Tech Hammer

Chapter 136 Then let me thrust out this sword!

Obviously, John was well prepared.

Soon a contract was placed in front of Connerson. The terms above had been prepared long ago. John elegantly wrote the amount on the contract and a check at the same time in front of Connerson.

Connerson took the contract, glanced at it hastily, then signed it readily, and then exchanged the contract for the check.

John stood up, adjusted his clothes, and said: "On behalf of the Mathematical Society, I would like to thank you for your contributions to the Journal of the Mathematical Society."

"Oh, then, thank you very much for the check."

"Then I'll take my leave first."


Huaxia, Jiangcheng, Sky Lefang mass-selling KTV.

Ning Wei was admiring the performance of several Maiba in the dormitories on both sides. To be honest, he was not very interested in singing, but he still had the ability to appreciate it.

Unfortunately, the KTV environment is too noisy, and Ning Wei actually prefers to listen to soothing music in a quiet environment.

So it's somewhat boring.

Fortunately, after Yang Xiaohui talked with Ning Wei that day, the two got along much more harmoniously. At least the dormitories on both sides no longer regard the two as a couple, they simply get along like girls in a sorority dormitory. The two of them have no other messy thoughts, at least they are not embarrassed.

By then, Liu Cong had become much more harmonious with the other girl. Neither of them seemed to be interested in singing, so they sat together and chatted about something.

This is understandable.

After graduation, these two may be the closest. One is an exempted student from the school and will come to Jiangsu University for graduate school next year, and the other has already decided to work in the school laboratory. They can help each other if anything happens in the future.

Of course, Xu Mo and Xu Ruixuan are not far away, at least they are in the same city, but I don't know whether they can achieve success in the end. However, both of them come from the same area, so at least they won’t separate because of big differences in their living habits. If it’s because I like cats and you raise dogs, then there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

As for the couple Luo Xiang and Lu Jiajia, it's hard to say.

Luo Xiang will most likely stay in Jiangcheng to develop, after all, his family has a solid foundation here. For Lu Jiajia, her family had arranged a job for her in a bank in her hometown, and she said she would have to start working as a counter.

How long a long-distance relationship can last has always been a very mysterious question.

Fortunately, both of them are heartless and optimistic, and the worries of others don't seem to be a problem at all to them.

To paraphrase Luo Xiang, it takes only four hours to take the high-speed rail from Jiangcheng to Xuzhou, and it takes almost three hours to take the bus from the northernmost part of Jiangcheng to the southernmost part. Therefore, as long as the Huaxia High-speed Railway does not collapse, the distance of more than a thousand kilometers will not be covered at all. Not a big deal.

As for Yang Xiaohui.

Not to mention the future graduate students of the Renmin University, with four words, a bright future. Of course, if you just want to live a small life, you can probably live a good life. After all, you will definitely meet many outstanding boys if you go to the Renmin University for graduate school.

As for himself...

Ning Wei was just thinking about all this when he suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

I took out my phone and saw that it was Senior Brother Lu calling.

He quickly waved his phone to a few people, then walked out of the private room and answered the phone.

"Hello, senior brother."

"Huh? Why does it seem so noisy over there? Where is it?"

"I was at a KTV with my classmates. There was music playing in the hall, so it was a bit noisy."

"Huh? Why would you go to a place like that?"

Seeing how this question was asked, Ning Wei didn't know how to answer it for a while. It was more difficult than writing a thesis question. Isn't he worthy of singing in KTV?

Fortunately, it seemed that Ning Wei didn't want to wait for an answer. The next moment, the senior brother gave another opinion: "Don't go to KTVs when you are young. You can waste that time to think about many things. Wait until you are fifty or sixty years old to enjoy it." It’s too late.”

Ning Wei was stunned and asked subconsciously: "I'll go, senior brother, are you such a social person?"

"What's this mess?"

Well, he was superficial after all.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I saw your latest paper published in "Nature". Junior brother, you are amazing! How did you suddenly think of studying this proposition?" Senior Brother Lu admired sincerely.

