Chapter 198 Wisdom Goblin Hero-Alemante

Through the shuttle window, Lin Xiao saw the huge mountains below, tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers high, and he couldn’t see the edge at a glance.

In front of the flying shuttle, there is a huge peak standing between the sky and the earth. The surrounding peaks of dozens of hundreds of kilometers are like small points in front of the huge peak. Countless streams of light shuttle above these mountains, toward the top of the billions of mountains. The huge vortex-like portals with an indescribable diameter gathered together, and the billowing clouds turned into a huge vortex like a Galaxy.

Their flying shuttles also flew toward the huge vortex like other streamers, and the closer they were to the vortex, the more they appeared to be insignificant.

This huge nebula-like vortex is the door to the Huiyao Super Academy, and Huiyao is in the space behind this door.

Flying through the huge portal with no side visible upwards, it felt like passing through a thin layer of light film. Lin Xiao could clearly feel the changes in the rules after the light film-much weaker than the main world.

Reflecting in them, he saw a faint purple light blooming on Shen Yuexin’s body, and the silky faint faintly looming, and the space above his head was shrinking and collapsing inward, like a black hole that attracted his sight, but he couldn’t see the Rubik’s Cube.

But this did not attract their attention, at this time their attention was attracted by the outside scene.

After the huge vortex, it was not what he had imagined, but a huge starry world. They were in a huge Galaxy, behind the huge light gate, but behind the light gate vortex, far away In the void, a huge Star is burning and releasing terrifying energy.

On the orbit of the Galaxy where this Star is located, huge stars are slowly circling the Star along a predetermined trajectory.

This is a huge Galaxy.

But not the Galaxy in the sky, but the simulated Galaxy.

In other words, in fact, this huge space as large as the Galaxy is not space in the true sense, but a huge transformation of the kingdom of God.

Yes, it is the kingdom of God. As a divine creature, once you enter this dimension, you can clearly know that this is a kingdom of God, but it is too large.

Fei Shuo stopped in front of the light gate. A few seconds later, a beam of light shot from a huge planet in the distant sky, which hit Fei Shuo. A gentle voice came from Lin Xiao’s ears:

“Don’t move, don’t resist.”

Then, the shuttle was led by this light beam, traversing hundreds of millions of miles in the void at an ultra-fast speed, and came to another smaller planet not far from the sky above the blue planet.

Looking out through the window, Lin Xiao was surprised to find that the two planets are completely the relationship between the earth and the moon.

No, when he saw the shape of the land on the surface of the big planet below, he found that this was a simulated earth and moon, or that this huge kingdom of God was a simulated solar system 300,000 years ago.

The flying shuttle was led to a huge airport on the moon and stopped. The two walked out of the flying shuttle. At the door stood a young woman dressed like a uniform with a ponytail and looked clean and vigorous. She smiled slightly and asked crisply:

“Are they Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin classmates?”

Lin Xiao nodded:

“we are.”

The woman said:

“I’m Yang Yue from Class 3 and 5 of Huiyao No. 2 Middle School. I’m also an assistant in the high school department. You can call me Xiao Yang. I’m here to pick up two people to go through the admission procedures.”

Lin Xiao said:

“If possible, can we see your credentials?”

The woman was taken aback for a moment, and handed over the sign hanging on her chest. Lin Xiao swept it to make sure it was true and then smiled:

“That’s a problem for Senior Sister.”

“You’re welcome, those two will come with me.”

Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely to pretend to be a staff member of Huiyao, but everything cannot be said absolutely. It is always right to be careful.

“By the way, the rules here are looser than those in the main world, and you can fly.”

Speaking of the woman flying into the air towards a large group of shadows hanging in the air, Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin hurriedly followed.

At first, Lin Xiao thought that it was a high-tech modern building suspended in the air. After all, the mythological content of this god’s country was quite high, but when he got closer and could see clearly, he realized that it was not the imaginary modern aerial city. It is a large floating city floating in the air of different sizes, full of exotic style towers, and various buildings full of magical style, giving people the feeling of being in an exotic arcane empire.

Yang Yue took them to fly into one of the huge floating cities, which felt larger than the average city, and introduced while flying:

“This floating city is numbered 02 floating city. It is a general office space for Huiyao High School. It is usually reported here.”

Along the way, they saw figures flying from a distance into or out of the floating city from time to time. Most of them were young people. Yang Yue continued:

“These few days are the date of the report. There are a lot of people. Of course, you don’t have to line up for special recruitment. There will be someone who will handle the admission procedures for you.”

Then, she led Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin around a tall tower with several long lines, and came to another tall tower with few people.

