Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 501 It’s definitely enough to bluff people!

Monsters come through the ice and snow, and it should be easy to deal with a mortal monk.

But obviously, the old monk at this moment is no longer an ordinary monk. The sea of ​​ice and snow has completely become a battlefield between the monk and the snow python. To be honest, the movement is louder than the pair in the sky.

Perhaps he was also afraid of the dragon clan. Although the Big Toad King took action, he did not appear directly in front of the dragon, nor did he show his true form, so there was not much movement above the clouds.

On the contrary, there was great movement at the foot of Daqiu Mountain, with strong winds howling, tides rolling, and constant roaring sounds.


The snow python roared, and it was unclear whether it was because of anger or fear. The huge snake body rolled in the sea of ​​ice and snow. As time went by, its demonic power was still increasing, but its arrogance was obviously not as good as when it came from the ice and snow.

But the snow python was not facing the old monk who was frozen stiff in the ice and snow.

At this moment, the helpless monk was still covered in golden glory, and his figure was galloping in the wind, snow and ice ocean. His eyes with a faint golden glow seemed to be able to see through the ice and snow to see the fast-moving snow python.

"Nie Zhan, where to go——"

The old monk thrust his right palm forward, the ice and snow parted in front of the sea, and the infinite wind rolled to both sides, and his body was faster and he rushed straight towards the snow python.

Especially the golden blood on the old monk's body was like a hot flame, and the ice and snow melted and white mist billowed wherever it passed!

The snow python, which could swim rapidly in the ice and snow, found that it could not get away from the old monk. As it moved, the ice and snow in front of it parted, and it faced the old monk's fist.

Drops of golden blood splashed onto the snake, and a heart-piercing pain also came.


At this moment, two rays of white light broke through the abdomen in front of the snow python's body, and two dragon claws grew out of its body. At this moment, it also stretched forward to meet the old monk's fist in front.


The monk is compassionate but angry, the Buddha's palm is as gentle as thunder!

A bright ice flower exploded in the sea of ​​ice and snow, and endless ice and snow rose into the sky. The heavy snow that had spread to the entire Daoxing Prefecture became more intense.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the "transformation process" at the foot of Daqiu Mountain with some amazement, and even brought back some memories of his previous life, thinking of the demon-conquering monk widely circulated on the Internet.

"hold head high--"

A dragon's roar in the sky shook some clouds apart, and the dragon actually looked directly down from the clouds.

The snow python has actually grown two front claws. In this case, it is already the key to turning into a dragon. Oh no, what happened to this old monk?

"Boom——" "Roar——"

Looking at the snow python that looked somewhat similar to a dragon, its huge tail swept towards the old monk with sharp ice edges. Although it led the old monk back dozens of steps, its tail was hugged by the old monk.

A burning heat like fire rose up in the old monk's body. He picked up the snow python's tail and rotated his body, swinging the entire giant snake.

"Ho-Old monk, how much blood do you have-"

The snow python roared and struggled, extending its four-clawed feet to sweep backwards, but after just a few turns, the snake's body was straightened.

"Drink - I am the compassionate Buddha -"

Woo woo woo.

The snake's body broke through the wind and snow, roared, and slammed into the mountain on one side.


In Daqiu Temple, everyone hiding in the Great Buddha Hall felt a faint earthquake. On the top of the mountain, the wine in the wine cup in Yi Shuyuan's hand rippled.

Yi Shuyuan looked at the Arhat subduing the demon below, and glanced at the dragon looking out of the clouds over there. He thought that the dragon happened to have seen the scene of the snow python smashing into the mountain.

"Brother Toad, your little bug slipped down~~~"

A sound was transmitted across the sea of ​​clouds, and at this moment, Jiaolong suddenly looked towards the mountain peak over there.

There are still people watching!

"Hahahahaha don't worry too much, it won't get in the way -"

Along with the words, there was a light red light, which also made Yi Shuyuan's heart tremble.

The light was extremely fast and arrived in front of the Tansou Jiaolong almost instantly, and it lit on the dragon before the latter could react.

With a swish, the entire dragon disappeared into the clouds. It was directly carried by the red light and quickly approached the Big Toad King hiding in the clouds high up. Then it was thrown hard towards the sky.

