Chapter 99 The Elites of Provincial No.1 Middle School

“Shen Miss?”

“Student Lin Xiao!”

The two screamed at the same time, and then laughed again.

Shen Yuexin lightly pulled the hair hanging in her ears and said:

“Classmate Lin Xiao just call me classmate Yue Xin, are you here to report?”

“Yes, is Yue Xin, too?”

“Then why are you here alone, no one will lead you?”

“Someone picked me up, but they drove me to the school gate and left.”

“I mean, in the school, the security didn’t let anyone send you over?”



After a few seconds of silence, Shen Yuexin said:

“Then you come with me, and I will take you over.”

“It just happens that I’m not familiar with it here.”

Twisting the handle of the little motorcycle, he didn’t see the magic flying carpet moving, and raised his head in confusion. Seeing her suddenly covering her mouth, her big eyes slightly bent, she suddenly chuckled and pointed at his motorcycle:

“You’d better change another one. This is the car of Teacher Li’s granddaughter in the second year of high school.”


Lin Xiao almost broke out a swear word, knowing that something was wrong, such a small car would be a student riding, it must be the security guard deliberately jealous and jealous.

Silently got out of the car, parked the small motorcycle carefully on the side of the road, looked around, and he spread his hand to Shen Yuexin:

“You go first. I’ll walk over. Anyway, there is a map and I won’t lose it.”

Shen Yuexin nodded:

“All right, see you later.”

If he didn’t mention a ride, she would naturally not take the initiative to ride him, they were just a fate, and they were not familiar at all.

Fortunately, don’t worry if you have enough time, you should exercise.

The valley between the two peaks is only thirty to forty meters wide. There is a row of unknown trees on each side. Behind the trees is a row of gravel walkways. There are a row of stone benches every short distance on the side. A row of ornamental bushes, and beyond, is a well-kept green lawn that extends along the gentle slope to the mountain.

The path is very quiet, only the rustle of wind blowing leaves and the occasional bird song, or the occasional whistling…

He turned his head and saw a missile-like flying vehicle with a silver streamer, whizzing from the direction he came from, and quickly passed over his head with a strong wind and a whistle.

“Sure enough, anyone who can study in the Provincial No. 1 Middle School has money.”

Although Lin Xiao came from a good background, it was only for ordinary civilians. Among the descendants of the same True God family, he appeared to be very ordinary. He didn’t have a product that combined magic and the technology of the main world.

It’s not that I can’t afford it, but I can’t afford such a high-end one.

“Let’s go!”

I took my two legs and continued on the road, and finally passed through this seven-to-eight-kilometer-long gorge two hours later. From a distance, I saw a circular arch 20-30 meters high at the end of the gorge, and two thick trees. The crooked neck tree leaned on the left and right of the arch like a guard.

Approaching the arch, Lin Xiao found that the crooked-necked tree was two sleeping tree monsters. The prosperous branches and thick roots spread extremely widely, covering almost the entire vicinity of the gate.

The two tree demons are sleeping at this time, but once an enemy arrives, they can immediately pull out the root system and fight against the branches.

Standing on a horizontal branch on the archway was a crow as big as an eagle and covered in a light gray mist. Seeing the crow in the forest, the crow came spit out with a sharp voice:

“Does the kid in front have a pass?”

He didn’t take out the temporary student card given by the security guard. After the previous incident, he didn’t believe in that guy anymore. He directly took out the invitation letter for the super freshman summer camp. The crow flew over and circled him, Lin Xiao felt a feeling Faint energy fluctuations.

“You can go in now.”

The crow flew back to the fallen branch and ignored him.

Walking to the entrance of the arch, the sensitive facial muscles felt a faint thin film, which burst at the touch of a touch. It was exactly the same as the energy barrier arranged by my mother at home. The function was to restrain the energy from spreading and had no defense function.

Entering the door, it feels like passing through another world, and a refreshing energy rushes toward the face.

What surprised him most was that this layer of light film had a phantom function. Before looking at the archway, there were only a few small buildings and a garden, but when he came in, he saw a tall building and three small buildings. The tall building was on the left. The small building is on the right, and the square in the middle extends all the way to the distance. A dozen young men and women are divided into two groups and chatting on the square. Seeing Lin Xiao that suddenly appeared, everyone cast their gazes at the same time.

“A newcomer is here.”

A handsome, unspoken man dressed in a gorgeous robe, hair as white as snow, and two small horns between his forehead, put his hands behind his back, and said to a companion on the side:

“Tang Ling, go ask where the newcomer came from.”

Tang Ling is also a very handsome young man. In fact, all of these more than a dozen men and women are handsome men and women. As descendants of true gods, there is no ugliness. Even though Lin Xiao is not comparable to these, he can be called handsome. .

However, this Tang Ling was obviously not interested, and waved disapprovingly:

“We know who is eligible for the summer camp in our city. This kid is not the same as us at first glance, so why don’t we ask any more.”


