Tech Hammer

Chapter 310 Sober people are the most unlucky

Ning Wei enthusiastically introduced all his friends to Lucy Ron, focusing on classmate Jiang. The weather had warmed up, and Ning Wei felt that classmate Jiang, who had put on spring clothes, had the temperament of a Chinese classical beauty, especially a The subtle beauty between frown and smile is probably something Lucy Rowan will never learn in her life. So, yes, Ning Wei wanted to show off by focusing on Jiang.

The subtext is actually, look, my girlfriend is several times prettier than you, and she doesn’t like to dress up that much...

Of course it didn't matter whether Lucy understood his subtext or not. But whether Lucy Ron understood what he meant or not, Ning Wei didn't care much. As for whether she would be unhappy if she really understood, Ning Wei didn't care even more.

After all, the relationship between the two has always been pure. Especially when they dislike each other. In Ning Wei's view, the two of them were able to avoid fighting thanks to his principles as a man. Lucy Ron probably thought the same way.

In other words, he has already invited Lucy Ron to dinner, so he is naturally not afraid of causing trouble. This woman will definitely cause some trouble anyway. Sure enough, after the dishes and drinks were served, Ning Wei felt that this woman was starting to act like a monster.

"Isn't it right? So you Chinese people celebrate graduation without drinking?" After saying that, he looked at Ning Wei provocatively.

"Haha..." Ning Wei sneered in his heart, then glanced at Liu Wei, but then thought, this woman probably didn't understand how powerful Liu Ge's little book was, and she was a little uninterested.

However, what Ning Wei didn't expect was that Senior Brother Zhou would get angry because of these words.

"Drink? Who said not to drink? Professor Ron, I would rather not drink. I will drink with you."

"Uh?" Ning Wei glanced at Senior Brother Zhou, hesitant. What should I say? He felt that Senior Brother Zhou was still too upright, and his ranking was incomparable to Lucy Ron's.

Lu Dongyi raised his head and glanced at Zhou Yanping, then at Ning Wei and Lucy, then shook his head and continued to lower his head to read his little notebook...

" celebrate my Ph.D. graduation today, it's really not good if we don't drink. Why don't we just have a bottle of beer today." Ning Wei thought for a while.

"Ahem, I'm allergic to alcohol and can't drink it. You can drink it." Lu Dongyi raised his head and said.

"It's boring to limit how much you can drink. Why don't we play a game, and whoever loses gets his turn to drink." Lucy Rowan suggested.

Ning Wei asked: "What game do you want to play?"

Lucy Ron smiled and said: "Today we are all great mathematicians in China, why don't we play a logarithmic sequence game! From the Fibonacci sequence. Whoever starts first, starts from a two-digit Fibonacci sequence. At the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence, the first person says the number in the first sequence, and then everyone starts to pick it up. The rule is that the person picking up the number must be the next Fibonacci number. You can jump back to increase the difficulty, but you must report it. You have to jump a certain number, and you must catch it within thirty seconds. If you can’t catch it or make the wrong jump, you have to drink a glass of wine.”

"There is another situation. If the last person in the calculation is wrong, you should point it out immediately, and other participants will have to give their own judgment and then verify it. If everyone thinks you are wrong, finally verify that the number is also wrong. , then a few people think you are wrong, and you have to drink a few drinks. In other words, if you don’t calculate it within five seconds, the best way is to admit defeat this round, and then continue from the next Fibonacci number Game. Until the bottle of wine is finished, we will change to the next sequence. For example, Padua numbers and Cattelan numbers.”

Senior Brother Zhou patted his thigh and said, "Well, this is interesting."

Ning Wei glanced at Senior Brother Zhou and Lucy Ron, and said thoughtfully: "If we want to play like this, I don't think we should serve beer. Why don't we just serve liquor?"

Lucy Ron also smiled and said: "Ha, Ning, are you so confident?"

Classmate Jiang glanced at Ning Wei worriedly. She knew that Ning Wei didn't really like drinking, especially liquor.

