Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 459: Having a sister in the family is like having a treasure

If it was just in Mingzhou City, it wouldn't matter if Shi Sheng took his sister with him.

It's just that Qi Zhongbin has left Mingzhou City since Po Yu's death, so of course Shi Sheng still has to cover a long distance to find him this time.

Fortunately, there had been an agreement before, so it was not difficult for Shi Sheng to find his junior brother, which was a matter of thousands of miles.

On the beach in Jiaozhou, on a reef where the sea breeze was roaring, Shi Sheng and Qi Zhongbin sat together and looked at the sea.

"This is the Xingluo Dharma Assembly. I'm quite nervous. Junior brother, don't you feel it?"

Although Shi Sheng has grown up, he still speaks with a sense of sincerity. In other words, it may be that the dream of change three years ago made him regain more innocence.

Qi Zhongbin moved his hands and feet, arranged the fishing gear at hand, and answered with a smile.

"There are still some. I don't know what happened to the master. He is refining elixirs deep in the Tianhe River. Will he come out of seclusion as soon as the Xingluo Law Conference starts, or will he wait until the meeting ends?"

"Who knows, maybe Master himself doesn't know either."

What Shi Sheng said made Qi Zhongbin laugh too, but after calming down, he couldn't help but sigh as he thought about his gains and losses over the years.

"Master hasn't tested my practice for a long time, and I don't know how my practice over the years looks in his eyes."

Seeing Qi Zhongbin looking so serious, Shi Sheng's heart suddenly tightened.

"Oh, if you say that, it will make me even more upset. I'm just having fun."

But Qi Zhongbin didn't see it that way. He hung the bait on the hook, threw it to the sea, and sat on the stone with the fishing rod in hand.

"Senior brother, you have an innocent temperament and are naturally quick-witted. You have already achieved a transformation in the world. Junior brother, I am envious of you before it's too late. Master will definitely praise you when he sees you!"

Qi Zhongbin's compliment was sincere, and Shi Sheng also had a smile on his face.

"Uh, but senior brother, I haven't seen your junior brother Earth Shabian yet, how about you let me see him?"

"That's not easy yet, just wait!"

Shi Sheng stood up and seemed about to jump into the sea. Qi Zhongbin quickly stopped him.

"Hey, hey, brother, I have one more request. I have been fishing here for a month and I have never hooked any big fish. Can you help me catch some fish to bite the hook?"

Shi Sheng grinned.


After the words fell, Shi Sheng jumped forward. His body had changed and shrunk in the air, his clothes had turned into scales, his legs had turned into tails and his hands had turned into fins.

"Plop", a fish jumped into the sea.

Qi Zhongbin on the side was stunned for a moment as a golden crucian carp flashed away in the waves.

Well, this, although it is not a sea fish, but the senior brother has transformed, it should not be a big problem, right?


The sea surface a little far away exploded, and a dragon broke through the water surface, carrying endless water vapor and rising into the sky.

Then comes the second and third items

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom."

One after another, dragons ascended to the sky from here, and the seawater they brought fell down nearby, forming a heavy rain. Some dragons also noticed the old fisherman on the rocky mountain on the other side. The latter was holding his bamboo hat in the heavy rain, as if he was afraid of being blown away by the wind and rain.

"hold head high--"

"Moo~~Moo~~~" "Moo"


The group of dragons either roared like a cow or made a loud dragon roar. There were a dozen dragons in this group flying into the sky, which made Qi Zhongbin stare and marvel.

In the sky, a dragon clan laughed.

"When a mortal sees a group of dragons flying into the sky, he or she will be horrified and will remember this moment for the rest of his life!"

Just when the dragon finished speaking, the leading old dragon smiled.

"Hehehehe mortal?"

The old dragon's beard is half as long as the dragon's body. Looking back, there is already a smaller seaside reef.

"If he were a mortal old fisherman, he would probably be frightened to the ground when he saw this scene. It would be normal for him to be frightened to death. How do you think he would react?"

"But he is just a mortal. Maybe he was stunned?"

Hearing what a junior said, Lao Jiao stopped talking and just laughed.


The roar of the dragon shook away the clouds in the sky, and when the clouds dissipated, a vague white ladder appeared vaguely in the sky.

"Don't let me fall behind, follow me to heaven——"

The dragons flew away in the sky. Qi Zhongbin looked back and looked down. The fishing rod was no longer in his hand and had been dragged away long ago.


The waves hit the shore reef, and a golden crucian carp jumped out of the water. When it landed on the shore reef, it turned into stone. He shook his hair, patted his ears, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are so many undercurrents down here that it makes me dizzy. And you, didn't you see the fish bit the hook?"

