Tech Hammer

Chapter 338 Is the weather in Seattle good?

"Tell the instructor, we are indeed studying, not playing with mobile phones. To be precise, we are discussing some college mathematics problems with Professor Ning in the WeChat group. I don't believe you can read our chat history."

As the squad leader, after being trained in the barracks, Chen Diancheng stood up and began to explain, and then handed over his mobile phone.

If these were really his soldiers, Instructor Li would probably just take the phone and throw it aside, but these are students from Ning's class, and their Professor Ning just mentioned...

In fact, Instructor Li refused to take over the position of Ningban's military training instructor.

There is no other reason. The superior has repeatedly told him that the children in Ningban are all treasures. Therefore, for the military training in Ningban, it is necessary to ensure the quality of training, let these children deeply understand the importance of discipline and unity, exercise their will, and let The military training process is meaningful. At the same time, we must take appropriate care of the physical and emotional health of these children... In short, these children are treasures, so you have to take it easy...

Anyone who works knows that once the leader puts forward a request that requires both what and how, and what and what should be done at the same time, it is the most troublesome task.

But there is no other way. What is important in the military camp is unconditional obedience to orders, not to mention that in the words of the superior leaders, giving Ning Ban the responsibility is because he is optimistic about his abilities. However, during this period of time spent with these children day and night, Instructor Li actually feels that dealing with children with high IQs is not as difficult as imagined. As long as you emphasize discipline, you can learn patterned things very quickly.

Of course, discipline is still a headache. For example, you are not allowed to bring mobile phones in the military camp, but it is impossible for these students to be completely free of mobile phones for half a month. They can only turn a blind eye. It's just that today it was a little too much. When it’s bedtime, so many people are still playing with their phones.

Instructor Li took the phone, flipped it up and down, glanced at the chat content and time in the WeChat group, and didn't really want to say anything.

Professor Ning in the WeChat group is most likely Ning Weilai. After all, those questions and the enthusiastic problem-solving process of a group of children look very eye-catching, even a bit bullying.

Is this a class given to students in a WeChat group during military training? It's not very worry-free from top to bottom.

So in the end the phone was returned to Chen Diancheng's hand, and then Instructor Li said very calmly: "Forget it this time, but it's just this one time, it won't be the same next time. I will report it to the leaders and let them communicate with Professor Ning. For you, learning There are still four years left, and there are only a few days left in military training. We still have to abide by the discipline and go to bed now!"

"Yes, instructor!"

The confident and uniform answers made Instructor Li feel much better. No matter what, the momentum is still in place.

But when he turned around and left, and after a while of silence, the discipline in the barracks was still broken.

"Squad leader, what's the situation in Ningshe?"

"That's it, how come we don't know about it?"

"I have just established a club organization after discussing it with several class cadres, but it has not been reported yet, so I didn't have time to tell everyone."

"Monitor, this is your fault. Our Ning class is a complete group. As a result, we don't know about the internal affairs of our group, and the teachers also know about it. This is a bit hurtful."

"Hey, everyone, stop talking, it's my fault. The squad leader said that our Ning class has so many scholarships, so I hope that the founders of our Ning Club can use part of the scholarships as operating funds for the Ning Club in the future. I'm stuck. The money was not enough, so I called my family during dinner and asked them to call me the money. As a result, my mother asked Director Zhou and the teacher found out." Qiu Ruimao said unhappily and frankly.

Just now when everyone was discussing the topic, he was blaming his mother. After all, the class monitor said that this matter should be kept secret first, and no one had any objections. As a result, he was holding back. At this time, he just felt very depressed.

"I said what's going on, but I can't blame you for this, Qiu Ruimao. After all, 75,000 is not a small amount. It's normal for the aunt to ask. It's because I didn't think well. In fact, if you think about it carefully, Ningshe has just been established. , We are only in our freshman year, and it is impossible to find good projects quickly, so we can wait until we get the scholarship to pay the social fees." Chen Diancheng also started to review.

"What activities are you organizing for paying so much money?"

"The squad leader said that Ningshe's program is to promote China's scientific and technological progress. We only use part of the scholarship to incubate some campus projects. Think about it, if Ningshe really develops in the future, we can also There are projects like Professor Ning's that belong to the Ning Society. Even if they are not as good as turbulence algorithms and three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chips, as long as they are recognized, who dares to underestimate our Ning class?"

"That makes sense. I want to sign up for that too. I have enough on my card for the registration fee."

"No, except for the initiator, everyone else only needs to pay 20% of the scholarship. That means no matter how many scholarships they get in the future, they will have to pay 20% as incubation fees."

"That's what I want to ask. If we go by what instructor Zhou said before, Ning class may have a 50% elimination rate, which means that after sophomore year, 50% of them may be diverted to other majors. So the question is, if you join Ningshe when you are in Ningban, what should you do if your grades are not up to standard and you are transferred?"

