Tech Hammer

Chapter 308 It’s graduation again!

"Mr. Wilson, do you think I can apply for a professorship at Yanbei University? You know, my Chinese is not bad. Maybe I can continue my studies in China and return to Harvard in the future." Lucy Ron suddenly said .

The old professor was stunned, looking at his beloved disciple, and suddenly he didn't know how to answer this question.

Originally, he had intended to bring Lucy Ron and Ning Wei together, but what he thought at the time was that if Lucy Ron could charm Ning Wei and attract this young talent to Harvard, that was why he had just Feelings, but now things seem to be developing in a strange direction.


Not only was the talent not attracted to him? Do you want someone to take you there? The old professor didn't know that there was an old saying in China to describe this kind of thing, which is to steal the chicken but lose the rice, but he still felt that this was not a good idea.

"No, no, no, Lucy, why do you have such an idea? China is far away, and it is not the best for you to adapt to the environment again. The most important thing is that you should know that Ning Wei already has a girlfriend. Yes, he has a girlfriend!" The old professor emphasized the word girlfriend very strongly.

Lucy Ron looked up at her mentor in a strange way and said, "Professor? What are you thinking about? Oh my god, do you think I lack a man to pursue me? I went to Yanbei University to study, but It’s not about falling in love!”

"Go and study?" The old professor frowned and said, "What are you studying?"

"At that time, I was studying artificial intelligence and mathematics. Teacher, don't you think that the most advanced artificial intelligence algorithms can only be systematically studied in China? Not to mention that there are also the world's most advanced artificial intelligence programs. Isn't this worth learning? ? And you also know that Yanbei University even opened a Ning class to study this direction. We originally wanted to do it before, but now others are ahead of the curve, so are these really not worth learning? "

Lucy Rowan's voice gradually became louder, and she became more and more excited as she spoke.

She didn't know if she could convince the mentor in front of her, but obviously she convinced herself first.

"This..." The old professor didn't know how to refute.

"Not to mention that someone there just solved a world-class mathematical problem. If artificial intelligence technology is accepted by the world in the future, Yanbei University will become the center of big data and artificial intelligence algorithms. Professor, you really don’t think I should go Want to learn something useful and bring back their advanced academic experience?" Lucy Ron's eyes began to emit a divine light.

If she could see those shining eyes, she would probably think that they were a look that yearned for knowledge, but in the old professor's opinion, that light had absolutely nothing to do with knowledge. In fact, he really wanted to ask Lucy Ron, can she come back after leaving?

But the words lingered in his throat for a long time, but he never came out.

He shouldn't have come today to discuss Ningwei with the female student he was proud of. Nothing happened at first, but now something happened. Yes, he suspected that Harvard would soon lose its most talented female professor in recent years.

After all, Professor Wilson was Lucy's tutor. He knew very well how difficult it would be for his female student to turn her back once she made up her mind.

"Lucy, don't think of everything so simply. Maybe you should ask your parents for their opinions first. They are your life mentors, and you should listen to what they have to say." The old professor began to make his final resistance. Maybe the family can make his own What about female students who change their minds?

"Oh my God, Wilson, what are you talking about? They will only support me when I make a decision. You know, my parents have no prejudice against China, otherwise they would not have let me learn Chinese since I was a child. .Have you forgotten, I can speak Chinese. And they were in favor of me traveling more when I was young. China is a place that even they have never been to. They will definitely be happy and look forward to my coming back to tell them about China. See you. Oh my god, this is wonderful! I have to apply for a visa as soon as possible and submit a resignation report. Fortunately, I didn’t sign a long-term contract, so it won’t be too troublesome." Lucy Ron said happily.

The old professor didn't want to say anything at all. At this moment, he just wanted to give himself two slaps...

After a long silence, the old professor said, "Then do you want to contact Ning first?"

"Contact him? No, no, no, I didn't go to China for him? Maybe I can shock him!"

Not for him, but to scare him again? Well, the old professor doubted whether Lucy Ronn had thought clearly about why she wanted to go to China. Just seeing the girl becoming more and more determined, he didn't want to talk at all!

Damn your youthfulness and impulsiveness!

Just when the discussion in foreign academic circles was the most heated, voices began to appear on the Chinese Internet discussing Ning Wei's solution to the NS equation. Yes, it is another export-to-domestic sale. However, this time it really has nothing to do with the slow response of the domestic network. The main reason is that the paper was transmitted too low-key.

