Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 553 The most suitable person

On the Dharma Cloud in the Heavenly Realm, when Yi Shuyuan arrived at a heavenly palace, he couldn't help but look around to observe the style of the heavenly palace. Its architecture was equally beautiful and elegant, and although it was different from the East, it was not too much.

He had already understood some of the situation when he came, and seeing this, Yi Shuyuan also understood that at least at the cultural level, the two heavens had many similarities.

Not long after, a messenger came with an order. The Emperor of Heaven wanted to see Yi Daozi, and the leading general naturally brought Yi Shuyuan and his party to the main hall. The one in the east was called Shenxiao Palace, and the one on this side was Yunxiao Palace.

"Hey, it's my first time to come to this southern heaven, and I've learned a lot!"

Jiang Lang sighed like this, and the god general who was leading the way couldn't help but look back at him. Just now, he was actually paying attention to Yi Daozi. Looking at it now, this man is actually very extraordinary, and there is a vague dragon about him. Qi, I am afraid it is a dragon with profound moral principles!

Rumor has it that Yi Daozi has a good relationship with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, and also has a good relationship with the Dragon King of Changfeng Lake. Taking a closer look, it seems that it is indeed similar to the aura on the Tianlong scroll.

It's just that the dragon's aura is too obscure, and he obviously has a high level of cultivation, so he didn't notice it.

"Could this be the Dragon King of Changfeng Lake?"

Jiang Lang chuckled and cupped his hands in acquiescence, and the god general also turned around and flew backwards to return the greeting solemnly.

Jiang Lang has been improving his cultivation over the years. He has experienced Lingdong's rains that defied the heavens and saved the world, and his life as a fish in the devil's realm has made him even more unpredictable.

"Hey, this guy Jiang Lang!"

Hui Mian murmured something in a low voice, smiled and said nothing, but Jiang Lang glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, as if he could sense what this weird Diaoer was thinking.

However, Yi Shuyuan didn't care about the dragon and the mink. What he was thinking was that since there was a Yunxiao Palace here, would there be any heaven that had a Lingxiao Palace?

Even if it doesn't happen now, as the heavens rise and fall, will it happen in the future when the new realm replaces the old realm?

In the Yunxiao Palace over there, many gods have gathered in a short period of time, especially the gods in the Medicine Master's Palace in the heaven here. After learning about Yi Daozi's arrival, they all dropped everything they were doing and came.

Yi Shuyuan followed the god general down outside the Yunxiao Palace, and then entered the palace together.

"Emperor, Yi Daozi is here!"

Yi Shuyuan, who was a few steps behind, also walked into the hall at this moment, and many gods and men in the hall came to pay attention.

The gray-haired immortal at the head must be Yi Daozi, and he should be followed by his disciples, but I don't know which one they are. The appearance of Jiang Lang also made the gods present slightly surprised.

This is obviously a dragon, and it may be an old dragon with profound knowledge!

The battle in Yunxiao Palace now doesn't make Yi Shuyuan feel any nervous.

After speaking, the guiding general stepped aside for a few steps, while Yi Shuyuan went to the center of the hall with his disciples and others and bowed their hands to the Heavenly Emperor above. Even though Jiang Lang was a dragon, he still needed to respect the courtesy of the gods at this moment.

"I've seen the Lord God!"

The Emperor of Heaven was also looking at Yi Shuyuan seriously.

The moment they first met, I felt a fresh air accompanying them, but I couldn't feel any fairy spirit. The auras of the two people around me were not obvious. On the contrary, Rong Zhang's fairy spirit appeared in the Yunxiao Palace. It was very... obvious.

But all the gods present knew that in terms of immortal cultivation, the most conspicuous person must be the lowest, but no one paid too much attention to others except Yi Daozi. Anyway, it would be clear later.

"You don't have to be polite, why is Yi Daozi here here?"

It is a long journey from the Eastern Realm to this place. Even if you are a practitioner, if you are not proficient in the method of escaping with the power of flying, some people may have to travel for a long time.