"It's not that I'm confident, I just feel that if I don't drink some wine today when I graduate with my Ph.D., I'd be sorry for everyone." Ning Wei explained sincerely.

Liu Wei said nothing.

He helped Ning Wei stop drinking, only if Ning Wei didn't want to drink. If he decided to drink some, as long as it wasn't too much, he wouldn't care. Many of Hua Xia's words are very reasonable. For example, if you don't seek death, you won't die. Another example is that good words can't persuade you to die, and mercy will kill others.

As usual, Lu Dongyi raised his head and glanced at the interested senior brothers Zhou and Ning Wei, then turned his eyes around the confident Lucy Ron, and then continued to remain silent.

"Lao Lu, don't you come and play together?"

"No!" Lu Dongyi shook his head decisively, and simply refused as usual.

Zhou Yanping, who was in high spirits, was very happy when pouring the wine and asked Lu Dongyi by the way. I didn't ask Liu Wei, because everyone knew that this person who followed Ning Wei never drank at dinner parties. In Liu Wei's words, even if he was eating, it was during working time.

As for whether classmate Jiang is Zhou Yanping, he has no idea of ​​asking... After all, isn't it good to be alive?

Okay, that's a bit exaggerated, but everyone has seen Ning Wei's ability to joke. As a senior brother, if you make a joke with Ning Wei, everyone will just laugh it off. If you joke about classmate Jiang...

Maybe you could just laugh and get over it at the time, but it would be easy for Ning Wei to write it down in his notebook. If Ning Wei makes a joke in the future, it will be difficult to just laugh it off...

When Lucy Ron arrived, she was very open-minded. When sharing the wine, she enthusiastically said to classmate Jiang: "Jiang, why don't you come and join us?"

Jiang Chenshuang shook her head decisively and said, "This..."

Ning Wei interrupted Classmate Jiang, nodded and said, "Participate, why don't you participate? In this way, we count as two people, and this game requires more people to be fun! Otherwise, if someone makes a mistake, they will only drink two drinks at most." What do you mean? Right, Senior Brother Zhou."

"Huh..." Lucy Ron confirmed that Ningwei was really confident in this game, which really made her a little unconvinced.

"Okay, I admit that I haven't had a drink for a long time, and today I suddenly want to drink a few more drinks. Hey... Come, let's have some food first, and then the game will officially begin. Who comes first?"

"I'll go first!" Senior Brother Zhou volunteered, and then after going through it in his mind, he reported a number: "55."

When it was Lucy Rowan's turn, the woman said without thinking: "2584, seven numbers jumped."

"6765, jump one number, 28657, jump two numbers." Ning Wei directly reported two sets of numbers, representing him and classmate Jiang.

"Wait..." Zhou Yanping keenly noticed something was wrong. He found that the two people in the game he was participating in were a little crazy. For example, Lucy Ron jumped directly to seven numbers. She would rather report two numbers in a row than to be able to go. Then he jumped around randomly, which made him feel a lot of pressure.

"What's wrong?" People at the table looked at Zhou Yanping.

"I think, Ning Wei, you are a bit shameless in reporting two numbers this time. You can represent classmate Jiang, but you can only report one number at a time, and then I will take it, and then to you, and then to you again. Lucy, after Lucy has finished speaking, I will pick up after you, so that each of us can increase the difficulty of the next game, this order is only fair. Lucy, what do you think?" Zhou Yanping said without blushing.

Lucy Ron nodded simply and said, "Okay, this is indeed more fair."

This actually makes it more difficult for Ning Wei. After all, it is relatively easier to consider two Fibonacci numbers at once.

I would rather arrive than be annoyed, and said cheerfully: "Okay, I will listen to you no matter what you want to do today. Anyway, I just want to drink two more drinks. Then I will jump one number to 6765. It's your turn, Senior Brother Zhou."

