Tech Hammer

Chapter 390 Pain and happiness

Because the March Prize Award Ceremony does not need to be dedicated to commemorating a certain deceased leader, its schedule is more flexible than the famous Nobel Dinner. It is always held on the first Sunday in March. This is the advantage of playing the home game in China. You can determine the time yourself. At least it is friendly to those who really care about the latest progress. For children who often work overtime, at least they don’t need to go to work to watch the live broadcast, or just watch the live broadcast. Can watch the recording.

In addition, because this is just an awards ceremony, there is no meal included this night. Therefore, the past three award ceremonies were usually held at six o'clock to open the door to officially welcome the guests, and the awards were given at half past seven. The ceremony started on time, and the entire award ceremony was not very time-limited, between 120 and 180 minutes.

Currently, the longest one is the first March Awards Ceremony, which lasted for 180 minutes and was full of useful information. In addition to the winners’ speeches and some programs arranged in the middle, there were also world-renowned major The bosses of technology companies were invited to the stage to deliver some simple speeches and make some small prospects for future technology.

The next two awards ceremonies mostly ended in about two hours. After all, the award ceremony is not a report meeting.

Although the March awards ceremony lasts only one night, usually the heavyweight guests invited by the organizing committee will arrive in Beijing in advance. This is true no matter which session it is. This year is even more exaggerated, perhaps even more exaggerated than the March Awards Ceremony of the first year, because this time the organizing committee invited more important guests.

Especially this time, Ning Wei also showed a different courtesy and tolerance than before. For the first time, he took the initiative to book all the rooms in the Yanbei Boya Hotel and Wenjin International Hotel near Yanbei University, and arranged for important VIPs to stay.

Of course, this money cannot actually be said to have come from the March Prize Organizing Committee. After all, there were a lot of big names this time, so I didn’t receive an invitation, but there were quite a few who wanted to come, and this time the March Prize Organizing Committee rented the auditorium of the Centenary Lecture Hall of Yanbei University, with a total of more than 2,000 seats. , there are enough seats, so more than a thousand sponsorship seats have been released.

Want to be in the same frame as the big shots?

You can buy tickets for the awards ceremony. . The few tickets that sit very close to the big guys in the front row are actually not expensive. For just 200,000 yuan, you might be able to get up close and personal with the CEOs and even bosses of the world’s top technology companies, as well as Nobel Prize winners and the world’s top executives. The professors from the top 10 universities were chatting and laughing, and maybe even asked for a group photo or something, but it wasn’t really too much.

It's not a big deal if I just want to come to watch the ceremony and don't have the need to interact with big shots. Tickets for the back row and the second floor are not expensive. You can stay in the same room with the world's most cutting-edge scientists for only 1,800 yuan, so it's not a big expense.

Under this line of thinking, although the budget for holding this ceremony this year is very high, in fact, for the organizing committee, the income even exceeds the expenses. Basically, by the way, all the bonuses that need to be paid this year are earned through ticket money. A little half will come back.

Of course, if Ning had not invited a large number of big names who are almost household names in China to attend this grand event to save face, the viewing tickets would not have been so expensive and so popular...

So although these big guys got benefits and could stay in hotels arranged by the organizing committee for free, they still earned it from their own reputation.

Of course, these operations were all planned by Ningwei early.

In fact, there were still a lot of objections at first. After all, it is somewhat impolite to hold an award ceremony in China and sell tickets for the ceremony. Moreover, the March Award Ceremony is not a commercial award after all. It is an academic event, and the smell of copper is afraid of being affected. to the March Awards.

But Ningwei pushed forward this kind of viewing system against all opinions.

In his words, world-wide academic conferences can collect money from applicants, so why can’t we charge money for such an awards ceremony? After all, academic work also costs money. High-precision instruments cannot be transported to the laboratory by themselves. After all, they are obtained in exchange for real money, so when it comes to charging, there can be no ambiguity.

Of course, the fees for the annual awards ceremony are not fixed. If there are many big names following, a batch of tickets will be slightly more expensive. If there are not too many heavyweight guests, the tickets will be cheaper, fully respecting the market.

Therefore, the ticket price for the first awards ceremony and this year's good location is the highest, but it is also the shooter.

This is also the reason why Ningwei has the confidence to book a hotel this year, since he won’t lose money anyway.

At the same time, what is even more different this year from previous years is that Ning Wei is much more enthusiastic for this year's award ceremony. Every time a big boss gets off the plane, he will announce it on Weibo, and by the way, he will go to greet him. Photos sent by staff.

"Pat Gelsinger, the president of Intel, can be said to be an old friend of ours. This is the second time he has been invited to the capital of China to attend the March Award Ceremony, which shows that he attaches great importance to the March Award. How can I put it this way, I have been supporting Ning Xin since its launch this year? This person can handle it!"

"Mr. Tim Cook has arrived. The March Awards have been held for four and a half years in total. This is the third time he has participated. This alone shows that Apple attaches great importance to the Chinese market. Maybe we can look forward to the next generation of Apple products." What kind of surprises will it bring us? Of course, the premise is that Apple uses our Ning core in MAC."

