Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 592 Everyone goes home

Where did you hear it?

Ban Yuguang unknowingly got closer and closer to the old fisherman's courtyard, but he still instinctively maintained his method of hiding his whereabouts.

It's just that Ban Yuguang's ability to hold his breath and hide is not enough. Maybe he is already a good player in the world, but those people in the small courtyard are not ordinary people. He is just like a cat holding a lantern in the dark night. Just as obvious up close.

That is to say, no one in the small courtyard exposed Ban Yuguang. After all, he was also a descendant of the Chi family.

At a close enough distance, Ban Yuguang could clearly hear the narrative in the small courtyard with his own hearing. It didn't matter if he didn't listen, he was shocked when he heard the content.

Because of this, Ban Yuguang understood why he felt that the scholar-looking gentleman was special.

Is this Mr. Yi?

For Ban Yuguang, the word "Mr. Yi" seemed to only exist in legends. Even his master had only heard about it from his ancestors and had never seen it, but he firmly believed that there was such a strange man.

But no matter what, the matter related to Mr. Yi happened decades ago. How could he still be so young? Maybe he is also a descendant of his blood relatives?

But what excites Ban Yuguang even more is that the old fisherman may really be the master of the world that the master mentioned!

But soon Ban Yuguang was even more shocked, and he also learned the inside story of many things.

Ban Yuguang is a disciple of Chi Dian, and Chi Dian is the son of Chi Qinghu. His martial arts also inherits the characteristics of the Chi family in the later period, which is swiftness, fierceness and strength!

It's just that Chi Dian said before he died that the Chi family's martial arts was actually incomplete and lacked mental skills. Even Chi Dian himself was young and frivolous and ignorant of worldly affairs, so he didn't remember everything. He was filled with regret until his death. .

Of course there is a reason for this, but even Chi Dian is not sure about it, and at this moment, Ban Yuguang may have learned something about what happened back then.

The Chi family's martial arts flourished and reached its peak in the hands of Ban Yuguang's master, Chi Qinghu.

The most critical mental method is a piece of paper, with the complete content of the mental method written on one side in Chi Qinghu's handwriting, and on the other side is an article "Looking at the Rain in the Sky", which is said to be closely related to the mental method, and can even be praised as the most important mental method. General outline.

If you practice this chapter, you will be able to control the Tiangang Zhengqi. Otherwise, it will not be easy to control the superior martial arts passed down by the Chi family.

Back then, Chi Qinghu gathered his comrades from all corners of the country to help the rebel army, hoping to revive the country. They were as skilled as a cloud, and the rebel army was as powerful as a rainbow.

But who would have expected that as the power grew larger and occupied a large area of ​​land, the so-called rebel army also began to decay. The conflicts within the rebel army between those who adhered to their aspirations and the other faction began to intensify, from simple differences in ideas to later use of various means.

Mai Lingfei's identity was first exposed by someone with an intention to do so

Ban Yuguang, who was hiding in the tree, couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Although the old fisherman's voice was gentle and gentle, he could hear it clearly.

"Hehehehe said that I am actually a Dayong man and a spy of Dayong. I lurked in Dayan to prepare for Dayong's large-scale invasion. I also listed various 'evidences' and asked many of my former companions to confront me."

Hearing A Fei say this, Hui Mian took a sip of tea and looked up at him in the kitchen.

"Then they came to confront you? And you answered?"

"Here we come. The campaign has become a situation where everyone can't argue. It doesn't matter whether I should or not. What's more, I, Mailing Feifei, won't change my name or surname. It's impossible to forget my ancestors! I can't stand some things on weekdays. It's convenient. I killed several bastards who were not human beings, and they were brought out to make excuses."

Qi Zhongbin sighed while stroking his beard.

"It's just that they probably misjudged Mai Daxia's martial arts, right?"

"Hmph, if you want to capture me, thirty or forty people are not enough. Since the rebel army can't tolerate me, just leave. It just puts Brother Chi in a dilemma, alas."

Yi Shuyuan held a folding fan in his hand and patted his palms gently, while Hui Mian asked a question.

"Then what?"

"Then I left. Thinking of my old relationship, I didn't do anything too harsh, just waiting for me to go back."

Ah Fei paused for a moment and couldn't help but sigh.

"When I went back, I already learned that Brother Chi was designed to die, and that piece of paper "Wang Tian Yu" also fell into the hands of others."

A Fei's words were not just a simple narration, but also made many things clear at the beginning.

Chi Qinghu is an upright person. From fighting against Bai Yudao to running around in the rivers and lakes to help the rebels, he is a real hero who serves the country and the people. He has ambitions and ideals in his heart, and maybe he always has a bit of innocence.

But it was this innocence and hope that infected many people around Chi Qinghu, and even infected Mai Lingfei.

Ban Yuguang, who was standing on the tree in the distance, had clenched his fists unconsciously.

"There's nothing to say. If you're in the world, just be happy with your grudges. I'll kill alone. The former rebel army has long been decayed and can no longer be responsible for saving the world. How can they stop me? In one night, twenty-eight people were beheaded. , comfort Brother Chi’s spirit in heaven!”

Yi Shuyuan heard this and asked again.

"What about "Wang Tian Yu"?"