As he spoke, Shi Sheng also looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh again.

"There are so many dragons. Junior brother, it's time for me to go home."

Qi Zhongbin made a move into the sea, and the fishing rod returned to his hand. He put down the rod and took out two talismans from his arms.

"Please put it away, senior brother. Master's method of holding the gods is too mysterious. I can't even do it myself, let alone refining the talisman. However, my method is a different approach and may be more suitable for that girl."

Shi Sheng looked at the talismans. In addition to the incantations, there were human figures painted on the two talismans, one red and one yellow.

"how to use?"

"I worked hard and relied on your sister's destiny to make this talisman. The yellow talisman is placed in the physical body, and the red talisman is used as the transformed body after her spiritual thoughts leave the body. It is considered to be effective for one day. You can make her at any time When she comes back, if something goes wrong, she will come back immediately."

Shi Sheng nodded slightly, well, this is more convenient and safer.

This means that even if something unexpected happens in Xingluo, Mo Xiaorong will be knocked back to his physical body immediately, which is equivalent to waking up.

"What about when the time comes?"

Qi Zhongbin also laughed.

"Then it's back too! But the beauty of this method is obtained by cleverness, so the body is very fragile, let alone casting the spell, otherwise it will be broken immediately."

Shi Sheng was also happy. What method could Mo Xiaorong use?

"It's just right for that girl. By the way, when are you going? Do you want to go together? You must be unfamiliar with the heaven, right?"

Qi Zhongbin shook his head.

"I won't disturb your brother and sister's play. I have been a warlock for most of my life. When I go to heaven, I want to visit those gods who responded to me the most when casting spells!"

"Okay, I'll leave first. Anyway, we'll meet again when Master comes out of seclusion."

After saying this, Shi Sheng threw out the Wind and Fire Wheel, then brought two flames into the sky and flew towards Mingzhou in the distance.


In the evening, at Mo Mansion in Mingzhou, Shi Sheng slowly fell from the sky. When he arrived outside a house in the backyard, Mo Xiaorong was already asleep.


After blowing lightly, the charm in his hand flew out and flew into Mo Xiaorong's quilt.

Then Shi Sheng turned into a breeze that blew into the room and out of the room. When he reappeared, he returned to the sky with a little girl on his back.

"Wake up, little girl, wake up. Mo Xiaorong, I'm taking you to heaven to play -"

Shi Sheng screamed strangely, and Mo Xiaorong seemed to wake up with an "Ah~" sound. He looked around and suddenly screamed in fright.


"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Mo Xiaorong hugged Shi Sheng tightly and became excited after being nervous for a while.

"Hahahahahaha, I'm flying, I'm flying - it turns out, brother, you really can fly, you didn't lie to me before!"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

As soon as he heard this, Mo Xiaorong immediately remembered what happened during the day.

"You lied to me during the day. You told me about the winter solstice, but you took me out at night!"


Shi Sheng was speechless for a moment, so he had to tell the truth.

"You guy, I don't know you yet? If I say it's today, you will be too excited to sleep, and that will be a lot of trouble!"

"What does this have to do with whether I sleep or not?"

Shi Sheng didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"Yes, yes, it doesn't seem to matter. So why don't you go? If not, I'll send you back!"

"Go, go, where are we going? Hey, what are the two fire rings under your feet?"


Shi Sheng laughed and his voice became louder.

"This is the Wind and Fire Wheel, your brother and my magic weapon. This time, I will take you to the Heaven Realm, tour the Heaven Palace, go to the Galaxy Water Realm, and experience the Xingluo Dharma Assembly that is rare in hundreds of years. ,let's go--"


The Hot Wheels ignited two balls of fire, and Shi Sheng and his sister quickly flew into the sky. The speed was far beyond the speed of ordinary practitioners.

At this exaggerated speed, Mo Xiaorong, a mortal, didn't seem to feel it was too strenuous. He only felt that the wind was very fast, but also very comfortable, and he was also very excited.

"I want to go to heaven——"


Where the sky is filled with stars, a celestial ladder appears. Shi Sheng steps on the hot wheel and goes straight to the sky along this road to the sky.

In the distance, Tianmen has been vaguely visible, and the white light is hazy in the night sky.

The closer you get to the Tianmen, it seems that many Heavenly Paths are gathering here. There are many people practicing various disciplines around, and the Tianmen here is also more lively than ever before.

"What is that? Is it a dragon?" "Ah, brother, that boat is flying over!"

"Ah, why is there someone riding a monster over there?"

"There is a monk. Is that a monk? His head is shining."