"hold head high--"

Just this one blow, there was no additional blow at all, and the roar of the dragon was filled with pain.

Yi Shuyuan nodded slightly and drank all the wine in the wine cup.

That's the tongue of a big toad, so powerful!

It can be said that that is one of the killing moves of the giant toad king. If the giant toad had opened its mouth just now, would it have been able to swallow it directly while the dragon was struggling?

I'm afraid it might not be possible!

But as the Big Toad King said, all he had to do was keep the dragon out of his way. After all, he didn't want to offend the dragon clan too much.

Even though the dragon in the sky has been thrown away, it is still difficult to control its body. After seeing the power of this unknown monster, especially when there are people waiting on the top of the mountain, the dragon knows that there are many dangers here.

After Jiaolong stabilized his body, he didn't even come back, and flew directly towards the outside.

"Hahahahahaha. Run away!"

The Big Toad King laughed loudly and stood in the sky looking around. There was such a big movement. If he was not too far away, why should he be here?

"Moo, moo, moo -" "Moo, moo -"

There were bursts of sad dragon roars and roars in the distance, which once again drew the Big Toad King's attention back to the dragon, and he couldn't help but frown.

Then the Big Toad King looked down again, and he was slightly shocked. Good guy, is this monk so fierce?

No wonder the dragon was in a hurry. The snow python was half a dragon, and it looked like it was going to be beaten to death by this monk!

The Big Toad King stepped on the water vapor and landed on the previous hilltop, and couldn't help but mutter something.

"This dragon roar doesn't sound right. If I had known, I should have swallowed that dragon just now and spit it out after the matter was over. I'm afraid there would have been some big fuss."

Yi Shuyuan held the wine cup in his hand and drank a glass of wine before leaning on the stone and speaking in a slightly confused voice.

"If it is really swallowed, it will be a big deal."

The Big Toad King walked to Yi Shuyuan, picked up another wine cup on the stone that had been poured with wine, and drank it all in one gulp, looking down.

"That's right, so I didn't swallow it. To be honest, I was really afraid that if I swallowed it, I couldn't help but want to try dragon meat!"

The ice and snow below exploded, the snow python flew out again, and the old monk also jumped up from the sky and dropped his fist downwards.

"Boom. Boom, boom, boom."

The mountain peaks trembled slightly, and the Big Toad King frowned.

"Oh, tsk tsk tsk tsk. It must be very painful. By the way, Brother He, if I can't bear it anymore, you have to help me!"

The Big Toad King said but saw no response from Bai He. He couldn't help but turn his head and look to his side, only to see that Bai He on the other side of the big stone was already lying there motionless.

"Brother He? Brother He? Hey, hey, aren't you? Are you drunk at this time? Are you really drunk or pretending to be drunk?"

Big Toad King stood up immediately, walked to Bai He and pushed him hard, but the latter still had no reaction.

"No! You can't let me carry this white crane by myself, can you? Get up!"

The Big Toad King pushed and pushed for a while, and even shook Bai He's head, and the latter slept soundly.


With a sigh, the Big Toad King sat back on the edge of the stone, picked up the jug and refilled himself with a glass of wine.

While drinking it down, he glanced at the fighting in the ice and snow tide of Daqiu Mountain, and then looked in the direction of Daqiu Temple. Indeed, Bai He was right before he scolded him!


Longyou Jiutian's speed was very fast, and the dragon flew far away in a moment, flew to a large river eastward in Nanyan, and fell down.

A big wave splashed with a "bang~~" sound.

"Moo, moo. Ang——"

The dragon roared in sorrow. I thought it was just to protect the alien snow python, but I didn't want the dragon to be injured. However, the appearance at this moment seemed to be a bit exaggerated than the real injury.

Some dragon blood spilled out of the dragon's mouth, and the fish and shrimp in the nearby water were so frightened that all the fish and shrimps fled.

"Master Hong—Master Hong—the evildoer is causing trouble and trying to harm our dragon clan—Master Hong—"

The dragon's roar in the river waves seemed to be traveling thousands of miles away in an instant, and there was a faint response from the distance.

"hold head high--"

There seemed to be a terrifying power conveyed from a distant place in the water flow.


