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Chapter 658: Upper bound Shicun, sin blood 1

"Hey, come quickly!"

Li Yu called out. There was a roar of the earth, and the huge and boundless dragon prince appeared instantly outside the Demon Lake.

"Ishicun will be placed in the Supreme Hall!"

The entire land of the Demon Lake was photographed by Li Yu and waved into the Supreme Hall on the lower back of Long Ziba.

The Supreme Palace, rebuilt by Li Yu as "The Eternal Fairy House", has a huge small world in it, and it is more than enough to set up a place of thousands of miles.

"set off!"

After Li An settled Shicun, Li Yu took everyone to the Supreme Hall on the lower back of Long Ziba. The dragon fighter reduced his figure and turned into a giant tortoise, rising into the air, flying all the way.

Liuli clear light permeated out, covering the dragon under the hood, hiding his body, turning into a stream of light, instantly penetrating the void, breaking through the boundary film, and entering a vast and boundless world.

"The world is so vast?"

"Aura is so plentiful! It is heaven and earth compared to the Nether!"

Wu Shaohao and Little Stone stood at the gate of the Supreme Hall and saw the scene outside, shocked and amazed.

"Three thousand states in the upper bounds, each state is larger than the entire eight domains combined. Beyond the three thousand states, there is a wider world. In our realm, there are nine days and ten places, and the territory is vast."

I heard Shao Hao's admiration, Li Yu turned around and explained to the two people, "Nine heavens and ten places, immortal realm, exotic land, this world is wider than you think."

"The sky is high, I can travel!"

Stone raised his fist and shouted loudly.

"Go for it!"

The declaration of such a young and **** life made Li Yu and Liu Shen smile for a while.

"Patriarch, where are we going?"

The wind and the wind galvanized all the way, across thousands of rivers and mountains, but did not mean to stop. This made Shao Hao very curious about the destination of his upcoming trip.

"Coming soon!"

Li Yu glanced down at the mountains and rivers below, and smiled, "Your tribe, among the three thousand states in the upper world, also have your tribe. It's just ... their lives are hard today."

"Our tribe? Is there any tribe in the upper world?"

Xiao Xiaoshi and Shao Hao looked up at Li Yu together, and they were a little curious about the people of the upper world.


The dragon rushed all the way, and stopped over a vast field.

"Has it arrived?"

Xun Longzi Ba fell onto the field, Shao Hao and Xiao Shiting ran out of the Supreme Hall, stood on the lower back of Long Ziba, glanced around, looking for the place where the people lived.

But ... except for the vast wilderness, there is only a huge ruin.

"Your tribe, in the upper world, had a hard time. At the border desert emperor, you still have a group of people, and you have a harder time."

Li Yu led the crowd down from the dragon. Holding out his finger at the ruin in front, Li Yu sighed, "As you can see, there was ... it used to be a stone country. The stone country of the upper world."

"Is Shikoku ... is it broken?"

Wu Shaohao and Xiao Shi looked at the ruin in front of him for a while.

"The stone kingdom of the Upper Realm has been destroyed! But aren't you here? Just rebuild it!"

Li Yu smiled and said to both of them: "The future is in your hands, all depends on your own creation."

"Yes! We rebuild Shikoku!"

Wu Longsheng replied, Shao Hao and Little Stone stood up, whistling toward the vast ruins, and wanted to take a look at the once stone country.

"My dear brother, is that the person you chose? They are the opportunity to calm down the darkness?"

The head of the forbidden zone, Yuxu Taoist, raised his eyes and looked at the two young boys who fled away. There was a glimmer of glory in his eyes. "In the poor days, I also selected a few people, but unfortunately ... in the end ..."

"I have seen a corner of the future."

Li Yu glanced at Shi Hao in front of the ruins and sighed, "In that future, the whole world is shrouded in darkness, the world is broken, and all beings are withering! And he ... with the hope of countless people, set foot on the other side of the sea. The battle is arrogant. In the future, people will call him 'Areland Emperor'! "


Tamarix frowned slightly, "Can he ... really become emperor?"

"How difficult it is to become emperor!"

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone sighed, "Everyone has not heard of an emperor since ancient times. Even when the emperor fell, the person who left footprints on the embankment was not the true emperor."

"He is hope, and not the only hope. We also need to work hard. If we can take that step ourselves. Everything is no problem."

Li Yuchao glanced at them and smiled, "Let's work together!"

"It is true! Now that I have returned to the world, naturally I don't need to pin my hope on others. Chengdi, although small, still needs to give up his life."

The master of the forbidden area nodded, and a hot stream of fire was born in his heart.

"Patriarch! Patriarch! Someone! There are people in the Shi tribe!"

At this time, Shao Hao brought a few poor old men out of the ruins and shouted at Li Yu.

"Go and have a look! The descendants of the Seven Kings of Wasteland, really shouldn't have come to such an end."

Li Yu walked towards the ruins.

"Patriarch ~ ~ They ... They said, We are the offspring of sinners? We are the blood of sin. Patriarch ... Are we really sinners?"

There was a dazed expression on Xiao Xiaoshi's face. Your ancestor turned out to be a sinner? In this world, we are all in the vein of sin? Despised by the whole world?

"It's not sin, but glory!"

Li Yu shook his head, "Seven Kings of the Wasteland, heroes are worldly, can they be sinners? How can their descendants be blood of sin? That mark represents glory! mark!"

"Is that so? But ... why?"

为何 Why does the mark of glory become the mark of sinners? Shao Hao was very puzzled about this.

"That's because some people are speculative and distorted the truth! It's about the glory of your ancestors, and it's up to you to get justice!"

"Yes! We know!"

Wu Shaohao and Little Stone clenched their fists tightly.

"This is the capital of the Shi Kingdom at that time! If you want to rebuild the Stone Kingdom and reappear the glory of the ancestors, start from here!"

Li Yu stretched out his hand, and Xuanhuangqi swept out like a wave. Under the swept yellow air, this vast ruin broke down instantly.

Xu reached out and took in Shicun in the Supreme Palace, which was taken out by Li Yu.

"Ishimura, put it here!"

With a single push of the palm, the demon lake, which has a mile-long radius, reappeared in this world.

Suddenly the pulses intersect, and the aura rises vigorously.

The newly emerged land bloomed endlessly like a sacred pure land.

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