind entities, and superior entities appearing increased.

He didn’t quite understand the philosophical or game-like explanation, but… Anyway, the formula of Culture = Charm = Powerful Hero was certain.

“In reality or in games, a few elites eventually lead the country and civilization. What’s the point of training thousands or tens of thousands of mediocre people? In the end, if you just train a few elites with the best stats well, and let those elites lead the idiots, you can at least prevent the worst situations.”

Since it was a fantasy game, it was possible for a well-trained hero to literally face an army of a million. It was also possible for one person to handle the administrative work of a thousand people, perhaps because it was a fantasy game.

So. You just need to train heroes well. Elguano, who set such a strategy, experienced cooperation, betrayal, confrontation, and cooperation again until the fourth clash, and with luck overlapping continuously, he succeeded in raising the hero he aimed for by purchasing legendary traits in the shop section.

“It worked, it worked! I created a legendary entity at just the fifth stage!”

Thanks to an event that allowed him to create one ‘unique creation’ for free for some reason at the beginning of the game. Instead of creating a powerful monster that consumed a lot of energy for no reason, he chose a Symbol that could be called the hero of the ‘race.’

And he completed it with the culture he developed to the maximum possible by pouring all the resources of his world, and the legendary traits he purchased in the shop section.

「Shikadoz Legendary Symbol

Health LV.3: 622

Combat LV.5: 3,520

Skill LV.5: 2,645

Intelligence LV.4: 987

Charm LV.5: 4,558

Spirit LV.3: 771

Authority LV.4: 1,856

Magic LV.5: 1,977

Total Entity Score LV.5: 15,936」

Health is a bit lacking, but otherwise, it is competent in various fields. The biggest advantage, especially, is that thanks to the legendary trait ‘Dimensional Traveler’, it can cross over to the opponent’s world from the dimensional gate stage.

It is also competent as a diplomat who can easily captivate the leaders and people of the opposing civilization through high charm.

Thanks to its formidable combat power, if things go wrong, it can single-handedly terrorize and escape from the enemy civilization.

Thanks to its versatile abilities and high magic power, it has high survivability, so there is no risk of being captured and killed when crossing alone.

It is also intelligent enough to handle itself if thrown into the enemy world as soon as the world collision begins.

Elguano boldly proposed to his allies and subordinate gods to throw the legendary creation into the enemy world through the first dimensional gate, and everyone agreed. They said it was a strategy that could never fail.

“Hahaha! With just one Shikadoz, we can go up to round 15!”

“Yes! If we raise it well and continue to deploy the subsequent heroes, that much is nothing!”

So, the fifth world collision. The opponent player they met was ‘Veen’. Seeing that he was a solo player with no subordinates or allies, they thought he was either extremely aggressive or extremely unlucky.

“Well then. Go, Shikadoz! Show your power!”

【Yes. My god. I will complete the mission you have given me.】

And the ‘sure-win strategy’ named Shikadoz, which had grown by devouring all the resources of the civilization, boldly crossed into the enemy world…

“But Elguano. I think I’ve heard the name Veen somewhere before.”

“I think it was quite famous in the community, what was it…”

And their hero Shikadoz, who crossed over, fell into a strange slimy swamp filled with rock trees? and jellies.


“What…? No matter where I look, I can’t see any trace of civilization…”

And Shikadoz, looking around, saw a mysterious yogurt-colored foam at the top of the Nectar Oasis.

「Yogurtos 〈Legendary Unique Creation〉

From noble mtl dot com

Health LV.5: 3,561

Combat LV.7: 8,270

Skill LV.3: 773

Intelligence LV.4: 1,803

Charm LV.3: 729

Spirit LV.4: 1,468

Authority LV.7: 9,522

Magic LV.6: 6,548

Total Score LV.5: 32,674」



Both Shikadoz and Elguano rubbed their eyes and looked at it again.

「Total Score LV.5: 32,674」

No matter how you looked at it, there was a demon who had reached the limit of level 5 abilities and was preparing for the promotion test.

At that moment, a fellow god spoke up.

“Ah. I remember. That crazy guy who scored 30,000 life points was ‘Veen’.”

Instantly, the three allies and six subordinate gods in his world all felt a chill.

“Shikadoz!!! Come back immediately!!! Get away from that demon right now!!!”

When the dimensional traveler Shikadoz opened a dimensional gate with his own power and urgently threw himself through it.

A storm summoned by Yog-Tosoth exploded where he had been, evaporating part of the oasis.

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