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Chapter 1147: Dream back

"We ... are going to that Montenegro?"

Seeing Qi Heng's move, Yu Wei of the Black and White School Palace was shocked, "There must be the most dangerous place there. Ranwen, we passed like this ..."

"Sang Liufang just planned to drive Feizhou out of here, but he couldn't leave at all."

Ji Ning turned to Yu Wei and explained, "This place is weird and can't exit. The only way to get out of this place is to go deep and look for opportunities to leave in Montenegro."


At this time, Jiulian quietly got close to Ji Ning, stretched out La Jining's sleeve, and said through a voice transmission: "Ji Ning, your chance is here! Now Shao Yan is in trouble, as long as you save Shao Yan Son, you are the benefactor of Shao Yan. With the help of Shao Yan, you will be able to stand out in the future ... "

"say no more!"

Hearing Jiulian's words, Ji Ning's heart burst into anger. "Becoming inflammation, flattery and flattery, it's not my Ji Ning's character. I have my own hands to start my own career, so I don't need to climb the dragon to attach the Phoenix!"

"You're so naive! Now in this world, you can't get ahead without attaching to noble people! I'm helping you ..."

"To shut up!"

Ji Ning snorted, "Jiu Lian, spiritual cultivation means spiritual cultivation. My heart is upright and I can't do such a thing. Don't say it again."

"I'm doing it for you!"

There was a hint of tears in Jiulian's eyes.

She didn't understand that Ji Ning's pretense was so unreasonable! It was the best way to attach noble talents for her own benefit and in order to get ahead. What does it cost a little sacrifice?

The flying boat kept advancing, and the black mist around it seemed to be more dense.

There was a murky cold, and everyone felt cold all the time even if the French array on the flying boat resisted.


At this moment, in the darkness and fog ahead, there was a sudden loud noise.


A huge, endless black giant snake burst out from the dark fog, a huge snake tail swept across the void fiercely and smashed towards the flying boat.

"Sang Liufang ..."

This black snake with a length of 10,000 feet was suddenly Xiangliu Fang who had been hit by Qi Heng into the black mist.

However, isn't Xiangliu Fang only Baizhang's body? Why is it so big? And his breath ... is not worse than Dixian!

But now is not the time to think about it!

"Stop! Stop!"

Xiangliu Fang is obviously crazy, otherwise he would not be able to attack the flying boat directly regardless of Shao Yannong's existence.

At this moment, everyone on the ship shot together, desperately poured spiritual power into the flying boat, and resisted the attack of Xiangliu Fang.


There was a loud blast, and the huge and boundless force hit the flying boat heavily.


The violent shock caused everyone on the ship to spit out a spit of blood, and the violent shock sent the ship directly out of midair.


The flying boat flew away from a distance, fell sharply, and hit the ground heavily.

This violent shock shocked everyone on the ship, and his head fell to the ground, all fainted.

"Scholar! Scholar! How are you?"

During a violent shaking, Ji Ning slowly opened his eyes.

"this is……"

Seeing the sight before him, Ji Ning was shocked.

The sun is shining, and the heat is hard. In front of me is a gazebo on a post road, a man dressed as a merchant shouting while shaking Ji Ning.

"I ... what happened to me?"

Wasn't it attacked by Xiangliu Fang? Isn't it in a dark space? Why ... suddenly became like this?

Ji Ning was so confused that he couldn't figure out the clue.

"Scholar, you had a heat stroke just now!"

Merchants saw Ji Ning wake up, and nodded with a smile. "When I came in to rest my feet, I saw you fainted here and saved you for a long time. It seems that your life is quite hard."

"Heat stroke? Me?"

Ji Ning was stunned. My dignified monk in Purple House is only one step away from Vientiane. Will he suffer from heat stroke?

Subconsciously mentioning qi, but found that the body was empty, there was no qi at all.

"I ... mine ..."

The discovery shocked Ji Ning.

Lost strength? Am I becoming an ordinary person? What is this ...?

"I didn't take your things, I picked them up for you!"

Merchants pointed to the gazebo with a smile, "Your books and your guides are in your cage."

"Lu Yin?"

Ji Ning froze, when did the Daxia Dynasty lead the way?

Standing up in doubt, Ji Ning stepped to the side of the cage and opened the cage. There was the so-called road lead.


Ji Ning is stunned!

"Ning Caichen? I ... I'm Ning Caichen?"

Ji Ning shuddered when she saw the name written on Lu Yin.

I ... am I back in my past life? Back to the life of Ning Caichen?

"This brother, Xiaosheng is unconscious. He can't remember where he is at the moment, and he also asks him to tell.

Since it is Ning Caichen, we must first figure out where this is.

"Scholar, are you confused?"

Xingshang shook his head. "This is Jinhua County. It is only half a day away from Beiguo. Walk faster and you can reach Beiguo. It's really impossible, you can also stay at Lanruo Temple halfway."

With that said, the merchants stood up and provoked the cargo burden, "Scholar, you are awake, I have to hurry. Don't pass it!"

"Thank you for your help!"

Ji Ning quickly thanked him. After watching the businessmen go away, Ji Ning sat down on the ground with a slump, and his heart was in a turbulent sea.

"Jinhua! Beiguo! Lanruo Temple! Xiaoqian! Is this ... dream back to the previous life?"

I heard Xiao Qian's voice in the "Wujiang Xianfu" ~ ~ I also said that it is the nest of the old monster in Heishan, so to speak ... After I fainted, I was caught in the dream by the power of "Wujiang Xianfu" , Dream back to the previous life?

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Ji Ning waved his hands and slammed the ground fiercely, his palms were red and swollen, his teeth grinned, but he still did not wake up.

"When I was on the earth, I read an article. It said that when humans sleep, they will protect themselves. Once they are in pain, they will definitely wake up. Now that it hurts, they do n’t even wake up? Then ... this dream is probably not So easy to wake up. "

Raising his eyes to look forward, Ji Ning gritted his teeth, rolled over and got up, backed up the cage. "To wake up from this dream, I'm afraid I have to go to Lan Ruo Temple!"

Stepping out of the gazebo, Jining rushed along the post road toward Jinhua Beiguo.

The days of June change.

After half an hour, the sky was suddenly overcast, lightning flashed and thunder, and rainstorm poured down.


Without magical spells, he could not fly. Even if Ji Ning hung a rain curtain behind the cage, he was soaked.

"Da da da!"

A horseshoe galloped on the post road behind him.

Through the rain curtain, Ji Ning saw the figure galloping on the horse's back. Suddenly it was ... the real person walking with him into the "Wujiang Xianfu".

"Brother, brother, take me a ride."

Seeing this "companion", Ji Ning was so happy that he waved his hands to say hello.

"You got the wrong person!"

The man on the horse strangled the stables and gave a cold glance at Ji Ning. "I am the first sword in the world. My name, Xiahou!"


Ji Ning was stunned!

No, he doesn't remember that he is a real walker?

Is this a dream, or is it really back to the previous life?

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