Gucheng didn’t force it, he stretched out his hand and stroked his beautiful hair like snow, then turned and said:

“I heard that the content of this summer camp is different from the past, and the danger is higher than before. Does any of you have the means to know the specific situation?”

After speaking for a while, no one answered. I looked up and saw a few companions shaking their heads or shrugging shoulders or looking at other places. Obviously they didn’t know.

Just as he was about to ask something else, one of the boys with blue hair and eyes spoke:

“I don’t know the specifics. I only know that according to the rotation system, the host of this summer camp is from the military. According to the military style, the difficulty is definitely higher than before, and it pays more attention to actual combat. There will be a high probability of death.”

Gucheng pursed his mouth and said:

“That might be troublesome.”

“What is afraid of, even if it is dangerous, it will be in the range we can deal with, and it is impossible to give tasks beyond our ability.”

“It might be possible.”

A yellow-haired boy with yellow hair said:

“In the past few sessions hosted by the military, there were no tasks beyond our response. Which session was not unexpected?”

Everyone was silent for a long time, and someone said:

“Then it seems that my two spare card slots have to be used.”

“Be careful, I have to use the spare card slot I left. It happened that my dad gave me an orange weapon card a few days ago to arm my family.”

“I’m still short of a batch of equipment. Any one of you has a better shield. The number is more than two thousand. I will exchange it with a card of the same level.”

“I have a batch of stainless steel round shields, I don’t know if it suits you.”

“Yes, what kind of card do you want.”

“By the way, Lin Xu, didn’t you ask for an ecological card last time? I have a small forest ecological card, including eight tree species, hundreds of plants, and hundreds of insects. Would you like it?”

“Yes, what card do you want?

Lin Xu recovered and responded to his companions, and at the same time quietly sent a message to Lin Xiao.

The seven people gathered together and quickly turned into a small exchange meeting. Not far away, another group of students did not join, but instead formed a small circle to communicate with each other. It was obvious that these were two different circles.

Lin Xiao looked down at the message sent by Uncle Xiaotang and asked him to wait.

He replied ‘um’, found a chair and sat down.

After a while, Lin Xu came over and sat down beside him, and said:

“Let me take you to find the teacher who leads the team, but before that, you’d better figure out which circle to join.”

“What circle?”

“All the students in Yunmeng Province who received the invitation letter of the Super Freshman Summer Camp are gathered in one center, which is divided into the provincial government circle and the circle outside the provincial government. If you are a foreigner, the default is the circle outside the provincial government, but you Would you like me to introduce you to join my circle.”

“Are you from the provincial government?”


“What’s the use of joining? Do I have to add it?”

“It’s up to you whether you add it or not, but if you don’t add it on either side, you will be rejected by both sides. If you join one side, not only will you not be rejected, but you can also exchange basically any card except the divine card internally, and the leading teacher is One in.”

It can be considered to save trouble, Lin Xiao nodded and said:

“It’s okay to join, but I don’t want to be called a little brother at will.”

“I can’t guarantee this, but you can show your own strength or potential, and you won’t be bullied if you reach the standard.”

“How to show?”

“A fight with simulated projection!”

It’s so direct, but it’s fair, he likes it.

“That’s OK.”

In terms of overall strength, he may not be able to compare to these elites who are far better than himself, but if he is just a simulated projection fight, he is worthwhile.

This so-called simulated projection is like the first stage of the final exam, projecting a part of God’s family to a virtual plane to fight, no matter how big the loss is, it will not hurt God’s realm. It is the most common way for students to test their own strength, and it is also the most common way. The right way to challenge.

Lin Xiao does not exclude any circle, but it is inevitable. No matter where there is a circle, there is a circle where there are people. It is not easy to be excluded if you can’t join the circle.

He would not think that he had to join the circle outside the provincial government if he came from outside the provincial government. Of course, whoever is good would join in which side, anyway, there is a cousin who is familiar with it.

After the grandfather’s birthday banquet, he exchanged contact information with Lin Xu and talked about it.

This seemingly arrogant cousin is not as difficult to get along with as imagined. The reason for arrogance is that the Lin family has no talents of the same age. In his words, it is all idiots and naturally disdains communication.

Like Lin Xiao, who has also received an invitation letter from the Super Freshman Summer Camp, he has already been recognized by him, and his attitude is naturally different.

As Lin Xu went back and communicated with his companions for a while, the seven people came to Lin Xiao. Walking in the center was the ancient city with all white hair. He looked at Lin Xiao up and down and said:

“Are you Lin Xu’s nephew? It’s not bad to be able to mix up in a small place like Dongning City. Look at Lin Xu’s Face to give you a chance. You can pick a simulation match among us, as long as you can hold on for an hour. Even if you pass.”

Lin Xiao was also welcome, and directly said to the cupped hands of the yellow-haired boy:

“Please advise!”

The little Huang Mao smiled and said:

“You are polite, my name is Shang Xiaoxue, come with me.”

After that, he turned and walked to the tall building on the left, Lin Xiao bit his lip in the back teeth, and almost couldn’t hold back a laugh.

“In elementary school…”

This name is too individual.

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