The sky was cloudy, and in the dim sky, the wind suddenly became stronger.

The injured dragon looked into the distance of the river. Several dragon auras were rising. Rolling thunderbolts fell into the river, and the river water rose a lot.

"Who hurt my dragon clan——"

"Bang~" "Bang~" "Bang~"

The river exploded into several waves, and three dragons rose up from the water.

Holding the Water God Talisman, the dragons from afar came here very quickly, and when the three dragons saw the miserable appearance of the dragons in the water, they were immediately furious.

"Fengbu, why are you here? Who hurt you?"

The dragon faces northwest.

"I discovered a snow python in Cangshan Mountain many years ago that has been practicing for a long time. Now I am protecting it and it has transformed into a dragon. It has reached a critical moment, but a powerful evil demon suddenly appeared and set up a trap to harm our dragon clan!

That monster was extremely ferocious, and I tried my best to escape. I was afraid that the moment the snow python transformed into a dragon, it would be cramped and eat its flesh, and it would take away the gestating dragon ball of the original body! "

As he said that, Jiaolong suddenly thought of the old monk, and briefly told what happened to Zou Bingxue, which made Jiaolong feel shocked.

At the same time, the dragon opened its mouth and spit out a dull dragon pearl. Once it can become a dragon, it can conceive a pearl. Some dragons even have pearls at the moment they become a dragon, but they are still far away from becoming a real dragon pearl.

When it comes to fighting to the death, it may not be impossible to spit out pearls and fight, but that would be too damaging to one's true nature.

At this moment, the dragon ball appeared, and there were all kinds of qi and illusions on it, vaguely showing some of the situations encountered before.

"So bold!" "And that old monk is unusual. Could there be Buddhists involved?"

"The monster must be worried if it doesn't show its true form. I'll go there as soon as possible without further delay!"

"Not bad, otherwise it would be too late!"

In fact, except that the injury was not too serious, in Jiaolong Fengbu's eyes, the situation should be similar to what he said, and now Sanlong was already angry.

"Ang——" "Ang——" "Ang——" "Ang——".

Several dragon roars and storms came from afar, and the big toad king in Daqiu Mountain was slightly shocked. This time it was not a small dragon, and there were more than one.

The Big Toad King looked down the mountain. The snow python had already sprouted four claws. It was no longer an Arhat and a snake demon, but almost a dragon. But it didn't seem like it would be obvious right away.

"Hey, hey, Brother He. It's time to wake up. Hey, hey, don't sleep. It's time to wake up."

The Big Toad King looked at the white crane on the side. Good guy, the dragon's roar is far away but it is obvious enough. Are you still sleeping?

"I won't care about you if you sleep with me again?"

Still no response?

Damn it, you Baihe did it on purpose!


The huge vibration made the toad tremble, and he lowered his head to look down the mountain. A white-scaled monster that looked like Jiao Qi had its head held down by a tiny monk.

The dragon's claws kept scratching the monk, but the latter remained unmoved. The golden blood on his body dripped onto the monster, causing bursts of burning sensation like burning oil.


The monk's fist fell in one blow.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom".

"He who behaves virtuously is kind to others."


"Open the magical door"


"Observe the body at ease."



"There is no fear."


"There is no such thing as evil."


"There is kindness in your heart."


"Do good."


The roar of the big snake is already like a mournful cry!

The Big Toad King swallowed his saliva. Although the following two deeds were nothing in his eyes, this old monk was indeed fierce.

"Mother, since you are only one step away from the enemy, if Toad is willing to risk everything today, wouldn't he be offending the Dragon Clan? Sooner or later, the news will reach Fairy Mili's ears!"


The sound of the toad's chirping directly shattered the sky. As the clouds broke, the continuous heavy snow in the sky stopped.

The demonic aura around the Big Toad King seemed to be igniting a mountain fire, and also seemed to be rippling with hot oil. His body jumped into the sky, manifesting the true form of the giant toad, and leaped directly to the east.


The crazy demonic energy collided with the wind and cloud coming from afar, forming a tornado.

"Big Toad King, it turns out it's you -" "How dare you go against our dragon clan!"

