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Chapter 1172: Talented Meng Hao, gifted Li Fugui

"Condensation is a basic method of practicing qi."

Although Li Yu sealed her own cultivation, her insight was not affected. At a glance, she had already seen the essence of the "condensed air volume" of the patron saint.

Where can acrobats have a manual exercise, where can they go?

"For the time being, after you have been promoted to the inner door, you can go to the mysterious cave of the old tortoise to learn about the Tailing Sutra, and then it will be appropriate to change Tailing Sutra."

Sitting on the bed and operating in accordance with the "Ningqi volume" method, the surrounding heaven and earth aura swarmed, but only a moment later, Li Yu was promoted to the first layer of Ningqi.

Well, even if the seal is all repaired, it becomes an ordinary person. However, Li Yu exchanged for the constitution of the congenital sacrificial fetus at that time, and his realm reached its peak again. His practice qualifications were too good.

"The first layer of Ningqi can become a formal disciple!"

Li Yu raised his face with a smile on his face. When he saw on the bed in front of him, Meng Hao was still studying condensate, and the fat man had been snoring.

"Brother Meng is still studying Ningqiang?"

Seeing Meng Hao frowning and thinking, Li Yu asked with a smile.

"Yeah! This fairy book ... is not easy to understand!"

Meng Hao looked up and smiled at Li Yu, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

As a scholar, Meng Hao originally thought that even if the fairy's book was difficult, it would not be incomprehensible.

But ... Open the "Ningqi Volume" and see that every word on it is known. However, there is no such thing as "Dantian Qihai" or "Know the Spirit of the Sea"!

"So it is!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, thinking that this is normal!

Many protagonists in the world, a mortal who has never been in contact with practice, get a book and can practice immediately, soaring into the sky. That's too ... mysterious!

I do n’t understand the terminology, I ca n’t believe it!

"When I learned swordplay the next year, I also asked people about some practices. How about we discuss it?"

Li Yu looked up at Meng Hao and proposed with a smile.

"Wish it!"

Meng Hao nodded with joy, walked over with the scroll, moved a stool, and sat in front of Li Yu.

"Dantian Qihai is the place where vital energy accumulates, which is under the umbilicus. The soul knows the sea, and the mind lives in the heart."

Li Yu picked up the scroll and explained a series of practice terms on Ning Qi Juan to Meng Hao.

"The human body is the inner heaven and earth, and the world is the outer heaven and earth. Inspiring air into the body, internal and external confluence, thus condensing the true spirit. This is the foundation of extraordinaryness."

"Thank you Brother Li for pointing me!"

Hearing Li Yu's explanation, Meng Hao was originally a wise man, with an extraordinary understanding, suddenly suddenly opened his eyes, and fully understood the "Ningqijuan" practice.

"It's impossible to get directions, we're just discussing it."

Li Yu smiled and shook his head, "You try it this way first!"

"Brother Li is too humble!"

Knowing that Li Yu was being humble, Meng Hao smiled and gave a gift, thinking secretly, this brother Li, I'm afraid it's not easy! Changhe Town's downcast scholar? Which scholar knows so much about the cultivation of immortals?

It's just that Li Yu has never revealed his true identity, and Meng Hao will certainly not be broken. The hero doesn't ask the source, maybe Brother Li has something unspeakable!

After Li Yu's instructions, Meng Hao's practice of condensing air rolls was officially introduced.

In the original destiny, it took Meng Hao half a year to work out a little bit of condensed practice, and now he is winning at the starting line!

The first morning.

"Brother Li, the practice of immortality is really mysterious!"

Meng Hao, who practiced all night, embarked on a joyful activity, "Brother Li, now I just feel a hot current in Dantian, which makes me full of energy and refreshed."

"I feel the same way! It seems ... we can't complete the imperial examinations, and Xiuxian seems to be OK."

Li Yu laughed and teased.

"Hahahaha! That's it!"

Thinking of the imperial examination, Meng Hao laughed.

Time passed day by day, in a blink of an eye it was half a month.

On this day, Meng Hao sat in the room to practice qi, and suddenly felt a loud noise in his head, a warm air rushed from Dantian and penetrated the whole body.

Throughout his breath, Meng Hao officially entered the first layer of Ningqi.

The surrounding heaven and earth aura sent out a rippling ripple, which diffused slowly.

"Huh? This is ... have been promoted to the level of condensed gas? Has anyone been promoted to the level of condensed gas just after half a month?"

The young man with green robe and horse face felt the aura of this aura and was suddenly shocked. The figure suddenly jumped up and fell to the door of the room where the three men lived.

"You ... have been promoted to the level of condensed gas? Promoted to the level of condensed gas for half a month, the talent is extraordinary!"

When he pushed in the door, Ma face youth saw Meng Hao, who had just broken through the realm, and received power, flashing an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"Brother passed the prize!"

Meng Haojin smiled, bowed a hand, "I am lucky to make a breakthrough in the next, and I can't praise my brother."


The horse-faced young man laughed and threw a piece of jade Jane with a wave. "Since you broke through, you can become a disciple of the door. Use the spiritual power to stimulate Yu Jane and report to Waizong!"

"This ... Brother Li ..."

Meng Hao took Yu Jian and looked at Li Yu with a little embarrassment.

Under the guidance of Li Yu, he was able to practice his entry so quickly. Now, he has taken off his miscellaneous status as an outsider disciple earlier than Brother Li, which makes Meng Hao feel a little embarrassed.

"Oh! Brother Meng need not worry! Fortunately, I broke through!"

Li Yu smiled and let go of her spiritual fluctuations. Spiritual power trembled, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura rippled once.


The horse-faced young man who just turned around and was about to leave ~ ~ suddenly felt the spiritual fluctuations behind him, his heart was shocked, and he turned around quickly.

"You ... you broke through too?"

The horse-faced young man opened his mouth and muttered, his heart murmured, what a hell! The two miscellaneous servants brought back by Sister Xu actually had two talented men?

"This is Jade Jane, here you are!"

Another piece of Jade Jane was lost, and Ma face youth flung his sleeves and turned to leave.

"Brother Li is really smart!"

In the past half month, Meng Hao has never felt any spiritual energy in Li Yu, and now ... is he so broke?

Breaking through the realm, is it as simple as eating and drinking for Brother Li?

Meng Hao took a deep look at Li Yu and felt that this brother Li was even more unpredictable.

"You ... have all become disciples? Leave me alone, what should I ... do?"

Little fat man Li Fugui was crying, his face full of resentment.

"You doze off less, meditate more, and soon become a disciple!"

Meng Hao looked at Li Fugui and shook his head silently.

This little fat man is also very drowsy, dozing off as soon as he meditates, and ... he can even practice dozing off.

What's even more amazing is that the spiritual power cultivated by the little fat man has actually been practiced on his teeth! The mouth full of spirits is terrifying, and even iron can bite.

Even more frightening is that the little fat man sleepwalks! And sleepwalking eats! The tables in the room are pitted by the fat man!

"Not in a hurry, even if you doze off, you can become a disciple in a month or two!"

This little fat man is also considered to be a very talented man. Li Yu couldn't help but observe him a few times, and felt that this guy was just a natural born. I plan to find a chance in the future, give him a secret method, let him eat all over the world.


Recommend elbow new book, a very interesting book.

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