Chapter 225

Although the upper limit of this plane’s power is not high, after all, there are several Transcendent-level powerhouses, knowing that there are other planes besides the plane. In fact, there are spatial cracks leading to other planes on this plane, but it’s just too much. Ordinary people can’t pass the danger.

Yun Shaoning intends to stabilize and reinforce the cracks on these planes as a natural gate to different planes, and use it as a springboard to attack and conquer other planes.

But before that, he must first summon the Kingdom’s skillful craftsmen to build a cross-interface portal.

According to the regulations, the portal was built within one year, that is, at the end of the first stage, but that was only the standard for the first stage of excellence. In fact, most students would overtime. He didn’t care about the first stage’s results at all. The focus is on the second stage.

Like him, Lin Xiao did not rush to build the portal within a year. After taking the small drow city, he moved the base as soon as possible, and began to expand with the space below the city location as the center.

This drow enslaved tens of thousands of slaves, plus the conquered before, at this time Lin Xiao had a total of nearly 20,000 people in his hands.

The war game population is the resource. He selected a part of the 20,000 population of more than a dozen races to establish a full-time army, the remaining cave people farm, and the gray dwarves specialize in mining.

As a civilization that can build cities, the drow is one of the rulers of the underground world no matter what plane it is in, and this plane is no exception. Lin Xiao obtained detailed information about this huge underground world from them.

Yes, you can use the word huge to describe it.

After obtaining the information about the underground world they knew from the drow, Lin Xiao knew that this plane was not the small plane he had imagined, and the area was probably a bit large.

He remembered that he had just arrived in this strange plane group. There were many joint-like nodes in the overlapping plane group like octopus tentacles. The volume was much larger than the plane that formed the tentacles on the side. It is estimated that he is now This plane that comes down is which large joint node plane.

Of course, this large scale is relative to the other small planes of this plane group. According to the general standards of the Chaos Virtual Sea, this is only a medium plane.

Although a little unexpected, Lin Xiao was happier instead.

The plane is larger, doesn’t it mean that if you can successfully conquer this plane, even if you only use half of the certificate, the evaluation will definitely be super high at that time.

Because of this, he slightly changed his own plan.

It turned out to be waiting for the establishment of the cross-border portal, and immediately summoned his family members to push the plane horizontally. If it is really a small plane, it is not difficult to do it.

But now I find that this is a medium-sized plane, and I have encountered a seemingly giant dragon before. It is not easy to attack this plane, especially now that it will be discovered by the will of the plane at any time. Once discovered, it is the whole people. All enemies.Actually, it is not true that the whole world is an enemy, but under the cue of the will of the plane, all the creatures encountered will be involuntarily hostile to him, making it easier to encounter powerful monsters.

For example, if there is a giant dragon in this underground world, the sleeping dragon suddenly wakes up because of hunger or an earthquake, and then it seems to fly towards him unknowingly when going out hunting. Once you find him, you will definitely treat him as a prey, regardless of whether a person’s meat is enough to stuff your teeth.

Normal dragons rarely take humans as food, and they are too small to cram their teeth, but this is not a problem under the hint of the will of the plane.

Even if he was as small as an ant, he might be burned to death by the dragon with a mouthful of dragon’s breath.

At this time, it has been more than a year, and I don’t know if it is the reason for hiding in the underground world. Planar Will has not found him after more than a dozen scans. Lin Xiao is accidental or accidental.

But not finding it is a good thing. At this time, he has collected enough resources and has built a cross-world teleportation array, just waiting for activation to open.

However, Lin Xiao did not activate immediately, but temporarily sealed it, and continued to command the conquering subordinates to expand outward and conquer the underground creatures or tribes in the nearby underground world.

Because once activated, it will be immediately discovered by the will of the plane and fall into a hostile environment where all the people are enemies. Even the conquered subordinates may rebel or flee.

Therefore, he has to conquer more underground creatures as much as possible before he is discovered, establish a huge power first, provide resources for himself, and act as cannon fodder for his dependents.

In the next time, other students activated the cross-border portals one after another, and immediately opened the gates of God’s Domain after unlocking the permissions, and summoned a large number of family members to start raiding the current plane.

Even Yun Shaoning was no exception. As soon as the portal was completed, a large number of family members were immediately summoned to defeat the other two kingdoms in the plane together with the empire he ruled, and unify the entire plane.

Then began to stabilize the few spatial cracks in the plane, looking for the next target of the strategy.

By the time he found a plane that was determined to be dozens of times larger than his initial plane after exploring, he was ready to attack, it was already the third year after their arrival.

