Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 610 I hope you will return today

This day in the imperial study was very difficult for the emperor and several ministers, but what happened on Lingdong Road and Hexi Road would spread sooner or later, and it was not known whether there would be trouble in the court.

However, all this is only an internal matter between the emperor and the court. It has nothing to do with Chu Hang, has nothing to do with Tan Yuanshang, and has nothing to do with Yi Shuyuan.


A few months later, Yi Shuyuan had arrived in Sizhou, Hexi Province.

Although the former Hexi Road was named Hexi, which means west of the river, in fact the drainage basin of Datong River is not that exaggerated, and it is mainly in the Lingdong states.

Nowadays, the Datong River has swallowed up many tributaries and turned into a main trunk. The water area has skyrocketed in a real sense, and the water veins extend far and wide, all the way to the edge of Hexi Road.

Hexi has also become Hexi in the true sense.

Yi Shuyuan believes that the map here will also be changed in the future.

Sizhou is originally a land with many rivers and water on the west side of the river. Some of the Si River valleys that intersect with each other were neither boating nor farming. Now the Datong River runs through it, forming a unified water vein.

That is to say, the Datong River is now the place with the most abundant water veins. Once it passes through Surabaya, the water potential of the Datong River will also tend to ease.

Even though it has only been more than a month, the local people have already called it Sishui as well as the Datong River Basin.

The people in Lingdong and Hexi believe that Prime Minister Chu’s entry into the Datong River moved God, and Prime Minister Chu’s heroic spirit will protect the people along the entire Datong River Basin. Therefore, even the people in Hexi also hope that the Datong River will extend here, and this is also fact.

After all, there are people from Lingdong who take boats down the Datong River. When communicating with people from Hexi, they will say that they have been walking down the Datong River without feeling like they have entered any tributary.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan walked along the Datong River to the north of Sizhou City. The originally low-lying area here was already a vast body of water, which was the local Si River.

The originally intricate river valley has been completely transformed into a part of the Datong River, and the surrounding area is also an important channel for the drought relief canal. It seems that lifelines are extending on the river, diverting water to all directions.

The sky was still bright, and Yi Shuyuan stood on the shore of the Sishui section of the Datong River. The sound of "swishing" was heard endlessly, and from time to time, some fish jumped out of the water and cheered for a while.

"Hey, the food put into the Datong River really feeds a lot of fish in the water."

Hui Mian lay on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder and said this, and Yi Shuyuan also grinned.

This reminded Yi Shuyuan of some interesting things in his previous life.

At that time when fishing was banned in the river basins, fishermen could still fish. Perhaps it was because the fishermen’s harvest was completely out of proportion to their feeding efforts. The three melons and two dates they caught were far less than the masses of fish they fed. many.

Of course, this also reminded Yi Shuyuan of his nephew Yi Yongan.

"This Shui Tribe has indeed benefited from this, and it shows how ignorant mortals are!"

A voice came from one side, and Hui Mian immediately shrank behind Yi Shuyuan's hair. Yi Shuyuan looked to one side, and the person who came was none other than Feng Yan, Dragon Lord of the East China Sea.

Before Yi Shuyuan could say anything, another voice came from the sky.

"It is true that mortals are sometimes ignorant, but this time, what we see is not ignorance, but gratitude, drinking water and thinking about the source, genuine concern, love and affection, which is a great kindness!"

A ray of divine light fell from the sky and reached Yi Shuyuan and Feng Yan.

"Long Jun, Mr. Yi!"

Laishen saluted Yi Shuyuan and Feng Yan. The former returned the gift with a smile, and the latter also bowed his hand. This was a great honor to Laishen, because the newcomer was not an ordinary god.

"Jun Ziweixing, you are indeed here!"

Donghai Longjun's words made Xiang Yi sigh slightly and look at the water in the Sishui River Valley.

"How could you not come?"

Hui Mian boldly poked his head in again and asked out of curiosity.

"Mr. Ziweixing, are you happy or sad right now?"

Xiang Yi glanced at Hui Mian on Yi Shuyuan's shoulder. He knew that this little mink was very unusual, and this question also showed this. He grinned, thought for a moment, and then spoke.

"There is sadness and anger, anger at the unfilial piety of the descendants, sadness at the death of a good minister, but there is also joy, happiness that the old minister has become enlightened and entered the Tao."

Why come to Surabaya, because this is now the center of the Datong River water area, and it is also the place where the water veins converge most abundantly. This is not only a matter of the Datong River water area, but also must be the place where Chuhang reunited after he turned into water spirit energy and traveled through the water.

Previously, the water in the Datong River and the falling rain in the sky and the earth were all affected by Chu Hang's water movement. They can even be regarded as part of Chu Hang's water spirit, and now they are reunited in Surabaya.

As the sky gradually brightened, a mist formed in the center of the water in the distance, and a small whirlpool formed on the water.

At this moment when the water spirit energy gathered, a figure gradually formed from blur to clarity under the water.

"Whoosh, whoa, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

In the sound of water, the vortex gradually spread, no longer like a whirlpool, but like water flowing around and spreading, unexpectedly revealing a large highland rock in the center of the water.

This was originally a high place in the Sishui River Valley, but now it looks like a small island reef in the Datong River, which is only a few feet wide.

In the center of this wet boulder, a figure stood on it. His closed eyes slowly opened, feeling a little dazed and unreal, and then all senses and perceptions returned.