"46368, jump three digits." After all, Zhou Yanping couldn't figure out the number that Ning Wei had reported, so he read it again, and after nervous calculation, he jumped back one digit.

"Then it's my turn again, 14930912, um, jump eleven digits." After saying that, Ning Wei looked at Lucy Ron.

The woman looked confused.

This jump is a bit big. As we all know, the Fibonacci numbers are larger as they go further back. It is easy to jump once in the front, but it is very difficult to jump in the back. Ningwei actually jumped eleven numbers at a time. ?

Lucy Rowan suspected that Ning Wei was reporting numbers blindly again, and jumped to eight digits in one go. No one had ever challenged similar games before, unless someone had memorized the Fibonacci sequence in advance, but who would go there if nothing happened? Derive this sequence and then write it down completely?

No matter how fast the calculations were in her mind, without thinking about the next number first, Harvard's genius female professor was quickly proofreading whether the number obtained by Ning Wei's jump of eleven digits was accurate. According to the principle of the Fibonacci sequence, starting from the third item, each item is equal to the sum of the previous two items. This requires Lucy Rowan to calculate the first two digits near the number 14930912, and combine the two Adding up the numbers...

"Let me see, it's 15 seconds, Lucy, there's still a 15-second countdown."

Ning Wei urged, and Zhou Yanping began to back down. The two of them seemed to be having a bit of fun. He was still calculating that after 46368 jumped three digits, the number should be 317811. There were still eight digits to jump, but there was only 15 seconds left. to play this?

Sure enough, when it comes to mathematics, Ning Wei's ability is beyond comparison...

"I think you are wrong!" After 15 seconds, Lucy Ron said, and then looked at Zhou Yanping.

According to the rules of the game, Zhou Yanping has to express his opinion and then determine who drinks.

Zhou Yanping looked at Ning Wei, then at Lucy, then at the white wine in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Ahem, I also think Ning Wei might be wrong, right?"

"Haha, come on, let me do the math for you. The number that Brother Zhou reported just now is 46368. This number must be correct. Then the next ones are 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346339, 2178379, 3524718, 5703097, 9227815, 14930912. Look, between Senior Brother Zhou’s 46368 and 14930912, there is a jump of eleven numbers, so I am definitely right, you can use a calculator to calculate now.”

As soon as Ning Wei finished speaking, Lu Dongyi couldn't help but said: "No need to calculate, Junior Brother Ning is right, just have a drink each of you."

Zhou Yanping silently picked up the wine and drank it directly. Lucy Ron was not yet giving up. After thinking hard for about a minute, she silently picked up the wine glass in front of her and drank it all in one gulp.

The woman's ability to drink should be good. After drinking a glass of white wine, her cheeks turned slightly red. She might not be used to Chinese white wine. After drinking, she subconsciously stuck out her tongue, which made her look a little cute.

"Ning, have you memorized the Bonacci sequence?" Lucy Ron couldn't help but ask after drinking.

"Haha, what do you think?" Ning Wei said happily.

Of course, it was impossible to memorize it. Ning Wei's mental arithmetic ability had always been his strongest point, but he didn't have much chance to show it off. After all, everyone's attention is more focused on his creativity in mathematical theory.

But Ning Wei's attitude when he spoke made Lucy Ron feel that her IQ had been suppressed again. She couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said unconvincingly: "Okay, this time we will change the Padua sequence. This time I will go first, 65!"

"Why don't you eat some food first? Ahem, forget it, don't skip counting, 86." Zhou Yanping gave the simplest answer honestly.

"Oh, then I won't dance 114 either..."

"Jump three places..."

"Uh? Then I might as well dance twenty places first..."

"I don't believe it! Um? I..."

"Haha, I was right again, luck, luck, um, Lucy, I want two drinks this time. If you can't drink it, just drink one."

"Bah! Two cups, two cups!"

"Senior Brother Zhou, you also lose, one cup, one cup!"

"Well, how about we play something else?"

"No, I don't believe it anymore. Let's change the Cattleya number this time!"

