Talk about the world of mortals in detail

Chapter 450 Xingluo Invitation

The world will never stop because of the lack of some people, even the immortals.

On this day, Empress Shuntian came to the Palace of Divine Medicine.

Because most of the true medicine gods in the palace are not here, the medicine gods have been quite nervous in recent years. Empress Shuntian felt that it was a lot deserted when she walked barefoot in the medicine medicine palace.

In front of Empress Shuntian was a boy named Xingjun who led the way. He was actually the kind of boy who stood next to her in the Temple of Medicine Master Xingjun.

The two came to the Tibetan Medicine Pavilion one after another. The boy took out a jade bottle from one of the drawers and handed it to Empress Shuntian.

"Empress Shuntian, the anti-fetal medicine prepared for you can drive away the two evils of wind and fire and calm the mind. There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three doses in total. Please keep it!"

If a pregnant woman in the family is frightened and gets sick, the family goes to the Shuntian Empress Temple to pray, and if they move the gods with sincerity, they will respond, which is also in line with the principle of reproduction and reproduction.

"Thank you, elixir boy!"

Empress Shuntian carefully took the jade bottle. As a deity related to offspring that many people believe in, she is also a frequent visitor to the Divine Medicine Palace. After all, although she has divine power, she cannot rely on it for everything. Other gods with similar needs That's mostly the case.

However, today's Shuntian Empress did not leave immediately, but hesitated and spoke.

"Excuse me, boy, can I ask for a dose of Xuyang Powder?"

The boy looked curious.

“Why do people ask for it, and what is their destiny?”

Empress Shuntian glanced outside the Tibetan Medicine Pavilion.

"For my temple blessing, the number of his life"

Empress Shuntian hesitated and then said it, but the boy on the side frowned immediately after hearing it. After hearing the other person's birth date and some related content, he already knew this person's situation in his heart.

"Empress Shuntian, you should be well aware that Xingjun and all the priests are not here. Under such circumstances, the Continuing Yang Powder I gave her is only to renew her short-term energy, and it will not have much effect."

"Then please prepare a dose, Tongzi!"

When Empress Shuntian saw this, the boy said nothing more and walked to another cabinet. A little above, a drawer opened automatically and a small box flew out.

The boy returned to Empress Shuntian and handed the box to her.

"Please keep it safe, Queen Shuntian. If there is a good doctor in the world who can supplement it with suitable medicinal stones, the effect will be even better."

"Thank you very much!"

Empress Shuntian took the medicine, thanked her and just shook her head slightly.


On the border of Dayong Kingdom and Mingzhou, the Shuntian Empress Temple in the city has always been prosperous.

However, few things remain the same forever. Even though the Empress Temple is still crowded with pilgrims, Mingzhou people remember the Empress Temple differently.

In the autumn of the 26th year of Chengxing, the Shuntian Empress Temple in Mingzhou City was full of newly erected bamboo shelves.

Starting today, the temple will undergo a round of repairs, either repairing walls, renovating tiles or painting. There are also craftsmen repairing the wood of some pillars and cornices.

Part of the money for the renovation comes from the savings that the Empress Temple has accumulated all along, and part of it comes from donations from large believers.

Generally speaking, there is such a demand in the Niangniang Temple, and many people in the city respond to it. Even the craftsmen who come to work here work harder than in other places. After all, in the minds of ordinary people, this is considered a matter of merit, not to mention the wages. Not low.

The craftsmen were working in full swing, and suddenly someone talked among themselves and pointed in one direction.

An old woman came out with a cane over there, looking very energetic.

I heard that Mrs. Yu from the Empress Temple has been ill for several months and has been in the backyard and hasn’t come out much. She seems to be feeling better today?

When I saw the old temple, Zhu was walking by with a cane, and a craftsman shouted hello.

"Grandma Yu, are you okay?"

"Grandma Yu, what are we eating in the temple today?" "Grandma Yu, I heard that some monk temples allow you to eat meat. Isn't this a vegetarian meal?"

Yu Fuying raised the crutch in his hand as if to strike.

"You bastards, have you learned how to tease my mother-in-law? And you, you didn't know how to breastfeed when you were a child, and it was because I went to your house to help!"

"Oh, my mother-in-law is going to hit someone!" "Don't dare to mess with her, just work, work!"

The craftsman on the bamboo shelf was joking, but he was in a good mood.

In the minds of one or two generations of Mingzhou people, the energetic Temple Mother Zhu has become one of the symbols of the Shuntian Empress Temple.

