Tech Hammer

Chapter 383 Ning She went on an expedition, but not a blade of grass grew.

The new dust report ranked first on the blackboard was really dusted this time.

It must be admitted that the role of red envelopes is terrible. In order to answer all the questions correctly and get the rewards they deserve, too many people read those dark histories seriously.

When a media that always advertises itself as serious but always gives the impression that it is not serious, all the mistakes it has made in the past ten years are summarized, which is absolutely shocking to people. The impression formed at that moment was that even the Sun Newspaper on the other side of the ocean did not dare to be as shameless as the New Dust Newspaper. In fact, it had already reached the ceiling of shamelessness.

Others, such as the BBC, NBC and other internationally renowned media, say shameless things and engage in fake news, which can even be said to have ulterior motives for publicity. These guys are doing it for the sake of traffic and don’t even want to lose face.

In addition, the kids from Ningshe were probably quite unhappy when they designed the questions. Although there were ten media on the list, three of the following questions related to Xinchen Daily, forcing many netizens to repeat them. Find the content in these black materials.

This also makes this impression more unbreakable.

Of course, the remaining nine media accounts on the list are no better. . . Basically, the most shameless one is Xin Chen Bao, and then he brings nine younger brothers...

How should I put it, when the sun rose the next day, the whole Internet started discussing this matter.

Countless media outlets began to report the news. There is no way, even if the media does not report it, there are too many online channels reporting it. If Ningshe's manipulation is added to this, it will really scare many people...

Then a particularly magical scene appeared. Countless media began to report the causes and consequences of this incident very impartially. Ningwei's judgment was correct. Countless media people with conscience really stood up one after another and began to criticize the media in order to grab the news, regardless of the news. Ethical principles are criticized in the news, and various comments and editorials are published one after another seeking to occupy major pages...

Maybe some of them are fishing in troubled waters, but there is no doubt that the Sunshine News rating algorithm system jointly promoted by Ningshe and Penguin Group has begun to be known to more people.

Of course, the most hurtful thing among them is Weibo...

From yesterday's glory to today's desertion, according to department estimates, due to Ningshe's operation, Xingyu Weibo's daily activity may be reduced by 55% and monthly activity may be reduced by 30% in the near future. The daily activity decreases more than the monthly activity because many users may temporarily uninstall Weibo. When encountering some major events, in order to participate in discussions, they may reinstall Weibo and uninstall it again after going online to browse. Of course, this behavior is unsustainable.

What’s even more frightening is that the brand value of Xingyu Weibo has begun to shrink rapidly.

Now too many netizens believe that it is precisely because of the official encouragement of Xingyu Weibo that these unscrupulous media are unscrupulous.

To be honest, this result exceeded many people's expectations.

After all, the targets of Ningshe's declaration of war this time are countless media, which can be said to be the professionals who are best at manipulating public emotions.

It is said that many of these media outlets have prepared promotional materials long ago, waiting for Ningshe Software to really choose between Weibo and Weibo, and then publish them immediately to denounce this bullying behavior. After all, they are professionals in guiding public opinion.

However, Ningshe's 500 million red envelope directly caused many promotional materials to be aborted.

After all, do you give me red envelopes after reading your reports?

Last night, Ning She’s 500 million red envelopes had already been collected. So in order to promote their own Weibo, Penguin Group spent another 300 million. As long as everyone continues to answer questions, they can still get red envelopes, but there are less red envelopes. Many, at least the twenty yuan given by Ningshe has become one yuan, and at most it is only one hundred.

But it doesn’t matter. At this time, netizens who had missed the first wave of red envelopes yesterday were already attracted by curiosity and wanted to see these dirty materials. Although the red envelope is much smaller, at least there is still money for it. It's still very delicious to pick up money while eating melon...

Of course, some media, including the New Dust News, are still struggling.

For example, Xin Chen Bao published seven Weibo posts last night clarifying the negative news. But it is a pity that every time a Weibo post is posted, the comment area is full of beautiful Chinese with Chinese characteristics. Reading too much will make people autistic, so all Weibo comments are closed, making it seem that these contents are completely absent. Not the least bit convincing.