Outside of the void, the huge void battleship was still quietly moored in the void, and all the Elder divisions were still there.

These are just one of the many incarnations of the seniors. What should the real body and the other incarnations do? The most recent task of this incarnation of the seniors is to stay here…and have fun.

Each true god has a varying number of incarnations. Generally, the incarnations possessed by the weak divine power of the newly enshrined god are related to the number of their own priesthood. The initial few priesthoods can have several incarnations. The rules governed by these incarnations correspond to the priesthood.

For example, Lin Xiao will have the four priesthoods of truth, creation, great naga, and murloc in the future. Then after he was appointed as god, he will have the four incarnations of truth, creation, naga, and murloc, the power of the incarnation and these four priests. Corresponding, and has the power of half of the true body godhead level.

For example, the real body has two levels, and the incarnation is only first-level.

But once he was promoted to a weak power, he would have five incarnations of the gods.

These five incarnations all possess the four priesthoods of truth, creation, naga, and murloc. They also have only half the godhead level of the true body, but their strength is much stronger than the previous incarnations of the priesthood.

Most of the seniors sent by the seniors are incarnations of the priesthood, which shows that they are still in the stage of weak divine power, and the 16 seniors and the teacher in charge have only three incarnations of the gods.

Three years was almost fleeting to the true god who had already entrusted the gods with Immortal life. No one was impatient because of the long time. Instead, they were interested in observing the performance of the students as they entered the second stage.

At this time, the light curtain had been disassembled, and each senior had a huge light curtain in front of them, inside each showing their optimistic younger brothers, and one of the seniors was optimistic about Lin Xiao.

The senior looked at the light curtain with great interest, and suddenly he slapped the table and pointed to the screen in the light curtain and said to the other seniors:

“This young man is fine!”

He raised his head and asked Jin Sisi:

“Senior Sister Sisi, come and see this classmate, is it one of the few students you like?”

Several people around looked over, Jin Sisi took a look and nodded:

“He counts as one.”

“That’s all right, this time he estimates that he will get the best spot.”

At this moment, the other seniors all stretched their heads to take a look, and nodded one after another. One of the seniors said in a rather surprised tone:

“How did he do this, it’s been three years since the Plane Will hasn’t scanned him?”

He looked at the other seniors and said:

“It seems that more than eighty people have not been discovered yet. The one who persisted the longest before persisted for thirteen months and was discovered.”

The group of people surrounded and observed for a long time to no avail. Senior Su, rubbing his chin, stared at the growing huge city in the huge underground space in the light curtain, and muttered to himself:

“There is no reason. With the territories he is currently conquering and the servants who are enslaved, he is considered a decisive force in this node plane. The world can’t discover it, and the interference from the underground to the will of the plane is not as high as imagined.”

At this moment, a senior pointed at the light curtain and shouted:

“Look, he is about to activate the cross-world teleportation array to summon the family members.”

Everyone cast their gazes over and saw a huge circle in the center of the huge underground city in the light curtain lit up. White magical auras spread rapidly along the circle, and finally gathered in the center of the circle, turning into a huge and terrifying power. The beam of light soars into the sky…


All the seniors leaned forward at the same time, staring wide-eyed into the light curtain. The beam of energy exuding surging aura suddenly disappeared silently after less than 100 meters out, as if it had been directly erased. , But all seniors know that this cross-border portal has been activated, but…

“Why didn’t the plane will respond?”

It’s not just that the seniors don’t understand, even Lin Xiao himself is confused, he has planned to be found by the will of the plane to be the enemy of the world, but he didn’t expect…

“This is not normal, this is absolutely not normal!”

There was no joy on Lin Xiao’s face.

Normally this is a good thing, but you can still make a fortune if you don’t find it.

But this situation is so strange that he can’t sleep well without knowing it.

The first thing he thought of was the good fortune cube in his hand, but he wanted to go to the good fortune cube and did not have this function. His own Gold Finger can only decompose, refine, merge and other simple functions. In these aspects, it is estimated that God -Tier power is not comparable, there is absolutely no such function encountered now.

except this…..

He ruled out one by one the treasures that might have this effect in his hands, and soon thought of two possibilities.

One is the priesthood of truth, and the other is the core shell of the crystal wall system.

Looking at the good things in his hands, the only things he can do are these two.

Well, after thinking about it, he ruled out the priesthood of truth.

The true priesthood of truth does have the ability to hide its own, but the problem is that he has not yet condensed the priesthood of truth, but is just about to take this path.

Excluding this, the answer is ready to come.

He wanted to return to the realm of God to communicate with the real body, and when he returned, he couldn’t stop the joy on his face.

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