The Almighty King of Sports

Chapter 700: My boyfriend is 100 times better than you!

"Really? I really don't know." Wang Fei said with a smile.

"I saw Wang Fei exposing the private message he sent. On the private message, Zhang Xiufeng was so arrogant, it made people feel sick to see. I really don't know where Zhang Xiufeng's self-superiority comes from? Why is he so arrogant to a superstar who has won the NBA championship and helped the national men's basketball team win the Men's Basketball World Cup." The driver said very angrily.

After talking all the way, Wang Fei and the three people arrived at their destination.

When he arrived at his destination, Wang Fei took out one hundred yuan from his wallet and handed it to the master.

"Don’t, sir, I won’t charge the fare. It’s a pleasure to talk to you. Besides, you can take a photo with me. If we chat with friends in the future, we can also brag about the king. Flew past our car." The driver master said.

"Ahem! I'm not Wang Fei." Wang Fei said.

"Haha! Stop pretending, I can recognize it, if you weren't Wang Fei, my eyes can be dug out." The driver's master said with a smile.


It seems that the disguise has failed.

Wang Fei had to take a picture with this master.

Then, when Wang Fei got out of the car, he still squeezed the one hundred yuan into the master's hand.

It is also very hard to drive. Wang Fei feels that he can't take a car for nothing in any case.

After getting out of the car, Wang Fei immediately put on sunglasses and a mask, and wrapped himself in full arms.

In order to make himself cleaner, Wang Fei could only do this.

Wang Fei accompanied the two girls into a large shopping mall.

There is an event in the lobby of the mall.

It is Li Ning Company who is doing the activity. They are doing a hot spot for the promotion activities of a large-scale specialty store opened in this mall.

The content of the activity is also quite novel: as long as you throw the ball more than 100 times, you can get a flying wing sports suit.

Bumping the ball is a commonly used method in football training.

Dumping exercises can best help players get the feel of the ball.

Generally speaking, the ball can be used in almost any position of the body, such as the outer instep, the inner instep, the front of the instep, and even the knees, shoulders, head, and back.

This is the most basic football technique.

But the popularity of football in China is really not that great, and the people who like to play football are only a small part of it.

Therefore, it is really rare to find a ball bumping more than 100 times among ordinary people.

Wang Fei looked at it for a while, and he wanted to walk away.

However, Liu Meijuan stopped him.

"Wang Fei, wait a minute, I want to go up and have a try." Liu Meijuan said excitedly.

"You? Can you bump the ball?" Wang Fei blinked.

Doesn't Liu Meijuan also like to play basketball?

"Yes! I first learned football when I was a kid, and then I became more interested in basketball." Liu Meijuan said.

"Well, you go up and try it." Wang Fei said with a smile.

Anyway, I came out to play today. Since Liu Meijuan is interested in going there, let her try it.

Liu Meijuan was on the stage.

When the host saw it, he was very excited. There were not many girls interested in playing the ball.

And the pretty girl hits the ball, it will also attract the attention of people in the mall.

Liu Meijuan had just stepped onto the stage, and there was a commotion among the onlookers.

"This beauty, do you want to try it too?" the host on the stage asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Liu Meijuan nodded.

"It seems that you like football very much. Right?" the host asked with a smile.

"It's okay, but basketball is my favorite sport now." Liu Meijuan said.

"Oh! Very good! I look forward to your performance very much." The host handed a football to Liu Meijuan.

Liu Meijuan reached out to catch it, and she put it on the back of her instep and held it firmly.

"Okay! You can start." the host said.

Liu Meijuan's toes lightly jumped upward, and the football flew.

Next, Liu Meijuan started her performance. She bumped the ball with her right foot a few times, then immediately passed the ball to the left, and her left foot bumped more than ten times in a row.

Then, Liu Meijuan began to show off the ball of her instep again.

Her performance is very beautiful and looks very free and easy.

The host will count the number of ball bumps for her by the side.

There are more and more audiences below, and many people are cheering loudly.

Wang Fei nodded, but he did not expect that Liu Meijuan's ball-driving skills were surprisingly good.

If he didn't get the football S-level skills, Liu Meijuan's performance would make Wang Fei feel very surprised.

On the stage, Liu Meijuan was also thrilled to perform. She picked up the football with her toes, and the football flew to her head. She wanted to perform an overhead ball.

However, this time it was a mistake. After the football hit the top of her head, it bumped and went straight to the stage.

Made a mistake!

Liu Meijuan was very disappointed.

She has already made more than eighty bumps, but only a dozen or so, she can complete a hundred bumps.

It's really depressing.

The football fell to the stage, just at the feet of a cool-looking young man. As soon as the man stepped on the football on his toes, the football flew from the ground again. The young man smashed the ball quickly, making great moves. Fancy and beautiful, one side walked along the steps to the stage.

