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Chapter 945: Luo Feng's chance has advanced

"You all came here?"

Sitting on a golden willow tree, Li Yu saw Luo Feng, Liu Ziqing, and Li Yao squatting on the shore of Kirishima, shaking his head with a smile.

"The Meteor spacecraft under Kirishima, but that's Luo Feng's chance ... what? That Baba Tower hit Liu Ziqing on his idea?"

At this time, Li Yu found that in the meteor spacecraft deep in the ground, the intelligence named "Baba Tower" actually targeted Liu Ziqing.

"This is a poorly chosen person. You can't step in."

Naturally, Li Yu would not let Liu Ziqing inherit the inheritance of "Master of the Meteor Star". An immortal, or the lowest level of the immortal, how can he steal the apprenticeship to the "Shushan Sword School"?

Flicked, a little invisible wave swept over. The calling message sent by Baba Tower to Liu Ziqing was turned by Luo Yu and put on Luo Feng.

"The spirit of plants and trees, the thousand-year-old willow heart, really is a good thing!"

After entering Kirishima, Luo Feng was stunned by these "spirit of plants and trees"! This kind of thing, but it is an unavailable fetish!

A millennium willow heart was dug, and Luo Feng found a burrow on the island and swallowed the millennium willow heart.

After some meditation luck and digestion and absorption, Luo Feng's warrior Xiu was promoted to the God of War in one fell swoop, and the strength of the spiritual master reached the peak of God of War.

"Li Yao, even if you wear a turtle shell, I will smash you!"

Although the black **** suit is very defensive, Luo Feng's flying knife cannot penetrate at all. However, the impact of the flying knife was still able to attack Li Yao.

The spiritual master of the advanced God of War realm, the continuous flying knife bombardment, even if it does not pierce, it will shatter him!

Standing up, Luo Feng was about to get out of the hole and planned to go and kill Li Yao.

Just when I got up, my heart suddenly produced a throbbing, as if ... there was an inexplicable feeling, his intuition made him feel that there was a bigger treasure in front of him.

"This feeling……"

The warriors believed in their instincts, just like the flash of aura in battle, and the throbbing danger.

At this moment, Luo Feng chose to believe his intuition.

"As long as my strength is strong enough, Li Yao can be killed at any time. Let's take a look at any treasures here first."

If something like a treasure is taken away by someone else, it will be gone!

Turning around and stepping into the hole, he continued to advance along the seam. After a while, Luo Feng came to an underground river.

In the underground river, a group of creatures like eels are fighting frantically.

The object of this group of eels ... is an egg-sized, milky crystal.

A scent of rice was permeating, and even if it was far away, Luo Feng could feel the majestic vitality in the crystal.

"Sure enough, there are treasures!"

As soon as the mind moved, the flying sword whistled out. In a moment, the group of eel monsters was killed.

"What is this?"

Holding this crystal in his hand, just breathing that breath made Luo Feng feel shocked, only to feel refreshed.

"Close it up before you talk."

This crystal must be a treasure. Put away the crystal, Luo Feng intends to turn around and return to the ground. Just after turning around, he thought again, "Should there be only one such thing?"

The idea came out, Luo Feng continued to the ground.

After walking for a while, he found another spar.

Put away the spar and go deeper, the deeper you go underground, the more spar you find.

"Is there a spar mine underneath?"

Waiting for this treasure, naturally cannot be missed. Luo Feng raised the sword and shield, and proceeded carefully and continuously.

There are gains along the way. Without knowing it ... he was already 100,000 meters deep.


When Luo Feng stepped out of an underground cave, he found that there was a pile of white crystals on the ground in front of him.

"Sure enough, this is the spar mine!"

Luo Feng was overjoyed, these hundreds of thousands of spar, but it was a great gain.

Rushing forward, bent over to collect these spar.

At this time, a sudden "snack" at the foot, the solid alloy boots, suddenly unknowingly cut off a piece.


Luo Feng was startled, and looked at his feet, but found a dark red blade embedded in the rock on the ground.

It was this cutting edge. It was as easy as cutting butter. He cut off one of his alloy boots.

"Is this the thing?"

With a whim, the dark red blade was removed. This is a cutting edge of about three inches, which seems to be a cut off of a certain weapon.

Reached for a flying knife and chopped it at the cutting edge.


The flying sword made by Kro alloy, which can be easily penetrated by the scale armor of Lien-Shen-level alien beast, is broken into two pieces.

"Good guy, so sharp!"

Luo Feng laughed, "With this cutting edge, should I be able to break Li Yao's black **** suit?"

After collecting a bunch of crystals, I got such a sharp blade. The gains from this trip are really huge.

I got up and left, and suddenly, the rock wall in front shook suddenly.

A shocking sight appeared in front of Luo Feng.

There ... there is a huge half-moon-shaped spaceship.

"An alien spaceship? Underground ruins?"

At this time, Luo Feng didn't know much about the remains of alien civilization. I only heard about some in elite training camps.

"This is an unknown alien relic? That's a big treasure!"

A bit eager, Luo Feng approached the spacecraft carefully.


A jet sounded, and a huge door suddenly opened on the huge ship.


The sudden opening of the door surprised Luo Feng's heart, and he quickly raised his shield to stand in front of him. A handle flying knife circled around.

The anticipated attack did not arrive. It seemed that opening the hatch was just ... welcome.

welcome? Who believes it!

However, since it's here, I can't take it easy without looking at it.

Carefully walked up, the mental power leaked out of the hatch, carefully sensing the situation inside the hatch.

"That is……"

Under the telepathic sense of Luo Feng, in a huge martyrdom in the cabin door, a body with various shapes was lying.

Some had twin horns in their heads, some had wings on their backs, some were more than five meters tall, and one seemed to be a figure made of metal.

Each of these figures is lifelike, as if living. However, Luo Feng did not feel any signs of life on them.

Instead ... Luo Feng felt from them ~ ~ a huge, unimaginable and horrible breath.

As if it were a vast expanse of the universe, as if it were a demon that destroyed the world.

"What the **** does this exist?"

Luo Feng has already seen "Hong". Compared with these figures now seen, "the first person in the world" is as small as a dust.

"Damn! I didn't call you, why did you come?"

An angry voice sounded inside the hatch.

A streamer flashed, and a pair of batwing wings and a pointed tail ... a little boy appeared at the door of the cabin.

"Forget it, you're also qualified to be careless. Boy, **** and worship!"


Luo Feng was full of fog, I don't know what the situation was.

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