At this moment, Mai Lingfei stood up from the stove, walked into the inner room, and took out a tips bag stuffed on the beam with a slight jump. When he landed, there was no sound, just like It's a cat that hits the ground.

Mai Lingfei came out and opened the brochure bag, which contained a piece of paper "Wang Tian Yu".

"Wang Tianyu is here with me. Chi Dian is acting ridiculously and unruly. I can save him once or twice, but I can't save him for the rest of his life. It is just a disaster for him, but he will eventually be handed over to the descendants of the Chi family, and it is better now. Give it back to you, sir!"

Mai Lingfei walked out as he spoke and handed the paper in his hand to Yi Shuyuan. The latter took it directly and unfolded it bit by bit.

There are words on both pages of the paper. In addition to Chi Qinghu's own martial arts knowledge, there is also the article "Wang Tian Yu" written on the other page.

"Senior brother's handwriting."

Qi Zhongbin sighed while stroking his beard. He didn't know much about the inside story of "Wang Tian Yu", but when he saw the words, he understood that it was Shi Sheng's handwriting. He made some calculations in his heart and understood that the senior brother was following the master in those years. of.

A Fei was slightly startled, realizing that this was actually not written by Mr. Yi, and Yi Shuyuan also smiled.

"This is Shi Sheng's homework back then."

Of course, what Yi Shuyuan also wrote on the paper was the word "Thunder" that everyone's eyes fell on at this time.

"There's no point keeping me here, so just go where you need to go."

After Yi Shuyuan said this, he threw the paper in his hand upwards. The light paper flew up several feet and was swept away by the surrounding breeze.

Ban Yuguang's pupils dilated when he saw this scene in the distance. The moment the paper flew into the sky, his eyes never left.

"Woohoo. Woohoo"

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the piece of paper was actually flying in this direction. How could Ban Yuguang let it go? He immediately chased after the paper as it flew by in the wind.

This is "Wang Tian Yu", and all the secrets of the martial arts of the master are in it!

Ban Yuguang didn't bother to say hello to the people in the small courtyard, his eyes were fixed on the paper. If it was blown away by the wind, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

In the small courtyard, Yi Shuyuan looked into the distance, Qi Zhongbin also looked over there, and A Fei and Hui Mian also looked towards the direction where the wind blew the paper.

"They say they are withdrawing from the world, but in fact they have always been in the world!"

Yi Shuyuan said this and then stood up.

"Let's go and meet the people waiting for you."

A Fei was slightly startled and looked back at the stove.

"What about the fish?"

"Let's stay here for now."

While Yi Shuyuan was speaking, a wisp of breeze cleared the way in the courtyard. When Ah Fei walked out, everything around him seemed to change color, and he followed Yi Shuyuan and Qi Zhongbin away with their feet stepping on the wind.

But this is not just about riding the wind, but also about escaping into the realm of yin and yang first.

On the other side, Ban Yuguang finally jumped up and grabbed the paper before it flew to the river. When he fell, he almost didn't fall into the river. After he stabilized his body, he breathed a sigh of relief. .

Then Ban Yuguang sat by the river and carefully unfolded the slightly crumpled paper. Just seeing the words on it, he felt like he was thundering in his heart at a glance!

It turns out that this is the general outline of my master's martial arts. It turns out that what I used was not the crazy magic stick method, but the demon subduing stick method. It was just because I couldn't subjugate myself that I looked like a crazy demon.

After a while, Ban Yuguang suddenly reacted and rushed to the small courtyard where he had just been. Whether it was to thank him, ask questions, or invite the master to come out again, in short, he had a lot to say.

But when Ban Yuguang rushed to the small courtyard, he found that the few people who were chatting here before were no longer there.

The stove was still smoking, the fish had not yet been cooked, and even the teapots and cups were still steaming, but there was no one inside or outside the house.


After Ban Yuguang turned around, he couldn't help but start shouting. His voice was loud, and waves of echoes echoed around him, but no one answered.

"Is everyone really gone?"

"Could it be that they knew I was there, so they told me on purpose, and handed "Wang Tian Yu" to me on purpose, and then disappeared and never saw me again."

Ban Yuguang's face showed some disappointment, and he sat slumped on a stool outside the house, but the people he talked about were no longer in the world at this time.

When A Fei saw the Gate of Hell, even though he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but be shocked. It turned out that there really was a Gate of Hell.

"Sir, the people related to A Fei did not die here."

Hui Mian reminded him, but Yi Shuyuan calmly replied.

"The road to hell in the world leads to the River of Forgetfulness. If you don't wait in the underworld, there is no need to go to the old place."

While they were talking, several people had already passed through the gate of hell and merged into the dark wind due to the changes in the universe. The ghosts and gods guarding the gate were not aware of it.

Yi Shuyuan did not want to disturb the city god here, so he took the people to the underworld and quickly escaped into the underworld. The folding fan in his hand turned into a slender pen. Although it did not transform into formless, it could still perform formless methods.

What's more, watching "Sword and Rainbow Divides the Rain" along the way, my own painting skills have also improved slightly.

In just a few strokes, even an innate master like Mai Lingfei was "painted" as a ghost, and the group of people were "painted" as ghosts and blended into the underworld.

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