Tech Hammer

Chapter 368 Cinderella’s Glass Slippers

Ning Wei felt that his world view had been subverted.

How should I put it? It probably feels like my twenty-eight-year-old life has been wasted. At this time, he really realized how well he had been protected for so many years. He thought that those ghostly things had disappeared from his side, but he didn't expect that they were actually happening under his nose every day, but he didn't know it.

Curious, very curious.

Then there was a lot of hard work, and finally Liu Wei retreated and used the computer in the R\u0026D center to log in to a backend and gave Ning Wei a rough overview of the identity and evidence of the so-called commercial espionage in Ningsi Lab.

The homework was done very solidly.

When, where, what was exchanged, what benefits there were, or what was the reason, who was contacted, who was sent, how much damage may have been caused, everything was written clearly and clearly. .

Among the 23 people, there were indeed technicians whom he had some impression of. He met them when they went to Jiangcheng for exchanges, and the two sides also exchanged some technical issues.

What surprised Ning Wei even more was that this talented person he was very optimistic about actually failed to pass the beauty test...

Of course, there are quite a few people on this list who have failed this level, six of them, which is a very smooth number. In addition, there are also professional ones. For example, there is someone who maintains contact with two well-known companies at the same time. Ning Wei just finds it incredible. After all, this person actually wants to make three money from one job. Is this thinking? Triple win?

If these two Ningwei can still be understood, then Ningwei feels quite emotional about losing himself in gambling, and even feels that this can no longer be described as stupid...

In the end, Ning Wei could only sigh: "Human!"

At that time, Liu Wei was extremely calm, shrugged and said: "Human nature cannot be perfect, there will always be weaknesses. In fact, I think what you said before is very good. The real happiness of human beings actually comes from restraint. Some people commented This is not great wisdom and cannot be said.”

Ning Wei still remembered that this was what he said a long time ago. When he said this, he didn't even seem to know the old man in front of him, but it didn't matter, so he just nodded and asked: "Now I suddenly I had a special emotion and held back a particularly wise word, do you want to hear it?"

"What?" Liu Wei tilted her head and asked.

"Stupid people have stupid blessings, but idiots don't!" Ning Wei replied seriously.

"Huh?" Liu Wei frowned slightly, wanting to explain to Ning Wei the principle of being virtuous. As a Chinese academician, it would be better not to say such words that are inconsistent with his status, but Ning Wei let Liu Wei stop what he said next. Hold it back.

"Our CPU will definitely succeed. Everyone who participates in the project will make a lot of money. The dawn of success is coming. These people are standing on the opposite side of history. What are they if they are not idiots?"

"Yes! They are all idiots! Academician Ning, you should go and rest quickly."

"Ning She doesn't care about that matter?" Ning Wei asked.

"It's all a trivial matter. With the backing of Chinese law, I believe your students with high IQs should be able to handle it." Liu Wei shrugged and said easily.

"Well, then I'm going to bed. I'm really tired." Ning Wei nodded and said.

Standing at the entrance of the research center, Chen Diancheng quickly calmed down after hanging up the phone.

The moment he heard the news, his first thought was to call his director Ning to talk about the matter. But when I came back to my senses, I immediately gave up. Firstly, I thought that Director Ning was busy with the chip project, and I didn’t know if I had time to answer his call. Secondly, since this matter was an anomaly analyzed through big data in March, Director Ning probably got the news before he did.

It’s not that Chen Diancheng looks down on his friends in the Ningshe Supervisory Committee, but what kind of operating model March is. Top students from Ningban know very well that for outsiders, even if they apply for March’s smart computing power for project research and verification They have to queue up, but Mr. Ning wants to know about the outside world in his spare time, so he spends three months doing news broadcasts.

Therefore, if March draws a conclusion through its big data analysis, there is a high probability that it will be reported to Director Ning as soon as possible. If Director Ning wants to take care of this matter, he will call directly to ask. If he doesn't want to take care of it or has no time to take care of it, it will be useless for him to call him.

With this idea in mind, Chen Diancheng was no longer anxious. He immediately opened the backend of the Ningshe Supervisory Society APP and saw the information about this highly suspected commercial spy.

Kong Wenjue is a graduate student at Yanbei University. His tutor is mainly engaged in wireless network communication research. His grades are naturally good if he can get into the Ning Society. After joining the society, he went to the University of Manchester as an exchange student for a year last year and just came back recently.

The name Chen Diancheng still has an impression, because currently there are not many graduate students in Ningshe, and most of them are undergraduates. Many graduate students are specially recruited into the club because of project needs.

This is the case for this theoretical Brother Kong, who has participated in the research of random event algorithms before.

Chen Diancheng still remembers that he hired several graduate students to do wireless communication research. Senior Brother Kong was one of them, mainly to do work on algorithm communication verification. He actually didn't remember much about the performance, because at that time Kong Wenjue was mainly responsible for the random event algorithm, while Chen Diancheng's energy was mainly focused on the project of intelligent characteristic sound algorithm.