This tall tower is properly a modified version of the legendary Master Tower Master World. It is more advanced than the foreign natives’ Master Tower. The surface is like a crystal, and the top is shining. Two tall Vajra stone golems stand at the door. A powerful golem comparable to the legendary level, with super high defense and immunity to almost most of the spells, and the front can be used to fight the dragon, which is very suitable for nursing homes.

When the three came to the door, Xiao Yang stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. A light shot from the huge crystal embedded in the gate of the mage tower to illuminate the three. A few seconds later, a mechanical voice sounded:

“Identity verification passed, please come in!”

The door opened silently, and Lin Xiao entered the tower, feeling the same as passing through the space barrier as he had entered this Galaxy before. This wizard tower turned out to be a space of its own.

From the outside, it looks like a tall tower with a diameter of five or six meters and a height of about forty to fifty meters, but the actual interior is only tens of thousands of square meters on the first floor, which is exactly like a modern large office building.

Dozens of staff ignored them. Xiao Yang took them to the office where the dean of education was hung and tapped lightly. Through the glass door, you could see a middle-aged bald man browsing the Internet. The small light curtain in front of the big light curtain turned off, and he shouted straightly:

“Come in.”

“Director Zhang, these are two special admissions for this year’s Super Freshman Summer Camp.”

Yang Yue put a piece of information on the desk and stepped aside. The bald man surnamed Zhang touched his bald head, picked up the information, flipped through and threw it aside. He raised his head and glanced over the two people carelessly, and suddenly when he saw Shen Yuexin His pupils shrank slightly with a hint of surprise and suddenly became serious. After a few operations on his personal terminal, his eyes became obviously more serious. He sat upright and said in a deep voice:

“Before enrolling two people, please follow the routine procedures. Please also show the special sign of the two people.”

Lin Xiao rolled up his left sleeve, and the gleam of light on his wrist drew a mark from Huiyao. On the other side, Shen Yuexin only showed the back of her hand, and she made her mark on the back of her hand.

“Very good, nothing wrong!”

Director Zhang suddenly became enthusiastic. He moved his fingers to the terminal in front of him a few times, and raised his head and said with a smile:

“The two are indeed the second of the ten special enrollment students of this school this year. According to the document, this Lin Xiao student will be assigned to the Second High School Elite Class One, and this Shen Yuexin student…”

He paused for a moment and smiled more on his face:

“It will be assigned to the first class of the second high school elite.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yue, who was beside him, looked at Shen Yuexin with a look of astonishment on his face.

Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin were also surprised and surprised. If they were right, it seemed that the first middle school only recruited the descendants of Huiyao’s direct descendants. Auntie had a very clear background and should be assigned to the second middle school just like him.

She pointed to herself and asked very unexpectedly:

“Did you make a mistake, I was really assigned to one middle school?”

“Yes, no mistake, the above files are indeed distributed like this!”

Director Zhang explained patiently with a smile.

Shen Yuexin…..

Lin Xiao…

Yang Yue…

Coming out of the tower, Lin Xiao and Shen Yuexin stood silent by the gate of the tower.

The school’s decision caught him off guard. He also wondered if the two were placed in the same class, whether they were relatives and acquaintances, or in the same class. If they get along day and night, can they catch her in the second year of high school.

It was very embarrassing that she never expected that she would be assigned to one middle school.

On the side, Yang Yue saw that the two of them realized that their relationship was not normal, so instead of urging them, they deliberately walked farther and stood quietly waiting for them.

There is no way, if it is divided into different classes, you can try to discuss it, but this is a branch school, and it definitely cannot be resolved. Even if he can’t go to a middle school, it is impossible to let her come over.


He sighed in his heart and looked up just to see her looking over. The two looked at each other, and Lin Xiao, who was subconsciously about to avoid, suddenly had courage in his heart and looked straight into her eyes.

Shen Yuexin’s face was flushed, and she bit her red lips and turned her head to reveal her charming chin.

He stepped forward to her eyes, carefully examined her delicate and attractive face, and said:

“I will send you a message when the procedures are completed, and we will talk.”

She turned her head and looked at his eyes, her eyes were a bit complicated, and she answered softly after a long time.

A smile appeared on Lin Xiao’s face and said softly:

“Then you go first.”

She nodded, and Yang Yue, who was not far away, walked over, and the two of them sat on the magic flying carpet and flew into the distance.

Lin Xiao jumped into the air alone, clicked on the wrist wheel to open the light curtain, the map of the school was displayed on it, and navigated to a certain direction according to the map.

After the official report, he and Shen Yuexin simultaneously obtained certain permissions for the Huiyao, which includes the university district and the middle school district, just like a Galaxy, such as fixed-point transmission and flying permissions.

Any formal high school student of Huiyao has the first-level permission of the Kingdom of God and the permission to fly freely, and the general student of the university department and the senior high school student of the elite class have the second-level permission.

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