Let's put it this way, when the editor of the Journal of Mathematics saw this paper, if it weren't for the author's name, he would probably have thrown it into the trash can. How should I put it? Which big company has researched this proposition and is not allowed to invest it outside. This is Ning Wei. Generally speaking, other big guys are unable to do this at this stage.

Editing is also difficult...

Domestic people wanted to find someone to review it, but Yanbei University simply refused the review on the grounds of avoiding suspicion. Domestically, they could only find other big names to review it. At the same time, this is a topic that the whole world is concerned about. It is definitely not enough for domestic big guys to review it. The editors started to help translate this paper into English. After finding someone to polish it, they started to look for similar research directions around the world. The big boss will come to review.

The Chinese Journal of Mathematics found a total of seven international reviewers. After obtaining Ning Wei's consent, it also posted the paper to the pre-release website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Of course, all this is also selfish, that is, to expand the influence of the Chinese Journal of Mathematics. No way, although the Chinese Journal of Mathematics is already considered the leading dual-core mathematics journal in China, it still has little reputation internationally.

This paper can at least help the Chinese Journal of Mathematics to become familiar with those recognized top mathematics experts around the world. The effect is naturally great. Ning Wei, March, and such a high-level paper as solving NS equations, these factors add up, at least in terms of finding reviewers, it can be said that there is no disadvantage.

The news spread quickly on the external network, and even now the effect is obvious when it reaches the internal network.

In addition to Ning being hotly discussed for solving a world-wide problem, the paper that solved a world-wide problem was not submitted to a top foreign mathematics journal, but was submitted to a domestic journal, which has also become a hot topic.

For example, there are two questions on a certain hot list.

"How much contribution has Ning Wei made to the world of mathematics and physics by solving the NS equation problem? And what profound impact will it bring?"

"Why did Ning Wei submit his paper on solving NS equations to the Chinese Journal of Mathematics instead of choosing the top four most influential mathematics journals in the world?"

Of course, this is also thanks to Ning Wei. After all, this is considered the top mathematician in China. Every time there is not only one hot search, but usually two.

The only pity is that this time a certain blogger seemed very lonely, because this time Ning Wei did not take the initiative to send it to Weibo...

Do you think publishing this paper is no big deal?

The popular science about Ning Wei's promotion of mathematics progress has become a hot topic on the Internet, but he doesn't even post on Weibo? Really, countless netizens are fully prepared, waiting for Ning Wei to show off on his public speaking channels. Everyone has even thought about how to reply, but Ning Wei simply ignores the hot comments on the Internet. discussion.

This left many Ning Wei fans at a loss.

While many popular science Vs are constantly telling ordinary netizens that the solution of the NS equation is of great significance to the world of mathematical theory, they also keep @Ning Wei, hoping that he can stand up and say a few words, but it is a pity that this summoning technique Didn't see any effect either.

But it doesn't matter, Ning Wei doesn't speak out, and it doesn't delay many Ning Wei's fans to help him interpret the meaning of not speaking out.

This is probably because the master no longer thinks that solving the NS equation is something to show off, right? After all, he was a genius who could even make a chip come out of his own pet's hand. What did it mean to solve a mathematical problem?

So about a week after this issue sparked heated discussion, a question that was trending again appeared on Weibo. This issue even attracted the attention of many official media and university Weibo, and they all came down to participate in the discussion...

"How far is Ningwei from the top scientists in history such as Einstein, Newton, and John von Neumann?"

The voice of science, a big V certified by Weibo, personally answered this question, which probably represents the views of the vast majority of netizens, and of course can also be understood as the official conclusion.

"This issue must be looked at separately. We must first list the achievements of these former scientific giants, and then compare them one by one with Ning Wei. First of all, Einstein's greatest achievements are the general and special relativity theories, light quantum theory, and the mass-energy equation. , Brownian motion. Newton’s greatest contribution to the scientific community was the principle of conservation of momentum and angular momentum, proposing Newton’s laws of motion, designing a reflective telescope, and mathematically proving the generalized binomial theorem.”

"Von Neumann's most well-known contribution is the invention of the electronic computer. But at the same time, he was also the greatest mathematician at the time. The operator algebra was even called von Neumann algebra. His book "Quantum" "Mathematical Foundations of Mechanics" proved to have a great role in promoting atomic physics, and his book "Game Theory and Economic Behavior" made him the father of game theory."