"That's a good question, but Yang Chao, you didn't understand something. Our Ning club does not mean that only those from the Ning class are eligible to join. Instead, like other clubs, we also absorb students from other departments, but there is a comparison of performance points. The requirements are high, and you must first get a scholarship to be eligible to apply. So even if you are diverted from the Ning class in the future, it will not affect you as a member of the Ning club. Everyone is still in the same club and working hard for the same goal. .”

"You can have this. Twenty percent of the scholarship is that as long as you get the scholarship, you have to report it to the organization, right?"

"Well, that's more or less what it means. But one thing to say, although our original intention is not to make money, if our Ningshe really incubates a good project in the future, we will definitely return some benefits to everyone. The establishment of the society The purpose is not to just ask for it, my ultimate goal is to build a platform that can reflect Ningban’s academic appeal, and then pass it on from generation to generation.”

"Old Chen, how about you become the squad leader? This is a good idea. I will definitely join anyway. I got a scholarship of 100,000, and 20% is 20,000. I want to join. Who should I give the money to? ?”

"Yes, I want to join too."

"Yeah, I want it too!"

"Everyone, calm down first. Professor Ning's attitude has not yet been determined. Let's wait a few days to see what Professor Ning's attitude is, right?"

"Hey, monitor, this is your fault. This is a good thing and we are all voluntary. As long as the regulations are set, Professor Ning will definitely not object. Besides, Professor Ning is different from other teachers, he will definitely understand our."

"That's right, Laoban, you have to be responsible!"

"What are you afraid of? When Professor Ning really blames you, you can just say that this is the idea of ​​all our classmates in Ning class. Professor Ning has already said that if our Ning class wants to be a first-class class in the world, we must do something different. Something comes out.”


In this way, you and I directly put Chen Diancheng on the stand in the barracks. Even if he wanted to back off at this time, it seemed that he couldn't.

So the Ning squad leader gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, let's wait until the military training is over. Then we will count how many people in the class are willing to join the Ning club. If it exceeds 80%, even if Professor Ning objects, We also need to get this thing done. These days, everyone has been thinking about whether to do this or not."

In the laboratory, Ning Wei spent one night and already had a relatively in-depth understanding of the instruction set.

In fact, Ning Wei has already understood this since he decided to start EDA at Jiangsu University. When he was making three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chips at Yanbei University, although he was making radio frequency chips at the time, he also considered the use of this technology in the future. Designing large CPUs. So it didn't take long. Ningwei already knew the purely technical issues.

Of course, this does not mean that Ningwei will be able to design an efficient and compatible instruction set immediately, but with the help of March and countless experts, this process will not take too much time.

The issue that Ningwei has to consider now is the market, especially the design of the PC-side CPU instruction set. Whether Microsoft can support it, there will be two sets of design plans with completely different directions.

So Ning Wei feels that he needs to understand Microsoft's thoughts now. For example, is the relationship between Microsoft and Intel as unbreakable as ever?

Although Ning Wei has always been clear that he does not understand business logic, he feels that in this era of rapid change, Microsoft's ideas should also adapt to the times and undergo some changes. It is obvious that the former combination of Intel and Microsoft is no longer the most perfect combination in the industry. If Microsoft can actively embrace changes, it should be very interested in the latest chip technology...

I just don’t know whether the current Microsoft CEO has learned the materialist philosophy and whether he knows how to look at problems from a development perspective. This is very important. After all, the thoughts of the person at the helm of a company can largely determine the company's development prospects. Whether it is a small company that has just started a business or a large company like Microsoft or Intel, it is actually the same.

For example, Ning Wei admires Tim Cook of Apple and the powerful chairman of Ericsson. These two are standard heroes.

He hopes that Satya Nadella can also be such a hero, so that he can save a lot of things. When writing the PC CPU instruction set, you only need to consider efficiency. The interface to adapt to the operating system can directly follow the various standards of Windows. The biggest advantage is that it will not be like the CPUs developed by Huaxia in the past, because there is no system adaptation, or because of user habits, the chip is uncompetitive in the market.

As for how to know whether Satya Nadella is a hero, it is actually very simple.

Ning Wei's address book happened to have the contact information of this big boss, including emails and phone calls. But the call was for business. Fortunately, even if the time difference was taken into account, today was a working day on the other side. After thinking for a moment, he decided to take the initiative to call the head of the super software company.

"I'm going to call the boss of Microsoft." Ning Wei said.

The scene is actually a bit weird. Liu Wei doesn't need to follow him closely in the base. He is resting in the next room. Ning Wei's office is empty. There is only one computer running there. He is obviously not talking to himself at this time. The words can actually be very scary.

Fortunately, there is a kitten on the computer screen...


