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Chapter 1266: 1 drop of source blood creates 1 race

"Golden Beasts have been tested."

Li Yu looked back, Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Since this is the case, we can carry out extensive experiments in the next step."

Li Yu did not intervene in the matter of Zhong Qiao. Protected by the Tayun Beast, Zhong Qiao is naturally not in danger. With such a big noise, Jin Heng's ancestors will come immediately, so naturally Li Yu doesn't need to worry about it.

"I remember when I played a game, there was a cutscene still fresh in my memory."

Turning around and entering the Dragon Hall, Li Yu sat down on the sides of the case, banging on the table with a smile, "The orcs will never be slaves! A blood of demon has transformed a race!"

Through the bloodline research during this time, Li Yu also fully understood the game scene of that year.

The blood of demons transformed the orc race. In fact, it is the influence of the blood characteristics of the devil that has caused the orc gene to mutate.

"Poor Road is doing something similar to the demon Mallonus!"

Reaching out, a ray of light lingered at the fingertips. These brilliances are the bloodline characteristics or gene fragments of various strange beasts analyzed by Li Yu.

"What is the Tao of Creation? This is the Tao of Creation!"

A ray of light swirled and intertwined, continually fused and condensed in Li Yu's hands, until ... turned into a drop of blood, crystal clear, as if a perfect ruby.

"A drop of demon ... Oh, sacred blood, a race is born!"

Li Yu reached out and held up this crystal blood drop, just like completing a sacred ritual, "The Creator gave a drop of sacred source blood, so ... the ancestor was born."

"Okay, funny time is over."

Receiving this drop of "source blood", Li Yu stepped out of the Dragon Hall and walked out of the Dragon Hall, a cliff on Lingshou Island.

A dark curtain hangs high, a full moon hangs up to the sky, and under the bright moonlight, a group of wolves stand on the cliff, watching the moon and howling.

This fierce wolverine stunned a group of bats in a cave on the cliff, making a "squeak" sound, flapping its wings and scrambling around.

"Dark darling, born in the moonlight. A drop of source blood fell from the sky, and blood and wolf were officially born."

With a bounce of his fingers, this drop of "source blood" burst out.

A whistle burst into a faint layer of blood mist, covering the wolves on the top of the cliff and the bats flying by the cliff.

"Alas ..."

The blood mist merged into the body, and the group of wolves on the cliff burst out a radiance of light, attracting the sky and moonlight, gathered like a beam of light, flowing into the body of the wolves.

"Kacha ..."

Bone joints crumbled, muscles swelled, and a werewolf stood up, his muscles and bones continued to move and grow.

In a moment, the wolves became a werewolf. The wolf headed upright, standing upright, covered with thick silver hair, one by one, violent breath, bloodthirsty and cruel.

On the other side, the group of bats is also undergoing huge changes.

The blood mist blended into the body, and between the moonlight glory, the shape of each bat also skyrocketed, and became a humanoid body with a bat's head on the head and a pair of bat wings dragging behind ...

"Yes, the initial pattern is complete."

Li Yu nodded with a smile, "When the strength continues to grow and the human gene is constantly activated, it will eventually become an adult and have two forms. At that time, it can be considered a vampire and a werewolf."

As for how vampires and werewolves, and how humans get along, will there be wars between vampires and werewolves that have lasted for countless years, Li Yu said ... You are just fine.

"As long as no problems such as gene collapse occur after a period of time, it means that this experiment was successful!"

In one world of immortality, the vampires and werewolves are tinkered out, and the biggest trouble is probably ... This kind of monster old man hasn't seen it yet!

Of course, if vampires and werewolves eventually grow up to be no less intelligent than humans, and also learn to practice, that is another problem.

"As long as you dig a pit and bury it, what will happen later ... Meng Hao, isn't he going to be a demon in the future? Presumably he must have a way to deal with it!"

Without hesitation, he threw the baggage to Meng Hao, and Li Yuxin proceeded with experiments.

"Under my wings everything is ashes. So ... Nesario, you should be born!"

Walk towards the beach of Lingju Island, where a group of lizards live.

Originally, these were all strange animals released by the Golden Roar. After falling into Li Yu's hands, the fate of these lizards ...

"Shadow and Flame, Blood and Soul. Black Dragon Army, come out!"

Another ray of light lingered on the fingertips, turning into a dark red blood drop. With a wave of his hand, blood dripped on the heads of the lizards, and a whistle burst, and a layer of blood mist shrouded the lizards.

The flames rose, and the land on the beach turned into a lava. In this piece of lava, each one is three feet long and covered with black scale armor ~ ~. There are two dragon wings on the back, and young dragons with firelights appearing in the nostrils.

"The other five-colored dragons don't matter. Especially the talent of the time force of the bronze dragon, it is too unbalanced."

It is not to reproduce the five-colored dragon legion. Everything is just an experiment, so there is no need to compare it.

Turning around and leaving the lava lake, Li Yu went to a grassland on Lingshou Island again.

Here is a group of golden lions.

"The Black Dragon Corps has appeared, then ... Griffins must also be there."

Another blood burst out, forming a layer of blood mist covering the lions.

"Well ..."

After a roar, and the blood mist merged, the lions became griffins with eagle heads and wings, and lion bodies!

Light beams shone on the griffins, and the talent of "The Hammer of the Storm" was also put on the griffins by Li Yu.

"There are four ethnic groups as samples, and it should be almost the same."

This is just a preliminary test of the experimental results. With so many sample verifications, it is enough.

As for the next step ...

"Wait until the verification is over and you can start human experiments!"

The "Bold Admiral" who has gone further and further down the road of "Biochemical Madness" has begun preparing for the evil "Human Experiment".

"Mutants are an optimal experimental target."

To verify the way of creation, we must verify the characteristics of blood vessels, or genes. Through genetic changes, various characteristics are born. Is there anything more appropriate than a mutant?

All kinds of mutants and endless talents are born because of genetic changes.

Doesn't this meet Li Yu's experimental requirements?

"I hope that the people of the Golden Roar will not be too exclusive to future mutants."

With a smile on his face, Li Yu did not hesitate to take the Jinhou tribe as the next batch of experimental subjects.

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