Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 452 They are destined to be together

"Brother, why did he call you senior brother? He is obviously much older than you!"

In the garden of the Mo family, Mo Xiaorong lingered around Shi Sheng. She knew that her brother was very powerful, and even her parents would come to ask her brother's opinion on many things. However, no matter how she dug out, her brother always seemed to have many secrets.

"Of course you call me senior brother because he is my junior brother, that is, because I got started before him."

"But he's too old!"

"Hey, aren't there old students in Mingzhou Academy? Many of them are studying for reference even when they are old. It's different."

Mo Xiaorong frowned, feeling that his brother was perfunctory.

"Then who is your master? A master from Mingzhou Academy? No, I never went to the academy!"

"Hehehehe, brother, although I didn't go to Mingzhou Academy to study, I am by no means worse than them. Masters are not only found in the academy. Okay, okay, you go and play, I will lie down for a while."

"Don't lie down, don't sleep, play with me!"

As soon as he heard that his brother was about to lie down, Mo Xiaorong pulled his clothes and shook his body. However, under this unrelenting obstruction, he felt that his brother was gradually breathing evenly and falling asleep peacefully.

"Ah, ah, I'm so angry. I can even fall asleep. I must be faking it!"

The little girl was so angry that she stamped her feet, but there was nothing she could do.

"Bully me and see if I don't tease you!"

The little girl simply lay down on the edge of the pond, but the pond was too deep and her hands and feet were too short. She could only hold the edge of the pond with one hand and reach down to scoop the water with the other hand.

Shi Sheng was really asleep on the straw mat, not just pretending to be asleep because he wanted his sister to give up in spite of difficulties.

When I was awake, I kept looking at the fish in the pond. When I fell asleep, I also dreamed about the fish in the pond, and it seemed that I was closer to the water. The sparkling light kept floating in the water and reflected on Shi Sheng's face. It was just in my dream. It’s as if I don’t have the feeling of a face, as if my body doesn’t exist anymore.

I think about it every day and dream about it at night. I am very close to the water, but it seems infinitely far away.

Don't aim too high in everything. All mysterious changes start from the place where you feel the most. However, Shi Sheng feels that he is most in tune with the water, just like a fish swimming, but even so, there always seems to be a long distance.

I never quite understood it when I was a child, but the feeling was very clear. Now that I understand it a little bit, it seems like there is something missing than when I was a child.

It would be great if the master was here

At this moment, Shi Sheng was in a trance in his dream. He was watching fish and recalling the past. Yi Shuyuan's words seemed to echo in his ears. That was when he went to Nanyan and met a white crane in the sky!

"Did you just see wings flying high? Where is the white crane in your heart?"

The white crane in my heart is now a fish.

At this moment, Yi Shuyuan, who is far away in the heaven, is in the center of the world. Countless streams of light from many fairy furnaces around him are converging on the Douzhuan Qiankun furnace. But at this moment, Yi Shuyuan, who should have been focusing all his thoughts on the world in front of him, seems to be in his heart. Feeling something, he opened his eyes and looked thoughtful.


Yi Shuyuan sighed. Both of his disciples were quite worry-free, but they were both worried.

In Mingzhou Mo Mansion, the master's voice also changed in Shi Sheng's dream.

"Understand with your heart, feel your emotions, understand the mysteries you observe, and manifest your own understanding in your heart. Then the transformation can become where is the fish swimming in your heart? Or is there no fish and no Tao?"

Beside the pond of the Mo family, Shi Sheng frowned slightly in his sleep. It seemed to be a very peaceful afternoon, as if he was just taking a nap by the pond, but as far as Dao was concerned, he fell into self-doubt.

So much so that the dream became dangerous and dim, as if the sun was no longer shining and the sky was cloudy. Shi Sheng was also in a trance due to excessive thoughts and fell into a dream, unable to extricate himself.

But this time at the real pond, Mo Xiaorong finally scooped up some water after almost falling into the pond.

However, there was not much water left when it reached the shore. She only had a little bit in her hand, but she ignored the dust on her shirt and carried the water to the edge of the stone.