Ning Wei sighed in his heart. From criticism to praise, the transition was very smooth and not stiff at all. The senior brother is indeed very social. Of course, he would not say this anymore, but answered honestly: "Because it is confirmed in my senior year. When I was writing my graduation thesis in statistics, I suddenly discovered by chance that this proposition could actually be solved using statistical methods, so I simply used it to write my graduation thesis."

"What did you say? Is this your graduation thesis?"

Ning Wei could hear the tone of surprise and disbelief in the senior brother's tone...

Suddenly the whole body and mind were nourished.

Really, no matter how exaggerated praises and compliments the classmates around him gave, none of them made him feel as happy as the emotion shown in Lu Dongyi's words.

The only drawback is that this is on the phone. If the two of them are sitting face to face and he can see Senior Brother Lu's expression at this time, that would be perfect!

"Yes, the second author of this thesis was my thesis advisor. At that time, he set the standard for me to write a graduation thesis that was at least as good as SCI Area 1. I thought about it for a few days and thought that it was already done anyway. I'm going to be in the first section, so why not just write an article that can get into the top journals. Unexpectedly, I found a suitable topic. Brother, do you think it's okay? By the way, brother, your undergraduate thesis can still be used now. Was it retrieved?"

Ning Wei asked humbly.

"Brother, I actually want to tell you something else when I call you. I am attending an international mathematics exchange meeting, and your paper was recommended to me by a foreign friend. There is another news, because Previously, the American Mathematical Society rejected your last manuscript, but you directly submitted this one to Nature, which caused many international students who love mathematics and some people in the mathematics and computer fields to question the professionalism of the American Mathematical Society. "

"That's all. My friend told me the news that the American Mathematical Society has officially announced that the editor-in-chief Connerson, who rejected your manuscript, has resigned. I remember that you showed me the email this gentleman sent you, Something feels wrong, so I called you to ask if you know about this?"

These words successfully attracted all Ning Wei's attention. He was stunned for a moment and said: "Is there such a thing? Why did Connerson reject my manuscript? Don't those people have any idea? Some people question the fairness of the journal. , what’s the point of asking the editor-in-chief to resign? And there’s nothing wrong with Professor Flender?”

"Well, so I called you to talk about it. There is relatively little information in this area in China. I guess you may not know it yet. It seems that I am right. Sometimes things are like this, but that Professor Connerson can say It's a blessing to you. If you want to do something, your senior brother and teacher will definitely support you." Lu Dongyi said.

"Okay, I understand, senior brother, but it's a pity that I don't have a FB account!" Ning Wei felt angry.

How should I put it? Ning Wei is still very young. From a young man's perspective, the world should not be like this.

People who were kind to him were forced to resign because of their papers, but people who made things difficult for him could sit still in their seats and continue to enjoy the respect and praise of countless people.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you have a FB account or not. The Internet is connected. As long as you are willing to say something, there will always be people who can see it, and there will always be people who hope that more people can see it. For example, there are many international students from China and journalists from various countries. , they will also pay attention to China's Internet platform. And whether something is effective or not is one thing, and whether it is done or not is another matter. It's just for peace of mind." Lu Dongyi said pointedly .

"I understand, senior brother." Ning Wei nodded subconsciously while holding the phone.

"Okay, I have a small-scale discussion here soon, so I won't disturb you. Remember, don't go to places like karaoke bars in the future. It's a pointless waste of time."

After saying that, the person on the other end simply hung up the phone.

Ning Wei stood there for a moment, his brain dominated by the sudden surge of anger gradually calming down, and then he always felt as if he had missed something.

By the way, Senior Brother Lu still hasn’t answered his question. Can his undergraduate thesis be retrieved now?

Sure enough...Senior Brother is actually very social, and he uses every move to his advantage.

When I called again to ask, I was left in the lower class and was no longer interesting.

Well, he really should make some noise, even if it's not a loud one.

Ning Wei stood at the door of the KTV box. He first opened his email and took a complete screenshot of the email sent to him by Connerson. Then he began to edit the picture, mosaic the two people's email addresses, and then opened the app store to download. Weibo.