"This is Mr. Gérard Mourou from France. I believe that if we go back nine years, you will be able to recognize this Nobel Prize winner in physics at a glance. Nine years ago, he discovered a method to generate high He won the Nobel Prize in Physics that year for his method of producing high-density ultrashort optical pulses. Likewise, he is also my partner and one of the academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am really happy that he can still come to our awards ceremony in March."

"This is an old acquaintance, Mika. As the winner of the first March Physics Prize, I believe he must be very excited today. Because last time he told me that as a former March Prize winner, he came to China He actually didn't expect that he still had to pay for the room himself. I've booked the room for him this time, and he should be very satisfied."

“Everyone should know this person, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. He also came to the first March Awards. When I invited him this time, he didn’t have time. Later I told He, come on, at this award ceremony, I will show you what the metaverse will be like in the future, so he changed his mind. I believe that after the award ceremony tomorrow night, he will be very greedy!"

When Ning Wei's Penguin Weibo starts to update crazily, often updating twice or even three times an hour, everyone actually knows that this means that Academician Ning's Weibo has been generated by a copywriter very quickly. took over.

After all, Ningwei used to keep Weibo updated every year, so it is impossible for him to be so diligent.

Although this suspicion is completely unfounded, it is indeed true.

Of course, Ning Wei didn't have time to pay attention to the scenes of these big guys rushing to the capital, especially since these people were still very busy. They all rushed to China one or two days before the award ceremony. There was no need to do anything else to pay attention to him one by one. Yes, I would rather not have that much time.

Of course, the effect is also very obvious. Ning Wei's account has been popular on Penguin Weibo. The direct effect is that the attention on the Internet to this year's March Awards Ceremony has skyrocketed. I have to say that it makes sense to hire celebrities for advertising, at least in terms of the speed of diffusion.

"Mr. Xiao Ning, this prosperous age is as you wish!" This is what Yu Xingwei said when he walked into Ning Wei's office door at the Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center. The title still maintains the previous habit. Instead of calling him academician, he calls him President Xiao Ning.

"Haha, Brother Yu, stop making trouble!" Ning Wei stood up with a smile, stepped forward and opened his arms, and the two hugged each other hard.

In the past few years, the two have been spending time together and away from each other.

Yu Xingwei was invited to Yanbei University to give two lectures, but when he came, Ning Wei was busy in the laboratory at the Intelligence Research Center, and the two of them failed to meet.

So after receiving the invitation letter this time, Yu Xingwei came here in advance just to meet Ning Wei.

"How's it going? How are your missiles doing recently?" Ning Wei asked with concern as they sat on the sofa where Ning Wei was meeting guests.

"Hey, with the support of March Intelligent Platform, it is difficult to do well. Now I am working with Academician Tan to prepare for the upgrade of the inertial navigation control platform. After attending the award ceremony tomorrow, I will probably be busy for several more years. ." Yu Xingwei said with emotion.

"Is this putting another burden on you? Then when do you and Xiao Liao plan to get married?"

The Xiao Liao mentioned by Ning Wei was the daughter of Jiang University professor that Lu Changbin was planning to introduce to Ning Wei, but Ning Wei refused to give in. So when Yu Xingwei returned to Jiang University to do his doctoral thesis, Lu Changbin still acted as a matchmaker, and the two We started dating at that time and have been dating for many years now.

This is probably one of the reasons that prompted Yu Xingwei to do the current research. The research institute happened to be in Jiangcheng.

"Probably next year. I just bought a house this year and it's being renovated. The plan is to have a wedding on May Day next year. Then I want to ask you to be our witness." Yu Xingwei said happily.

"Haha, no problem. I will make time to come out and go back to the school by the way. Dean Kong has told me several times to cheer up the junior brothers and sisters, but I have never been able to spare the time. Old Kong has There is resentment."

"Don't worry about this. When I went to see Director Lu a few days ago, I heard that Principal Du was going to be transferred, and Lao Kong might be promoted. It would probably be at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. After May Day next year, it would be a good time to congratulate Lao Kong. step up."

"That's a good relationship. By the way, I heard that you were promoted to a senior high school student last year?"

"Well, I have removed the subtitle, and now I am a researcher. Before leaving yesterday, the dean also talked to me and asked me if I wanted to take on a graduate student. I haven't decided yet."

"I won't give you any advice on this. It depends on your thoughts, but there is one thing. It is unforgivable to not treat guests when you are promoted. Today's lunch and dinner are yours. I'll call Xiao Jiang and ask her to come with me. By the way, I’ll call all my idle students, so be prepared to bleed a lot.”

"I... No, Mr. Xiao Ning, you came all the way to see you with me, and you still want me to pay for the meal?"

"Otherwise? Shouldn't you treat me to dinner if you get a promotion or raise your salary?"

"No, you didn't invite me to dinner when you were appraising academicians?"

