Tech Hammer

Chapter 139 Finally, graduation

The graduation ceremony of Jiangnan University's Class of 2018 will be held as scheduled at 2:00 pm on June 25, 2022.

No matter how these four years have passed, for most people, today is a commentary on the four years of undergraduate studies. Whether they are satisfactory or regretful, undergraduate campus life will never come back.

Fortunately, for the four people in 302, there should be no regrets.

Needless to say, Ning Wei, two guys lying flat on their backs, Xu Ruixuan and Luo Xiang, also received diplomas and degree certificates, and also found love. As for Liu Cong, he is sure that he will continue to stay in school. Although he has not found love, he is full of confidence in the future.

To paraphrase this guy's own words, the bitches have all left school, and the school girls are all his.

Fortunately, the junior students did not hear these words, otherwise they would definitely express dissatisfaction.

Ning Wei also experienced the surprise given by the school on this day.

Because I had to speak as a student representative, I had to sit in the front row. When he was led to his seat, he was really surprised to find that his parents were already sitting on the left and right, sitting firmly.

Next to him were the school leaders and department leaders and professors.'s also a different feeling.

Surprisingly, Lao Ning's temper improved a lot, and he smiled at him, which made Ning feel confused as if he had accidentally changed his father.

Next is the flash mob session that students love to see most.

When the music sounded, a song "My Deskmate" performed by a senior from the School of Art evoked the beautiful memories of the four years of college for countless children present, and ended with a passionate and unrestrained "Chasing Dreams".

The resonance brought by the music also completely lifted everyone's spirits, followed by the principal's speech.

Academician Du wore a tutor's uniform and gave a brief but not perfunctory speech.

Then it was Ning Wei's turn to stand on the podium.

There was still no manuscript in hand, but this time it was different. He simply memorized all the speeches he had prepared.

"Dear school leaders and dear students, good afternoon everyone..."

“I am as excited as everyone to be able to stand here today and look at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the audience, because starting from today we will officially bid farewell to Jiangnan University, the beautiful Luojia Mountain, the fairy-tale cherry garden, The simple and solemn Laowai Building; but from this day on, no matter where we go in the future, our every word and deed, our dedication and sweat, and the impression we give to everyone will be integrated with everything about our alma mater. Over the past four years, each of us has been unknowingly branded with the mark of Luojia Mountain..."

"Yesterday's students will be tomorrow's craftsmen of a great nation. This is what Jiangsu University expects of us, and it is also the mission entrusted to us by the times. Here I would like to wish you a bright future, and hope that you will never forget your original aspirations. Thank you all!"

After finishing his speech, he bowed slightly and then stepped off the stage. The next outstanding student representative came to the stage to give a speech. Until finally, everyone lined up on the podium to receive their graduation certificate. The four-hour graduation ceremony ended successfully.

The arrival of his parents also disrupted Ning Wei's arrangements.

Originally, a break-up meal was arranged in the dormitory today, but the school also arranged a dinner, so it could only accommodate the three people in the dormitory.

Fortunately, we have often had meals together before, and communication and transportation are now very developed, so we are not afraid that we will not have the chance to meet again in the future.

After the dinner where the guests and host enjoyed themselves, Ning's father and Ning's mother were arranged in the school's guest house. It was agreed that the two elderly people would help Ning Wei pack his luggage the next day, and Ning Wei returned to his dormitory.

Although we couldn't have dinner together, the four of us still cherished the last night together.

After all, after graduation, there are not many opportunities to sleep in the same room like this.

So at eleven o'clock, the four of them climbed into bed and began the last sleeping session in bedroom 302, in which no one was absent.

"Mr. Xu, where are you and Xu Mo now? You can tell us the truth now, right?"

The first topic of the sleep talk session was initiated by Luo Xiang, and it is one of the eternal themes in the sleep talk session in the boys' dormitory.

"Hey hey hey!" Xu Ruixuan laughed three times, no more, no less.

"Fuck, are we brothers? Can't we tell the truth at this time?" Liu Cong asked angrily.

"Actually, he has already said it. Have you forgotten that when we were freshmen, we watched Brother Fei tell dirty jokes together?" Ning Wei rarely interjected on this topic.