"Master Toad, I did something right today, hahahahahaha——"

Big Toad King? Some of the four dragons were frightened, while others were unaware. The leader, the dragon surnamed Hong, was obviously aware of this and was glaring at the sky.

"Big Toad King, even if you were once a demon king, going against my dragon clan is a dead end. Do you think I don't know your current background?"

"Hahahahahaha. Then you must not know that Toad just passed through a calamity a few decades ago. Xing Luo will get an elixir, and he has already passed more than half of the calamity due to his injuries in his early years."

The giant toad stepped on the sky and sea of ​​clouds and looked at the four dragons in the distance, which they only talked about but did not approach. The arrogance that had been suppressed for a long time was also released along with the evil spirit.

In my current state, a dragon who is at the bottom of the Tianlong Picture Scroll and three others who are not at the top are not unstoppable!

"Since you said I'm going to die, let's give it a try. How about the dragon meat? I really want to try it, quack--"

The toad chirped, countless thunder exploded in the sky, and beside the dragon dragging the clouds, the power of controlling thunder changed hands in an instant. This was the strength of the demon who had reached the pinnacle of controlling water.

The four dragons were so frightened and angry that they had no time to react and could only take action immediately.

The Big Toad King actually struck first, taking with him the dragon that had left injured before, fighting four dragons with one monster, setting off a terrifying storm in the distance, and the color of the world changed.

The battlefield spread from the sky to the earth, and the Big Toad King even suppressed the four dragons

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I haven't been this happy for a long time, gua——"


Amidst the thunder, a dragon hanging water column rose from the river in the east. A suppressed dragon aura was spreading, which also caused the laughter of the Big Toad King to stop abruptly.

These dragons have a background. Things are really bad. An old dragon is coming.

"Big Toad King, you and our Dragon Clan had no grudges in the past, but today you have taken the path of death. Do you think that our Dragon Clan is weak now? Ang——"

The sound came along with the dragon's roar, and the other four dragons became more energetic.

Higher up in the sky, several divine shadows have already appeared. Such movement below has naturally attracted the attention of the gods. It's just that the dragons and monsters are fighting, so they only focus on observation for the time being.

But at this moment, several gods suddenly felt a burst of bright divine light approaching. They looked sideways and bowed their hands.

The god's silver-backed gold scales glowed, and there seemed to be a bright red fire on his forehead. He held a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and dropped it slightly. He looked at the gods and then turned to the distant bottom.

"What's going on in the lower realm?"

"Your Majesty, there is a dragon clan fighting against the same big monster! Listening to the name, that big monster is called the Big Toad King! At this moment, there is an old dragon appearing!"

Yi Shuyuan's expression was as cold as an ancient well without ripples, he looked at the wind and thunder rolling on the earth and said calmly.

"The fight between monsters may affect the common people, so it should be stopped!"

Several gods looked at each other, not knowing how to respond, but they saw the three-pointed two-edged sword in the hand of the Xian Sheng True Monarch raised up and turned it several times in his hand.

An incomplete Tiangang Transformation is brewing in the body with the power of Shinto, and it is very suitable for the divine body to manifest here.

Although it is more magical than practical, it is definitely enough to bluff people!

At this moment, the three-pointed two-edged knife stopped rotating and fell heavily downward with the handle.

However, what horrified these gods was that the handle of the knife pierced the sky and continued to expand and change, seemingly endlessly.

Tiangang changes, limited laws, heavenly phenomena and earth!

At this moment, Yi Shu Yuan Shen's body did not change, but the long handle of the three-pointed two-edged sword dropped and extended, like a giant pillar holding the sky, pounding into the world, causing many perceptible beings in the lower world to raise their heads in horror.

Before the giant pillar could fall, a storm had already started, and the Toad King and the dragons fled to avoid it.


The impact extended from the earth to the sky. In an instant, all the clouds shattered, and even the distant wind and snow were torn apart.

The sun shines on the earth, and everything seems to turn into a sunny sky.

A mighty voice came from the sky.

"Monsters from the lower realms should not cause trouble."

Whether it is the Big Toad King or the Dragon Clan, there is only fear and horror in their hearts at this moment, and the giant pillar looks up into the sky with no end in sight!

The Holy Lord! The Demon-Conquering Saint!

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