"Ningwei, you, you, do you dare to have a drink?"

"I really want to drink, but you have to give me a chance. You can't let me drink dryly, right?"

"Lucy, it's better to stop drinking and eat more food first." Student Jiang showed her kind side.

"I, I'm fine, Jiang, don't you think he is too much of a bully for him? How can you stand this kind of man?"

"That Lucy, you don't behave like this. You start attacking people personally when you can't win? You asked for this style of play. I'm just cooperating with you. How can I bully others? Senior Brother Zhou, are you right? "

"Okay, then let's, let's, let's continue! This time you tell me, what sequence do you want us to use..."

"Ah... Well, I, I, let me have a drink first, and you guys can chat slowly..." Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhou Yanping picked up the wine glass in front of him, drank it in one gulp, and then...


Senior Brother Zhou, who was very interested, was the first to fall down, lying on the table. It seemed that he was not pretending, but he was probably really resting.

There is no way, there are not many people in Shuyuan who are good at drinking, and this way of drinking one tael at a time is indeed faster. Lu Dongyi, who has eaten and drank enough, silently shook his head, his mood was probably It was very complicated, and the task of helping Zhou Yanping back to his dormitory must fall on him. Of course, what's more important is that Zhou Yanping has demonstrated to everyone what beauty is a disaster.

In fact, Lao Zhou doesn’t need to drink so much. After all, in this game, Ning Wei is fighting Lucy directly most of the time. If Lao Zhou can make up his mind, it will always be Ning Wei. You are right. Obviously, there is no need to drink. Yes, it’s just that Lucy Ron drank about twice as much as she does now. From this point of view, Zhou Yanping has really made a valuable contribution to the friendship between the two countries.

This spirit of sacrifice is very valuable. Whether Lucy Rowan appreciates it or not is another story.

The final result is this. Zhou Yanping has stopped eating. Lucy Ron has already used a big tongue when speaking, which is obviously the same. The only thing that makes everyone unhappy is that Ning Wei hasn’t had a sip of wine yet. .

Playing this game... Liu Wei couldn't stand it anymore, so he gave a suggestion: "Hey, Ning Wei, since you want to drink so much, just have a drink."

Really, if Ning Wei was not allowed to have a drink, Liu Wei was really afraid that someone would be confused tonight.

"Hey... Since you said so, Brother Liu, let me have a drink. I wish you all a happy day and all the best." After saying that, Ning Wei picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it all.

Although he doesn't like drinking, one or two drinks is really nothing to Ning Wei.

Seeing that Ning Wei finally drank a glass of wine, Lucy Ron, who had been persisting, finally couldn't stand it anymore. However, she didn't fall directly on the wine table like Zhou Yanping did. Instead, she tilted her head and leaned directly against Jiang next to her. On classmates.

This time Ning Wei was dumbfounded.

"Wait a minute, where does this woman live now? Which of you knows?" Although he was asking everyone, he actually turned to Liu Wei for help.

Liu Wei thought for a while and then said cautiously: "Most likely she is staying in a hotel. But even if you know where she lives, it is not convenient to send her there directly when she is so drunk. Why don't you ask Xiao Jiang to take care of her tonight? .”

"No? Let Chenshuang take care of you? Isn't that bad? Chenshuang will have class tomorrow!"

"Then you take care of it? I've said it before, why do you drink when you have nothing to do? Especially you, Ning Wei, is it fun to make people drink?" Lu Dongyi criticized Ning Wei, sighed in his heart, and started again He helped Zhou Yanping next to him...

"No, Senior Brother Lu, what you said is too unfair, isn't it? When did I get people to drink? Isn't this a game that Lucy must play?"

"Haha, if you play this kind of game with them, do you dare to say that you are not bullying others?" Lu Dongyi glared at Ning Wei.

"You can't say that. I don't know their true strength. I actually just wanted to have a drink..." Facing Senior Brother Lu's peaceful gaze, I couldn't continue to lie. Of course, this still has to be blamed on Lucy Rowan. He can't play well, just pick the one he's best at...

