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Chapter 1081: Open life, no explanation

"Let's go to the time hole!"

As soon as Li Yu's thoughts moved, the power of time of Candle Dragon was touched, and in an blink of an eye, he crossed the endless distance to the time hole.

Candle Dragon, the beast Taoist ancestor, still has the same habit, even staying in the hole of time, even if he has joined together. There is no intention to open up one world or rule one world.

As for discipleship ... do you think the beast needs a disciple? Are they disciples or food?


When Li Yu stepped into the hole of time, Candle Dragon leaned up intimately and nodded again and again to Li Yu.

"Well, the time ancestor is a mount, it's the only one!"

Laughed and stepped on top of the candle dragon's head, patted the dragon's horns, signaled the candle dragon to move forward.

In front of time, no matter how far away, there is only a moment.

I have n’t had time for the addiction of a mount.

"You guys are a bit useful."

The avenue of time is the candle dragon, candle dragon ... Li Yu's.

Therefore, the ontology can play the "fast forward" game in the "initial world" unscrupulously. Let that world play countless times from birth to destruction and from destruction to birth.

"Ontology studies the world over there and also has a deep understanding of the three thousand avenues of that world. Although the three thousand avenues of that world are just branches of the three thousand avenues of the void universe, they should be enough for me . "

The urgent task is naturally to pass through the decline of heaven and humanity first.

"Heaven and man are the first to fall, and the body is to fall."

Deep in the cave of time, he found a cliff and sat down.

From the last forty-nine days of calamity, Li Yu also developed the "Road of Calamity", which was inspired by the atmosphere of calamity, and the five declines of heaven and man came along.

decay! decay!

The test of the avenue to the monks was born from the avenue.

This exhausting power from the law of the avenue, Li Yuke could not swallow it like the last time.

For a moment, Li Yu's body became droopy, and his whole body was ruined.

The essence and blood dried up, and the qi and blood decayed, as if a dead body was about to decay.

"In the end, it is just a physical body of this world, or is it affected by the law of the avenue."

The withering avatar, shook his head with a smile, "but ... my avatar has also been trained to rebirth!"

As soon as the thought moved, a majestic vitality rushed up, like the dead wood in spring, and the dry and decaying body instantly regained its vitality.

decay! restore! Decaying again! Restore again!

This stalemate, entanglement, constantly consuming vitality, and constantly resist the test from the avenue.

Until ... the power of the avenue dissipated, the power of decay and decay disappeared, and the first decline of heaven and humanity officially passed.

"At this stage where the power of avenue decay and the entanglement of its own vitality are entangled, it is the stage of imprinting the law of avenues in the body. After passing through, the strength is greatly increased. However, the death will disappear.

After experiencing it for himself, Li Yu also got a better understanding of the heavens and the five declining people.

"The decline of the second mana of heaven and man is simple!"

Even if the ontology is not involved, there are Panyu and the Dark Emperor in the resource library! As long as some strength is passed over, can the decline of mana also exhaust the mana of these two guys?

Of course, this is cheating!

In terms of this avatar's mana, there is nothing wrong with going through exhaustion.

The avenue of matter is in the body, and matter is energy. I have endless mana and let you exhaust it.

It is easy to survive the decline of mana, the principle of the road is imprinted in mana, and the essence of mana has been greatly improved.

"The third decline, the decline of the Yuanshen! Well, the avatar is integrated with the spirit of the body. Can you exhaust the spirit of the body?"

The avatar Li Yu simply did not resist, letting the law of the road exhaust the soul.

In addition to Li Yu's own powerful soul, here is also a magical power, "Mo Liu Fen Di Shen"!

The ancient mystery of ancient souls from Wang Lin's world has one of the biggest characteristics. It can distract hundreds of millions, but each distraction has the same spirit power as the body.

Therefore, the most powerful part of Li Yu's avatar is the spirit. The spirit power equal to the body is scary.

The power of the exhaustion of the principle of the avenue only consumed a small part of the power of the soul, which allowed Li Yu to easily survive the third decline of heaven and man.

"The fourth decline of heaven and man, the decline of Shouyuan."

Although it is only an avatar, Shou Yuan is one thing in essence. The immortality is immortal.

Li Yu's Shouyuan ... Does he still have Shouyuan?

Time can be controlled at any time. Shou Yuan's representation of the power of time does not exist in Li Yu at all.

So ... Shou Yuan's decline flashed on Li Yu and disappeared.

If "Shou Yuan's Decline" is personal, it must be scolding: "Mai Mupi! A Shou Yuan's endless eternal existence, what kind of Shou Yuan's decline?"

"The fifth decline, the decline of Tao heart!"

Daoxin ... For Li Yu, his Daoxin is already a "dao fruit".

Unspeakable, unpredictable, unknown, and unthinkable.

You are wrong when you guess, but erroneous when you think!

Even if it makes you faint, you can't faint!

Heaven and Man Five Decays ~ ~ We spend as much as we can. The clouds are light and the wind is light.

Open life, Niubi did not explain.

"It's already half a step to get through the five declines of heaven and man. The rest will be ready for the Tao."

The road is misty and unpredictable!

Only when you are united, do you know what is unity.

There are several major difficulties. The biggest test is "external performance."

The experience of preaching one by one before you is in front of you, that is completely correct experience, that is absolutely correct experience. It seems ... if you follow this experience, you will be able to join immediately.

But this is all wrong!

The avenue is only in itself! The right way for others to preach is absolutely wrong with you!

For example, for the Yujing Taoist, kill the four swords and kill everything! This is the avenue. However, for Da Luo Dao Zu, it is the avenue for merit to save one's life.

Different people mean different things.

"Of course, it will take a long time for me to clutch."

After accepting the avenue sentiment from the ontology, Li Yupan, who is the second person, sat down and integrated the true meaning of the avenue of the "initial world" research on that side.

"Order and law, matter and energy. It includes everything in one world. I want to unite, the purpose is to harvest the three thousand avenues of this world. But ... who has heard of someone who has three thousand avenues together?"

The road is elusive.

This is the rule of the world. Only when they are together can they have a complete exposure to the avenue. Moreover, you can come into contact with any word you meet.

It's not difficult to consolidate a single road, even a few hundred roads.

All three thousand avenues are closed at once, that's just ... this is a joke!

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