“Ning Wei’s greatest achievement so far should be the pioneering invention of strong artificial intelligence programs like March, and the pioneering mathematical theoretical framework based on big data and artificial intelligence, which has been recognized by most of the international community. Scholars recognize him as the 'father of strong artificial intelligence'; invented the three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip technology, creating a new chip architecture at the physical level; designed the turbulence algorithm, which greatly improved Internet security; proposed Ningwei Space , which greatly facilitates the research of various boundary problems in the theoretical mathematics community; it solves the KLS conjecture."

"If Ning Wei's paper this time is proven to indeed solve the NS equation problem, Ning Wei's current achievements may be only a little bit behind Einstein and Newton (mainly in terms of contributions to the basic theory community) , but it is basically on par with von Neumann. Note that there is still one thing missing here, which is based on Ning Wei’s achievements at the age of 24. And the contributions of those top masters are lifelong contributions! Ning Wei is still far away We have not yet reached the peak of our physical and intellectual life. We can continue to achieve more!"

This is probably the official conclusion of Ning Wei’s current achievements. After carefully sorting it out, it actually feels very strange. It is probably that Ning Wei has broken away from the category of great scientists and is close to the scientific greats in history. This is like the living Einstein, Newton or von Neumann.

For scientific researchers, this evaluation is probably the peak of life, but Ning Wei is only 24 years old.

Ning Wei still has not responded to this comment on Weibo...

In the eyes of fans, this probably means that Ning Wei is more reserved now, but in fact, Ning Wei is just very busy!

Yes, Ningwei has been very busy recently, and everything seems to come to me at once.

The kind-hearted old man opposite was very resolute in his work, and the US$200 million was mobilized as soon as he was told.

Naturally, there needs to be a recipient here, so the main unit of Luopu County's future urban construction plan also needs to be implemented. As the leader, Ning Wei has to sort out the relationship. Yes, it is mainly about sorting out and coordinating the relationships between various aspects.

The main construction of the city, Jitu, is next, so the money can go directly to Jitu's account.

However, entrusting Jitu to build requires a subject, and in Ning Wei's vision, this city will have many large companies investing in it, so this requires a new subject to assume the responsibility for the maintenance, repair and operation of the city in the future.

The solution is simple, register a new company to operate and maintain the project. If a large company wants to settle in, its shares will be determined based on the amount of investment. Jitu has confirmed that it will hold about 15% of the shares, Huawei has also confirmed that it will hold about 20%, and then there will be 65% of the shares. Ning Wei began to coordinate with the big guys in the capital industry them.

After a special phone call with Tim Cook, Apple agreed to build an apple orchard, and the investment amount was calculated as a subscription for 18% of the shares. The next step is to conquer those domestic Internet companies.

Ning Wei set his sights on Penguin, Byte and Little Libaba.

If there are more shareholders, there will be more things to do.

Several companies have shown interest in future cities, but they have their own demands. For example, Penguin hopes to place more game elements belonging to them in the game city, such as whether they can build a simulated canyon...

At the same time, it is necessary to coordinate the conflicts between the demands of these companies and the demands of local governments.

How to put it, in Ning Wei's opinion, shareholders who need to modify their plans are not good shareholders, but if they want others to take out money, they still have to listen to some opinions. So Ningwei is really busy.

Let's put it this way, he has not participated in as many large social occasions in his life as this month.

This also made Ning Wei realize how difficult it is to plan a large-scale project, and it also made Ning Wei realize that he is indeed not very good at dealing with these messy things.

Fortunately, after he complained wildly to Liu Wei, Jitu Company took the initiative to take over the matter. After arranging several high-level meetings in Beijing, everyone directly reached a consensus.

Finally, the newly established Jingcheng Future City Co., Ltd. assumed the main responsibility for building Luopu Future City, and entrusted Huaxia XX Construction Group, a subsidiary of Jitu Security, to start the main construction of the city.

Although Ning Wei actually felt that he did not need to hold shares in the company, in order to reassure everyone, he still took 3% of the shares in the company in the name of Jiang. After all, this is the largest individual shareholder, but neither Ning Wei nor Jiang is working in the company.

On the day when the project officially started, students Ning Wei and Jiang were invited to make a special trip to Luopu County to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Just as he took a breather, Director Tian informed Ning Wei that he could start his graduation thesis defense.


This is really breathtaking.

Although Tian Yanzhen repeatedly told him that thesis defense was just a formality, Ning Wei did have experience in formalities. For example, this was how he defended his undergraduate thesis.

But you still have to be fully prepared. After all, graduating with a PhD is also an important node in life.

