At this moment, everyone watching this game was wondering how much Akutsuma's strength would drop. Would it drop by 20%, 30%, 40%, or more?

But no matter what, no one dared to think that Akutsuma would still be in his prime!

After a short silence, the crowd exploded.

"How can Akutsumi still hit a ball like this? Something is wrong. He just ran more than 30 kilometers. How come he still has so much energy?"

"Monster, this is a real monster! Fighting him is just asking for trouble"

"I feel that the first rookie in this U17 training camp should be Akutsumi. His physical fitness is too terrifying. I have never heard of it."

"Is the rookie No. 1? I think it's more than that. Even the top players in the first team, combined, probably don't have as strong a physique as Akutsuma.

There was no absolute dominant champion in our two classes, but this class has two dominant champions, Akutsuma and Byodoin Phoenix. I guess the No. 1 position in the U17 first team will be replaced soon."

"That makes sense. I heard that the current No. 3 of the first team lost to Byodoin Phoenix in the national competition two years ago. The new champion of U17 is about to be born."

The spectators were talking about it.

There was no suspense in this reshuffle battle and even in the next few reshuffle battles of Akutsumo. Even though Akutsumo was so exhausted, he could still burst out with such strong strength.

Everyone believed that Akutsumo would win all the reshuffle battles and eventually enter the top of the first team.

The only suspense was.

Where would Akutsumo rank in the first team.

Top five?

Top three?

Or first?

Many people were breathing hard and excited.

They had a hunch.

They were likely to witness the birth of a legend.!

"It's over."

Akutsumi's opponent couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He was too strong.

So strong that he had no desire to fight.

He thought God had given him a chance to survive.

Now it seems that he was overthinking.

Akutsumi was a pervert, no matter how weak he was, he couldn't touch him.







Akutsumi didn't drag his feet.

He won six games in a row and won the set.

He didn't let his opponent get even a small point.

"The reshuffle is over!

Akutsumi wins and advances to Court 5.

Shintani Yuta loses and moves to Court 8."

After the game,

Akutsumi put away his racket.

He didn't talk to his opponent anymore.

Instead, he turned his attention to his mind.

The Gaia Blessing and the Heart of the Strong entries kept flashing, half purple and half gold.

"Is the entry about to reach the critical point of upgrading? It's just in time."

Akujinmo's eyes narrowed slightly.

According to past experience, as long as the relevant training continues, in a month, the Gaia Blessing entry and the Strong Heart entry will be completely transformed.

This is just in time.

A month later, it is just the time for the overseas expedition to begin.

Now he is the strongest in the U17 training camp.

But his comparison target has always been professional players.

And the Gaia Blessing entry and the Strong Heart entry that have completed the transformation can make him truly have the strength to fight with top professional players!

"Brother, you are awesome."

Akujin handed Akujinmo a bottle of water.

"Ah Ren, you are in the second batch, right? Play well next time."

Akuzumo took the water and smiled. It's just a top team in Kanto.

There's nothing much to say.

All the high school students who were invited can easily shut out their opponents.

But he just finished a long run.

That's why it looks so amazing.

"Don't worry, big brother, I will also shut out the opponent!"

Akujin Ren said confidently.

It's just a No. 5 court, it's easy!

Akujin Mo found a step outside the court.

He sat down with a big move.

He has been busy for more than two hours.

Let's take a break first.


Coaches meeting room.

The three coaches also learned everything that happened this morning.

"I knew Akutsumi was very strong, but I didn't expect him to be this strong.

In the final of the American Youth Challenge, he played with Reinhardt from the first game to the tenth game, and his condition was always stable without any ups and downs.

I thought that was his limit, but now it seems that I underestimated him.

How many kilometers did he run before the game?"

Yukio Kurobe sighed.

In all these years of teaching at the U17 base, he has never seen a player with such abnormal physical fitness as Akutsumi.

Even looking around the world,

Yukio Kurobe doesn't think there is another person who can do what Akutsumi does.

"It won't be less than thirty kilometers. The Byodoin Phoenix only ran ten kilometers before stopping. I didn't expect that the physical fitness gap between the Byodoin Phoenix and Akutsumo would be so big.

The skills that Akutsumo showed in the American Youth Challenge were obvious to all. He was also stronger than the Byodoin Phoenix. Some of his moves even reached the professional level.

If the Byodoin Phoenix's strength did not improve, it would be difficult to defeat Akutsumo."

Saito Shi said slowly.

Strength, speed, endurance, and technology.

These four dimensions.

The Byodoin Phoenix can only match Akutsumo in strength.

The rest of the speed, endurance, and technology are not as good as Akutsumo.

Is this a crushing from the world level?

They were originally very confident in the Byodoin Phoenix, thinking that the existence of the Byodoin Phoenix would definitely make Akutsumo feel the strength of the Neon U17 training camp.

Unexpectedly, they still underestimated Akutsumo.

"In fact, the existence of Akutsuma is a good thing, because it can make Byodoin Phoenix realize in advance that the world is not so easy to deal with.

In the past, Byodoin Phoenix has been too smooth, and it is time for Byodoin Phoenix to accept some setbacks, the heavier the better.

Without destruction, there is no construction. If Byodoin Phoenix can comprehend the Ashura Shinto, then all the setbacks he accepts are worth it.

Including this year, Byodoin Phoenix can participate in three World Cups, and we can't fantasize about achieving success in one battle."

Takushi Ryuji gave the opposite opinion.

"That's right."

Saito nodded.

"Let's contact the head coach of Mifune. The longer we wait, the more trouble we will have. We should keep Akutsumi in the U17 team as soon as possible.

Today's incident will soon spread out, and then the U17 leaders of other countries may come to snatch Akutsumi from us."

Kurobe Yukio said


Saito Shi and Takushi Ryuji nodded at the same time.

After what happened today, the three of them are more determined to take down Akutsumi!

PS: Please give me flowers and comments. 1000 flowers/100 comments will add one chapter.

15,000 flowers and one chapter have been added. Six chapters are expected today.

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