The man came to Liu Meijuan's side. He kept pushing the ball on his feet, and smiled at Liu Meijuan and said, "Beauty, you have a good ball, and I seem to like football."

Standing in the audience, Wang Fei frowned.

You can tell at a glance that the young man seemed to want to blend Liu Meijuan.


It's too shameless to want to pick up my girl in front of me.

Liu Meijuan squinted at the slick looking man, too lazy to bother with him.

She looked at the host and asked: "How many times did I bump the ball just now?"

The host smiled and said: "A total of seventy-eight shots. It's really a pity. It's close to one hundred."

"Yeah! It's pretty close to 100, I'm really unwilling, or let me try again, okay?" Liu Meijuan asked with a smile.

"Of course you can. However, this gentleman seems to have not finished the game. It seems that he should be a master of the game." The host glanced at the man who was still playing the game.

The man smiled and said, "I'm going to be one hundred soon. Excuse me, what is your record of bumping **** up to now?"

The host smiled and said: "So far, no one has successfully reached a hundred strokes. This beauty's 78 strokes is already the highest."

"It seems that there are really not many people who have turned the ball around." The young man said, while still looking at Liu Meijuan with vacant eyes.

He hopes that he can attract the attention of this beauty on stage.

However, to his disappointment, the other party didn't even look at himself.

The man was very depressed.

He began to play with his ball-dumping skills even harder.

At this moment, someone in the audience yelled: "He is Zhang Xiufeng, the captain of the National Olympic Games! No wonder Dianqiu is so good!"

There was a sudden uproar in the audience.

It is estimated that everyone did not expect that the players of the National Olympic Games would suddenly appear in front of them, and they also played a ball-bending performance.

Wang Fei frowned.


Unexpectedly, this kid is Zhang Xiufeng.

It's quite show-off, and it's very active when you are in the limelight, but why is it that you don't have much energy when playing games?

Zhang Xiufeng on the stage was very proud to see that he was recognized.

In fact, Zhang Xiufeng's domestic popularity is not too high. Even if he walks on the street normally, no one generally knows him.

Mainly because in recent years, the performance of the national football has been poor, and the Chinese people pay less attention to football.

Even the captain of the National Olympics, the so-called genius of domestic football, is only recognized by a small circle of talents.

Zhang Xiufeng smiled and beckoned to the people in the audience. He knocked the football on his heel and the ball ran up his back.

Zhang Xiufeng bowed his waist slightly, and the ball rolled all the way to his head. He took the opportunity to gently push the ball upside down on his head, and his posture was very chic.

"it is good!"


Someone shouted in the audience.

"He has been over a hundred and ten times." A staff member next to the station told the host.

The host smiled and said to Zhang Xiufeng: "I really didn't expect that the captain of our National Olympic team would come to our event! Thank you so much! Mr. Zhang, you have completed the request for 100 hits, so, You will get a set of our flying wing sports suit worth 5888 yuan! Congratulations!"

Zhang Xiufeng stopped the ball. He ignored the host, but turned to Liu Meijuan and said, "Beauty, this is Zhang Xiufeng, can you meet me?"

Yes, he still wants to blend Liu Meijuan.

Liu Meijuan shook her head, shook her finger at Zhang Xiufeng and said, "No! I'm not interested in knowing you."

Zhang Xiufeng's face flushed immediately.

He didn't expect that he had already revealed his identity, and the other party still dismissed him, which really made him sad.

It was too embarrassing for him.

"I think, I can teach you how to play the ball, and it's free." Zhang Xiufeng brushed his hair lightly, and put on a posture that he thought was the most chic.

"No need to!"

Liu Meijuan categorically refused again, and she turned around to walk off the stage.

Zhang Xiufeng immediately became a little bit irritated.

But in the public, he is also a little helpless. After all, now is the information age, if he does something indecent, he will soon be agitated.

A good reputation is not easy to build, but notoriety can be quickly lost!

However, Zhang Xiufeng couldn't swallow this breath again.

He thought to himself, he was just courtship anyway, and since he has been rejected twice, he should give it up and try again.

Thinking about this, Zhang Xiufeng shouted at Liu Meijuan who was about to go down: "You are the girl I like, beauty, you can think about it again, I believe you, it is impossible to meet another one in this life. A better boy than me!"

This mall is very popular, and there are already no more than a thousand people around the stage.

Hearing Zhang Xiufeng so boldly wooing a strange girl, I was very surprised.

Wang Fei was even more depressed.

I rub!

What does it mean?

What he meant was: If Meijuan missed him, she couldn't find a good man?

Liu Meijuan had already come to Wang Fei's side at this time.

She glanced at Zhang Xiufeng, who was still standing on the stage, and said coldly: "My boyfriend is a hundred times better than you! You are not worthy of shoes for him!"

As Liu Meijuan said, she took Wang Fei's arm generously.

At this moment, Wang Fei became a target of public criticism.

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