After that, Kong Wenjue went abroad as an exchange student. However, as a loose student association, there is no saying that he will lose his membership when he goes abroad, so after returning from the exchange, he is still a member of Ningshe.

Regarding the reason why Brother Kong was screened out as a highly suspected commercial espionage, Chen Diancheng simply glanced at it. It was nothing more than some emails and money exchanges, including some secret words that were interpreted by March. Chen Diancheng was not surprised. As someone close to Ning Wei, he has a clear understanding of Yue Yue's intelligence. In terms of encryption and decryption, Yue Yue's ability is much stronger than that of others.

And the design of this secret language is not necessarily very clever.

Chen Diancheng was very interested in Senior Brother Kong's recent actions.

For example, I was very enthusiastic and applied several times to join the "Cinderella's Glass Slippers" project, which is also the largest software project Ningshe has recently invested in.

The project was initiated by a member of the Ningshe Computer Branch. After being proposed, it was unanimously approved by the Ningshe management. Not only did they invest five million in the first phase, but they also selected many key members from the Ningshe class to join the project team. middle. Lao Jiang, who just called, is the one responsible for the intelligent matching of software. In addition, Ningshe has also mobilized within the society to pave the way for this project, which shows how seriously it takes it.

It can be said that President Zhang of the Penguin Group comes to Ningshe every three days to establish a good relationship with him, which has a lot to do with this project. Of course, there is a reason why this project has attracted the attention of Internet social giants.

The original intention when "Cinderella's Glass Slippers" was proposed was to enable the younger generation to put down their mobile phones and start a new generation of offline dating in the sun. The specific idea is this. The project proponent hopes to develop such a software that collects information and understands users through intelligent means, and conducts offline dating matching by building a mathematical model of human personality and intelligent matching in a rich database.

But unlike the traditional way of making friends on the Internet, this software cannot directly add friends through online interaction. In other words, after downloading and registering the software, the contact list is empty. At this time, users need to go out with their mobile phones. The system will automatically search on the terminal based on personal preferences and three views. If there are two or more users who have the same three views and compatible personalities, through intelligent calculation, the two parties will become When the possibility of becoming friends reaches a certain level and everyone is in the same physical location offline, the phone will automatically send out a prompt.

The prompt method can be vibration, ring tone, or voice broadcast, which users can set by themselves. The software is only responsible for generating a flat map showing the location and distance between users. In this way, the relationship barriers between people can be quickly broken down, so that two or even multiple strangers can try to have offline contact in this way.

If everyone thinks it is good after contacting you, you can directly become a friend in the address book with a simple operation on your mobile phone, and the system will automatically classify it.

The original core purpose of this software is actually very simple, which is to make friends with similar interests.

The core innovation of its software is that users do not need to and cannot set their own personality in the software. Instead, the intelligent server collects daily users' comments and operations to automatically analyze the user's personality, abilities, preferences, etc. Judgment, generate a digital portrait of the system through an algorithm, and use this digital portrait to accurately match.

For example, what kind of short videos do you usually like to watch? Through daily shopping on the Internet and mobile phones, we can carry out consumer concept profiling, forwarding and liking on a certain blog or a certain page, and carry out concept profiling, etc. At the same time, the collected information is encrypted layer by layer and completely handed over to the server for intelligent processing. Not only developers and maintainers cannot see it, but even the users themselves cannot check it.

In the words of the project proponent, he wants to create the world's first subconscious friendship model for college students. Yes, the original idea of ​​the proposer was that this APP would only be released on university campuses in the future, giving classmates an alternative way to make friends.

The initial budget was only 800,000 yuan, plus priority use of smart servers.

But it couldn't be tolerated and it became a collective project after Ningshe's discussion. For Ningshe members, the three popular software designed before have already made a group of young people no longer willing to just focus on the campus and make a function. Too simple software.

So after several brainstorming sessions, the project functions began to be crazily expanded by Ningshe children who were both programmers and small product managers. For example, why can I only match like-minded friends? Since the address book can be grouped, why not design a temporary address book to meet the needs of offline communication between people?

For example, one classmate wants to learn German and another classmate wants to learn French; or one classmate is learning French and is willing to pay for daily French practice, and another classmate happens to know French and wants to make some pocket money through this skill. This kind of external demand only needs to be hung in the server, which can reduce some of the requirements for personality matching and harmony. As long as the system does not judge that the two people's three views are completely inconsistent, they are likely to fight after a few words, and they can also have two-way interactions. hint.

Some people think that just making friends is too monotonous now, and various types of matchmaking websites are so confusing now. You can also add matchmaking elements, promote it to the marriage and love market, and create an algorithm model of love and marriage matching. Think about it, a handsome guy is writing a program in a coffee shop, and a beautiful woman suddenly rushes into the coffee shop. Suddenly, their mobile phones rang at the same time. When they picked up their mobile phones almost at the same time, they saw that they were in love with each other. Then they raised their heads at the same time, and after looking around, they finally found each other, so they looked at each other and smiled knowingly. This scene seemed quite romantic.