"Hey...beast, how could you do something to such an innocent girl like Xu Mo?" Liu Cong rebuked angrily and heartbroken.

"That's it, the shame of 302!" Luo Xiang made a last strike.

"Haha... Luo Xiang, don't say that the relationship between you and Lu Jiajia is so pure. When we were watching an all-night movie on Christmas night, Xu Moke and I saw clearly what you did to others. "

"Malgobi! That's enough for you two!"

Liu Cong rebuked angrily, and then asked quietly: "Ning Wei, I won't say anything. After all, there are not many girls in this era who can find my inner beauty, but what about you? Every time I see you You look so obsessed with research that I'm afraid you'll end up alone in the future. By the way, what kind of girl do you like?"

Hearing this question, Ning Wei was stunned. He really hadn't thought about it.

"Ning Wei, do you still need to worry about us? Ning Wei is a man who vowed to sleep with the goddess of science!" Luo Xiang said disdainfully.

"I think so too. Really, Ning Xueshen, you don't deserve to fall in love with an ordinary girl. Think about it, I've gone through the days where I feel like an idiot when I open my eyes every morning and see you in the dormitory. It’s been a hard year, and I feel heartbroken when I think of a girl who will be tortured by this kind of shame for the rest of her life. I can’t help it, your IQ is so ungrateful.” Xu Ruixuan made up for it without hesitation.

Ning Wei really laughed at being laughed at by these two idiots.

Fortunately, Liu Cong spoke upright, but there was something obviously wrong in the taste: "That's enough for you two. Just think about your IQ. If you don't have children, it's a loss for all mankind, understand? Without Xiao Ningwei, who will endure what we have experienced in the future?" The blow you received?"

"It seems to make some sense!"

"To put it this way, I think Ning Wei should find a girl with an IQ of 200+ to fall in love with. Damn it, my soul is trembling when I think of this evil thought. Think about it, what kind of little Ning Wei will be born from this combination? fierce?"

"That's enough for you! You still say this and I'll go to bed right away!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk about our ideals! Ning Wei can shut up. We can see your ideals in the news in the future. Now I invite Mr. Xu to speak."

"I'm going to take the civil service exam, preferably in a more powerful department. If you come to my wedding with Xu Mo, I'll be honored..."

Ning Wei no longer remembers when he fell asleep.

Listening to the three living treasures' thoughts about the future, he felt very confused. It seemed that the other friends all had very clear and specific plans for their futures, but he was the only one who was still taking one step at a time. He was ashamed!

Until I drifted off into sleep, I slept soundly and soundly.

The theme of the second day was farewell.

Ning Wei was the first to leave in the dormitory.

The two adults came to the house to help Ning Wei pack his luggage, and it was almost time to catch the high-speed train. After the two adults finished cleaning up, they went outside the door first, leaving space for the four young men.

"Come on, let daddy hug you for the last time!"

"Mr. Xu, you actually smell of perfume?"

"Haha, if you are uneducated, that's called cologne!"

"No matter what, cherish it!"

"Bah, in your words, brother has a bright future!"

"Boss Luo, when you are about to inherit the family business, remember to give me a shout and I will help you place an advertisement to call on everyone not to be deceived."

"It's enough!"

"Liu Cong, I wish you will find the school girl who can discover your inner beauty soon."

"Please be sincere in your blessings, and please change the word 'a' to 'some'! Thank you!"

"Huh... You haven't learned to walk yet, and you want to run away?"

"Okay, let's go, but I feel like something is missing. By the way, shouldn't you call me daddy one last time?"


"Always remember the first rule of our dormitory 302, filial piety comes first!"

"Get out of here!"

The journey is not difficult, the high-speed train only takes one and a half hours, and there is a car to pick you up the whole way.

After returning home, Ning Wei received a reply from Science magazine, and the last paper on turbulence algorithm was approved.

This is also to be expected.

After all, the results of the public beta of the turbulence algorithm are there. Director Lu called him a few days ago. The order from Mr. Iron has been negotiated. This summer, the entire 12306 system has begun to be deployed as a whole. The laboratory has sent researchers for this matter. I stayed up for three whole nights.

Although it is still nominally in public beta, it has been rolled out in an orderly manner on major websites.

