Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 532 The Heavenly Master who is at least over 100 years old

Hu Kuangming was stunned on the spot. After reacting, he immediately rushed to the table. When he looked again, what just shined was the original volume of "On Strange Epidemics".

At this moment, outside the house, the servants and masters of Tan Mansion were in a mess. The ghost seemed to have turned into reality, and suddenly ran rampant like crazy.

The place where he passed was filled with an extremely fishy stench, and blood was constantly spilling from his body.

It's just that this blood is different from ordinary people's blood. It disappears before it reaches the ground.


Ghosts were roaring and running around. At this time, Tan Yuanshang and several others arrived. When they saw the ghosts in front of the house, they were suddenly shocked.

The two masters directly fought with the ghost, but the ghost's body was strange and extremely fast. The two hit the ghost frequently, but they were unable to cause fatal injuries, only making it bleed more.


Someone was scratched by a ghost, and the pain was so heartbreaking that even an expert couldn't help but scream.

"Surround it, surround it!" "Be careful not to get hurt by it—"

"Torches, use torches!"

Tan Yuanchang walked over and pulled something out of his arms, which was an ancient copper coin. He didn't care much at this moment and directly handed the copper coin to the person next to him to protect him.

"Hit it with this!"

No one else suspected him, so they grabbed the copper coin and threw it out with a hidden weapon during the fight between the ghost and the person.


The copper coin hit the ghost's chest, and another burst of white light exploded. The ghost screamed and was knocked into the sky.

But at this moment, the ghost seemed to be freed from the constraints of Tan Mansion. For a moment, it looked towards the distant house where Tutuo was, and an unprecedented anger arose.


The ghost was bleeding and took advantage of the wind to rush directly there.

At this moment, the people in the Tan Mansion who were waiting carefully saw this scene, but found that the ghost gradually disappeared.

No one dared to let down their guard, even the cold feeling had disappeared, and Tan Yuanshang's copper coin was picked up and handed over to him again.

Tan Yuanshang looked at the copper coin in his hand. The original price of exchange for this thing was indeed worth it, but now he suddenly realized.

"Where's Mr. Hu?"

"In the house!"

Tan Yuanshang hurriedly led people into the house, only to see Hu Kuangming standing in front of the table, staring blankly at the books on the table. At least on the surface, he seemed to be fine.

"Mr. Hu, are you okay?"

Hu Kuangming looked up at Tan Yuanshang, shook his head and said.



On the other side, the ghost rushed directly to Toutuo. At this moment, Toutuo was obviously very uncomfortable, but he saw the door of the house opened with a "bang~", and standing outside was the twisted ghost that was constantly bleeding.

"Woah. Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah."

The ghost's voice sounded like crying, but at this moment, its exaggerated mouth opened as if it was laughing, and then it suddenly pounced on the tutuo.


The special beads on Toutuo's chest exploded with fire, and dozens of skeleton shadows appeared on a string of beads, directly surrounding the ghost and spinning rapidly.

"Hmph, you want to bite me back? Do you think I'm defenseless?"

At this moment, Toutuo picked up his Zen staff and suddenly swept it towards the ghost figure.


The blade of the Zen staff swept across, and the ghost figure was beheaded directly. When the head flew up, Toutuo took out a small skull from the bag, spit out a mouthful of blood, and muttered something.

The decapitated head fell down and was directly sucked into the skeleton, followed by the body. As the ghost continued to be sucked into the skeleton, its blood seemed to dye the skeleton red, turning the original pale color into blood.

After doing all this, the phantoms of the skeletons returned to Toutuo's Buddhist beads, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"There is an incredible treasure in the Tan Mansion. This kind of treasure is rare in the world. There are so many of them that we can't care about!"

Toutuo held the stick in his left hand, used his nails to prick the center of his eyebrows, and drew a few blood marks on his forehead and chest. A burst of blood rose from his body, and then he rushed out of the house, jumped out of the yard and rushed towards the Tan Mansion.

Although there are many masters there, Toutuo doesn't want to entangle them. These ordinary people cannot recognize the treasure. When he goes there, the other party will definitely think that he wants to harm people, and his attention will naturally be on the people, and they will not realize that he is going to steal the treasure.

As long as he gets the treasure, with his current condition, it is obviously unrealistic to defeat so many masters, but escaping from the Tan Mansion after a few hits shouldn't be a problem.

Once outside, the blinding method is used. How can ordinary people see through it?

The more Toutuo thought about it, the more excited he became, and he ran all the way towards Tan Mansion. When he got close to Tan Mansion, he could faintly hear the noise inside, but in the dark, he saw that there was another person on the street.

Looking through the moonlight and relying on Toutuo's eyesight, he saw that he seemed to be an old man with white beard and white hair walking slowly on the street.

For some reason, just seeing the old man, Tutuo's attention was drawn from the nearby Tan Mansion to this man. By the time he reacted, his steps had slowed down.

wrong! wrong! This man is no ordinary person!

There are actually warlocks in Tan Mansion?

The moonlight shone on the street and on the people who came. In Toutuo's eyes, the old man looked a little hazy.

At this moment, he understood again that the person who came was higher than him!

"This fellow Taoist, a poor monk was meditating nearby. He suddenly noticed that there was a ghost causing trouble, so he came here to check. I guess this is the same for fellow Taoists, right?"

The monk made preparations secretly, telling lies as he slowly approached the old man.

The old man didn't speak, but a voice came out from his shoulder. The voice sounded like a child's but slightly higher-pitched, and there was a sense of sarcasm with laughter as soon as it came out.

"Hey, boy Qi, he's just trying to show you off. He doesn't even look in the mirror to see what he looks like now. He's scarier than a ghost. How can people believe that he is some kind of eminent monk? It's so funny! "

"Who? Who's talking?"