Of course, it can also be the case in a noisy green carriage. Two people who had planned to sit alone for more than ten hours just to feel the warmth of their home were holding their mobile phones at the same time, watching videos or catching up on dramas. At this moment, the mobile phones suddenly flashed. With a little love, I have an extra companion on the road. When I said goodbye, I added him as a friend through the software. Maybe I will have an extra companion on the road in the future...

In short, the project was finalized with the R\u0026D team members, and after several meetings, this software was directly positioned from the simplest offline dating software for college students on campus to a diversified offline stranger dating software for society.

The only thing that hasn't changed is probably the innovation in the original software - making friends subconsciously. All dating models, user profiles and information are all encrypted. Not only cannot developers and maintainers see it, but users themselves cannot understand which category it is classified into.

Of course, with the addition of these functions, the problems to be faced have also increased exponentially. For example, how to ensure that two users with extremely extreme personalities will not be shocked by what happens when their extreme ideas collide after they meet each other through the software. Eyeball matters, this requires various constraints on the algorithm when doing matching.

After all, Ningshe is not a company, and no one cares about KPIs. A bunch of students do this purely because of interest and hobbies. No one will pay attention to whether the software can generate enough profits after it is completed. Ningshe does not have these requirements, everyone cares more. Probably it’s the sense of honor brought about by the overall praise of the software.

In short, it would be great if this thing can serve the vast majority of normal people. A few people download the software, but it is of no use in their lives. The inability to match with suitable friends is not a problem they need to consider.

Seeing that Kong Wenjue has been applying to join the "Crystal Slipper" project, and even wrote a hardware communication standard specifically for this project, but has not applied for several other ongoing projects in Ningshe, Chen Diancheng probably had some thoughts in his mind. I looked at the browsing history of this message only twice, then decisively set this message to be invisible to everyone in the background, and then called Jiang Wenhan back.

"Hey, Lao Jiang, you haven't mentioned this matter about Kong Wenjue to anyone else, have you?"

"I just told you."

"Well, let's keep it a secret for now and don't spread it out."

"Director Ning asked for it?"

"Why bother Director Ning with such a stupid thing? I'll handle it, just keep it a secret."

"Does the inspection team also need to keep secrets?"

"Well, I have hidden the information. If Director Ning wants to know about it, he will definitely not be able to hide it. If he doesn't ask, let's not cause trouble to Director Ning. Let me handle it."

"Okay, got it."

"That's it, 88!"


After hanging up the phone, Chen Diancheng thought for a while and simply dialed Kong Wenjue. The call was quickly connected, and Chen Diancheng said enthusiastically: "Hello, Senior Brother Kong? I'm Chen Diancheng."

"Oh, hello, President Chen."

"I'm sorry, Brother Kong, I've been really busy these days. I just saw the application you submitted in the background. I want to ask, do you want to join our glass slipper project, right?"

"Yes, President Chen, to tell you the truth, I really had a lot of thoughts when I saw the Ningshe project after returning to China. I feel that this software algorithm can not only be limited to the soft armor level, but can be extended to hardware."

"Well, well, Senior Brother Kong, I have carefully read some of your suggestions, so I can't explain clearly on the phone. Are you free now? How about we meet at the most beautiful time in ten minutes to talk? I'll invite Senior Brother for coffee. .”

"Okay, I'll go there now, but it may take fifteen minutes."

"No problem, whoever gets there first will wait."

Putting the phone in his pocket, Chen Diancheng walked slowly to the Most Beautiful Time Cafe.

As usual, there were already a lot of customers at this time. Many international students liked the atmosphere here. Chen Diancheng glanced at it and saw that Brother Kong, who might have arrived in fifteen minutes, was sitting in the left corner of the coffee shop and was talking to him. Waving his hand, he walked over with a smile on his face.

"HI, Senior Brother Kong."

"President Chen, long time no see."

The simple greeting attracted the attention of many people, mainly because President Chen's words were very meaningful. Many people recognized Chen Diancheng and couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

After all, there are not many people who can be called president at Yanbei University. With such a young person named Chen, it is easy to tell who it is. In particular, Chen Diancheng is also a celebrity at Yanbei University. He has appeared in many of Yanbei University's external promotional videos and appeared on TV several times. Ningshe's recruitment advertisements have been posted on many bulletin boards in the school. Naturally, it attracted a lot of curious eyes from the surrounding people.

Fortunately, Chen Diancheng had long been used to it and sat down opposite Kong Wenjue calmly.

"I agreed to invite Senior Brother Kong to drink coffee. I'm so embarrassed." He glanced at the cup of coffee in front of him and recognized it at a glance. It should be Caramel Macchiato. How should I put it? It was already in this cafe. The most expensive one is 36 yuan a cup.

Chen Diancheng felt a little pity that it was not a meal time, otherwise he could have ordered a secret pan-fried pork chop rice, which tasted good.

"Haha, it's just two cups of coffee. Of course, whoever comes first will order first, otherwise it will waste time. By the way, President Chen, would you like some snacks or something?"

“In that case—bring me an academic kitty.”

"Okay, um, beauty, here's a piece of academic kitty, a piece of indulgence after writing PAPER, thank you!"

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