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Chapter 918: This is too scary!

Why was Pan Yu so miserable?

Li Yu, who is already familiar with Pan Yu's nature, is too simple to pit him.

Since you are going to devour, and even the creatures born in your own world are going to be devoured, who does not pit you?

How did the Dark Fairy hang up?

Swallowed a "system" alien that Li Yu put in. The "system" bound Pan Yu, he naturally couldn't jump up.

"That's it ... victory?"

On the mountain of Akasaka, Di Shun raised Xuanyuan Sword, turned around and looked around, and his heart gave birth to an unreal feeling.

The aliens who have been running for countless years, is it so extinct?

And ... even the alien creation gods have been accepted?

"Meet the Lord!"

The true dragons buried their heads and bowed deeply.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing this, even Pangu was stunned.

Dragon family, obviously is the blood of Lao Tzu, is obviously a descendant of Lao Tzu, how can this be done?

At this moment, Pan Gu suddenly had a kind of own child, calling others the feeling of "father", and that heart was depressed!

More importantly ... what exactly is this man?

Are Panyu just his slaves? How scary is his identity?

"Get up!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "You did a good job, I am so relieved! The integration of the three races of Qi and luck in Pangu is the trend of the heavens. You ca n’t be lazy when you wait for the good people to protect the people."

"Let's take orders!"

All dragons worshiped and obeyed.

"Longmu and Ao Guangjiu brothers stay, let the other dragons go down!"


Except for the dragon mother and the nine evil dragons transformed by Li Yu, other dragon races retreated.

"Your mission is complete and you can come back!"

Li Yuchao's dragon mother and Ao Guang Jiulong smiled, reached out and put them away.

Those nine dragons are exactly the strength of Li Yu's cart, and they will naturally be brought back.

"In this world, not much time is spent, but much is gained."

Pan Yu was the biggest gain. Li Yu smiled and put Pan Yu away. Then he turned his head and looked in the direction of Akasaka Mountain.

"There is still a cause and effect in Pangu in this world."

When he came to this world, Li Yu robbed Pangu once, and obtained the whole heaven and earth rules from Pangu.

Now, it is natural to pay back Pangu.

"Pangu Daoyou, the world you have opened up has not yet come to fruition, so let me help you!"

Li Yu glanced at Ji Hao of Akasakayama, and then turned to look at Qing Ming, a smile appeared on his face, "Boy, you're not a true" Qingtian ". The poor way gives you an opportunity to promote the saint of heaven, You have the potential to reach the pinnacle of this world. "


Suddenly, Qingming's mind slammed.

The Jianmu, the "wood emperor", seemed to have a feeling of flying away.

"Master Muhuang, this is ..."

"Her Majesty the Emperor Yu has a concubine who ordered me to become the world tree in this world to complement the heavens."

The wooden emperor smiled, "Boy, don't worry, I won't leave, my brand is still in your mind."

"Your Majesty the Emperor? Is that the big man who accepted that black giant?"

Qing Ming glanced into the sky with a shocked face, "Master Muhuang, you and His Majesty Yuhuang ..."

"Your Majesty the Emperor Yu is my Lord!"

Suddenly, the wooden emperor was a little embarrassed. "Boy, this seat is the imperial palace of Yuhuang ... a branch on the world tree in the garden ..."


The almost omnipotent existence of the wooden emperor is actually ... just a branch of a tree in the garden of His Majesty Yu Huang?

Qingming has been shocked!

"The Emperor Yu is compassionate and can't bear to see the world's incompleteness and misery. All sentient beings come here to save the world. Now it is time for this seat to play its role!"

The wooden emperor laughed, "Boy, this is a good thing, this is your chance. Once you incarnate into the world tree, you have the opportunity to be promoted to the saint of heaven."

"This seat is gone!"

A green light burst into a rush, and turned into a long, green green twig.

Li Yu reached out his hand, and the tender green branch fell into his hand.

"The Emperor ... It's really a branch!"

Qing Ming touched his head, only to think that these superior people are powerful, it is impossible to imagine.

"Pangu, the poor way to help you complete this world!"

With a wave of his hand, the young branch in his hand was driven into the middle earth. Immediately, a bounce of fingers, a ray of light fell into the tender branches of Jianmu.

This aura is the power drawn from Pan Yu!

There was a loud bang.

The blue sky rushed up in the sky, and a turquoise green tree grew rapidly in the blue light, with its roots spreading and its foliage spreading, and it instantly became a huge, infinitely huge tree.

"Okay, things are done."

After doing all this, Li Yu turned his head toward Pan Pan, who was standing quietly, and smiled. He stretched out his hand, and released a large urn pulled by nine dragons.

After you pretend to run, this is already the habit of Her Majesty Yu Huang!

"Kowloon Ruyi is so good, it's finally worthy of the name!"

Li Yu smiled at Pan Pan with a smile, "Beauty, get in the car!"

After saying this, Li Yu was in the heart ... I remembered that when I was still hanging silk, I also dreamed that one day I would be able to say "beauty, get in the car" with the beauty.

"My brother's car is extraordinary."

Pan Yan sighed and boarded the car.

The two of them drove forward and drove all the way, leaving Pangu World instantly.

Only a pile of faces were left.

"The son of Zulong ... who drove him?"

The son-in-law looked at the empty car and shook his head. "Since the Dragons have entrusted him as the master, it is not surprising that the sons of Zulong pulled him.

"Lian Panyu is his servant. What is that person about?"

Tongtian smiled helplessly.

This senior man is too tall, right? Pan Yu, the equivalent of Pangu, is only his slave.

"That tree ..."

Yuan Shi looked at the giant tree that cut through the sky, with a little shock on his face, "Did ..."


At this time, the giant tree that penetrates the sky has grown to its maximum.

Each branch sticks into the starry sky and runs through the stars of Zhou Tian. On the branches, every leaf suddenly lifted up the stars.

The roots of giant trees penetrated the earth, and spread along the earth's veins to the whole world. Middle-earth, four-barren, five continents are strung by these roots.

"My name is Emperor Mu, and the emperor of Emperor Yu Yu is the one who carries the heavenly path, integrates the five sides, and adjusts the stars of Zhou Tian to fill the deficiency of heaven and earth!"

In this giant tree of heaven, a mighty voice spread throughout the world.


There was a loud noise, the five continents separated in the void, slowly gathering together in a fierce roar.

East and west, north and south, the quartet of land, merge with the middle earth. The Pangu continent was formally completed.


The avenue is peaceful, and the heavens and the earth are praised!

Pangu opened up to the present day, the lack of heaven and earth, the lack of heaven, formally make up for it. At this point, the Pangu world is round and integrated, and there is no defect.

"The Emperor's merit is infinite!"

At this moment ~ ~ Even Sanqing son-in-law and others bowed down with admiration!

The heavens and the earth are fulfilled, and the heavens are fulfilled. These heavenly saints not only have stronger strength, but also don't have to sacrifice themselves to conform to the Tao.

It's just ... everyone has a doubt in their hearts.

"Dare to ask the Emperor, where does His Majesty Yu Huang come from?"

Sanqing son-in-law asked the Emperor in unison.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty Yuhuang, is for: Wunyuan Wuji, Hongmeng Taishi, Daluo Zhizhen, Yuhuang Datianzun! My Master is the origin of the heavens and earth, the master of all time and space."

The wooden emperor answered proudly.

Then ... scared everyone stupid!

Even Pangu was startled!

This name ... this story ... is it too scary?

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