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Chapter 1209: Sell ​​1 more 3-color spear

"Brother Li, just now ... seems to thank someone?"

Between Meng Haohao, it seemed that a woman thanked her, and quickly turned to look at Li Yu, "Brother Li, what did you ...?"

I contacted Li Yu for a while, and Meng Hao was very clear about Li Yu's temperament. Updates are fast without ads.

This superior man with an extraordinary background, likes to hang people, and like to toss around, there is a feeling of game on earth.

"It's nothing!"

豫 Li Yu smiled, "There is a way to‘ remove ten temples, and not ruin a marriage ’. An enthusiastic person like this kind of poor man, of course, will have a marriage with the eight-generation demon of your family!”

"Marriage? Flowers on the other shore?"

Meng Hao was full of embarrassment, and had great sympathy for the Eight Generations of Feng Yao.

I hope you will not be played too badly by Brother Li. Friends of the dead, poor. Even if it ’s the same thing, I ca n’t help you, please do it for yourself!

"Can't be regarded as the other side of the flower! Li Xian's heart is to turn lotus. The maidservants have become Xun Peng. They are all immortals, they are all transformed, and they are no different from others!"

豫 Li Yu smiled strangely, "One wife has become two, and you can enjoy the blessings of all people, so don't be too complete."

"Two ... two?"

Meng Hao is full of 哆嗦, one flower on the other shore is not enough, two more?

"That ... Brother Li, the inheritance is in hand, and we should leave!"

Wu Yufeng rose, Meng Hao rushed out of the underground cave.

"Well, there's nothing fun here!"

I rushed up and Li Yu rushed out of the underground cave.

"The next step is to learn the technique of alchemy, to train the seven-colored Dan, to achieve perfect foundation."

Leaving the misty valley, Meng Hao flew along the way towards the south.

"Nanyu Dan Dao, respected by Ziyun. Master Ziyun Zong Dangui is the first person in Nanyu Dan Dao. It seems ... it is also a way to worship Zi Yunzong to learn Dan Dao."

He sold a "three-colored spear" to Elder Wu Dingqiu of Ziyun Zong, and also obtained the Ziyun Zongyu.

However, once Wu Dingqiu found that the three-color spear was fake, the consequences ...

Meng Hao's neck narrowed, canceled the intention to use the Purple Yun syllabus to go to worship, it was really a self-death.

"Brother Meng, didn't I help you make a new three-color spear? Old customers like Wu Dingqiu are well worth doing business again!"

Li Yu is just watching the excitement is not too big, and is very interested in the matter of Wu Dingqiu again.

"This one……"

Meng Hao is also a little emotional, anyway, can't worship Zi Yunzong with his real identity, then ... Wang Wu Dingqiu again?

I have a chance to dig again, naturally I can't let it go.

He made up his mind, and Meng Hao and Li Yu went forward all the way, flying over endless mountains and rivers. After spending half a month, they finally arrived in the southern region and came to the east.

Ye Dong came to the country, Ziqi came east.

This kingdom is in the hands of Zi Yunzong.

So, when you step into the country, you can be regarded as entering the realm of the Ziyun Sect.

There is a huge city ahead.

The huge city built on the mountains and high above the mountains is naturally not a city of ordinary people, but a city of monks.

"Southern territories and borders, we are obscured with two eyes, we don't understand anything, let's go to this city first to get some information about the southern regions.

After pressing the light, Li Yu and Meng Hao landed on this mountain city.

"The auction of Baizhenge is about to begin!"

"There are all kinds of exotic treasures at the auction, don't miss them!"

刚刚 As soon as Li Yu and Meng Hao entered the city, they heard that there were some servants of Baizhenge in the city, waving flags and sipping around.

"Bai Zhen Ge? Auction?"

Wu Yi Meng Hao's net worth is naturally not very interested in the auction. Even if they are going to the auction, I am afraid they are selling things.

