Chapter 456 Research Totem Seed

That’s right, the Blood Essence that Li Xiushen prepared for the tribe is the Blood Essence of his core family, the emerald dragon snake. The previous emerald snake people were promoted to the sub-legendary species emerald dragon snake after integrating part of the dragon bloodline.

This new family is between three meters and four meters in height and possesses much stronger strength and talent than the emerald snakeman. After being transformed into an emerald body, it is immune to a large part of spells and possesses super resistance to physical attacks.

You must know that the jade of his incarnation is not the kind of jade commonly seen in the mortal world. Strictly speaking, it looks the same as jade but is actually a completely different substance, very hard.

However, it also inherits the weakness of emerald. It has a super defense against sharp and sharp weapons, but it will be restrained when faced with heavy weapons such as giant hammers.

Of course, this restraint is relative, and no amount of restraint mortals can hurt them with a sledgehammer.

Two emerald dragon snake totems are formed. After activating the totem, these two fighters can borrow the talents of the emerald dragon snake. If the totem integration reaches a high level, they can directly incarnate the emerald dragon snake, possessing all the power and talents of the emerald dragon snake. Is powerful.

The next two fighters who had just successfully activated their totems successively showed their own power in front of the tribesmen. They were the emerald incarnation and the petrification talent. As for the emerald dragon and snake, the newly activated totem could not be displayed.

Totem has four stages, namely, elementary, intermediate, advanced, and final.

The elementary level is the state where the totem has just been activated, and the maximum strength of the liberation totem is generally 20%.

Intermediate generally refers to the activation of the totem for a period of time. At this time, more totem power can be liberated, about 40%.

Advanced generally means that a totem warrior can dig a large amount of totem power, and can release more power, about 60%. The most important thing is that advanced totem warriors can completely activate the totem power and become a totem in a short time. .

Like the original strongest of the Vine Snake Tribe, and the patriarch of the Viper Tribe are both advanced totem warriors, with the ability to incarnate totems.

As for the ultimate totem, it is naturally the most powerful totem warrior, generally possessing more than 80% of the strength of the totem, and it is impossible to obtain 100% of the ability of the totem under normal circumstances.

The ultimate totem warrior can not only maintain the state of incarnation totem for a long time, but also has the ability of partial totemization. In simple terms, it can transform a part of the body into a part of the totem, possessing extremely powerful force.

In the following days, a new totem warrior was born every day in the dragon tribe.

The newly-born totem warriors displayed the power of the great naga in the tribe. The terrifying power, cool appearance, and powerful talents of the Shura naga attracted the elite warriors of the tribe. Kill powerful beasts as sacrifices, and sacrifice to the tribal dragon master to pray for totem seeds.

The totem warrior born in the dragon tribe is naturally called the dragon warrior. The beautiful golden dragon scale covering looks majestic and powerful. In any respect, it is better than the previous totem.

In the following days, Lin Xiao combined all the power of faith and prayer thoughts obtained by the tribe’s prayers with the blood and soul of the beasts from the sacrifices, condensing them into totem seeds, and then purifying them through the good fortune cube.Because he discovered that the totem seed bestowed by the totem is a mixture of the essence and soul of the fierce beast, as well as the power of faith and thoughts that are mixed with countless believers. Warriors who draw totems need to bear the pain of different bloodlines blending into their own blood, but also rely on themselves to resist all kinds of distracting thoughts, and carry these with mortal bodies. The success rate is certainly pitiful.

This is still using totem tattoos to suppress these pains, and the selected fighters are firm-willed. If you replace them with mortals, you will lose ten.

After studying these problems, Lin Xiao decisively used the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to purify the will of the beast contained in the totem seed, and to purify believers’ distracting thoughts and various thoughts.

After doing this, the only problem the totem fighters have to face is the rejection caused by the fusion of different bloodlines. This is unavoidable, even a good fortune Rubik’s Cube cannot be avoided.

He can use his divine power to purify the Great Naga Blood Essence to minimize the impact, but he cannot change the blood of the samurai who receives the totem seed. With so many warriors receiving the totem seed, he can never come and spend divine energy to purify one. Well, this is obviously unrealistic.

Solving other problems has basically solved most of the problems. At least the original success rate of 1 in 10 has a success rate of 7 to 8 in 10, which is a considerable improvement. .

In the following days, he successively condensed other big Naga Blood Essence blended sacrifices to give a totem seed.

In order to enhance the strength of the dragon tribe as much as possible, he relaxed the criteria for becoming a totem warrior, and some weaker warriors have a chance as long as they show their own courage.

Although their success rate is lower than that of real warriors, they also have a success rate of close to 50% after purifying the totem seed, which is enough to make them willing to take this risk.

When the tribal warriors were thrilled to become totem warriors, the first batch of weapons was finally forged after the Akafurn tribe in the base opened the furnace.