There was no such software on the mobile phone before, and he had only logged in on the computer before.

There is no way, Weibo is his only Internet publishing platform that has passed real-name identity authentication, so it is also the only platform where he can be sure to speak publicly.

After downloading the software and logging in, Ning Wei was a little surprised to see the number of fans on Weibo.

He actually has more than 1.2 million fans?

How virtuous and capable he is...

Well, actually it’s not that much. Compared with the tens of millions of fans who follow a celebrity, Internet celebrity or something like that, more than 1.2 million is really nothing.

And having more fans is a good thing, at least it means that his Weibo can be seen by more people.

After thinking for a moment and brewing some emotions, he began to edit the second Weibo in his life. Considering that the content of this Weibo was for foreign friends, Ning Wei directly used English.

"Mr. Connerson has always been a teacher I admire very much. Mr. Suwen resigned because of a paper I published in Nature, and lost his position as editor-in-chief of the American Mathematical Academy. This makes me feel very guilty. I still remember the words in the email that my husband sent me: "Mathematics was once a light, illuminating the right direction for mankind. On behalf of the editorial board of the American Mathematical Academy, I sincerely hope that young people like you can use this The light will be passed on forever until it helps all mankind illuminate the only thing hidden in the dark at the end of science and find the answer that can explain the world.'"

“Today I borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and send these words to all the people in the world who truly love mathematics. I hope you know that we are never alone. May the torch of mathematics never be blown out, and may the light of scholarship never succumb to any threat of darkness. !”

Then he quickly attached a screenshot of the full text of the email Connerson sent him and clicked send.

According to his plan, he was going to wait until his voice became stronger before thrusting out the sword, but since this incident broke out early, let's thrust out first. This sword won't kill him. We will meet again in the future. Calculate!

Feeling slightly relieved, Ning Wei opened the door of the box and welcomed the baptism of singing in the box again: "...I only dare to touch your hair. This gesture will make you more sad..."

Obviously, Ning Wei overestimated his current influence on the Internet.

It's true that celebrities and Internet celebrities have many fans, but the quality of their fans represented behind those exaggerated numbers is really understandable.

After all, he didn't do any publicity or buy fans, and the attention he attracted solely by being on a few hot searches was really different.

Within two minutes of this Weibo post being posted, the comment area became lively.

"So now the scholar has to use English when posting on Weibo and publishing papers? Please help me translate it downstairs. What exactly is it saying?"

"The people downstairs said that all the English knowledge has been returned to the teacher. Those on the third floor must know."

"The third floor is worried about his IQ. Please ask the fourth floor."

"The fourth floor is dead, blindly guess the senior translator on the fifth floor..."

In this way, the comment area was flooded all the way to the 137th floor, with various sorting errors in the middle. Finally, an English expert came and translated all the words Ning Wei said and the English in the pictures into Chinese.

Of course, it may not be that the English master is slow, but that it takes time to translate such a long Weibo post and the content in the picture, and it also takes time to type.

"I have always respected Mr. Connerson..."

The number of likes and replies to this comment, which translated Ning Wei's speech into Chinese, also increased like a rocket, and it soon reached the most popular position at the bottom of the comment area.

"I'll go, I mean, why is the academic god showing off his English on Weibo? It turns out that this is not for us at all. The academic scumbag is defeated."

"I know "Nature". Can anyone tell me what "American Mathematical Society" is? Is it also a journal?"

"I'll go, no wonder I heard that Ning Wei's paper was suppressed some time ago. It turns out that's what happened. We're not a math major, so who is the old professor who was almost praised to the sky in the email asking for popular science? The other reviewers All the contributors agree, but even if he doesn’t agree, he won’t be reviewed? That’s outrageous!”

"I don't know, but I'm sure someone downstairs knows!"

"If you don't agree with anything, just accept the foreigner's speaking style. This is a matter of overt praise and covert criticism, so I have to name him. I'll give it to you as a math dog. If I'm not wrong, the Mr. Connerson is talking about Lu. Carson Friend, if you don’t know this great guy, you can just search on Baidu.”

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