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Chapter 1237: Failed exam

Li Yu is famous!

In the presence of 100,000 Yaotong, it was too brilliant to recognize the achievements of all herbs in Ziyun Xiantu.

Dan Dao commonly known as "100,000 plants" is actually a broad reference, not just 100,000 herbs. In fact, there are countless types of herbs, almost endless.

This "100,000 plants" refers to mastering the medicinal properties of "100,000 common herbs" and being qualified to be promoted to the Dan division.

There are at least millions, even tens of millions, of the types of medicinal materials grown in the Purple Yunxian soil.

A medicine boy actually recognized all the herbs in the entire Purple Yunxian soil? What a godsend!

The name of Li Yu shocked the whole Ziyundan Road.

"The medicinal materials were not picked in accordance with the requirements and the assessment was unsuccessful."

Li Yu's final score actually got a "fail". In this regard, Li Yu didn't care, and everyone else didn't care.

A medicine boy who has identified all the herbs in Ziyun Xiantu, still cares about this "fail"? Promoting the Dan division is already inevitable. No matter how many "failed" you can't cover up the magnificent glory of the East.

"Brother Li, it's so sad that you do this! I'm the first, I really don't have any status!"

In this test, Meng Hao came first. One hundred thousand commonly used herbs were picked and identified, and undoubtedly became the first place in the Ziyun Xiantu test.

But ... his number one, no one remembers it at all! Everyone is only concerned about Li Yu, who cares about his number one?

Of course, Meng Hao is not so shallow, and will not develop any thoughts for this stigma, just joking with Li Yu.

"Unexpected! This is really unexpected!"

Li Yu spread his hands, "Did you not see that I didn't even pick the herbs? How could this kind of indifferent and fame man do this kind of thing?"

"Are you weak and fame? You clearly show that you are holy before you!"

Pielepiezui MENG Hao, Li Xiong of this nature, he be seen through.

This guy clearly is in Scrapped, people like former Vision, like scurvy everywhere. Figure not have to do any good, but fun.

Such hobbies, really frustrating ah!

"Life is an experience. Enjoy it, naturally liking Suiyi. Practice is cultivating na!"

Li Yu chuckled, "Dan is also the road. Alchemy monasticism also you gradually began to feel it!"

"Li Xiong said is absolutely right."

MENG Hao nodded. During this time, he learned the knowledge of plants and plants, which cleared his mind, and gave birth to a sense of floating dust.

"Well, you talk to your many senior sister apprentice drawing near it! Xu deacons are looking for me!"

North Korea MENG Hao Li Yu waved, got up and went out.

"You just come, purple furnace teacher Dan Wang Fan Ming elders, something called phase. Meet your haste to go."

Just come to Xu Qian's residence, before they ask Li Yu, Xu Qian to hear the words spoken in haste.

"Purple furnace division Wang Dan elders? Want to see me?"

Li Yu stunned for a moment, I do this peerless talent, finally got the attention of the operation were purple? To start Shoutu gifts, packed to send a sister?

It's just ... why has it been so long? The efficiency of Zi Yunzong is too low, right?

The Dan Dao practitioners in Ziyun Zong are divided into Yaotong, Danshi, Zhuludanshi, Ziludanshi, and Dandao.

Master Dan Dao, there is no doubt only Master Dan Gui. Under the master Dan ghost, the highest status is the Purple Furnace Master Dan.

A Purple Furnace Master called, what was going on?

Leaving from Xu Yan's residence, Li Yu rushed all the way to the cave house of the Purple Furnace Master Wang Fanming.

Every Purple Furnace Master has a mountain as a cave house. There were only a dozen Purple Furnace Masters in the entire Zi Yunzong, and Wang Fanming's Dongfu was naturally easy to find.

"Disciple Li Yu, was ordered to meet Elder Wang."

At the foot of Wang Fanming's Dongfu Mountain, Li Yu bowed his hand and reported it.

"Come on!"

There was an old voice in the hall on the mountain.

A purple light burst out, turned into a purple light avenue, and appeared in front of Li Yu.

"Is the Purple Qi East Coming? This elder Wang is also a monk Yuanyuan."

Li Yu smiled and walked, and boarded this purple road.

After a glorious turn, Li Yu's figure appeared instantly in the mountain hall.

"I have seen Elder Wang."

Li Yu saw an old man in a purple robe sitting in front of a huge Dan furnace in the hall, knowing that this man must be Wang Fanming.

"No need to be polite."

Wang Fanming waved his hands and looked at Li Yu with expressionless expression. "Since getting started, your performance husband has always looked at you. Although your practice is also considered diligent, but your heart is beating, you don't want to obey the rules and you are not bound. You This mentality is not suitable for spiritual practice. "

"Uh? Is this the rhythm of being kicked out of the school? I haven't done anything harmful?"

Hearing Wang Fanming's remarks, Li Yu was puzzled.

Let me go! I am a peerless talent, and you plan to get out of the school? Isn't this script right?

As for what Wang Fanming said was "heartbeat and unruly," Li Yu was naturally very clear.

Yu Huangyi always believed that I was order, I was the rule, and I was the rule. Where does one care about the rules of others?

Therefore, at the time of the evaluation of Xiantu, I forgot to pick herbs and never thought of this rule.

As for ordinary daily life, I don't care much about attending classes on time and taking care of Yaotian. I do it exactly as I think.

If it weren't for Li Yu's natural instincts, he might be a guy born of misfortune.

Huh? Seems ... have hurt a lot of people, right? His Majesty Yuhuang ~ ~ is certainly not a good lineup, but it can only be chaotic neutral.

"You didn't tell the difference, and you're not a sneaky one."

Wang Fan nodded faintly, "I'm not the one with the strict discipline. Although your heart beats, your nature is not bad. Some of our elders discussed and decided to give you a chance. ! As soon as you ascend to the third floor, you will be officially introduced and become a formal master. "

"Danta? Where is that?"

Li Yu was full of water.

It's been a few months since I came to Ziyunzong, and basically I should know almost everything. However, I have never heard of any Dan Tower in Zi Yunzong?

"After three days, the old man will take you to Danta. Go on!"

Wang Fanming waved his face expressionlessly, burst into a purple light, rolled out Li Yu, and sent him down the mountain.

"Danta? What the **** is it?"

Li Yu shook his head helplessly, turned around and returned to Dangu, and found Xu Yan, "Deacon Xu, do you know where Dan Tower is? Elder Wang asked me to go to Dan Tower."

"Breaking Dan Tower?"

Xu Zheng suddenly stood up, with a shocked expression on his face, "Danta is the master's cave of Dangui! You ... You ... Can you actually go to Danta? Is it that Dangui is going to accept the apprentice?"

"So ... isn't it difficult to break into Dan Tower?"

As soon as Li Yu's mind turned around, he immediately wanted to understand, "Originally ... Wang Fanming's attitude, like looking out of the teacher's door, was just a warning! In order not to let me be too proud? Is it really hard work . "

At this moment, Li Yu felt that the elders of the Ziyunzong should be proficient in "educational psychology". In the age of the earth, all of them are famous teachers!


Fellow students, have you been beaten?

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