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Chapter 1073: Don't ask me who Xing Yishan is!

"There is no good and no evil, I have some research too!"

Reaching out and pointing, kindness, integrity, kindness, fraternity, courage, guardianship ... Endless goodness rushed out of Li Yu's fingertips.

When studying the "Heaven and Demon Avenue", Li Yu not only developed the "Heart Demon Way of Seven Feelings and Six Desires", but also the "Holy Light Avenue" that gathered good thoughts.

Pointing out with one finger, he gathered the good intentions of all sentient beings into a "holy light" and bumped into it in front of the monstrous magic.


"Return to the beginning without good and evil!"

With a chuckle, as Li Yu pointed out, the magical energy representing "evil" and the holy light representing "good" met and merged with each other in an instant, turning into a clear and ethereal "congenital Taichu Qingqi".

"you you……"

The Yuanling of Taishitian Demon Order was stunned when he saw this situation.

At that time, the ancestors of Taishi Demon ancestors merged the avenue of "evil" in the day after tomorrow, and were planning to recombine the avenue of "good", rebelling against the innate and turning it into the congenital primordial avenue. Before he could finish it, he was chopped by Yujing Taoist.

However, this avenue of "returning to the beginning without good and evil" is also clear.

At this moment, when I saw Li Yushi's holy light of good thoughts on display, he turned the evil thoughts into the innate clear air, and was immediately shocked by the Taishi Heaven Demon Order.

"how to think?"

Li Yu looked at Taishi Tianmo Ling with a smile, "Tai Shitian Mo created the method of" no good, no evil, and returned to the beginning ", but had not yet had time to practice. Can I turn against the innate, the achievement is too early, it is not allowed. Poverty There is a good way of Taoism here. You have also seen the situation of rebellion against the innate and early air. Just think? "

"I ... senior ..."

Taishi Tianmao Ling has already been very clear. The monk who seems to have only the realm of the early heavens is definitely a powerful person who has hidden cultivation.

It's just ... it's a good thing to send a true story for no reason?

As a treasure of Taishi demon ancestors, Taishi Tianmao Ling has also been immersed in magical roads for many years. He has seen countless magical roads and tricks, and has seen countless people's sinister hearts. His mind is much more deceitful than the ordinary magic weapon.

"I don't know what the senior is doing?"

It is not necessarily the chance that fell from the sky, it may also be a big pit. Taishi Tianmo Ling deeply realized this, he was not so good.

"It's not a big deal. The Blood Demon Sect is also a vein of Taishi Demon Gate. It hasn't been so funny all these years. Seeing that Taishi Demon ancestor has a good relationship with Shenxiao Palace, and the poor are too lazy to teach them. You go back and rectify Let them embark on the right path to the demon road, don't mess around. "

Of course, this is just a reason to make it up.

Li Yu's purpose ... naturally still tossing.

"I don't know the seniors and Shenxiao Palace ..."

As a treasure of Taishi Demon ancestors, Taishi Tianmo Ling naturally knew Shenxiao Palace. Hearing Li Yu's words, he was also curious about Li Yu's identity.

"Poor Tao has something to do with Yu Shenxiao. It is inconvenient to tell you about the events of that year."

Li Yu flashed a hint of yin and yang with his fingertips, and nodded with a smile.

"Shang Qing Yu Yu Yin Yang Yang Liangyi Shenguang?"

Seeing this tinge of yin and yang, Taishi Tianmo made no doubt in his heart. To be able to practice this Yu Yu Zhen Chuan, it must be Yu Yu's pulse.

At that time, the Taishi Mozu had a good relationship with Yu Shenxiao. The predecessor was also his own, and he would definitely not pit me.

"Thank you for your help! I also ask your predecessors to give us the truth. The younger ones are grateful."

Taishi Tianmo made my heart very excited, "Return to the beginning without good and evil", but this was the road that Taishi Demon ancestors couldn't complete!

So ... Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling fell into the pit again.

"Tai Shi Mo Zu has already joined the" Evil Avenue ", and his" Tai Shi Mo Dian "can point directly to the Avenue of Evil. But he still lacks a Avenue of Good."

Li Yu smiled and nodded. "The avenue of" good "in the world is naturally the most proficient in the" Rosso of the Daluo "who combines the virtues. The way of innate merit also includes the avenue of" good ".

Reaching out and pointing out, Li Yu merged his good thoughts into the "Sacred Light Avenue", combining his own research on merits and virtues, and "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling" comes with "no good and no evil, return to the beginning", and become A "Day Practice, One Good Practice".

"Don't ask me who Xing Yishan is!"

Put this "Day Practice and One Kind of Practice" into Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling, Li Yu grinned, "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling, do you want to practice as a magic weapon or reincarnate?

"It's best to be reincarnated!"

Taishi Tianmo overjoyed him and was able to reincarnate under the protection of this great magical person. That was an unexpected opportunity.

The rebirth of reincarnation, the mystery of the fetus, even the half-step Jinxian cannot guarantee that it can be easily passed. It would be miserable if you were killed before you could wake up.

"It's easy!"

Even Yan Luodijun could use the "six reincarnation" method to drive the emperor into the beast, and naturally Li Yu would not lack this ability.

Borrowing the power of the ontology, he just waved his hand, "Er Dang breaks into reincarnation and reincarnates as a person."

A little light fell on Taishi Tianmao's order, and under the rule of the avenue, Taishi Tianmao's order faded into the body instantly, and turned into ... a girl?

A young girl in a black robe stood timidly in front of Li Yu.

That black robe was naturally transformed by the body "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling" ~ ~ Thanks to the predecessors for the transformation. Thanks to the ‘Nikyo Yizen Cultivation Method’ given by the predecessors, the younger ... name it ‘Xing Yishan’! "

The girl in black robe with a joyful face salutes Li Yu.

"Xing Yishan ... Good! Good name!"

The smile on Li Yu's face was strange. Holding back the giggle that was about to spit out, Li Yu nodded solemnly, "You have just been reincarnated, just a mortal body. You will be sent away by the poor!"

With a wave of his sleeves, Li Yu sent "Xing Yishan" to the mortal kingdom near the East China Sea.


"Ha ha ha ha! Xing Yishan! This is your own name, don't blame the poor!"

Li Yu couldn't help laughing anymore!

Toss is not the purpose, the purpose is to the avenue.

The "Tai Shi Magic Code" left by Tai Shi Mo Zu in the Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling includes both the "avenue of evil" and the "Taichi Avenue" of "no good and no evil returning to the beginning".

Combined with Li Yu's own understanding, it is necessary to conduct an experiment on "Xing Yishan".

As for that weird name ... it really doesn't matter to me!

"This world ... Only Shi Xuan, the translator, can understand the meaning of the name. I hope they don't meet too early. Otherwise, Shi Xuan will laugh to death, right? Xing Yishan should be soaring?

However ... Some things are so coincident!

This is destiny! This is coincidence! Mr. Li will never admit that he has fiddled!

"Your name ... Xing Yishan?"

Shi Xuan who left Penglai to practice his Tao heart, in the mortal kingdom near the East China Sea, happened to encounter the power of the "Tai Shi Tian Mo Ling" and taught a few disciples Xing Yishan.

Then, Shi Xuan was so fortunate that he didn't laugh at the scene.

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