"Let you pretend to be asleep, let you pretend to be asleep!"

The little girl sprinkled all the water in her hand onto Shi Sheng's face. There were only a dozen drops in total, but it was so irritating that Shi Sheng opened his eyes.

But the eyes were unfocused, as if they were looking at the sky absentmindedly, like a pool of water reflecting the sky.

But this scared Mo Xiaorong so much that he screamed "ah".

The water that the little girl sprinkled just now was more than a dozen drops in Shi Sheng's dream. He was already close to the water, but at this moment, it was like a big wave suddenly arose in the water, and he was immediately swept into the water.

With a "Plop~", Shi was born in a dream and his view of fish from the surface of the water became his view of the sky underwater.

The sky appears swaying under the ripples in the water, the blue sky and white clouds, everything on the shore, and the fish swimming around.

I watch the fish on the shore, and the fish watch me in the water.

At this moment, everything in the dream changed. This is what a fish feels like. I am also a fish, so I feel its emotions.


The sound of water surged, it turned out that it was me wagging my tail!

"Brother, brother, don't scare me, woo woo woo. Brother, I will never splash water on you again, woo woo woo."

The cry of his sister came, and Shi Sheng, who was swimming in the water in his dream, regained his human feeling. The dream gradually faded away, and his eyes that had been opened slowly returned to focus. He turned his head and looked at Mo Xiao who was lying next to him. Rong, with a smile on his face.

"Why are you crying? I'm fine!"

Mo Xiaorong's crying stopped suddenly, and she stared at Shi Sheng blankly with a tear-stained face.

"But, you looked so scary just now. Brother, I will never throw water on you again."

"Hahahaha, the splashing is so good! Go out and play!"

Mo Xiaorong was still dazed, but he was already picked up by Shi Sheng, who then jumped up with him behind his back.


Outside the Shuntian Empress Temple, Qi Zhongbin's stall has always been very deserted. Day after day, there are always few pilgrims, but they come every day.

Yu Po's health was getting worse day by day. In just half a month, it was almost difficult to get out of bed. Thanks to the ability of the women in the temple, they were able to take good care of Yu Po while taking care of the temple affairs.

On this day, Yu Po woke up very late. She didn't wake up until the sun was shining brightly. Even though it was difficult to move, she still had to wash up.

The woman who had been paying attention here heard the noise and hurried over. She saw Yu Po coming out with a cane with difficulty. She had obviously washed and even dressed up. She didn't know how the old lady could do it with her trembling hands and feet.

"Mother-in-law, just lie down and rest. I will take care of the affairs in the temple."

The woman helped Po Yu, but the latter didn't break free and just walked forward, so the woman had no choice but to keep supporting her.

"Has the old immortal come today?"

The woman knew who Po Yu was talking about and nodded quickly to answer.

"Here we come, just like usual, we came at dawn, and like usual, there are no guests at all."


Po Yu snorted coldly, and with the help of the woman, she walked all the way to the main hall of the temple.

Perhaps because the wave of pilgrims in the morning had already come, it seemed deserted as it approached noon, and there were not many pilgrims inside and outside the main hall.

But even so, there are actually a few people.

Some pilgrims also greeted the woman, but although the latter responded one by one, she was surprised and couldn't help but look at Yu Po a few more times. Maybe it was because Yu Po looked obviously wrong today and no one dared to say hello to her.

The statue of Shuntian Empress is the god of delivering children sitting barefoot on the altar. When Yu Po walked into the hall, it seemed as if the statue had been watching her.

"Ms. Shuntian, I'm here to ask for a lottery for myself today. Su Ping, help me cast a lottery. Don't worry, I can still stand."


The woman let go of her hand and saw that Mrs. Yu was fine. Then she walked towards the altar, only turning back every step of the way, for fear that the now fragile old lady would be blown down by a gust of wind.

The woman on the shrine was very familiar with this place, and the lottery box was within reach. However, when she turned her head again, the hand that had just taken the lottery box failed to grab the box, and instead knocked it over.