Classmate Jiang said quickly: "It's okay. Let me take care of her tonight. Lucy comes all the way from abroad and she probably doesn't have many friends here. I can just sleep in the same room with her tonight."

I'd rather be enlightened.

Whether people who are sober after a drinking party are the most ridiculous need to be verified, but it is the truth that people who are sober must be the most troublesome.

Sure enough, you can't be serious with this crazy woman. Anyway, he will definitely be the unlucky one in the end.

"Hey... look what's going on! Next time I invite you to dinner, I'll deal with whoever proposes a drink." Ning Wei spread his hands and said helplessly.

Late at night, Lucy Ron opened her eyes suddenly.

She was awakened by thirst.

Her head was still a little groggy, and the quiet moonlight allowed her to vaguely recognize that this was not the hotel room she was familiar with. However, her severely lagging brain prevented her from realizing why she was here for a long time.

After a while, she sat up in shock...

"Eh? Are you awake? Are you thirsty? Wait a moment, I will get you some water." A gentle voice came into her ears from beside her.

The next moment, the bedside lamp was turned on, and Lucy Ron saw clearly the woman sleeping on the sofa next to her, and her brain finally began to wake up. This was Jiang Chenshuang, Ning Wei's girlfriend.

While Lucy Ron was still in a daze, a glass of water was handed to her. It must have been prepared, because just now the woman saw Jiang Chenshuang bring the cup directly to her from the dressing table in the room.

She was indeed very thirsty. Lucy Ron took the cup and drank a glass of water. She finally felt a lot better and her mind finally started to clear up. What happened at the dinner last night before she was drunk? Things started to come back to my mind little by little, and I started to regret it a little.

"Thank you. I drank too much last night. Did you send me back?"

"Well, Brother Liu helped to carry you in. I was too weak to help you, but don't worry, Brother Liu is a gentleman. I changed your pajamas for you and didn't let them interfere. But here you go. You're changing into my pajamas, maybe they don't fit well?" Jiang Chenshuang quickly explained.

Lucy Ron remained silent, which was really embarrassing.

Before she came to China, she imagined the possible scene when she met Ning Wei again, but she didn't expect that she would get herself drunk...

"Thank you!" Lucy Ron thanked her again, feeling much better about the gentle girl in front of her.

"You're welcome. It's all Ning's fault. Just don't drink so much next time." Jiang Chenshuang smiled and replied gently.

"There will be no next time!" Lucy Ron said slightly annoyed.

"Well, that's good. Drinking is harmful to your health." As she said that, Jiang Chenshuang huddled under the quilt on her sofa.

After getting familiar with the environment and settling down, Lucy Ron found herself unable to sleep, so she couldn't help but ask: "Is this your home?"

"Yes, we didn't know where you lived yesterday, so I took it upon myself to bring you back first."

"Well... you are so kind. Hey, that guy is so lucky to have found a girlfriend like you."

"Well... I'm actually very lucky?"

"Huh... don't say that, that stinky man... By the way, Jiang, how did you and Ning Wei get together? Can we talk?"

"Huh? This..."

"It's okay. If it's not convenient, just forget it."

"It's not that it's inconvenient to talk about, I just don't know where to start. It was the summer of the year before last..."

"Huh... I knew that he must have bad intentions when he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with you... Oh my god, this guy's way of striking up a conversation is really too old-fashioned... Huh? Jiang, Ning Wei's mentor was obviously on the sidelines at the time. Help him... Humph, I knew he was that kind of person, domineering, so domineering! It's so annoying, Jiang, why did you give in so easily?"

In this way, classmate Jiang spoke slowly and carefully, while Lucy Ron commented angrily, seeming to empathize with her. The main reason was that she felt that this guy Ning Wei was not romantic and was very domineering, but that's it. , and actually chased the gentle woman in the room...

It’s so infuriating!

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