The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 820: The situation is not so good

"Yes! I like you, and I want to get you." The woman said.

"Twisted melons are not sweet. Do you know this sentence?" Wang Fei said.

"Twisted melons are also melons, why not sweet?" The woman reached out and touched Wang Fei's face.

After flying, Wang dodged a bit, and then dodged.

"Oh! You are so interesting. Why do you want to hide? By this time, do you think you can escape?" the woman said.

Wang Fei was thinking drastically right now in his heart.

He was thinking how to get rid of this unfavorable situation.

He did not dare to act rashly for the time being.

Because this woman does not seem simple.

If the counterattack does not work, it is estimated that he will fall into a more unbearable situation.

"I am a clean and self-conscious person. I will not succumb to you easily. Madam, you are an individual, not a beast. Don't do such things that force others to make peace, okay?" Wang Fei said.

"Don't say so much useless, you have to obey my orders now, otherwise, I will shoot and drill an eye on you. You don't want to die so obscurely, do you?" the woman said.

"No! Even if I die, I won't do what I don't want to do. Madam, tell me, who are you? This is the third time I have asked you." Wang Fei said.

"I won't say who I am. But I can tell you my purpose. I am not malicious to you, and even I will not kill you. Because that is not good for me. My purpose It’s very simple. I just want to borrow seeds! I need a child. I fell in love with you. I think you are more suitable to be a child’s father. I won't bother you, look, is this okay?" the woman said.

Wang Fei blinked.

It suddenly occurred to him: The Japanese seem to be the most adept at borrowing species in the world.

When the Huaxia Empire was prosperous, they often sent some beautiful women to Huaxia. These women were willing to be concubines for the nobles in ancient China. They didn't want anything, just to have a child.


The purpose! It's very simple, it is to improve their own race.

This is funny to say.

But it is real in history.

Even now, there are some Japanese who borrow seeds everywhere for a certain purpose.

For example, there are Japanese women who ask blacks for borrowing in order to give birth to strong and athletic offspring.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Fei understood that this woman must be Japanese.

They used this method to find themselves, precisely because they believed that their genes were better, so they wanted to give birth to a child with their own genes.

After figuring this out, Wang Fei was a little bit dumbfounded.

"No! You use this method to force me to yield, I won't agree! Forgive me," Wang Fei said.

"Oh! Do you think, if you don't agree, I can't help it?" The woman said with a smile.

As she spoke, she took a cigarette from her own clothes next to her and dangled it in her mouth.

She took out another lighter and was about to light a cigarette.

When Wang Fei watched her lighting a cigarette, he put the gun in his hand on the bedside table next to it.

Wang Feixin said, this is a good time!

He suddenly flew up and kicked directly at the gun on the bedside table.


Wang Fei kicked the gun on the bedside table into flight.


The gun flew to the ceiling and hit the ceiling hard.

Wang Fei's left hand hit the hollow wood on the back of the bed.


The punch shattered the piece of wood.

Wang Fei was free.

But Wang Fei's sudden attack shocked the woman who was about to light the cigarette.

She jumped up and was about to catch the pistol that was falling from the top of her head.

Wang Fei is faster than her.

He flew up and kicked in the air.


This sturdy foot kicked the woman into flight.

However, when the woman was in the air, her body suddenly twisted very strangely and fell to the ground.

She also knows now that it's hard to come by today.

She grabbed a skirt to cover her body, opened the door and ran out.

When Wang Fei chased him to the door, the woman had already disappeared.

What a special thing!

The speed of escape is quite fast.

"Wang Fei, what's the matter?"

Li Nan in the next room heard the voice, came out of the room and asked.

Wang Fei raised his right hand, which was still handcuffed, and said: "A woman with a gun was hiding in my room just now. I almost followed her."

"What? A woman with a gun? Is the security in this Olympic village so bad?" Li Nan was very shocked.

People in other rooms also came out one after another.

Wang Fei recounted what had just happened.

The Chinese sports delegation is very angry.

The delegation protested to the Japanese side.

The Japanese police also attached great importance to it and quickly sent people to investigate.

However, they also failed to find out why.

As for the mysterious woman, there is no trace.

But one thing is certain, this woman entered the building where the Chinese sports delegation lives in the clothes of a waiter and opened Wang Fei's room.

Wang Fei could not fall asleep until late this night.

The next day, the Japanese police continued their investigation.

But their investigation still hasn't made any progress.

On this day, Wang Fei had no competition task.