"Look for the kind of shops that sell merit books! That kind of place should be sold with materials from the southern region."

Tongnanyu is only a part of Nantianxing, and there are often monks from other places. Such a city of monks should have a place to sell information in the southern region.

Sure enough, when Meng Hao and Li Yu walked to a shop selling classics, they really found a jade like "Southern style".

"Zhong Yunzong, Qing Luozong, Jin Hanzong, Blood Demon Zong, Yijian Zong. These are the five majors in the Southern Region."

"Li family, Song family, and ... Wang family, these are the three major families of the Southern Region."

Opening the information in the jade bamboo slips, Meng Hao also has a preliminary understanding of the basic situation of the southern region.

"The auction of Baizhenge is about to start!"

I walked out of the classics store and heard the "advertising" at the auction again, which made Meng Hao's heart move and turned to look at Li Yu, "Brother Li, I'm auctioning a three-color lance here. What do you think?"

"咦? That's a good idea!"

豫 Li Yu's eyes brightened, this way of auction seems to be worth trying!

The two met immediately and rushed to the Baizhenge auction.

"We have sold this spear pike!"

Xun released a three-colored spear, and the spirit of cutting spirits rose up.

Li Yu and Meng Hao became the VIPs of Baizhen Pavilion very smoothly.

"This is the finale of this auction!"

As soon as the three-colored spear came out, the spirit breath was overwhelming.

"Are there any auctions of soul-cutting treasures?"

When I saw this three-colored spear, everyone participating in the auction took a breath of air. Then ... both eyes glow!

For a moment, the entire auction site seemed to be lit!

"Ten million top-quality spirits!"

"12 million!"


The price keeps rising, as if that huge amount of spirits is not money.

In fact, it's no wonder they don't treat spirit stones as money. Cut the soul of the treasure, this thing is simply not the spirit stone can buy!

Now that I have such a chance, I can buy the soul-cutting treasure. Who doesn't work hard?

However ... there is one person who has not paid the price once!

"Three-colored spear? Actually ... is this thing? Elder Wu regarded it as a shame of his life and erected on the Zongmen Square to warn everyone of Zongmen that the three-colored spear is exactly the same?"

In a VIP room on the second floor, a young girl in white looked at the three-color lance and frowned tightly.

If Meng Hao saw the girl in white, she would recognize her identity. This man was the white girl who took Wang Tengfei and left the Mountain Sect at that time!

Master Zi Yunzong's true disciple ~ ~ Chu Yuyan!

"Come here!"

The girl in white flashed a cold light in her eyes, turned her head and shouted at the door of the VIP room.

"What does Chu Fairy tell me?"

侍 A waitress bowed to Chu Yuyan and asked.

告诉 "Tell your owners, I want to know who bought this three-color lance!

Chu Chuyuyan ordered to the maid.


The servant girl resigned.

A moment later, the owner of Baizhenge, a slightly fat middle-aged man, hurried to Chu Yuyan's VIP room.

"Chu fairy, this ..."

The owner of Baizhenge was in a dilemma. "Chu Xianzi, we can't reveal the identity of the guests.

"This is the East Country!"

Chu Chuyuyan glanced briefly at the owner of Baizhenge, then turned her head and looked at the three-color spear. "This spear involves the greatest shame of my elder Wu Yunzong Wu Dingqiu's life! Do you understand?"

Dong Donglai, this is Dongyun of Ziyunzong!

This spear involves the greatest shame of Zi Yunzong's elder Wu's life. The owner of Baizhenge naturally knows the importance.

"Dongshou Sanxiang. The sellers are two teenagers."

The owner of Xuan Baizhenge immediately reported the owner of the tricolor spear.

"Two young people? It is said that it was two young people who deceived Elder Wu!"

Chu Chuyuyan sneered, "It's so courageous! I actually cheated on the head of Elder Zi Yunzong! Since I was hit, I will give you a lesson!"

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