Huawei Cloud has begun to officially launch the customer experience upgrade function, and other Chinese cloud service platforms have also begun to proactively come to discuss cooperation. It is said that the two parties are in contact and discussing the cooperation model.

Of course, Ning Wei doesn't think this has anything to do with him.

He has given full authority to the laboratory to operate on his behalf.

Regarding the promotion of the algorithm and the specific licensing price, we have already discussed it before and just follow the contract.

The laboratory and Huawei will directly pay his card after summarizing each financial quarter.

Ning Wei's only obligation is probably to contribute some mental support when the turbulence algorithm needs to be upgraded.

Very reasonable.

Of course, on the other side of the ocean, it was no surprise that when Ning Wei received this approved email, the incomplete turbulence algorithm source code in the paper had already begun to be studied by engineers from many high-tech companies.

Yes, Ningwei did not release the complete source code, but only reflected the source code that implements the necessary functions in the paper. Of course, he didn't remove any of the shit-laced parts, and published them all in the paper.

Of course, Ning Wei feels that he does not want anyone to step on the wrong side of the problem, but simply makes a trivial effort so that everyone can respect intellectual property rights.

Currently, EDA software capable of designing turbulence algorithm chips has been used in Huawei's research labs. According to Huawei's plan, the hardware technology department of network equipment is stepping up its time to design a new generation of motherboard layout to facilitate the perfect integration of future algorithm chips into the motherboard.

At this time, issues regarding the application limitations of minimalist EDA also arise, because minimalist EDA does not yet have the function of designing the motherboard. For the hardware department, it is necessary to embed the chip into the motherboard on the design drawing, and then perform the simulation test step. It will be extremely difficult...

Well, this is no longer an issue that Ning Wei needs to worry about.

This also made Ning Wei quite lucky to get rid of this hot potato at the critical moment.

Sure enough, from theory to application, without a large number of scientific researchers to push forward the experience, it is almost an impossible task. At present, Huawei is probably the only company in China that has the size to do this work. I changed to another company and wanted to convert minimalist EDA into I'm afraid it will be difficult to carry it forward.

However, this is probably also a challenge for Jiang University’s laboratory.

Because in order for this EDA software to have more complex design capabilities, the workload must be beyond imagination...

Of course, this is probably a happy worry for Huawei.

Ning Wei has a general understanding of Huawei's plan. When the first generation of new network equipment with turbulence algorithms hits the market, it will be the time for a new round of chip negotiations to begin. After all, they are partners, and Ning Wei still hopes to negotiate on this. successful.

There is no doubt that an open and fair market is more conducive to technological innovation.

Of course he just expected it.

Although he was about to usher in the longest vacation, there was still something to do every day, not to mention that Senior Brother Lu was urging him to report to Yanbei University at the rate of one text message a day.

If Ning's mother hadn't wanted to keep the child for a few more days, Ning Wei might have gone to the capital.

But for the sake of great maternal love, he decided to stay at home for two more weeks.

During this time, Lucy Ron had more contact with him.

This Harvard darling is now really starting to study number theory, and from time to time he will send some questions to discuss with him.

However, Ning Wei was not very active. Occasionally, he would reply with a few words when he saw a topic that interested him. Then the two of them would often start with a friendly academic discussion and then end with mutual sarcasm.

The main reason is that when Ning Wei couldn't bear the obvious mistakes made by this woman during the argument, she would always ask thoughtfully, "Is your backless evening dress not burned yet?"

Then the war inevitably began.

Lucy will ridicule Ning Wei for curing his male chauvinist disease, and Ning Wei will ridicule whether Ms. Lucy has been extracting brain cells for breast enlargement recently...

Then the woman becomes furious, the man becomes silent, and eventually they break up.

But after a while, this kind of plot will come back again.

So much so that Ning Wei was very suspicious that this woman might be a jerk. Otherwise, how could she be so happy to discuss mathematics with him even though she knew that she would only suffer blows from him? In short, it was hopeless...

In this way, two weeks almost flew by.

Finally the day came when Ning Wei promised Lu Dongyi to go to the capital.

The night before, after her mother silently helped her son pack his luggage, Ning Wei held a very formal family meeting.

"Dad, Mom, let's talk about something serious. Do you want to settle in the capital? If you have this plan, I will find a suitable house and buy it when I go to the capital this time."