This situation exists because some practitioners rely purely on wind control to fly, and the wind may not blow very fast sometimes.

After hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Rong Zhang looked at Yi Shuyuan. Naturally, Yi Daozi had to talk about this matter.

Yi Shuyuan raised his head and looked around. There were many gods and people around him. He originally wanted to meet the Emperor of Heaven alone, but he never thought that it would be a little grand here.

Forget it, they are all gods, so there is nothing to worry about, and it is only a matter of time before the news leaks. Everything will change, and the way to deal with it can naturally change.

With this thought in mind, he spoke calmly.

"God Lord, Yi suddenly had an enlightenment in the east, and understood that there are some evil spirits in the south that will cause trouble again. He even figured out that it was related to a certain evildoer that Yi killed back then. He has already received a share of the cause and effect. Since it is clear in his mind, Regarding this matter, Yi did not hesitate and went here specifically in order to kill this beast!"

Yi Daozi's external reputation and impression have gone through several stages of change.

Needless to say, it was not famous at first. Later, the Kaiyang Water God Beheading Demon Killing Platform made Yi Daozi's name extremely awe-inspiring, but these were all matters in the Eastern Realm.

Since the Xingluo Dharma Conference, Yi Daozi has been almost the only living expert in the Alchemy lineage in the southern realm. As an alchemy expert, he usually has a sense of calmness, joy and anger, and little reason for external things. meeting.

I didn't expect that today I would kill Xie Sui.

However, Yi Daozi went to heaven first, perhaps hoping for help from heaven!

The Emperor of Heaven and the gods all had similar thoughts, and if Yi Daozi could help, he would definitely help!

So the Emperor of Heaven quickly showed a smile on his face.

"What kind of evil spirit did Yi Daozi want to kill, and it actually alarmed you in the east?"

Yi Shuyuan's expression remained calm and he spoke calmly.

"It's the one that doesn't turn into bones!"

No bones!

As soon as Yi Shuyuan said this, the whole palace was shocked. Even the smile on the Emperor of Heaven's face disappeared, and a god started asking questions the next moment.

"Did Yi Daozi make a mistake? The evil barrier suffered irreversible damage more than two hundred years ago. Even if there is no trace of it, it will eventually perish. Even if it is still in the world, it is impossible to recover!"

Not turning into bones was a bad memory for this Heavenly Court, but it was in the past after all. At this moment, Yi Shuyuan once again mentioned that the faces of most gods were not very good-looking.

However, the expressions of a small number of the gods are slightly weird. Yi Shuyuan has long been paying attention to this place, and he can feel some subtle changes with his own synaesthesia.

It seems that there are indeed people in this heaven who know some things about not turning into bones, or it is inevitable that there will be some unwritten tacit understanding with demons beyond a certain bottom line.

This reminded Yi Shuyuan of the Bei Mang Demon King back then. The Northern Blue Wolf was considered to be the most popular among the demon clan in the northern realm, and the Heavenly Court there had reached some tacit understanding with it and acquiesced in its demon title.

But many things happened later, and the Taiyin Fairy came to help the other side of the world and severely damaged the Beimang Monster Clan.

Yi Shuyuan's thoughts only lasted a moment, but now he looked at the god who asked the question.

The one who asked the question was Lord Wuquxing here. He was also the main force in the encirclement and suppression of the Invincible Bones back then. In Yi Shuyuanfa's eyes, the opponent's Qi and star power were connected, and it was clear at a glance what kind of god he was.

"Yi Mou also agrees with what Wuqu Xingjun said, if it doesn't turn into bones and only has itself."

Lord Wu Quxing's expression condensed and he frowned at the immortal master in the palace. Could such a person come here from the Eastern Realm to deceive the gods?

"The Immortal Lord is saying that someone is actually helping the bones?"

The Emperor of Heaven walked down from the altar above and looked at Yi Shuyuan with a frown.

"Yi Daozi, is this true?"

At this moment, the two disciples beside Yi Shuyuan and Rong Zhang felt a little depressed.