Yu Fuying smiled and touched the ground heavily with the crutch. The pretentious movements just now seemed to have consumed a lot of her energy. After walking a little further with the crutch, she couldn't help but rub her waist with her hands.


After all, Yu Fuying is actually almost ninety years old, which is an absolute longevity. Her physical weakness is getting stronger every year, every month is stronger than the previous month, and even one day is stronger than the next.

Fortunately, Po Yu had already prepared, and everything in the temple had been arranged in the past few years.

Grandma Yu thought she would just go away, but a few days ago, she saw Empress Shuntian in her dream.

The empress asked her if she still had any unfulfilled wishes. Yu Po thought for a long time in her dream but remained silent. Finally, Empress Shuntian illuminated her with a finger of divine light, and then she woke up from the dream.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, my health improved.

It's just that this kind of improvement is probably well known in Yu Po's mind.

"Mother-in-law, let me help you!"

A middle-aged woman came over and helped Yu Fuying towards the front yard of the temple. Although the temple was under renovation, the temple was partially open and there were still many pilgrims coming.

"Hello, Grandma Yu!" "Popa Yu!"

"Grandma Yu, are you okay?"

"Oh, my mother-in-law has time to help me go to my house to check on her. My wife has a lot of love for her."

"My mother-in-law is in good health."

"Okay, okay!" "I understand, I understand."

Some of the pilgrims passing by would say hello to Yu Po, and some would ask for something. Yu Po's temper remained the same as before, responding in a familiar and friendly manner to those who liked her, and not bothering to pay attention to those who didn't.

Of course, the general relationship of greeting is also good.

Soon, with the support of the woman, Po Yu arrived at the entrance of the Empress Temple. Just like for many years, there were many fortune tellers sitting outside the temple.

The difference from many years ago is that most of the fortune tellers have changed.

The big tree in that corner is so remote that no one is currently occupying it.

"Hmph, he probably died somewhere unknown."

After standing for a while, Yu Po felt exhausted and in pain, and the woman on her side also noticed it.

"Mother-in-law, you should go back and rest. I will take care of the matters in the temple."

"It's okay. My body bones can still hold on. Take a closer look now. When I'm gone, this Empress Temple will be left to you."

"Mother-in-law, don't say that. You are still in good health and you will definitely live a long life!"

Po Yu smiled.

"Hahahahaha, live a hundred years? I'm already old. I lost too much when I was young. I can't even imagine that I can live this long. And what if I live longer?"


The woman hesitated to speak. She had been coming to the Niangniang Temple for several years. It had to be said that being a temple congratulator in the Niangniang Temple was an absolute blessing. However, her feelings for Yu Po were not as hypocritical as they were at first.

"This temple blessing is not so easy to do. All things in the world are in the eyes of gods. Temple blessings to God also show one's own good and bad more clearly."

Although the woman also believed in God, after all, Po Yu was so profound. She just listened to some things but did not take them too seriously, because she also knew what was going on in many temples, and it was not as mysterious as Po Yu said, but The kindness in his words is still very obvious.

"Oh, I remembered it."

Po Yu didn't care how much the woman heard. Since she had accepted the lunch, she must have remembered it. She looked at the big tree over there and murmured involuntarily.

"Could it be that if the Mo family failed to harvest children back then, then he really didn't leave any heirs?"

After so many years, although Po Yu had been sarcastic that Qi Zhongbin was harming others by accepting disciples, she still feels a little sad when she sees this situation today.

What happened in the Mo family back then is still vivid in my mind.

In fact, when a mysterious master like Mr. Yi appeared in the Mo family, it was normal for Qi to give up the idea of ​​having a disciple, but he might not look for him anymore in the future.

Maybe I spoke too harshly back then.

Grandma Yu glanced into the distance and was suddenly stunned for a moment. She couldn't help rubbing her eyes and looked again. She saw a person walking on the road in the distance carrying a banner and carrying a box. Although it was still far away, there was a strong feeling. sense of familiarity.

Qi Zhongbin hasn't returned to Mingzhou for a long time, but it's really time to come back now.

Just like before, Qi Zhongbin came to the old place holding a banner and carrying a wooden box. The Shuntian Empress Temple was familiar yet strange, and the tree had grown a lot.

I found a broken table, set up my own flags, and arranged various utensils. It was already a fortune teller's booth, still in the same place and with the same person.

After doing this, Qi Zhongbin raised his head and looked inside the entrance of the Empress Temple, and looked at the person standing at the temple door.