And this figure was none other than Chu Hang. At this moment, it seemed as if thousands of memories were flooding into his heart, including the cries of the crowd, the chants of grief, and the prayers and sacrifices of the people.

It was chaotic and numerous, but it didn't make Chu Hang feel much pain.

At this moment, on the water outside the "island reef", a wooden boat sailed by. The boatman on the boat, wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, came swaying and humming.

The songs almost have only one tune, but they are leisurely and beautiful.

"Born like a duckweed~~~Seeing the Tao once it is clear~~~Death for the country~~~Serving the officials and all the people~~~Not loyal to the king~~~Only for the fate of the world~~~Stuck for hundreds of years~~~ I hope you will return today~~~"

When the song came, Chu Hang turned around and looked at the small boat that had already docked near the island. The boatman on top stopped the boat with his oar and smiled, and bowed to him with his hands raised.

"Old gentleman, there is no way to the island. Let me take you there. There is someone waiting for you over there!"

A smile appeared on Chu Hang's face, which was still in a trance. Although he had never seen the coir-coated boatman who was rocking the oar, he gave him a feeling of purity and integrity. What's more, the song just now had a meaning. Obviously not simple.

"Good work!"

Chu Hang returned the salute and stretched his legs to step into the boat as he spoke. The next moment, the islands and reefs behind him were submerged in the water again amidst the sound of flowing water.

Ordinary people would be shocked when seeing this scene, but the boatman didn't seem to care and continued rowing.

In the mist on the Datong River, a small boat moved forward slowly. The Sishui Valley turned into the Sishui Basin of the Datong River. The water surface was so much wider that it felt like there was no difference between the two Zhuzhu cliffs.

Chu Hang stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the water in the mist ahead, smiling and chatting with the boatman behind him.

"The song the boatman sang just now made me very emotional!"

The boatman looked at the people in front and answered with a smile.

"What the old man doesn't know is that this ballad was sung in the "Biography of Duke Chu". The life of Prime Minister Chu is all contained in the song. It has spread throughout the Datong River Basin and has become a household name in more than ten states in Lingdong and Hexi!"

"The Biography of Duke Chu"

Chu Hang murmured to himself and looked back at the boatman who was rowing the oar. If it weren't for the feeling he had just before the island, and if it wasn't for the clear air that always seemed to be around him, he would have suspected that the other person was a mortal.

"Did the boatman specially come here to wait for me?"

The boatman's voice still contained a smile.

"Yes, but not entirely. The Sishui River Valley now has a very large water area, but some people always need to cross the river. Some places that could be bypassed no longer exist. There is also a lack of cross-river bridges. I am boating here, too. Make it easier for people passing by!”

"I see!"

Chu Hang nodded, and then looked forward again. The river bank in front was close, and there were several people standing there. With just one glance, he could feel the divine light and dragon aura.

"We're here, old gentleman, get ready to go ashore!"

The boatman's voice came from behind him. He looked back and subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch the money bag, but how could he have the money bag with him now?

"No need, I am a rower and I have to make a living in Surabaya. How dare I accept money from you, old man, hahahahahaha"

Amid laughter, the boat also approached the shore. Chu Hang cupped his hands and turned his eyes back to the shore. At this moment, his face couldn't help but show joy, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Your Majesty—Mr. Yi—"

He was not surprised to see Yi Shuyuan and Chuhang, but when he saw Xiang Yi, the wise king of that year, all kinds of memories arose in his heart, and there were even more infinite feelings.

And the three people over there also came over.

Chu Hang stepped out from the bow of the ship, landed directly on the land, and walked quickly towards the three people. Before they arrived, the three people over there were already offering their hands to him.

Xiang Yi looked at this wise minister who was once his subordinate, with a bright smile on his face.

"Chu Qing, Xiang is not your Majesty now!"

Chu Hang actually knew this. Twenty years earlier, Emperor Demeng of the royal family had transformed into the Ziwei Star Lord in the heaven, and the Ziwei Temple in the capital was even more magnificent.

Not far from where Chu Hang landed, the boat sailed toward the water again with the boatman's singing. Several people on the shore subconsciously looked for the sound, and Xiang Yi couldn't help but ask.

"Chu Qing, this ferryman seems to be a bit extraordinary. Do you know his origin?"

Chu Hang looked at the three of them in slight surprise.

"Xingjun doesn't know either? Mr. Yi?"

Chu Hang's words made several people look at Yi Shuyuan, who just smiled and shook his head slightly.

"You can't say it. If you can't say it, just treat it as a ferryman!"

Several people were thoughtful, and the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea looked at the boat on the water. It was clearly accompanied by a faint aura. Although it was not conspicuous, he must be a practitioner, and his Taoism is not shallow!

Although it is a bit mysterious, Yi Daozi probably knows it.

"By the way, this is..."

Chu Hang didn't know the Dragon Lord of the East China Sea at all, but he could still tell that he was from the dragon clan.

When Chu Hang asked, Feng Yan looked away, grinned, looked at Chu Hang in front of him, and recalled the past of nearly a thousand years. This is the so-called destiny of immortality, and it is also a matter of fate.

"If you really want to talk about it, I am your cousin!"

ah? Cousin?

Chu Hang was stunned for a moment, and then his heart moved. He recalled what happened in Changfeng Mansion that year, and added the words "I."

Could it be.

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