Then I watched the number of fans drop like crazy. In just one night, I lost tens of millions of fans.

It has to be said that this wave of Overlord Fist really stunned Xin Chen Bao. Everyone in the office was very low-key, no one left, and no one discussed anything. It was completely different from the heated atmosphere in the afternoon.

Especially those reporters and editors who were exposed in the black material, those so-called reporters who were proud when they appeared in the video, are probably the most embarrassed at this time.

After all, this time my underwear was turned inside out.

Ningshe did a great job. The real name and the photos from public channels were all summarized together and fully exposed. If you want to continue working in this industry, it will most likely be difficult.

These may not be problems. The bigger problem is that the boss locked himself in the office and never came out. According to the secretary, the boss has been answering the phone, his face is very bad, and two cups have been smashed. Of course, these are all understandable. After all, the shareholders behind Xinchen News have been hacked like this, and their peers have long stripped them clean. It is impossible for the higher-level guidance department to remain indifferent at this time.

No matter how many achievements we had in the past, at this time, there is a high possibility of losing soldiers and retaining commanders.

If Xin Chen Bao really fell, it would be a big deal for them. After all, it’s time to eat!

Yet it all happened.

The official Weibo administrator of Xinchen News was suddenly asked to hand over the account password.

After handing these over, within ten minutes, he found that he had been kicked offline and could not log in.

After the news came out, when everyone started to check their own newspaper's Weibo, they suddenly found a newly updated Weibo. It was still an apology on Weibo. What was even more frightening was that what they were most worried about finally happened.

"I'm sorry that due to improper management, some employees in Xinchen Newspaper have made too many mistakes due to their professionalism and unfamiliar business skills, which has eroded the public's trust. It was announced today that Xinchen Newspaper will enter an indefinite period. During the shutdown and rectification stage, after the rectification is completed, we will continue this cause with a more positive attitude, embrace the news sunshine rating system, provide the public with high-quality, warm, and correct value-oriented news, and will become the unremitting efforts of Xinxinchenbao Pursue."

As soon as this Weibo post came out, everyone's heart dropped.

Unlimited closure for rectification...

In the past, when this kind of thing happened, let alone indefinite suspension of business for rectification, it was not even closed down. This time it is really a big deal!

Sure enough, less than ten minutes after posting on Weibo, the boss finally walked out of the office, looking dejected as if he had aged ten years.

"I want to inform you that we need to reorganize and optimize, and I am included in the optimization process. Next, the group will come down to talk to you one by one. If you have any demands, you can think about them in advance. There is nothing you can do in the near future. Everyone You can choose to go home and rest, and just come here after receiving the call. In addition, I suggest that if you have a way, go to the personnel as soon as possible. I have already said hello to the administrative side. Everything will be done as soon as possible and everyone will not be stuck."

After a long silence, someone finally asked about the most important thing.

"Mr. Xu, how is the group going to resolve the matter of compensation?"

"Compensation?" The boss looked around the office, with a hint of a smile on his face: "New ordinary employees can have a good talk with people who have come from the group and find ways to fight for it, but I suggest that the old employees Be careful. The headquarters will thoroughly investigate all previous records. If you are caught reporting in violation of professional ethics, forget about compensation..."

"As for the reporters and editors mentioned in that mini program, I suggest that regardless of whether you have found a new job or not, you should go to the human resources department and submit your resignation report today. Of course, if you still want to fight for it, just pretend that I didn't say it. , so be it. But I still want to make something clear to you. The higher-ups have spoken out. For some news that has caused serious consequences, the reporters involved may be held accountable, and even the leaders of the group may have to take the blame..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the office began to look at each other, especially many reporters and editors who had been at the newspaper for many years.

This... what does accountability mean?

Do you even need to check the past?

It is definitely not just the Xinchen Newspaper that is feeling the pain at this time, in fact all the media named in the mini program are suffering.

Many reporters and editors even hope that some of the reports they have published never appear online.