Mo Xiaorong kept chattering, but her eyesight seemed to be unusually good here. Not all the people or objects she saw were crowded at the Tianmen.

But when Shi Sheng took Mo Xiaorong to the vicinity of Tianmen, she looked through the Tianmen and saw the scenes of people ascending to the sky.

"Stop looking down, look in front!"

After Shi Sheng said something, Mo Xiaorong was suddenly startled. He raised his head and looked forward. Only then did he realize that his brother was flying too fast. The Tianmen, which was originally far away, was already very close at hand.

"Brother, I can't really be dreaming."

"Ah you are!"

"You lied again, I don't believe you!"

When Mo Xiaorong was making a fuss, Shi Sheng had already carried her to the Tianmen, and the gatekeepers and the heavenly soldiers did not check his Xingluo Yu at all.

The god-general just slightly bowed his hand to Shi Sheng, and Shi Sheng returned the favor as he passed by, and then led two lines of fire across the Tianmen.

Coming on hot wheels, this feature of Yi Daozi's followers is easy to identify.

"Brother, that shining general is saluting you. Aren't you amazing?"

"That's natural!"

In the distance was the beautiful scenery of heaven, and Mo Xiaorong was quickly stunned. In the human world, you can't imagine this scene no matter how hard you think about it.

The Tianhe River is now even more prosperous than ever before, with celestial boats gliding around, palaces shining brightly, and immortals, demons, gods, and Buddhas from all walks of life gathering here.

It's just that the Tianhe River is long and full of water, and the various realms of heaven and earth are not crowded together in one place by the Tianhe River. Some places are dense and some are sparse. Sometimes you may not see many people within sight before and after flying.

But even so, Mo Xiaorong was shocked and speechless by what he saw. Not to mention him, Shi Sheng was also excited.

In other words, many of the people who came to attend the Xingluo Dharma Assembly were excited and happy.

The Xing Luoyu in Shi Sheng's hand emitted bursts of radiance, but he was not in a hurry to guide the direction, but flew by the Tianhe River.

Where is it? Where is it?

Beside the Tianhe River, there are many pavilions, star platforms and flying boats. Some people looked up to the sky and watched the man flying away with his feet on the fire.

Suddenly, there was a purple stream of light flashing in the middle of the Milky Way in the distance. Shi Sheng was delighted and immediately flew to that direction. When he got closer, he saw that it was a treasure ship that looked like it was made of light red glass.

Du Xiaolin was standing at the bow of the boat, holding an unopened purple lotus in her hand.

With a flash of fire in the sky, Shi Sheng was already nearby.

"Xiao Lin! You guys came so early!"

Shi Sheng shouted and stared blankly at the now slim fairy, so dazzling and beautiful that he almost didn't dare to recognize her.

Du Xiaolin smiled.

"Shi Sheng, long time no see!"

"Hey, isn't this the little apprentice that Yi Xian had back then?"

"Ah, you have grown so big!" "I heard that she even cried when she separated from our Xiaolin!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The Taiyin Palace monks looked over at this moment, and when they saw it was Shi Sheng, they immediately laughed and joked without any rejection.

Shi Wei looked at him from behind and smiled.

"Oh, who is this little girl!" "So cute, just as cute as Xiaolin when she was a child!"

Mo Xiaorong, who had been lying nervously behind Shi Sheng, mustered up the courage to stand up and shout.

"I am Mo Xiaorong, my elder brother's sister——"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The surrounding Taiyin Palace disciples burst into laughter, and some were surprised that a mortal was actually taken to heaven.

On the other hand, Shi Wei and several people with higher cultivation levels in the Taiyin Palace in the distance looked at Mo Xiaorong thoughtfully.

Shi Sheng stepped on the hot wheel, always hanging in the air outside the bow.

Mo Xiaorong became bolder now. He looked at the sisters on the boat and laughed. Then he looked at his brother. He rolled his eyes and whispered in Shi Sheng's ear.

"Brother, you want to go up but you don't dare, right? Let me help you!"

When Shi Sheng was shocked by his sister's words, Mo Xiaorong actually jumped from his back to the ship. You should know that there was a height difference of more than ten feet.


Mo Xiaorong screamed, and Shi Sheng hurriedly fell down. Many people on the boat also screamed and ran to catch her, but someone cast a spell to prevent others from picking up Mo Xiaorong, and she fell steadily onto the boat.

Of course, Shi Sheng also came down.

"Brother Hua, look! You really didn't fall!"

Mo Xiaorong jumped twice excitedly, and then looked at his brother who fell next to him.

Shi Sheng said "cough", approached Mo Xiaorong, flicked her forehead, and sent a message when she screamed in pain.

"here you go!"

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