The box fell down, but the bamboo sticks were not scattered. Only one fell directly from the altar and slid to Po Yu's feet.

Yu Po knelt down while trembling. She reached out to pick up the bamboo stick but didn't pick it up. However, she could clearly see the words on it without picking it up. It read: Thirteen Lots, Top Lot.

Having worked as a temple priest in the Empress Temple for decades, there was no need to look for signature papers. The signature for this signature appeared in Po Yu's mind, and she murmured it out.

"I came to my master's house when I was free, and I met a person by chance. He had a childish face and bright hair, and his smile was full of spring."

Based on Yu Po's own behavior, she actually understands that the original meaning of this lottery is probably that a noble person will come to help, but there are thousands of people signing the lottery, and everyone is different, and it seems to have a deeper meaning to her.

"Mother-in-law, just let me pick it up!"

The woman hurried over to help Po Yu, picked up the bamboo stick for her, looked at the words on it, and quickly went to get the signature paper.

"Let's go, let's go find someone to sign the signature."

Po Yu walked towards the outside of the temple. The woman was stunned and quickly followed.

On Qi Zhongbin's side, it was not that there were no pilgrims passing by at the moment, but he just sat there with his eyes closed and meditated. Those few pilgrims seemed to turn around and then left.

But when the woman helped Po Yu out of the temple door, Qi Zhongbin opened his eyes and even stood up.

Qi Zhongbin kept looking at her until Po Yu came to the table with the help of the woman.

"Immortal old man, could you please give me a sign?"

Qi Zhongbin straightened his clothes, held on to his crown and hairpin, and stretched out his hand to guide them.

"Please sit down!"

Yu Po looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar old man and just sat down on the chair. Speaking of which, in the first few days when the stall was set up, there were no chairs in the stall, so they borrowed them from the temple.

The woman hurriedly handed over the signature.

"Old sir, this is the signature."

Qi Zhongbin took the paper and glanced at it symbolically, then sat down on the wooden box.

"The meaning of this lot is that it is auspicious and auspicious, and it is also the mercy of Empress Shuntian."

The crutch in Grandma Yu's hand hit the ground with a "dong" sound.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Unlock the signature!"

Qi Zhongbin smiled, spread the signature on the table, and said calmly.

"I came to Master's house for free and met a man by chance. He had a childish face and bright hair, and a spring in his smile. He climbed up the steps and walked with me. It turns out he is a destined person."

“I’m asking you to interpret the signature, not read it!”

Po Yu looked at Qi Zhongbin dissatisfied, but the latter always smiled.

"This sign is different from the past. I am reading the sign and I have already understood the meaning of the sign. The child's face is bursting with laughter. Isn't it me? Come on, I will take you for a walk in the city!"

"You old thing, you are so ashamed!"


Qi Zhongbin laughed so hard that tears seemed to flow out. He stood up and walked out of the stall, walked to Po Yu and helped her up from her seat.

Yu Po's face obviously changed, and she wanted to hide, but in the end she let the old man hold her arm, and no words about men and women came out.

"Oh, old gentleman."

"It's okay, I'm here! I've been through the wind and rain all these years, but it seems I've never taken you around Mingzhou City."

The woman was stunned for a moment, and had the idea of ​​stopping her, but she saw a somewhat nervous Po Yu turning back to look at her.

"Look at the temple!"

Seeing Po Yu pretending to be serious, the woman immediately smiled and responded quickly.

"Oh, don't worry!"

Smiling and shaking her head, the woman left the empty stall, but saw some pilgrims nearby looking at her curiously. She didn't take it seriously. After all, everyone would be curious when the old fortune teller helped Po Yu leave.

I don’t know when they will come back?

With this thought in mind, the woman returned to the temple first. While Po Yu was away, she wanted to help her clean up the house.

A moment later, in Po Yu's quiet room in the backyard of the temple, the woman stood blankly in front of the bedroom door. Po Yu was lying on the bed covered with a quilt with a peaceful expression.

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