As the Emperor of Heaven, some things must be clearer. Yi Shuyuan nodded lightly.

"The innate corpse nature of the non-transformed bone is extremely strong, and it is full of resentment and hostility. Being taught a lesson will only make it cunning, but it will not change its nature. Since Yi Mou understood this matter in his heart, he has figured out that it has lost its vitality over time. If you come back, you will definitely do evil again!"

There was a brief silence inside the Yunxiao Palace. The Emperor of Heaven frowned slightly and remained silent. The gods looked at each other and thought in their hearts.

"Southern Territory!"

The man of God spoke, and Yi Shuyuan and the others looked at him.

"If we were to talk about possible hiding places for the Invisible Bones, it might be the mountains and seas of the Southern Territory! However, the situation in the Southern Territory is more complicated, and the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea is ambiguous here."

It was Lord Shui Dexing who spoke, and the Emperor of Heaven was also looking at Yi Shuyuan seriously at this moment.

"Yi Daozi hopes that I, the Heaven Realm, will mobilize troops to encircle and suppress Buchenggu again."

With that said, the Emperor of Heaven added another sentence.

"What if Fugugu really appears?"

The Emperor of Heaven was obviously worried, but when he said these words, he was obviously moved. Yi Shuyuan's calm face showed a smile at this moment. What he wanted was not the help of Heavenly Court, he didn't need so much.

"If it is convenient for the emperor, Yi would like to take a step to talk with the emperor and the other great gods."

The Emperor was slightly startled, didn't he want everyone to know?


Half an hour later, in the side halls on both sides below the Yunxiao Palace, some great gods from the heaven including the Emperor of Heaven and Lord Wuqu Xing, as well as Yi Shuyuan and others arrived here.

"Yi Daozi, although all the gods in heaven are kind and there is nothing inconvenient to say, I respect your wishes as a master of the immortal world and came here specially for a while. Can you say it now?"

Yi Shuyuan stopped talking nonsense now and took two steps closer to the Emperor of Heaven. He still had the same calm look on his face.

"Emperor, of course Yi knows that if this heaven sends troops to conquer evil spirits, it will naturally be able to clear out the universe. But Yi also knows that this matter is more complicated in his calculations, but the deduction is vague after all, and even I can't calculate it accurately."

Wu Quxingjun frowned and couldn't help but speak.

"What does the Immortal Lord mean?"

To be honest, Wuqu Xingjun has been angry for two hundred years. Many of his heavenly soldiers and generals died at his hands back then. If he really reappears this time, if heaven is encircled and suppressed again, Yi Daozi will help him. , maybe he can be killed directly!

"What Yi means is that the heavens remain unchanged in response to all changes. Yi will come with a helping hand and others. If it is as complicated as I expected, it will catch them off guard!"


The expressions of the Emperor of Heaven and the great gods present flashed, which confirmed some of the conjectures they had already had in their minds.

If it can really be settled completely, it will definitely be better than dragging it out all the time. How could the gods in the heaven not want to eliminate some dirty things?

"Who is the helping hand that fellow Taoist talks about?"

Hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Yi Shuyuan hadn't spoken yet. Several people behind him smiled, and Yi Shuyuan also had a smile on his face.

"Of course he is the most suitable person. He is the North of the Four Imperial Guards in the Eastern Heaven Realm today!"

As soon as Yi Shuyuan said this, everyone understood it instantly!

The Great Demon-Conquering Emperor, the Great Innate Bright Spirit, the True Monarch of Revealing the Holy Spirit!

He is indeed the most suitable person, no, the most suitable God!

Since the appearance of God, the True Monarch of the Holy Saint has now occupied the top spot among the great demon-slaying gods. This is not only recognized in the Eastern Heaven, but to some extent, it is now recognized in the world!

"Is the True Monarch Xian Sheng coming?"

Yi Shuyuan nodded.

"When the True Lord first heard about the matter of not turning into bones, he only said four words - it's worth taking action!"

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