He did not participate in football or basketball.

Wang Fei also did not appear in the two games.

Originally, Wang Fei wanted to go around downtown Tokyo and buy something for his family.

But because of what happened last night, he didn't go shopping.

Wang Fei stayed in the room to rest.

He had nothing else, except playing games, just talking on the phone with his family.

Then, Wang Fei also paid attention to the situation of the games a few days before the Olympics and the momentum of the Chinese delegation to win gold.

It stands to reason that in the first few days of the Olympics, most of the competitions are China's superior events, such as diving, gymnastics, and shooting. These are all major events for China to win gold.

However, this year's Olympics are not very good for China.

The two gold medals in the shooting project were lost. Gymnastics has also encountered strong competition from Europe, America, Russia, Japan and other countries.

The Olympic Games has reached the third day, and China has won only one gold medal, ranking fourth in the gold medal list.

This is a rare situation in recent years.

However, the host, Japan, has a strong momentum in winning gold.

Japan's dominant sports karate and judo have now become official Olympic events.

Moreover, because this is the local Olympic Games, the Japanese also occupy the right time and place. They have made it clear that they want to greatly increase the number of gold medals in their country.

The Japanese delegation ranks first in the number of gold medals. They have won 6 gold medals, one more than the 5 in the United States.

After reading the news, he shook his head and said to his heart that it is still not easy to have a good gold medal this year!

In the last Olympic Games, China's gold medal ranking slipped to third place.

Even ranked behind the British.

After reading the news, Wang Fei sighed.

He said to his heart, it seems that I have to work harder.

The two gold medals of basketball and football must be guaranteed!

Then we are guaranteed to get the gold medals in the 100-meter run and high jump. If these four gold medals can be added, it may change the situation that is not too favorable for the Chinese Olympic delegation.

At this moment, Meng Qingdong, the head of the Chinese Olympic delegation, is also a bit anxious.

He is in his room, calculating the gold points behind with several staff members.

After all the calculations, Meng Qingdong found that 25 gold medals in this Olympics is not bad.

If you can only get 25 gold medals, can you guarantee that the third place in the Olympic gold medal list will be in both places?

In the last Rio Olympics, the performance of the Chinese delegation was not very good. It only won 26 gold medals. In the end, it ranked behind the United Kingdom in third place.

If it continues to decline this year, the situation will be even worse. It may be overtaken by Japan, and even the number one in Asia cannot be guaranteed.

It is estimated that Chinese people will not be too satisfied with this achievement.

"Director Meng, I feel that we may not even be able to guarantee 25 gold medals. Because, when we calculate, some gold medals are actually not very sure, but they have the strength to win gold, but the competition is also It's huge," said Li Liang, the deputy head.

"That's troublesome. If our Olympic performance drops again, then we can't explain to the Chinese people!" Meng Qingdong said with a frown.

"Yes!" Li Liang said.

"You must ensure some gold points! Like Wang Fei's 100-meter sprint and high jump, as long as he does not have any accidents, he should be able to win gold. There are also men's football and men's basketball, is there also hope for gold? "Meng Qingdong said.

"There is a conflict between the 100-meter preliminaries and the men's basketball semi-finals. Both sports are scheduled on the morning of the 5th, one is at 11 in the morning, and the other is at 11:30 in the morning. It is very nervous." Li Liang said.

"How far is the distance between the two venues?" Meng Qingdong asked.

"The distance is not too far, it looks like 20 kilometers." Li Liang said.

"Make logistical arrangements! The 100-meter preliminaries are over in a matter of minutes. After Wang Fei has finished the 100-meter preliminaries, he hurried to the basketball stadium. It must be arranged, and nothing goes wrong!" Meng Qingdong said.

"If Wang Fei can really lead the men's basketball and men's football team to win the Olympics, it will definitely boost the hearts of the Chinese people. However, I don't think the hope of winning is actually too great." Li Liang said.

"Why not? The men's football defeated France. Isn't France the favorite to win the championship? The men's basketball team is even the two strong teams of Spain and Serbia. Even if the Americans are stronger, we still have a fight. Powerful. Right? Of course, these two big ball sports can only be said to have the hope of winning gold. It is not safe." Meng Qingdong said.

Like the 25 gold medals calculated by Meng Qingdong, this is a relatively secure gold point. Men’s basketball and men’s football are not counted. Even the 100 meters and high jump that Wang Fei wanted to participate in were not counted among the 25 most promising gold points because of some uncertainty.

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