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Chapter 1213: Trial of Blood Fairy and digging again

"The perfect foundation has been built."

There are blood fairy remnants fighting in battle, the thunder and thunder can't fall, Li Yu's perfect foundation is considered to be completed.

For Li Yu to follow the path of self-cultivation, what is needed is the insights in this process. One practice, one life, and then ...

"Cut the sword with three swords, cut it all! It should make me understand how to turn my body into chaos!"

This is why Li Yu joined the WTO in this world and resumed her cultivation path.

"Re-exercise the path of spiritual practice, and realize a life. Ming Wu's‘ Three Swords of the Spirit ', cut to nothing, see the truth, and finally made me a body of chaos. ”

The road to the "chaos" of Puppet avatars has reached a point where Li Yu has learned a lot. But ... this is an unprecedented road, this is a road that no one has ever walked.

Everything must be explored by oneself, and everything must be realized by oneself.

"A great man once said,‘ Cross the river by feeling the stones. ’My road is also‘ Cross the river by the stones ’.”

After receiving the merits, Li Yu turned her head to look at the place where the Blood Fairy passed on, and gave birth to a bit of joke.

"I naturally don't need the blood fairy inheritance, but it seems that the game for blood fairy inheritance can also be played."

For an experience, a life, gain and loss is not the key, the process is the most important.

Since He is "crossing the river by feeling the stones", then ... Li Yu intends to "touch the stones" in the place of the blood fairy inheritance.

"I'm definitely not going to pit people! Hmm ... at least not too bad!"

He stood up and swept down from the top of the giant statue. Li Yu stepped into the blood fairy inheritance place from the entrance of the passage.

In front of my eyes is a vast world!

The sky is high, the sky is pale, the blue sky is vast, and the white clouds are long. It has a pure and holy feeling.

"The place where the Blood Fairy passed down, I thought it would be a sea of ​​blood, and it was full of blood. I didn't expect it to be like this."

Li Yu stood on a floating platform in the air, looked up at the world, and nodded with a smile. "In the end, the Blood Fairy is one of the three demon masters of the ancient demon fairy ancestors, and it is also the orthodox heritage of Jiu Shanhai. "

主 Master Li created the fairy demon sect. In addition to Fang and Ji's two major war immortals, the three demon masters of the demon immortal sect are also effective subordinates of master Li.

The blood fairy is the Lord of the Blood Demon Mountain of the Demon Sect, and one of the masters of Li.

主 Lord Li disappeared, Ji's changed days. As a subordinate of Lord Li, the Blood Fairy would not surrender to Ji's chaotic thief. This is the reason "not sharing the sky with Ji".

"Is that a blood fairy?"

He looked up at the sky, and at the highest point in the sky, a huge altar floated. Above the altar, a man sat on a huge stone chair.

It was a blood-colored robe with a blood-colored mask on his face, majestic and majestic.

High above the sky, overlooking the whole world.

It goes without saying that this person ... is the blood fairy, the master of the blood fairy mountain of the demon sect!

"It should be just an incarnation of disillusionment. The Lord of the Blood Demon Mountain fell on the ancient demon fairy ancestors. This figure must not be the true Lord of the Blood Demon Mountain."

Li Yu looked back and looked at the sky below the blood fairy altar.

Beneath the blood fairy altar, there are also nine huge stone platforms floating.

Each stone platform is very huge, shining brightly. The nine stone platforms, like the nine-level staircase, are connected to the Blood Fairy Altar in the sky at the highest level.

This is where the Blood Fairy is passed on.

Passed nine trials, crossed the nine steps, and finally came to the Blood Fairy to get the Blood Fairy heritage!

What a pity, so far, no one has been able to pass the nine trials and truly set foot on the ninth stage.

"Now ... have come a lot of people?"

He turned around and looked around. Li Yu saw eight light clusters floating around the first-level stone platform, and eight blurry figures loomed among the light clusters.

"There are nine places of the Blood Immortal Inheritance, each of which finally leads here. So ... the other eight people entered the inheritor from other entrances."

He lifted his eyes and looked at the light group facing forward. Li Yu saw Meng Hao and other Tianjiao who came to get the inheritance.

"Since there are already eight people, it's nothing to be more poor than one, right?"

豫 Li Yu touched his chin, smiled slightly, and took a step forward.

"Om ..."

A ray of light rose and turned into a light cluster, which carried Li Yu and floated around the first-level stone platform.

"Oh? Another one!"

"There are nine entrances to the Blood Immortal Heritage Site. Over the years, seven entrances have been discovered. This time, even the last two entrances have been opened?"

"It seems that this time the blood fairy inheritance is probably the most critical one!"

Around the seven open entrances, a scene of inheritance appeared on a light curtain.

Li Yu appeared, and nine light clusters surrounded the first-level stone platform, making countless people paying attention to the blood fairy inheritance, looking serious.

I have opened the last two entrances from this world. The blood fairy inheritance this time must be extraordinary!

"Blood Immortal Inheritance, Nine Arrays Open. Nine Trials, only one person is selected."

"There are no rules here. There is only a sacrifice of blood and it turns into a blood god. Remember, the blood **** is the key to inheritance!"

"Inheritance Trial ... Start!"

A vicissitudes of voice echoed between heaven and earth.

上 On the blood fairy altar at the highest point of the sky ~ ~ Wei An's blood fairy figure raised his hand slightly, and suddenly, nine blood rays flew out toward the nine people around the first platform.

"Is the blood god?"

豫 Li Yu stretched out his hand and took this blood into his hands, "Conceived with your heart and blood, turned into a **** of blood? Is there any ability to create?"

Seeing the blood in his hand, Li Yu quickly understood the essence.

"Blood Fairy! Or the Lord of the Blood Demon Mountain! In essence, the power of Blood Fairy is actually a life force! Blood ... represents vitality!"

No wonder, as long as you shed a little bit of effort and merge into this blood, you can give birth to the life of "blood god". Because this blood is the most essential and pure vitality!

"Haha! This is fun!"

Li Yu looked at the blood in his hand and smiled, "The place where the Blood Fairy is passed down is a test that is extremely dangerous. It will surely sacrifice the" blood **** ". So ... it seems that the poor can sell the" blood **** "? "

"Tailor-made, genuine, genuine, and child-friendly. As long as you give money, whatever blood **** you want, you will make whatever blood **** you want!"

Xu waved this blood light into the resource library, and analyzed this blood light with endless vitality through system functions. Li Yu found that his "blood **** trafficking" plan could be implemented.

There are two horrible existences in "Dark Immortal Emperor" and "Pan Yu" in the resource library. As long as you draw a little power, you can make any blood **** with you.

"Hey, do you want to hang around the Tianjiao of the great families in the Southern Region this time? Pit people, I wish!"

There was a strange smile on Li Yu's face.

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