Some bosses described it as more serious, but it only involved the revocation of their editorial and journalist certificates. Even if they were banned from entering the industry for several years, it was still acceptable. However, some interviews and reports that have caused serious consequences, and the possibility of retroactive criminal liability have really frightened many people.

This is not groundless news. It is said that professors from the five colleges and four departments of the legal field have begun to discuss the legal discussion on the criminal liability of the media for such irresponsible news reporting. After all, the bottom line issue cannot be trampled on.

From this point of view, resigning is not the most honorable choice.

What’s even more frightening is that at this time, countless colleagues began to add insult to injury, not only reporting on this incident, reprinting the dark history in the mini program, but also criticizing on the Internet this blind pursuit of speed, only caring about short-term economic benefits, and just wanting to explode. Eyeballs took advantage of the way news releases were written, and then started shouting that they should embrace the Sunshine News Rating System and rebuild the credibility of the media...

After one day, the sound was truly unified!

Without exception, all media outlets listed on the mini program have announced their closure for rectification on Weibo, without exception. But whether it can reopen in the end is a question mark, because the main platform is also in pain at this time.

Yes, this is also an extremely unforgettable day for Xingyu Weibo. According to company department calculations, affected by the "choose one" incident, Weibo's daily activity may be reduced by 50%, and its monthly activity may be reduced by 50%. thirty.

The reason for the decrease in daily activity is more than the decrease in monthly activity, because there may be many users who have uninstalled Weibo in the near future. Maybe when following a hot social event, they will log in to Weibo again to learn about it, and then uninstall it for games.

Of course, the short-term impact is not important, and if there is no external competition, maybe this will not matter.

But there is also a penguin group watching closely...

Especially after the Penguin Group distributed the red envelopes to Ningshe, it spent another 300 million to promote the small program. Everyone knew what it was for...

Rather than saying that it is to combat unscrupulous media, it is better to say that it is to open the way for Penguin Weibo, which is about to be relaunched and focuses on conscientious news. If Penguin Group really spends a lot of money to hope that a group of professional media people and major official media will be stationed in it, it is really a question mark whether Xingyu Weibo can have a future.

This is how Xingyu Weibo’s biggest crisis came.

As for whether we can survive this crisis, only God really knows.

At least at this time, Wang Qiming was almost anxious.


Even though Xingyu Weibo immediately sent an official tweet, confirming that Xingyu Weibo would also introduce the Sunshine News Rating System in the future, he still had not been contacted by Ningshe. In other words, even if he had expressed his stance, But it is still unknown whether this alternative can be cancelled...

Every extra day between these two choices is excruciating!

But even after reviewing the case, Wang Qiming still felt that he had been wronged...

But who would have thought that students like Ningshe could be so capable of making trouble and so dare to make trouble?

The anxiety on the other side made the children in Ningshe very energetic.

how to say?

They were able to experience the fun that Ning once had.

Especially when they saw that the media accounts they were targeting were, without exception, denounced by the entire Internet, and had to suspend operations for rectification, without even daring to retaliate...

It feels like these five small goals are so worth it.

Really, in fact, at first, the vast majority of Ningshe students did not pay much attention to the hot domestic news, nor what these media did...

If this group of people hadn't come into conflict with Ning Dao this time, they really wouldn't have known that this group of people had such a glorious history, and even used out-of-context and one-sided reports combined with Spring and Autumn style to indirectly kill more than one young life.

To put it bluntly, when these materials were prepared last night, Ningshe’s friends were all shocked.

One thing, two things, maybe an apology statement can be fooled, but all of them put together are simply unbearable...

For young people who believe in fairness and justice, the joy of these children at this time can be imagined.

In the software laboratory, even the young programmers who had been busy all night were in high spirits.

Chen Diancheng is even more proud.

After all, these operations were all done under the hint of Director Ning. Now it seems that they are extremely successful, and can even be said to be a complete victory!

He was about to make some passionate speech when the phone rang again...

"Hey, Director Zhou, what's going on?"

"Director Tian wants you to go to his office..."

"Director Tian? Are you sure you're not Director Ning? Well... what does Director Tian want from me?"

"you guess?"

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