System Supplier

Chapter 1167: Discovery of Roots

"Place of origin, the root of everything!"

Li Yu shook his head helplessly, "I also want to understand what is the root cause, and see if it can deepen my understanding of the road of chaos, but unfortunately ... I can't understand anything!"

In Li Yu's eyes, this chaotic void is just like the chaotic void seen everywhere in the heavens and the world, without any difference at all. ranwen

Except that he couldn't control the law of the heaven and earth in the void, Li Yu didn't find anything that could make him feel!

"Forget it, find a way back!"

Li Yu got up and walked, in this endless chaotic void, wandering around, searching around, constantly looking for the way home.

However ... nothing!

There is nothing in this void!

"I don't believe it!"

As soon as Li Yu gritted his teeth, he released hundreds of millions of avatars. "Look for me! If you don't let go of an inch, I won't believe I can't find a way!"

Millions of avatars, swept the Quartet. Li Yu searched around the "Roots".

Time goes by!

I do n’t remember the year in the chaos, I do n’t know how long it has been, maybe hundreds of millions of years later, this day, Li Yu finally found it!

Somewhere in the endless void, a clone of Li Yu saw a sight.

"I was imprisoned for ten thousand years and expelled from my hometown."

"You are looking for your way ..."

A demon with twin horns and wings, and a black-blooded demon, roared into the sky, raised two moon blades in his hands, and roared upward.

"Uh ... Illidan? What's the situation?"

Hundreds of thousands of avatars merged instantly, Li Yu looked up at the sight of the void in front of him, stunned!

"Ilidan is Illidan! Better than nothing here!"

Li Yu didn't hesitate, and quickly rose into the air, rushing in the direction of "Ilidan".


As if it were a virtual image, Li Yu rushed to the place where "Ilidan" was, and actually passed by, directly smashing the image of "Ilidan".

"Okay! I knew it wouldn't be so easy!"

Li Yu shook his head in depression.

But ... the discovery still inspired him.

"Unsuccessful this time, there are always times for success. Since this place is known as the root, the scene just manifested is naturally a world. As long as I can leave here and go to any world, I can go home!"

Li Yu patted his forehead, and once again released hundreds of millions of avatars, searching around this "place of roots".

"My name is Alice, and I belong to the umbrella company ..."

I don't know how long after that, Li Yu found another video. Before he could finish speaking, the Alice rushed to the past.


The image is broken again!

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes!"


This newly born image is broken again!

As time goes by, Li Yu has discovered various images of the world in this "root place".

However ... when Li Yuchong passed, all the images were destroyed, without exception!

"From these images, I also found a pattern. These images come from various movies, games, and animations, but ... none of them comes from novels."

Li Yu frowned tightly, "All the worlds I traveled through before were fictional worlds. So ... can I only enter the fictional world? Only after the image of the fictional world is born in the place of origin, can I leave ? "

But ... there is another critical issue here!

"Why ... can I only enter the world of fiction? System, why are all the worlds I travel through the world of fiction?"

Suddenly, Li Yu discovered that all the time, he had traveled through all the worlds and was just a novel world. What's wrong with this?

"Insufficient permissions! The system can only answer this question after the user has been promoted to level 3 permissions!"


Li Yu shook his head helplessly.

So far, all the doubts discovered by Li Yu have not been answered by the system!

"Answer ... can I only look for it myself? Then ... keep looking for it!"

The avatars are scattered in the void, constantly searching and searching in this boundless void.

After not knowing how long, Li Yu finally found it again.

"This is ... a world? What world is it?"

After shattering countless images, Li Yu didn't rush up so hurriedly this time, but stood nearby to observe carefully.

In the void ahead, another image appeared.

That's a giant!

A huge giant!

This giant lies in the void. On the chest of the giant, there is a huge light ball, with starry sky inside, and a huge world.

Around the giant, there was another layer of clear air, and there was also an endless starry sky surrounding the giant.

The light ball on the chest, the surrounding air is like an egg. The light ball is pale yellow, the clear air is egg white, and a giant lies in the "egg".

"What's the situation? Is it ... Pangu?"

In Li Yu's impression, the world like this egg, this kind of giant, the only one who can match the number, is only Pangu!

"Pangu? Is it Pangu in the world of fiction? Or Pangu in other worlds?"

The character Pan Gu has appeared in countless movies and games, and Li Yu can't tell the origin for a moment. Even ... it's not clear whether this is Pangu.

"Huh? Strange! Why did I suddenly feel ... it seems this giant ~ ~ still has cause and effect with me?"

Seeing this giant, Li Yu's heart suddenly developed an inexplicable feeling. It seems that there is a vague causal relationship between him and this giant.

"It's not real! I don't know if it's affected by the place of origin or some other reason. The cause and effect between me and this giant can't be real."

Li Yu shook his head, but ... a smile appeared on his face.

Since there is cause and effect, there is a connection. As long as there is a connection, Li Yu can leave this root place!

"Finally escaped!"

Li Yu laughed, rushed into shape, and rushed into the image of the giant.

"Om ..."

As if through an inexplicable barrier, the image flickered slightly, but it was not broken.

"Sure enough, with causality, I can enter, and I can leave the root."

Crossing an invisible barrier, Li Yu appeared in the other side of the world, and he had left the source.

The induction with the Xianfu space has been restored, the induction with the spiked statue has been restored, and the system prompts promptly, "Leave the place of origin, the ability to cross is restored!"

Finally out of sleep!

Li Yu exhaled a long breath, and when she was glad, she was afraid for a while, "It is too dangerous to travel through time and space through a statue!"

"Just ... where is this place now?"

Li Yu turned his head and looked around. In addition to the giant and egg-like world in front of him, there are vast cosmic stars in this world.

Seeing that giant, without the suppression of the place of origin, Li Yu instantly realized the cause and effect, and saw everything in the long river of time!

"Ha ha ha ha! It's not Pangu at all! It was you! It was you!"

Li Yu laughed!

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