Talent Evolution From Konoha

Chapter 99: Poisonous Sand Clone (Fourth Update!)

The terrifying tornado fire pillar directly opened a flame channel over 100 meters long in the forest.

When it dissipated, not only the trees on both sides of the passage were burned into torches by the flames, but also the passage was collapsed, with dark red lava flowing slowly, exuding terrifying heat.

The power of the 'Flame King Spear' is naturally very frightening, and Yada Cang is also unbelievable while being horrified.

According to his understanding of Uchiha Genzuki, although the other party is a genius and already close to Elite Jōnin's strength at the age of less than ten years old, it is impossible for him to master such an amazing Fire Style Technique.

Of course, in the previous battle, Uchiha Genzuki's strength has actually shocked him-.

Based on the fighting situation just now, the strength displayed by Uchiha Genzuki has reached the level of Elite Jōnin, which is also beyond his cognition in intelligence.

Now it is only the addition of the 'flame king gun' which is enough to be ranked in the S-rank ninjutsu, which makes him completely unable to sit still, so that he has lost his composure.


Using the "Flame King Spear" to crack the "Three Treasures Suction" and destroy the three puppets, Uchiha Genzuki immediately glanced at Yada Ao after falling to the ground again.

With a sudden force under his feet, under the heavy step, the earth was shaken and cracked countless cracks, and one of the extraordinarily thick cracks spread to Yada Cang's feet.

The shaking of the ground made Yatian Ao's body unbalanced, and his feet suddenly became empty, and he staggered and fell into the crack.

The fire lotus bloomed, Uchiha Genzuki disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was in front of Yada Ao who had fallen into the crack, and punched the opponent's face fiercely.


Yada Cang's head exploded on the spot, but what appeared was not the scene of the head bursting, but purple sand spraying.

Yada Ao's body turned into a mass of sand after being attacked, and the sand presented was not ordinary yellow sand, but a strange purple sand.

The reason why the sand is purple is entirely because the sand is poisonous sand, which is a mixture of highly toxic and sand.

This change can be said to have occurred very suddenly, or it can be said to be extremely ingenious.

Even Uchiha Genzuki didn't expect that the enemy never really showed up, but was fighting with his clone, what's more, even the clone is a kind of poison attack

Because suddenly, the poisonous sand splashed down, and Uchiha Genzuki was a little caught off guard, too late to dodge, and was immediately splashed by the poisonous sand.


The poisonous sand touches the body, but it does not appear to be highly poisonous, but the flames flow, burning and evaporating the toxins contained in the poisonous sand.

Turning into flames, Uchiha Genzuki cast the 'Shenhuo Technique' at the critical moment.

After defusing the poisonous sand attack, the flame also rushed out of the crack and fell not far away, condensing his body.

"Sure enough, I am still inexperienced. Although my strength has reached the level of Elite Jōnin, I am still far behind in terms of combat experience.

Although the crisis was resolved with the "Shenhuo Technique", Uchiha Genzuki was not happy in his heart. Instead, he vigilantly awakened himself.

At the same time, he also glanced around sharply, and even his eyes hidden under the contact lenses showed a scarlet light.

Yes, he now wears colored contact lenses with black pupils, which is also a means of concealing his use of Sharingan recently.

Although this method is not safe, it is easy to reveal the secrets to people who face supercilious or Grandmaster perception skills, but if used carefully, it can still play a role in covering up the Sharingan.

After opening the Sharingan, the already keen insight immediately becomes stronger, even if it is not able to see through like a white eye, but it is enough to gain insight into more subtle existence.

In just a short moment, Uchiha Genzuki saw the traces with Sharingan, rushed out, and appeared in a place not far away in the blink of an eye.


The right foot strikes down with a battle-axe, stepping hard on the ground, the astonishing force brought by the strange power technique directly causes violent vibrations and roars like an earthquake.

The ground within a radius of 100 meters was cracked and collapsed, and among the countless cracks spreading, someone hiding in the ground was also forced out by the vibration, and sprang out from the ground like a black shadow.

...asking for flowers...

whoosh whoosh!!!

One after another, cylindrical objects were shot out by the black shadows and landed around Uchiha Genzuki. The cylindrical object split into two halves, and countless poisonous needles emerged from it, covering Uchiha Genzuki almost without dead ends.

"Shenhuo Technique!!"

Uchiha Genzuki didn't dodge, and turned into flames and rushed towards the opponent. All the poisonous needles shot at him were immune to the flames, without causing the slightest damage or hindrance.

Like a shooting star, Uchiha Genzuki not only rushed out of the scope of the poisonous needle, but also chased after the shadow that was heading for the distance.

The black shadow is Yada Ao. After he was forced out from the ground by Uchiha Genzuki with a strange force technique, he seemed to attack with a poisonous needle, but in fact it was just to delay Uchiha Genzuki.


The poisonous sand clone is a Clone Technique developed by himself, which condenses most of his Chakra. As far as the puppet master is concerned, the poisonous sand clone is not much weaker than him.

In addition, his main puppets were almost all destroyed by Uchiha Genzuki, so he naturally lost the courage to continue fighting with Uchiha Genzuki.

"Fire Lotus Step!!"

Without the interference of the poisonous needle, Uchiha Genzuki saw that Yada Cang did not stop, and immediately condensed his body and stepped on the swaying fire lotus.

The figure flitted out like a flicker, and in a flash, Uchiha Genzuki appeared behind Yada Cang, punching the opponent's white body with a punch.

"not good!"

Yada Cang noticed the attack behind him, and quickly dodged to the side in shock.

Sharingan's hook spun, and Uchiha Genzuki had an instant insight into the opponent's movements. The second strike came first, the figure moved, and the other hand turned into an elbow, hitting the opponent's waist hard.


The sound of the violent impact was mixed with the sound of bone cracking, and Yatian Cang screamed and flew into the distance, and at the same time spurted blood from his mouth during the collision.

The fire lotus bloomed and swayed again, and Uchiha Genzuki rushed out, catching up to the opponent in an instant, grabbing the opponent's ankle before he landed, turned around, swung it, and smashed it violently on the ground.

(Thank you ** for the reward...Many chapters of the novel I wrote recently have been banned and need to be revised, and the supplement has to be postponed!).

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