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Chapter 1176: 1 big pit, all planted in

"The disciples have a charter here!"

Meng Hao took a step forward and bowed to the high platform. "The disciples think, but with the rewards given by the two of us, I'm afraid that it is still a bit inadequate. Ranwen's novel is not as good as the participating fellows, all of them took out their elixir Spirit stone, gamble. "

"The winner receives the elixir and spirit of the loser. The schedule is divided into the preliminary round, the preliminary round and the final. The preliminary round winners participate in the preliminary round, and the preliminary round winners participate in the final round."

"Everyone is at the same door, two drought spirits and countless elixir spirits are waiting for you!"

As soon as Meng Hao said this, all the people in the entire square glowed with eyes.

If you win, you can get someone's elixir, and it is not a melee. It's safe and rewarding. It's too convenient and suitable!


Elder Shangguan is enjoying this kind of manipulating the fate of others and manipulating his pleasure in life and death. He is also very interested in Meng Hao's new initiative and immediately agreed.

"Come! Come! Come! Come with everyone, this is the game ..."

Li Yu and Meng Hao, from a newly-disciplined disciple, have suddenly become organizers of "outdoor comparison".

Divide the area according to the level of repair. Organize everyone to start a duel.

"This is the playing area below the third floor of Ningqi."

"This is the fourth and fifth floor of the game.

Divide the site and draw lots to determine the order of the game. Then, the two pits became referees again.


The matchups proceeded in an orderly manner.

Soon, the first round of preliminaries was completed. More than a hundred outside students discarded half. Half of them returned with a full load, half were scaly and covered with empty hands.

"The second round, the preliminary round begins!"

It was another fight, and half of them were injured with empty hands. The twenty or so people who won were also not badly injured.

However, these winners are very excited!

Never earn so much elixir and spiritstone once! Compared to the usual melee, this kind of game is both safe and rewarding.

The two guys, Li Yu and Meng Hao, are still very good. They have a brain! Do not bully them in the future!

The winner had a bit of a good opinion of Li Yu and Meng Hao. But I don't know ... these two pits were uncomfortable from the beginning.

"The final round has begun!"

"There is only one winner in the final! We have to choose the strongest person out there!"

"Because the winners of the preliminary rounds are different, the finals are ... the challenge! Twenty winners can challenge each other. The loser loses everything and the winner gains everything!"

"Game start!"

With an order, the final finals began!

"Yin Tianlong, Zhou Kai, I want to challenge you!"

"Xu Ge, I will fight with you!"

"Tong Yang, our old account has to be calculated!"

Challenges started. For the spiritual medicine, for the reputation, for the old grievances, a lot of monks fought.

Although there are Elder Zongmen and disciples inside, there is no real killer, but ... it is very common to lack arms and legs and cut **** flesh!

"There are no matches in the challenge! Those who lose, as long as they make the same bet again, can continue to participate!"

"The same team lost in the preliminary round and the preliminary round, so are you! As long as you put out the same bets, whether it is magic weapon, elixir, spirit stone, as long as the value is equal, you can challenge again!

So ... a small number of people who had been eliminated in the preliminary and preliminary rounds, and those who had enough challenges in their family, also joined this challenge.


"Go to death ..."

The scene was so hot that it was a mess!

Li Yu and Meng Hao watched the opera with their arms on their faces and smiling.

"Heroes in the world, go to my heart!"

"This is the strategy!"

Meng Hao and Li Yu looked at each other and smiled. The two pit cargoes were very satisfied with the move of the pits.

The challenge is still ongoing.

Seeing the winner scarred and crumbling, those who had been eliminated before couldn't help it!

The wealth is moving, and as long as it is defeated, you can harvest countless properties.

Even if it will be troubled afterwards, but ... with so many resources in hand, can't we break through and repair? Can't we make Zongmen elders?

So ... the situation is more intense!

Every challenger wins or loses, and more and more assets are gathered, almost emptying out the disciples' old bosses!

"Ha ha ha ha! I won! I won! I Hanzong, won!"

The final winner, Han Zong, who was on the fifth floor of Ningqi, held the storage bags of all the disciples' homes and laughed wildly.

At this moment, Han Zong was hurt and he was bleeding, and he was already crumbling!

But ... no one can challenge him!

The whole square was full of wounded people, and a group of outside students looked at the arrogant Han Zong, but they could only hate it but could not help it. Because they have no energy to move!

"Congratulations, Brother Han, Brother Han!"

Li Yu and Meng Hao smiled, and congratulated Han Zong.

"Ha ha ha ha! You two guys, yes! This time I made the brother a big money! In the future, the brother will definitely cover you! Now, hand over Han Ling Dan!"

Even though Han Zong was covered with scars and crumbling, his face was full of energy and spirit.

"That one……"

Meng Hao's face showed a tinge of color ~ ~ I embarrassedly touched my head, "That ... Brother Han, I'm sorry! The younger brother is also an outsider, younger brother ... can challenge you of!"


Han Zong was shocked, and his feet were trembling!

I'll cut the grass! It turns out ... there's this one out?

Meng Hao fell to Han Zong's face with a sullen face, and then ... the slap of the crumbling winner was turned easily!

Everyone looked at each other, stunned, and his eyes were flaming, so Meng Hao ... reached out and took out the storage bag! Take away the storage bag that gathered all the outside students' belongings!

At this point, two pit cargoes have pitted all the outside students to the bottom of the sea!

"Hahahaha! That's what happened!"

"These two little guys are interesting! They are so interesting! Hahahaha!"

The patron saint taught He Luohua, and the elder Ouyang Xi saw the scene and couldn't help laughing.

As for the Shangguan Xiu who presides over the release of the ritual, it is already embarrassing! Is it ... the old man was also played by these two little cubs?

Xu Qing and Chen Fan, behind the elder Shang, looked at each other.

So ... is it OK?

Especially Xu Qing, this cold young girl, suddenly felt that she couldn't understand the two scholars who had been arrested by her.

Readers, really are thieves and ghosts!

"You two boys, how dare you pit us? How dare you pit us all?"

"Huh! You have to make money, but you don't have to spend it!"

"Offended us all, even if they make so much, they can't live!"

All the disciples outside the ground collapsed, gnashing their teeth one by one, their eyes glowing.

"Oh! Since we dare to pit you, how can we not cope?"

Li Yu and Meng Hao sneered.

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