"You can first ask if they are willing to take action to support us if we make our own CPUs in the future. I think it may not be optimistic. In that case, we will have to make an operating system. But a desktop general-purpose operating system, Usage habits are a big issue, and many of the interaction methods we are accustomed to have been patented. It is very troublesome to re-create an operating system, and it is even more troublesome to cultivate user habits."


"Okay, it seems that you agree with my idea, so let me call first and ask. Please dial Mr. Nadella's number for me."


"Well, you dial the number and I'll speak. If Mr. Nadella refuses, he will offend both of us at the same time. Don't you think so, March?"

"Meow..." Sanyue stopped licking its little paws. She raised her head and stared at Ning Wei, her eyes widened. She was probably saying such shameless words. How did you come up with it?

But the next moment, Ningwei's cell phone responded and started dialing smoothly...

Satya Nadella was a little surprised when he saw Ning Wei's call on the phone.

The chairman and CEO of Microsoft is preparing for a morning meeting.

About two years ago, he was appointed chairman of the board of directors by Microsoft in addition to being CEO. This was the first time since Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates resigned as CEO in 2000 that someone has held this position at the same time. Two positions.

This is also the recognition of his seven years of work by Microsoft shareholders.

Although when Microsoft is mentioned now, the first thing that ordinary people think of is still products such as windows and surface. In fact, under his leadership, Microsoft has already expanded its business scope a lot, such as Azure cloud computing, productivity and gaming departments. Microsoft has grown significantly during the years that Satya Nadella has been in charge.

At the same time, he also led the acquisition of Minecraft, LinkedIn, GitHub, and gaming giant ZeniMax. The meeting he is about to hold today is how Microsoft can speed up its layout in the Metaverse world while avoiding risks.

Yes, almost all technology companies now are not willing to miss the feast of the Metaverse.

After all, the overall global economic decline has been severe in recent years, and it is also accompanied by inflation, which is very troublesome. Technology stocks can be the most perfect safe haven, but they are challenged by the March Intelligent Platform, which directly causes these technology companies to be trembling with fear. The concept of the metaverse should have been promoted to its peak long ago, but because of the After questioning the operation, every company is now very careful in its layout...

This is indeed an annoying thing.

Especially for Microsoft, the revenue of Azure cloud computing and gaming departments has accounted for an increasing proportion of total revenue, and both businesses are closely related to China. Azure cloud computing requires the support of turbulence algorithms, and it is recognized around the world that the direction of future games will definitely require the support of artificial intelligence platforms, so Microsoft has actually been keeping in touch with Huawei.

But it is actually difficult to really cooperate, and the progress of negotiations is difficult, which also makes Satya Nadella feel mentally and physically exhausted. On the one hand, there is pressure from the company’s founder and spiritual leader. On the other hand, he and others also feel that sharing a lot of sensitive data to join the platform is too much...

Although the March Intelligent Platform has the same requirements for franchised manufacturers, everyone contributes data to the platform's open port and then shares the results. But that sounds nice, but who can believe that the final profit model determined by the platform is definitely fair?

How can I put it, this does not conform to their business logic and thinking.

In the final analysis, the intelligent platform is still in the hands of the Chinese people, so the result sharing model finally defined by this model will naturally not be so convincing.

At the same time, Satya Nadella also knew that Intel's Pat and Google's Sundar went to Huawei to visit Ning Wei, but he did not move. First, because the invisible barriers of operating systems are actually higher than chips; second, he did not move. Yes, he planned to see if Pat and Sundar could get enough benefits by going to negotiate.

It now seems that Pat's trip to China has achieved nothing, and Sundar's current negotiations with China are also stuck on how to define important and sensitive data. In other words, the two sides are still unable to reconcile on the issue of data.

Of course, it can also be said that the psychological gap is difficult to reconcile. Why is the other party so insistent on wanting those research data? Moreover, it is not as simple as wanting data; it is also wanting the right to speak!

So Satya Nadella decided to take another look to see how things develop in the future before making the most favorable decision. This is why he has not arranged a trip to China in the short term.

But Ning Wei took the initiative to call...

Of course I still have to pick it up.

Listen to what the genius scientist from China who is said to be incompetent has to say.

But before answering Ning Wei's call, he first said hello to the secretary outside the door: "I have to take a very important call. If this call exceeds the meeting time, don't remind me. Go tell them and let them Wait for me in the conference room."

After the explanation, Satya Nadella pressed the call button.

How should I put it, the time when the call was connected was also quite clever. Basically, Ning Wei's patience was exhausted, and just before he was about to hang up the phone, the call suddenly went through, and then a very standard American English came from the other side.

"Hello, Ning, this phone call surprised me. What's the matter?"

"Hello, Mr. Nadella, how is the weather in Seattle today?"

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