I don't know why, but Po Yu, who was still feeling emotional just now, was furious when she saw Qi Zhongbin's face.

"Hmph! This old guy is quite strong!"

The crutch banged on the ground, and Po Yu turned around and walked away, not even asking for the woman's support. The latter looked at her blankly for a while, and then subconsciously turned around to look in the direction where Po Yu was looking just now.

That old fortune teller under the tree?

The woman looked at Po Yu who suddenly became steady and energetic at this moment. She hesitated but did not catch up. Instead, she walked out of the temple gate and looked carefully at the position near the tree.

The person who had just set up the stall there was an old man with a ruddy complexion and white hair. He looked energetic, but also very unfamiliar.

Isn't it strange? Except when he was young, Qi Zhongbin didn't really stay in Mingzhou for that long.

As if sensing that he was being watched, the old man organizing the stall looked at the woman, smiled and nodded, and the middle-aged woman could only smile back.

Po Yu and this old fortune teller must have known each other.

Qi Zhongbin shook his head and sat down using the wooden box as a stool. The old woman still had the same temper, but there were some signs of changes in her energy.

As Master said back then, the paths are different.

It was also at this time that Qi Zhongbin suddenly felt something. He looked up at the sky and saw a bright divine light falling from the sky, as if the sunlight had gathered with the divine light.

At this moment, Po Yu, who was walking towards the back of the temple with anger, subconsciously raised her head and was stunned for a while when she saw the light. What kind of light is this? It seems like I've been seeing more strange things lately?

Normally, even Po Yu is not strong enough to see the divine light, but it is obvious that she is somewhat different now.

After a while, the divine light fell outside the Empress Temple and fell under the big tree. When Qi Zhongbin subconsciously reached out to cover his face, the divine light turned into a god in a ceremonial crown and robes, and as soon as he showed up, he came to Qi Zhongbin. Salute and greet.

"You Qingzhong, Xingluo Secretary Li Xingguan, has met fellow Taoist Qi!"

Qi Zhongbin was startled when he heard the title "Xingluo Secretary Li Xingguan" because he had never heard of such a divine title. But as soon as You Qingzhong's name came out, combined with his aquiline nose and sharp eyes, he immediately understood who was coming. Who is it?

"You Xingguan, isn't the Supreme God Pleiades? Are you here to find me?"

Or are you here to find my master?

Qi Zhongbin sounded surprised, and the image of a big rooster appeared in his mind. Legend has it that the Pleiades Star Official was once a chicken demon who became a god.

"Oh, what Fellow Daoist Qi said is true, but You is now also a Xingluo Secretary Li Xingguan. I came here specifically to find you. Fellow Daoist, you made it easy for me to find you!"

Are you really looking for me?

Before Qi Zhongbin could speak, You Qingzhong had already taken out two jade tokens.

"Please all fellow Taoists accept the Celestial Order and the invitation to the Xingluo Dharma Conference. Three years from now, the Celestial Realm Xingluo Grand Conference will be held, and thousands of righteous people from all over the world will attend the meeting!"

"What is Xingluo?"

Qi Zhongbin really didn't know. This question made You Qingzhong stunned and explained patiently.

"This is one of the rare grand events in the world. At that time, the star power of the Milky Way will skyrocket, and thousands of qi will flourish. It is a rare event that happens in hundreds of years. This event will bring great opportunities for great luck, and not just ordinary people can go! "

"Then how virtuous and capable is Qi?"

You Qingzhong smiled, just because you are a disciple of Yi Daozi, no one can send you away from this Xingluo Society!

"Please keep it, fellow Taoist, because I'm going to another place!"

You Qingzhong stretched out his hands. Seeing this, Qi Zhongbin had no choice but to quickly take them.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, we will meet in Xingluo. I apologize that you can't stay long, so I'll take my leave!"

"You Xingguan invited me, but Qi won't send it!"

The two of them bowed to each other, and then a divine light rose into the sky, and the Pleiades star disappeared before their eyes.

Qi Zhongbin lowered his head and stared blankly at the two jade tablets in his hand. One was the Immortal Order. He had seen it in his master's place. This one was not bad. The master also said that this thing seemed to be given by immortal cultivators with some knowledge. It was not surprising. .

Indeed, Yi Shuyuan thought so at the beginning, but Qi Zhongbin has obviously not corrected this concept yet.

Qi Zhongbin looked at another jade plaque. This was a piece of black jade, but it seemed to have a little starlight on it, with the words "Xing Luo Yu" engraved on it.

Oops, I forgot to ask Master if he was going.

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