"Ha... Who was the one who made the most noise in the group and asked me to give out red envelopes? How many times can the red envelopes I gave out be enough to treat me to dinner?"


"Okay, don't be depressed. It's still early at noon. We just happened to go see how the field test went. My students are still working overtime."

In the parking lot of Yanbei International Airport, a Maybach slowly drove out of the parking space and kept up with the Mercedes-Benz leading the way.

In the back seat, Pat Gelsinger and Tim Cook were sitting side by side.

They didn't come to China on the same plane. In fact, Pat Gelsinger's plane landed about half an hour earlier. I just heard the staff who came to pick him up said that Tim Cook's special plane still had twenty minutes. It would land, so he simply waited for Tim Cook to land with his entourage, and then the two of them went to the hotel arranged by the organizing committee.

"Cook, you are retiring next year. Your contract will not be renewed this time, right? How about it? Have you chosen your successor?" Pat asked with emotion in the car.

Speaking of which, Pat's impression of Tim Cook has not been very good since about five years ago, when Apple decided to cooperate with Huawei. He originally wanted to see Apple as a joke, but after so many years, Apple still maintains high-end The advantages of the market, especially after Apple's electric cars expanded their production capacity a year ago, have already achieved certain market competitiveness.

This year, Apple has made no secret of its ambitions. A senior executive directly stated in an interview that Apple Car will challenge Tesla, the world's best-selling car, within three years. And it is said that in order to achieve this goal, Apple has formulated detailed plans to build an Apple Automobile Industrial Park in China.

Of course, from the perspective of Apple car development, this is also a must.

According to Apple’s public financial report, nearly 70% of Apple’s main parts suppliers are currently in China. Opening a factory in China will undoubtedly make it easier for those at the helm to allocate resources and significantly increase production.

At this stage, Apple has opened a number of laboratories for electric vehicles in China. It is said that it is better to use the advantages of platform resources to integrate technical strength. Paving the way for the formal construction of the industrial park. However, the site for factory construction is still in the site search stage.

This is probably the reason why Elon Musk will also come to China this time. At present, everyone is under great pressure.

"Let's talk about it then. There is no rush. I would rather consider this issue after the Apple Automobile Industrial Park is on the right track. After all, I am still young, right?" Tim Cook smiled slightly and said road.

"You are already 68, don't you plan to retire and enjoy life?" Pat Gelsinger shrugged.

"Yes, I'm not ready yet. At least for now, I can't imagine getting up in the morning and doing nothing." Tim Cook replied with a shrug.

"Okay, then as a partner of Huawei, you should know about Ning Xin's situation, right?"

"Haha, Pat, you think too highly of me. How could I know this? You must know that the emergence of Ning Xin will affect not only Intel, but also us. So they have done a good job in keeping this confidential. Just like I don’t know what changes will be made in Intel’s next 15 generations of CPUs, I also don’t know the specific situation of Ningxin.”

"Okay, Tim, I think now is not the time to test each other. I have been thinking these days that maybe now is the time when we need to unite most. Only by uniting and making a unified voice to the outside world can we make the difference between now and the future. Investment and effort make it less ridiculous, don’t you think?" Pat Gelsinger said seriously.

"Are we united?" Tim Cook closed his eyes. After opening them, he asked: "Pat, you know, Microsoft just acquired Blizzard Activision. I don't want to comment on what other people have done." decision, but the timing was clever. I’ve been studying history lately, and you know what I discovered?”

"What?" Pat Gelsinger asked.

"Every era, every dynasty, has a fixed law of development. Miraculously, it is very similar to the law of development of life. At first, it grew tenaciously, grew up from various harsh environments, and then entered an era of prime and prosperity. , and then gradually decayed until it was replaced by another era or dynasty. For example, in the old era, if you controlled the land, you controlled everything. In the previous era, if you mastered the machine, you controlled everything. In this era, if you mastered the Internet, you controlled everything. Dynasty Morning and evening, I don’t agree."

"The same is true for operating companies. We cannot keep a company in a positive and progressive attitude forever. And Intel has a history of 60 years. If you can accept that Intel has passed its heyday and has begun to enter a period of decline, This is the initial condition for unity. But obviously, it is difficult to make this decision and it is not in the interest of the majority of shareholders, so true unity is impossible to achieve."

The staleness in Tim Cook's tone irritated Pat Gelsinger.

"Tim, you are capitulationist."

"Haha, Pat, this has nothing to do with whether to surrender or not. There are some things that are useless for us to discuss. It's better to wait until after the award ceremony if there is anything that needs to be discussed. I believe you also want to know, that young man What kind of answer will a person hand over, right? But one thing, Pat, I still suggest you to relax your mind. After all, that young man has never let himself down when it comes to disappointing his enemies. In The experience of living in this world for 68 years tells me that once you meet such a person, maybe it is the best decision to cooperate with him."

"Do you know who was the last person who gave me this feeling? Yes, it was Steve. Although he is a paranoid guy, many times people want to open his head to see why he is so stubborn. . But you have to admit that if you stand on the same line with him, you will always get surprising results..."

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