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Chapter 891: Qing Ming and Ji Hao's Loot Agreement

"We must clearly recognize that our strength is still weak."

After finishing the chores, Qing Ming convened several leading figures, such as the old sacrifice and Qingying, into the conference hall.

Sitting in the main seat, the Qing Ming dynasty glanced at each other with a serious face, "Although the invaders were defeated, there is still more power behind these invaders. The road to the rise of the Qingyi Ministry is still long. Everyone They are leaders of the tribe. Don't be complacent, you must recognize the reality. "


At this moment, including the old sacrifice, he still had a tender leader on this face, and he was sincerely convinced.

On the occasion of victory, instead of being dazzled by victory, he calmly analyzed the status quo, which is the quality of a leader.

"From Ji Shu's mouth, I learned of a mine full of fine gold and jade."

After ringing the alarm, Qingming released another good news to inspire people.

For his wrists, even Li Yu was amazed.

This guy is simply a born leader. This kind of wrist that controls the situation seems to be born.

"I asked Blackbird to watch it. Blackbird only told me one word, more! Too much! Everywhere!"

When they heard Qing Ming's words, everyone laughed.

After getting along for a while, the people in the Qingyi Department also had a very intuitive understanding of the "mountain giant".

These big guys turned from stone to stone. Intellect or something, don't put too much hope.

"This is a rich mine. Its rich fine gold and jade can almost fill our entire Qingyi resident."

"Wow, that's great!"

"So much? Well developed!"

The crowd cheered when they heard the news.

Adamantite is an excellent material for making weapon armor. Beauty jade is full of magic. More importantly, these things are valuable and can be used directly as money.

With so many treasures, the Qingyi Department can be said to be rich overnight.

"I plan to share this mine with the Fire Ravens."

After everyone cheered, Qing Ming made an unexpected decision.

"Uh? Why is this?"

The laughter stagnated, and they looked at Qingming with doubt.

Why do wise leaders share their wealth with the Fire Ravens? Even though the leader of the Fire Raven is closely related to Qingyi, these two clans are in the end!

"Are you fascinated by wealth? Don't think about it, can such a large sum of money be eaten by our Qingyi Department? If we swallow it alone, the tribes around us will surely come and besiege!"

Qing Ming knocked on the table. "At that time, we will ask for help from the Fire Ravens? Then? The Fire Ravens will send troops to release the siege. After that? After the soldiers release the siege, will you let the family come for free?

After hearing Qingming's explanation, everyone was not a fool, and they wanted to understand instantly.

The strength of Qingyi Department is still too weak!

Taking such a large fortune is bound to attract people. Without saying anything else, the robbers of the Blackwater Xuan snake department will certainly not miss the opportunity of robbery.

The Blackwater Black Snake Department is the feud of the Fire Raven Department, and the two tribes are of equal strength. With the power of the Qingyi Department, it is certainly impossible to deal with the Blackwater Xuanshe Department.

At that time, I can only ask for help from the Fire Raven.

The younger brother got the benefit, but he didn't expect the older brother. Was beaten, but came to ask for help. What do you think of this big brother?

"The leader is wise!"

Everyone worshiped together, and they were sincerely convinced by Qing Ming's decision.

"Uncle Qingying, go to the Fire Ravens Department, and talk to Ji Hao, right is Ji Hao, you tell him the news first. Listen to his command and act."

Qing Ming asked Qing Ying to find Ji Hao first, of course, for a reason.

After several contacts, Qing Ming discovered that Ji Hao was the rare wisdom of the Fire Ravens, or the treacherous generation. Working with him is more beneficial than working with Ji Xia, the leader.

Because, Ji Hao will definitely not give all the minerals to the public.

At that time, it is a very normal way to conceal the output or something.

A day later, Qing Ming and Ji Hao met.

"This is Cold Valley?"

Ji Hao, who is still a brutalist, jumped down from the back of a four-teeth mammoth, fell to a cliff, looked up at the valley below, and smiled.

"Brother Qingming, your Qingyi Department is really energetic. These treasures have been taken out to share with our Fire Crow Department, and it really is your own family!"

Ji Hao played with a piece of fine gold in his hands and looked at Qingming with a smile.

"I and you are my family."

Qing Ming took a meaningful look at Ji Hao, "My family, of course, we must share the benefits."


Ji Hao played a haha, grasped the thought, reached out and patted Qing Ming's shoulder, "Good brother!"

After the agreement was reached, the follow-up work went smoothly.

Transfer ten "mountain giants" to build stone walls, walls, and mines with their talents of plastic stone magic.

In just a few days, the mine in Lengxi Valley has begun to take shape.

The Fire Raven Department is indeed a large tribe. It transferred over 40,000 soldiers at once, even more than a dozen witches, and ten huge Fire Ravens.

Qingming naturally can't be stingy, except for leaving a few mountain giants to do private work underground and share the loot with Ji Hao. Qingying also brought five thousand archers and two "old trees of war."

As for other powers, they are not shown. After all, Qingyi is just a tribe! It's not easy to come out with these powers.

"Here ... you sit?"

When everything was ready, the Fire Ravens left to sit in the town mine, turned out to be Ji Hao!

This made Qingming laugh for a while. This obviously put the mouse in Mi Cang! I am afraid that the output of this mine will be severely discounted.

"As the **** of the leader of the Fire Ravens, so naturally, there is no obligation to blame."

Ji Hao's words were impassioned, and Qing Ming's mouth was drawn straight.

"You rock!"

With a severe thumbs up, Qingming took out a set of armor and an epee, and threw it to Ji Hao, "Here it is. This is made by our Qingyi Department. Don't pass it on."

"You ... can make such good things?"

Looking at the exquisite and sturdy armor and sharp and delicate epee in front of her, Ji Hao suddenly had a strange idea.

This guy, isn't it really Illidan?

Look at these weapons and armors. Isn't this elaborate and delicate style the elven style?

Well, the spoof of our boss Li is still going on.

"Ilidan, how do you know how to make such armor and weapons?"

Ji Hao looked at Qingming with doubt.

The human tribes on the South Wilderness Land are all "rough" styles. It is necessary to let those brute men with more muscles in their brains than their brains ~ ~ to refine this exquisite style of weapons and armor Don't think about it.

"Ilidan? What do you mean?"

Qing Ming couldn't understand Ji Hao's "weird words" at all.

"Uh ... nothing!"

Ji Hao pouted his lips, "I mean, how can you make this kind of thing? The entire Nanhuang, not even the armor and weapons of the Vulcan Zhurong Department, are so delicate."

"It's my secret. I'll take a chance to see you later!"

Qing Ming smiled and released the news, naturally wanting to use Ji Hao's way to sell these things.

Qingyi ’s “War Hall”, coupled with the gold that the mine is about to produce, will have countless armors and weapons in the future.

These things naturally have to be sold somehow.

Isn't Fire Raven the best trading target?

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