"Huh? Boy, have you made a fortune again?!" Old Ning looked at Ning Wei in surprise and asked.

"It's like this. I have researched a technology before, and now I am working with Huawei. It is estimated that I can earn hundreds of millions every year. So if you want to settle in the capital, our family can completely afford it."

Ning Wei said seriously, and he had already prepared his mind before the showdown with his family.

"Haha...Xiao Li, look at our son...hehe, he is getting more and more humorous. How much did you just say you could earn in a year?"

"Several hundred million." Ning Wei didn't smile. He looked at Lao Ning and his mother seriously. He was afraid that the two old people wouldn't be able to accept the fact that he suddenly became rich, so he kept talking about it.

The smile on Lao Ning's face gradually faded. He glanced sideways at Ning's mother, who was still dreaming, and asked, "Ning Wei, are you serious?"

Ning Wei nodded and explained: "Of course I don't have that much money now, and it's not the day to settle the bill yet. But there are about 41 million in this card, which is enough to buy an apartment in the capital. That's what I think , if you want to settle in the capital, I will take this money to buy a house. If you still want to stay here, I will transfer 10 million back to the previous card, and you can use it first."

"This..." Old Ning glanced at Ning's mother, but Ning's mother didn't respond at all.

Well, this is normal. Faced with the fact that he suddenly became rich, it took Ningwei more than half a month to calm down.

"There are more than 40 million in the card?"


"How many more billions can we make every year?"

"Yes, Mom..."

That night, Ning Wei passed by under repeated questioning from the two adults.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the morning that the two adults finally accepted the fact that they had become billionaires.

But in the end, Lao Ning and Ning Ma decided to stay in Yancheng, and Ning Ma conveyed their opinions.

"It's a bit reluctant to leave after you get used to it here. And now we can't help you much in the past, but if you have the opportunity to buy a house and you find a suitable house, buy it first. When you have children in the future, we will help you. You can stay there while you take care of the kids.”

"Huh? That's okay too!"

"Also, your father wants to buy a car, but he is too embarrassed to tell you directly. Originally, I didn't want him to buy it, but since this is the situation now, let's wait until he gets his driver's license and buy him one. Let’s get a car. When he gets used to it, we won’t work anymore. He said he would take me two years to drive around the country. This was also our wish when we were young. We could see more places while we were still able to run. look."

"Okay! Let dad take the driver's license test as soon as possible. If you pass the driver's license, we will buy a good car. But if you really want to travel, it's best to bring a driver."

"Don't worry about this. You should take good care of yourself when you go to the capital. Don't worry, when you come back, I won't let your father go anywhere!"

"Yeah, I got it, Mom!"

"By the way, don't show off your wealth. Remember not to show it off outside. We are just a small family. Even if we make some money, we can live a good life. But don't compete with others outside!"

"Don't worry, Mom, I stay in school every day and don't go out. Who am I going to fight with?" Ning Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's fine, we have to catch the train tomorrow, so you should go to bed early!"


"Honey, did the child agree?"

"Hmph! What do you think?"

"That's what you said! What happened to me as a father? Back then..."

"Still bragging? Are you still bragging? Let's see if I let you buy a car!"

"Forget it, sleep!"

The protagonist's journey in Jiangda is over.

Personally, I feel that the ending of Jiang Da's story is quite acceptable. The main characters who appeared in the previous stage have their explanations. What was not explained was mostly foreshadowing for the future.

Except for Gong Xiaofei, this character is actually a character born in a single-parent family that Pudding consulted a lot of psychological information in the hope of portraying her. She is extremely capable, strong-willed, extremely self-centered, lacks empathy, but is extremely insecure in her heart. A sexy girl, but she obviously tried too hard and failed.

The original intention of this female supporting character was to imitate Azi from Tian Long Ba Bu, but it just required a periodic change from being unruly and willful to being changed by the protagonist. Unfortunately, she was not able to complete the shaping of this female supporting character, so she had to give up temporarily.

In addition, this article is still positioned as a daily article for academics. Whether it is winning awards or shining at conferences, it is based on daily accumulation. This style will continue in subsequent chapters.

The next step is for the protagonist to stand on a higher stage and show his talent. I hope everyone will continue to support Pudding! Greatful!

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