There were many small things in between, such as rejecting several invitations to large-scale computer and mathematics conferences held abroad. Ningwei also made its own efforts in this regard, such as sending emails to persuade the organizers to simply hold the conference in China. After all, China does have the ability to hold such high-level conferences.

These emails did not go unnoticed. The organizers politely replied to Ning Wei's emails, saying that the venue for these conferences this year had been determined early, so they could only talk about it next time.

Ning Wei also expressed his understanding of this, and also responded to the emails again to these organizers. The general meaning of the expression is, if you say you will talk about it next time, I believe it, so you must keep your words, otherwise Ning Wei may be angry, and the consequences may be serious. A bit serious...

Of course, the language is very literary and artistic, not so straightforward, especially after being modified by March, a great writer in Ning Wei's eyes, the lines are full of beauty.

In this way, Ning Wei spent two extremely busy and fulfilling months, ushering in his graduation thesis defense at the end of April. Director Tian also invited top scholars in the domestic industry to participate in this defense.

For example, Yao Lao, the future dean of Yanbei Institute of Artificial Intelligence, is one of the judges.

In fact, unlike other doctoral students, Lao Tian directly filled out the application form for Ningwei's graduation defense this time, and by the way, he also skipped the pre-defense process.

However, for this defense, Jiang took a half-day off and accompanied Ning Wei outside the classroom where the defense was held. In fact, an hour ago, Ning Wei had already communicated with the big guys responsible for this defense, but the formal procedures still had to go through, and the school had to keep records. In judicial terms, this is called procedural justice.

Outside the defense classroom, Jiang helped Ning Wei tidy up his doctor's uniform, and then Ning Wei walked into the defense classroom.

A long table was set up in the classroom, and the big guys in charge of thesis defense were already sitting upright.

The atmosphere was still very serious, but Ning Wei was familiar with the big guys and said hello with a smile.

"Okay, classmate Ning Wei's doctoral graduation defense has officially begun. Now please invite the chairman to announce the list of the defense committee and preside over various agendas." Tian Yanzhen coughed twice, glared at Ning Wei and said.

"Okay, this defense committee is composed of..."

"Now I would like to ask Ning Wei's tutor Tian Yanzhen to introduce Ning Wei's study and scientific research."

"Ahem, during the two years of study in our research center, Ning Wei worked hard and solved many mathematical problems, and laid the foundation and framework for the mathematical theory of big data and artificial intelligence. His main scientific research contents include... "

Ning Wei sat in the audience and listened quietly to his field director praising him for ten minutes. It was finally his turn to give a thesis report.

"Good afternoon, Director Tian and all tutors. Next, I will give you a brief report on the topic of the graduation thesis..."

Even though the stage was full of acquaintances, Ning Wei still felt the solemnity when he started to go through the normal process. After all, after passing this level, he was the serious Dr. Ning, or Professor Ning.

After finishing the report honestly, he began to accept questions.

How should I put it? Ning Wei felt that these questions were quite high-level. It was obvious that everyone had studied his paper carefully. This made Ning Wei quite pleased that he could ask these questions. These judges really took the time to read his paper carefully, which also greatly increased his conversational potential.

To be honest, this kind of defense is really not difficult for Ning Wei. After all, his thesis and references are all written by himself. He is the constructor of the entire theory. This link is not so much about answering questions. Let’s have some discussions on this part of mathematical theory, or answer questions.

What Ning Wei never expected was that he had almost finished discussing the paper in a harmonious and friendly manner. When the chairperson presiding over the defense was about to announce the next process, Mr. Yao suddenly spoke: "I have one last question, Ning Wei, you You are about to graduate with a Ph.D., and now you still insist on the view that Huaqing is not serious?"

"Um?" Ning Weiwen was stunned by countless professional questions, but this question really stunned him.

As expected, you can be willful once you become a big boss. He was asked such a heartbreaking question in his graduation thesis defense. How should he answer it?

Ning Wei blinked. The big guys on the stage looked at him with interest, but no one came to the rescue.

"Well... being serious or not is a relative term. Now that I have grown up, I feel that you can't say nonsense when evaluating whether a place is serious or not. After all, you can't evaluate it without experience. So I can only say that our school is actually quite serious. This The first doctoral thesis defense was quite serious before this question..."

"Ahem, adjournment, adjournment. The next step is for the defense committee to evaluate and formulate comments on this defense. Non-members of the defense committee, please leave. I'd rather you go out. Don't go too far, outside. Wait, the results will be announced later.”

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