They smelted a large amount of iron ore into steel, and created a batch of standard-standard jungle warfare equipment for tribal warriors.

Including a set of light armor that does not affect flexibility, a round shield, a one-handed long sword, a pair of claw sets, and a batch of wooden javelins with steel heads.

Then, a batch of precious materials collected from the debris on the road surface were blended into an alloy that was harder and tougher than steel. This batch of alloys was used to create a batch of Totem Warrior-specific equipment.

The style is similar to the ordinary warrior suit, but the material is better and the defense is stronger.

In particular, the Protoss also added a bunch of BUFF and practical spells to this set of enchantments, which can be activated as long as the mind moves, such as Ascension defense resistance, weapon sharpness, acceleration, flashing, flying and other spells.

The tribe is developing like a fire, and its strength is increasing almost every day. The mood of the whole tribe is changing almost every day, and the powerful strength gives them more confidence.

The current patriarch and wizard leader of the tribe called many warrior leaders to actively discuss how to conquer more tribes.

These Lin Xiao looked in his heart and ignored him. He was not a nanny, he was only responsible for making the tribe stronger. As for how the tribe developed, it was up to them.

And he is not free now, he also has a lot of things to do.

for example…..

Inside the Void Battleship Flying Snake, Lin Xiao slowly opened his eyes, and his girlfriend who was sitting across from him also opened his eyes and asked:

“How? Did you feel it?”

He nodded and turned back:

“I felt that there are two on the west side of the main continent, one on the south side of the twin continent, and three on the sea outside the main continent. It is estimated that they have just entered this plane just like us.”

“There are a lot of people.”

Shen Yuexin frowned slightly and said:

“If you guessed correctly, this plane should be the main plane of this void. There are more than two thousand classmates who have been thrown into this void. It is normal for a few to enter this plane, and there may be a batch later. The students found that this plane, coupled with the sophomore and junior seniors, the competition is a bit fierce.”

Lin Xiao listened and said with a smile:

“Don’t worry, they are not our competitors, nor can they threaten us. Our competitors are sophomores and juniors. It’s been a year now, right?”

“Yes, it’s been a year.”

“There are totem warriors in the tribe?”

“Seven hundred and eighty-five.”

“A lot!”

Lin Xiao thought for a while and said:

“It’s time to expand. Let the marines who have mixed into the tribe promote the tribal meeting, prepare to expand the territory, and destroy the two nearest lizard tribes near the tribe, and you should become a totem.”

“Wait a moment.”

His girlfriend suddenly reached out to hold his hand, shook his head, and said:

“I don’t need to be a totem.”


He looked at the beautiful face of his girlfriend with a puzzled look, and she said:

“We don’t all need to be totems, don’t you think that one of us is a totem to hide ourselves, and the other is not a totem. Would it be more advantageous to be able to appear under the sight of others?”

Lin Xiao thought for a while and nodded:

“You mean, you want to use your body as bait?”

“Yes, totems on this plane can hide themselves, and can also sense all non-totem outsiders in the plane. We are in the light and the other is dark. At that time, we may be able to solve several competitors by ambushing.”

Lin Xiao has nothing to say, her idea is indeed very good.

Gently squeezed her soft, boneless hand, and put it to her lips and kissed it lightly.

“Then don’t stay too far away from me in the future, lest I can’t be caught in a sneak attack.”


Two months later, the tribe officially set out to attack the Heli Tribe, but neither Lin Xiao nor his girlfriend went out with the army.

Hundreds of great naga totem warriors plus twenty eighth-tier legendary great naga, as well as the soul beasts of the lizard king, are enough to wipe out the two river lizard tribes.

After the expedition, he did not pay attention, just let his girlfriend pay attention, his main spirit is in front of things, he is now studying the totem seeds of the totem samurai.

This thing is the thing that can directly direct the strength of the Ascension tribe, but it is rare for an elite warrior. He has to find a way to reduce the use conditions of this thing so that ordinary fighters can also use it, and the success rate is not too low. Now there are hundreds of ordinary tribal fighters. The death rate of 50 per cent is still too low.

This is a warrior in the golden age, and it is a pity to die like this.

This time he didn’t study it slowly by himself, but directly used the good fortune Rubik’s Cube to analyze. For this reason, he did not hesitate to consume good fortune energy to study.

Even if you want to covet the supreme priesthood that may exist on this plane, and you also want to plunder the power system of this plane, then you must be willing to invest.

To be willing, to be willing to have something to gain, to want to gain without investing in anything is a dream.

The will is immersed in the good fortune cube. There is a group of golden blood cells in the big space that is spinning around. This is a complete big naga totem seed, as long as it passes the test, it can be integrated into the body to become a big naga totem. warrior.

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