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Chapter 1080: The old peacock, the little mouse, succeeded

"After proof of heaven and earth, you will spend five days in heaven and earth."

For Li Yu, let the avatars merge in this realm, thereby harvesting the three thousand avenues in this realm, and finally completing his own "chaos and disorder." This is the key goal.

Hanging people is also for research. But in the end, he still has to rely on himself.

"Five failures of heaven and man. The decline of the physical body, the decline of mana, the decline of the Yuanshen, the decline of the Shouyuan, the decline of the Tao heart. Each decline is both a trial and a crisis of life and death."

Of course, for Li Yu, people's five declines in this day can be ignored.

And it is one of the avatar body. What bad robbery allow Li Yu's "flesh", "magic," "soul," "life element" and "Road Heart" failure to face the situation of his death?

"But Hop Road has some trouble."

The world has never been "substance" and "order" the two Avenue. In essence, the "substance" and "order" contains all three thousand Avenue.

So, while closing three thousand Avenue, which ...... relatively horrible.

"Take a look at how well the old peacock study. In this regard the world, the five elements of the old peacock represents the existence of all things. Xuan Huang should be able to evolution, summed up the matter Avenue."

A gold mystical ancestors studied for many years, his insights should make some gains Li Yu, let's avatar Hop Road some inspiration.

Thought of here, proudly taken the spare Li Yu, broke open the void rushed to the "five World."

Although it is possible by Talisman peacock with the old exchange, but "seeing is believing", personally look at everything at a glance.

By empty channel, all the way to the shuttle flyby, Lee Yu soon came to the five elements World.

Just out of the space channel Li Yu, suddenly found a monk came up, secretive said something to him, "Fellow, you have heard of Amway do?"


Li Yu laugh spray!

Nima! MLM are playing to play me here?

More is always square hole ...... little sister, you can not change a name ah! Do you have to be "Amway"?

"Taoyou is so happy? It should be a joy indeed! This is a peerless opportunity! Taoyou, the opportunity to get rich is coming! Do you want to have an endless spiritual stone? Do you want to have countless magic weapons? Do you want to have endless Is it a natural treasure? Even ... as long as you are willing to do it, the innate Lingbao is not without chance. "

"Come on! Join our team! The avenue is in sight, the immortal road is in sight ..."

"Sorry, Amway at Poor Road."

Li Yu laughed three times, and drove up to the sky, disappearing instantly.

Only a stunned Taoist was left, "Taohao Amway? This Taoist's Dahao is really interesting!"

After a while, Li Yu's figure appeared in the Five Elements Hall of the Five Elements Dao.

"See you, Master!"

Seeing Li Yu's arrival, Kong Ji quickly bowed down to salute.

At this moment, the radiance from the old peacock is no longer five elements and five colors, but has become a mass of yellow light.

"The five elements are combined with mysterious yellow gas. Yes, you can be regarded as a practitioner."

Seeing the yellow light on the old peacock, Li Yu nodded.

Although it is far from the "material origin" of his own "motherhood" promotion. However, it can be regarded as the "mother of all things" in this world.

The "mother of all things" in one world is still too far away from the "material origin" of Li Yu's worlds and all realms.

"The Master passed down the avenue, and the disciples were deeply impressed. The disciple ’s five-colored glory, everything is not brushed. Originally represents 'all things'. Promotion of 'motherhood of all things' is also a natural success.

The old peacock bowed his salute, "Master's 'material avenue' is really the root of heaven and earth, the root of the avenue. The disciples have benefited a lot."

"I'm so relieved that you can understand this."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, beckoning to the old peacock, "Come, let my teacher look at your" material avenue. "


The old peacock quickly came forward, bowed down, and let Li Yu reach out and press his head.

"A disciple comes out, making things much easier!"

Li Yu smiled and swept away. He scanned the old peacock's spiritual insights and the "motherhood of all things" he had trained.


Letting go of his hand, Li Yu smiled and nodded. "You have no deviation from the material avenue."

An old peacock, a large white mouse, has personally verified that Li Yu has completed a large part of the foundation of world unity in this side.

There is basically nothing wrong with the matter.

"Thank you, Master.

The old peacock was also very pleased with this avenue that promoted the "motherhood of all things" from the five elements, and was even more grateful to Li Yu.

In his opinion, this is clearly the master tailored for him.

"None, the beginning of the world. Yes, the mother of all things."

Li Yu turned his head to look at Kong Ji, "You have become the mother of all things, and it is already at the level of" you ". If you go any further, you will fall on this" nothing. "Do you have any ideas?"

"There are many innate ways contrary to the disciples' avenues. Silence, doomsday, destruction, and ... nothingness are all appropriate."

The old peacock looked up at Li Yu and hesitated a moment. "The disciples think that the nihilism is more suitable. But ... the ancestor of the too hypocritical is under the door of Yujing ~ ~ the disciples still have some doubts."

"Xianxian Sword Formation will be eternal. Yujing will take away Taixu together. The congenital Taixu Avenue will be empty."

Li Yu broke the "natural machine" casually.

"Thank you for your guidance!"

The old peacock also felt that Yujing should be immortal soon. He thought so too. Hearing what Li Yu said at this moment, naturally convinced.


Li Yu nodded his head, waved his hand, and an invisible, ethereal, ethereal light spot fell into the old peacock's sea of ​​knowledge.

"This is the congenital tacit avenue. You must feel it seriously, be prepared, and wait for the opportunity to become enlightened."

From "Yu Ji Ding", Li Yu has already received the breath of "Tai Xu Jing", completely analyzing the congenital Tai Xu Avenue.

The old peacock has some merit as a mouse, so it's natural to give some rewards.

"Thank you, Master!"

Over the years, the old peacock has also been trying to understand the way of being too virtual. Although there are some gains, how can it be compared with the complete meaning of the way of being too virtual?

"Cultivate yourself! Walk around for the teacher."

He waved and Li Yu turned and left the Five Elements Hall of the old peacock.

"After all these years of tossing and tossing, there is no small reward in the old peacock."

Material Avenue has basically taken shape. But there is still a gap in the Avenue of Order.

Driven by Li Guang, Li Yu broke into the air and soon left the Five Elements World.

"Next, find a place to survive the decline of heaven and man, and then merge the ontology in the avenue of the‘ initial world ’, and do everything in one go.”

Joining together is not the purpose, but the purpose is to touch the three thousand avenues of the world.

Starting with Three Thousand Avenues, integrating into its own system, and finally perfecting "chaos and disorder"!

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