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Chapter 1193: New goals for patrons

"The backer is gone?"

When the four people hiding in the hall heard the words taught by Luo Luohua, the expressions on their faces were different.

凡 Chen Fan and Xu Qing faced with grief, and lost their hearts for a while.

豫 Li Yu's face was indifferent, and even a little smile appeared in her eyes.

As for Meng Hao, he is enlightening the Tailing Jing in his mind! He didn't care what He Luohua said at all.

"Hahahaha! Good job! Good job!"

In the underground cave, the patron ancestor was really surprised and happy about this situation!

"As long as these monks enter the underground cave, as long as they devour them, the old man will be able to restore his strength! The old man will be out of trouble!"

"Isn't that kid really pitting me? Did he collect those spirit stones and really intended to use his own defense against Zongmen and really sacrificed himself?"

Originally, the patron ancestor thought that his plan had completely failed. I did not expect that Li Yu really inspired this piece of jade Jane according to the "legacy of the ancestor" in "Inheritance of Jade Jane".

"Is this kid really honest and selfless?"

Suddenly, my ancestors thought this was too ridiculous! It's incredible!

"Just play with you, don't take it seriously!"

豫 Li Yu laughed heartily, "By the old tortoise, you can't take off the seal now! You run away, where can you find Master Li's heritage on the poor road?"

Reaching out and patting Chen Fan, Li Yu said with a straight face: "Brother Chen, Zongmen was killed by this catastrophe, and the Patronism has dissolved the Patron Sect. However, as long as I have a gate in my heart, the Patron Sect will never die ! "

"Yes! Brother Li is absolutely right!"

When I heard Li Yu's words, Chen Fan's eyes flashed a faint light, and his look was determined. "As long as there is a gate in the heart, the Mountain Sect will never die!"

He turned to look at the entrance to the cave behind the statue, and Chen Fan took a deep breath. "Even if the gate was destroyed, we can one day rebuild the gate! The place where the ancestors closed their doors can not be desecrated by others!"

As a great disciple of Inner Door of the Mountain Sect, as an autobiographical disciple who taught He Luohua, and the next heir to the position of teaching, Chen Fan naturally knew some secrets that were only known by the first line of teaching.

There is a double seal in the place where the patron ancestor retreats.

Before the patron ancestors retreated, this was a seal laid out by themselves in order to protect their retreat.

As long as the seal is opened, the monks under the spirit can't sense where the underground cave is located!

"The place where the ancestors retreat must not be profaned!"

凡 Chen Fan bit the tip of his tongue, spurting a spit of blood, and stretched out his palm to rest on the vest of the patron statue.

A flash of blood flashed on the statue, and the seal of the cave was opened!


I saw Chen Fan resolutely opened the seal of the underground cave, and the ancestor of the mountain gave a stern sorrow, "You evil people! Why are you so upright and unselfish! I hate my husband!"

As soon as the seal was opened, the place where the Dongfu was never found under the cutting spirit, the plan of the ancestors to lure others into the Dongfu was completely missed!

"Dear friends, I have dissolved the patron saint. Everything in this patron saint has nothing to do with us!"

He Luohua stared at the incoming monk Zhao Guo with a twisted face. "You can find the Tailing Jing or other things, it has nothing to do with us. Now, I want to leave with these disciples, you must not stop! "

"Since He Daoyou has dismissed Zongmen, I will not wait for it!"

A few Jindan monks looked at each other and nodded together.

Anyway, He Luohua is also a monk in Jindan period. Once you are in a hurry, when it is really hard, you may have to pull a few backs.

Since the patron saints have all disbanded, there is no need to do anything absolutely!

"That's the case, I'll wait to say goodbye!"

He Luohua took a deep breath, waved his sleeves, and shouted from the sky, "The disciples obey, let's go!"

"Go? No one can go!"

爆 In the void, there was a sudden burst of drink, and three streams of light fell like the sky of Changhong, and instantly fell to the top of the mountain.

"Master Yuan Ying!"

"Jin Hanzong! Yi Jianzong! Qing Luozong! These are the three major gates of the Five Southern Sects!"

The three figures fell to the sky above the mountain, and the majestic coercion seemed to collapse this world!

Whether it was the original disciples of the backing ancestors or the incoming monk Zhao Guo, one by one, if they were trembling, they would not even dare to come out.

In the face of Supreme Master Ying Yuan, if you dare to offend, you can crush everyone present with one finger!

"Tai Ling Jing!"

The three Yuanying masters who just arrived didn't even care about the other monks present, one by one, looking up at the verses manifesting in midair.

"Still can't see the handwriting? Tai Ling Jing, where is it?"

The three masters of Yuanying stared at the vision of the scriptures in the air and looked for a long time, but finally found that they could not see anything but the three words "Tai Ling Jing"!

I let go of the spirit, and searched up and down in the back and forth. Even every disciple of the patron saint, and every corner of the building, have not let go.

However, nothing was found!

凡 Chen Fan has activated the seal. Under the spirit, no one can detect the underground cave. Of course, these three Yuanying masters can't find anything.

"Go down and search carefully!"

Ying Yuanying was alive and well, and the incoming monk Zhao Guo dare not follow. Quickly landed at the backing dwelling, and checked it again in a carpet.

I found out Li Fugui hiding under the bed! The four of Li Yu Meng Hao in the hall were taken out! Find out Ma Changhe, who is a crazy loader in the treasure hall with a storage bag!

But the Tai Ling Jing cannot be found at all!

也许 "Maybe this is just the vision of the Patriarch's ancestors who practiced the Tailing Sutra. The Patriarch's ancestors were ridiculed, and the Tailing Jing Ningqi chapter may have been cut off!"

Twenty-three Yuanying masters discussed for a while, but in the end they found that there was no Tailingjing at all.

"I didn't expect this backer, which has already fallen, there are still a few good seedlings!"

Since I came here, I can't go empty-handed.

"This girl, I want Qingluozong!"

高 Yuan Ying Gao Ren from Qing Luozong is a beautiful woman. Without saying a word, this woman reached out and took Xu Qing to her side.

"This boy is upright and righteous, righteous and sound, right for me!"

The middle-aged man of Ji Yi Jianzong also caught Chen Fan in the past.

"Frightened me!"

富 Li Fugui hid in the crowd, holding a flying sword and grinding his teeth.

"Oh? So talented? Great!"

The monk Yuan Jinzong who saw Jin Fuzong saw Li Fugui, and his eyes suddenly lighted, and Li Fugui caught him.

As for Li Yu, he converged his breath, just like an ordinary monk with no characteristics.

But Meng Hao's words

"Oh? This kid is wicked?"

Suddenly found the enchantment of Meng Hao ~ ~ The three Yuanying masters were shocked.

"This kid is weird, let's take a look at it!"

Monk Jin Hanzong yelled and reached out to Meng Hao.


A loud roar sounded, the sky was filled with blood, and a large and boundless human face condensed, suddenly it was the patron ancestor!

"This is the only seedling left under Lao Zu's door! Who dares to grab it, I destroy him!"

The overwhelming roar rang and the violent wind shook the world!

Together with the three senior Yuanying masters, and the original backsect disciples, all of them were flew away by this shock!

"Rely on the ancestor, have you set your goal on Meng Hao?"

豫 Li Yu laughed heartily, "Dare to find an upright and selfless disciple, but chose a pit product. Patriarch, you are looking for your own way!"

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