Toutuo shouted angrily. Before he saw the old man speak, his eyes fell on his shoulder, only to see an animal standing there.

"The mouse has spoken."

At this moment, Hui Mian was stunned for a moment, and then his anger surged.

"You're the fucking mouse! Grandpa Nian Hui, I'm the mink!"

What a shame, what a shame! What a shame! Hui Mian has never been insulted like this since he followed the husband. Even the husband only joked about eating swill!

Toutuo's eyes widened when he heard the voice again, and he felt like his scalp was numb and cold.


Not only is he a monster, but he is also a monster who has refined his bones and understands many habits of humanity.

"Boy Qi, beat him!"

Hui Mian gave the order, and Qi Zhongbin agreed with a smile.


Toutuo became nervous instantly. If he could subdue such a monster, he would probably be the first to see this person's Taoism. This meeting was no longer about seizing the treasure, but about saving his life!

Even though Toutuo thought highly of himself and even thought about the possibility of becoming the national advisor of this great country, at this moment he knew that he had thought too much.

However, Qi Zhongbin had just finished speaking, and he took a step forward, shrunken, and in an instant he was in front of Toutuo. The latter's pupils dilated at this moment.

What kind of spell is this?

Before he had time to react, before his thoughts even fully came out, and before his pupils had time to shrink, a strange weapon appeared in front of his eyes and disappeared after just a flash.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and Toutuo completely lost consciousness at this moment.

"Bang~~" "Bang."

In front of the Tan Mansion, Hui Mian opened his mouth slightly and looked at the Toutuo who flew out and fell outside the Tan Mansion gate, as well as the Zen staff that had been beaten to an exaggerated bend.

At this moment, there were arcs of light jumping and flickering on Toutuo's body and those strange magical instruments, but there was no movement immediately.

"Boy Qi, do you still use Tiangang Mace to deal with this guy?"

"I just wanted to slap him, so I just used it! Let's go, the people from Tan Mansion should be out soon."

Qi Zhongbin put away the magic weapon and turned around, disappearing into the street in a few steps.

Sure enough, not long after, the door of the Tan Mansion was opened, and the Tan family's guards and servants rushed out with lanterns and torches, and soon found the half-dead Toutuo who fell into a coma.

By the time Tan Yuanchang came out, his men had already rummaged through Natu Tuo's body and found those horrifying things.

There was a bloody skeleton among them, and the smell of blood on it was exactly the same as the smell of the scary ghost just now.

In other words, the Toutuo himself had a similar smell at the moment, which was very disgusting!

Tan Yuanchang covered his nose with a handkerchief, watching the people in the house binding the Toutuo with chains, and then picking up the heavy but bent Zen staff. He couldn't help but think about the same problem as him.

"Who exactly helped?"

Obviously, judging from the noise and the situation just heard, someone definitely took action.

At the same time, Tan Yuanchang is also angry now. Although he has a good temper, he is still relatively angry. Today, someone disturbed the backyard, and it was such a sorcery that even a clay figure would get angry.

Emperor Mingzong hated this kind of thing the most, and Tan Yuanshang also hated it extremely!

"How is he doing?"

"Master, I don't have to worry about my life! But the person who did it is really scary. Such a powerful move actually saved a person's life. However, he seems to have been crippled. His hands and feet are soft and his meridians are weak."

"Hmph, it's good to have some breath and wake him up!"


Early the next morning, outside Tianxu Watch, a carriage stopped here. There were seven or eight experts accompanying the carriage, and this was obvious.

Under normal circumstances, Tan Yuanshang would not go out in such a big way, but things are different now. There is an undercurrent in the capital, and some people have gone crazy.

There were not many pilgrims entering and leaving the Taoist temple at this time, and they all looked sideways when they saw this scene, but this is the capital, and there are many big shots.

When the carriage and horses stopped at Tianxu Temple, Taoist Zhike in front of the Taoist temple had already noticed it. When Tan Yuanshang came out of the carriage with Hu Kuangming, Taoist Zhike was suddenly shocked. He knew this person.

Tan Yuanshang!

The Taoist Zhike hurried over and held his hands to the people who got off the carriage.

"I heard magpies calling on the branches this morning. It turned out that Mr. Tan was here!"

Tan Yuanshang smiled and bowed his hands in return.

"Taoist priest, you're welcome. By the way, is there an old gentleman named Qi staying here?"

The Taoist Zhike thought for a moment and then replied.

"Oh, yes, you are talking about Senior Qi Zhongbin, right?"

After Na Tutu was woken up last night, he didn't want to say anything else, but in order to avoid being tortured, he still talked about the person who took action last night. Just the way he described it made Tan Yuanshang think of the old man who reminded him at the stone monument that day. , He is indeed an expert.

Hearing the name at this moment, Tan Yuanshang felt happy and nodded.

"It should be him."

"Qi Zhongbin?"

Hu Kuangming was surprised. Decades can erase many memories, but it is not easy to forget some extremely profound ones. Even if the picture is blurred, some people and things are still engraved in his heart.

"Do you know Mr. Hu?"

Hu Kuangming looked at Tan Yuanshang, nodded and shook his head.

"Actually, when you said your surname was Qi, I thought of that person, but if that person was still alive, he would have been over a hundred years old, but this name..."


Tan Yuanshang obviously forgot about it, but he kept thinking about it at this moment, while Hu Kuangming glanced at the confused Taoist and the people around him.

"This is the old Heavenly Master who appeared during the great epidemic in Lingdong and later during the drought!"

Those who heard this, whether it was Tan Yuanshang or the entourage, could not help but get goosebumps on their bodies, and the eyes of the Taoist next to him also widened slightly!

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